Take It All Back



Key had just checked the mailbox and was walking back to his door when he spied Taemin sitting on the grass ofTaeyeon’s backyard. Key tilted his head as Taemin’s back was to him, and his curiosity piqued when he saw Taemin seem to concentrate on flicking something.

“Watcha doin’?” he asked as he swung over the fence and walked over to Taemin.

“Oh, hyung!” cried Taemin, a smile spreading across his face. “I’m quitting smoking.”

Key squatted down next to him to see two packets of cigarettes lit on fire on the grass.

“Yah, isn’t that a bit dangerous?” said Key.

“I don’t think so,” said Taemin. “I know you don’t like me smoking, and Onew hyung and Taeyeon noona would skin me alive, and I know it’s so unhealthy. And… my parents and my hyung would have been so disappointed if they knew. And you know, maybe they are watching over me. I don’t know,” mulled Taemin, poking a stick at the smouldering packets.

“I’m so proud of you,” announced Key, grabbing Taemin’s round face in his hands and giving him a big smooch on his cheek while Taemin squashed up his face.

“I miss them already,” said Taemin, fanning the smoke up to his face. “My beautiful nicotine. Roses could not smell as sweet.”

Key watched as Taemin started lighting some dry leaves on fire and heaping them onto the packets.

“Stop that, that’s getting dangerous,” Key warned.

“It’s not,” said Taemin, holding a leaf in his fingers. He lit it on fire and they both watch it alight. “This is us,” said Taemin. “I’m the fire and you’re the leaf. We’ll both burn out at the same time-OW MY LIFE!”

Taemin screeched as his fingers were burned.

“Idiot,” scolded Key, grabbing Taemin’s hand and blowing his fingers for him. “I told you so!”

Taemin watched as Key kissed his fingers, and they did feel better after he did.

“Hyung, you made them stop hurting,” he said astounded.

Key laughed. “You’re so adorable! Come over to my house tonight and let’s watch movies! We’ve never done normal stuff and we’re allowed to see each other now!”

Key expected Taemin to smile excitedly and accept the invitation immediately. Instead he looked sheepish.

“Sorry hyung, but I made plans to go out with my friends tonight. You remember the ones I told you about?”

Yes, Key remembered the ones he had talked about. Eeurgh. He didn’t want to hear about them, they were taking too much attention from Taemin.

“We’re going to go to a café maybe, and they said there was a noraebang place here too, and then..”

Key tuned out, but nodded as he watched the little fire.

“Will you help me pick out some clothes to wear?” asked Taemin.

“Why? Is there someone you want to look hot for?” asked Key, half joking half not.

“Nooo hyung, you’re the only one,” giggled Taemin as he hugged Key and rested his head on his shoulder. “But I still want to look good and I want to hang out with you.”


“I hate it,” stated Taemin plainly as he stared at himself in the mirror at what Key made him wear.

“What do you mean? You look so fashionable and-“

“I look like a clown. These pants are too baggy. And why do they have pictures on them? I don’t like them. This shirt’s colour is yuck. And the sleeves are gross. And this jacket is yuck, I don’t like the design. No. No.”

Key watched in offense as Taemin started stripping, throwing the clothes Key had made him wear onto his floor carelessly.

“Are you insulting my style? Excuse me, but I read all the magazines, Vogue, Teen Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Seventeen, trust me, that outfit was good enough to be featured in one of them.”

“It was so ugly though,” said Taemin, pulling drawers out in his underwear. “Magazines are for girls anyway.”

Key smacked Taemin’s playfully (well not really, he was actually angry) and Taemin shot up in shock.

“Did you just spank me?” spluttered Taemin, turning red.

“Yes? Why?”

Taemin mumbled something and went on digging.

“Sorry, what was that?”


“Say it. Say it out loud.”

“Vampire,” said Taemin in horrible English.

“Eeurgh, not that. What did you mumble?”

“Nothing..” Taemin said, turning red again. “I just said…that it was different. And um, I don’t mind you doing that.”

“You liked it, didn’t you!”

“Shut up!” said Taemin struggling into his black skinny jeans.

Key couldn’t stop laughing.

“You’re such a erted baby,” he screamed, wrapping his arms around Taemin’s bare torso.

“Go away,” said Taemin, still pink. He shook off Key’s hands and pulled on several layers and a red hoodie and a scarf.

“How do I look?”

“Nice, but I still think my look was better.”

“Whatever. I’ll be back around 10pm or something so you should still come over tonight. Love you," said Taemin, pecking Key on he lips before grabbing his bag.

"Love you too," echoed Key, smiling happily.


It was 1 am.

Kibum had been waiting in Taemin’s room for 4 ing hours. This was getting insane. He was so angry. Taemin hadn’t answered any of his txts. He was about to leave when he heard the door click from downstairs, and loud footsteps go up the stairs.

“I’m home now noona,” Taemin called happily outside the door.

Taemin opened the door to his darkened bedroom. When he closed it he jumped as the lamp clicked on and revealed a furious Key sitting on his bed.

“What the ?” hissed Key, wildly gesturing. “Do you know how long I waited for you?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know time went by so quickly,” said Taemin wide-eyed, at the straw of the bubble tea he was holding. “I had so much fun hyung, I had a really nice coffee, and then we saw a really cool movie and then we had lunch at McDonalds! Then me and the boys went to play games in the internet café while the girls shopped and then we all went to karaoke together-“

“Why didn’t you answer my texts?” hissed Key.

“I forgot hyung, I only remembered to text noona-“

“You didn’t forget. You must have seen my messages every time you texted Taeyeon or looked at the time. And I know you. You are constantly checking your phone. You’re such a liar.”

“Okay, you want me to stop lying? I couldn’t be bothered hyung, I couldn’t be bothered texting back. You texted like every half hour. I was hanging out with my friends and I felt like some wife being controlled by my husband. You were texting like you owned me.”

“If you had just texted back once I wouldn’t do that, would I? I’m your BOYFRIEND Taemin, I would like to think you do have a little obligation to me. You told me to wait here and that you would be back by ten. Do you know what time it is now? DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?”

Taemin rolled his eyes. “My boyfriend? Really? You’re not my mother? You’re not my crazy husband? You’re not my father? Because you sound like one right now! Why are you so angry? I had fun with my friends. You know I don’t have much of those. You should be happy for me.”

“And what about ME?” screeched Key. “If you had just TOLD me I wouldn’t be mad. I wasted all this time waiting for you. I’m not even important enough to take 5 seconds for you to text back, and yet I wait four ing for you! I don’t give a about your little friends!”

Taemin furrowed his eyebrows and looked like he was about to explode.

“Well now you know how I feel about Jonghyun and Minho then!” he countered. “You’re a mess hyung! Even when you’re trying, you’re a mess! I mean, you call that style? That’s just ugly! You know I don’t wear half the stuff you gave me!”

Taemin knew how to insult. After all, he had been doing it for half of his life.

Key looked so wounded and then angry and he was about to scream. He wasn’t called diva for nothing. He didn’t have only two friends for nothing. His tongue was just as sharp.

“I’m a mess? Only because it’s your fault! I’m getting bad grades, my relationship with my parents and friends has gone to , I fricking tried to run away and then my car got smashed. My self confidence is shot. Ever since I met YOU! You are the reason for all of the in my life, why I am such a mess. My umma was right. You know what she told me? She told me you were bad karma, and that you might bring bad luck to me. I thought that was the stupidest thing I had ever heard. But it was right! You’ve ed up my life!”

Key stopped and caught the look on Taemin’s face like he was going to cry. He was about to apologise profusely when the look shifted to one of intense anger.

“Then let me get the out of your life then!” screamed Taemin. “Get out of my room!”

“I’m sorry, I take it back, “ said Key, trying to backtrack. “No, this isn’t over.”

“Yes it is!” screamed Taemin. “Take it back. Take it all back!”

Taemin pushed Key out onto his balcony and shut the door in face and yanked the curtain closed.

Key was still angry but he decided to take a deep breath, and climb down. They would resolve it in the morning.

When he saw the window to Taemin’s room open he thought maybe they would resolve their fight.

“Take it all back!” screeched Taemin, sticking his head out the window. “All the sweet stuff you said to me before. It was all lies wasn’t it? You think I’m the reason for all your ? Then let me myself out of your life then, you jerk. Take it all back.”

Key gasped as things started getting thrown out the window.

The posters, ripped from their tacks came sailing down. Clothes were thrown out, billowing in the wind.  Things Key had left over or let Taemin borrow- an alarm clock was dumped out and broken. The pad Key drew on sometimes.

Key was astonished when an onion ring chip packet slowly drifted down. Then a zoo pamphlet. Taemin had kept all these?

“I’m bulletproof, and I hate you Kim Kibum!” screamed Taemin, as slammed his window shut. The loud slam made all the neighbourhood dogs start to bark. He could see that Taeyeon’s light was on in her room, and he looked behind him to see that the lights were on in his parent’s were on too.  Great. They had all obviously heard the explosive fight. They had been yelling like banshees throughout the whole thing in the middle of the quiet night.

“You’re going to come crying back!” shouted Key at the window, not caring at all who heard.

He took a deep breath again and started picking up all their stuff.  He was so angry at Taemin and himself. He stomped over to his house, fuming.



Haha Taemin hates Key's style and Key can argue just as well back! Key and Taemin both are defs the most stylish in their group but their styles are sooo different- Taemin pretty much will always wear skinny jeans and doc martens, and in the colour scheme of black, grey and navy, but sometimes he has pops of colour like red or white. But Key will wear all sorts of colours and he doesn't always wear skinny jeans /useless observation/

I have been reading all these other pairing fanfics because i have read a lot of the taekey ones and is it weird that i think the taekey in their stories is more true love than the other pairings? because in other fanfics that arent taekey taemin and key have that umma son relationship i don't mind so much, Because come on- key is normally two years older than taemin. And in those stories he's comforting taemin when he's sad/crying, letting him sit on his lap, fussing over him, kissing him on the cheek/forehead. And you wouldn't do that to someone who you don't love and you're not related to. You don't even do that to someone you're related to unless they're like, at least 5 years younger than you. And if you were Taemin- you wouldn't sit on the lap and let someone kiss you however chastely if you don't love them. if you saw them irl you would think they were a couple. So while 2min and the jongkey are the main ones and bonking each other's brains out, i think the taekey in those stories are more genuine :<3 ) 

/basically because Taekey is my OTP and i look for their interactions even in fanfiction thats not theirs and fabricate a different story for them/ because thats what we're all doing here right? ;)

Probs the longest authors note ever.

Telll me what you think of the chapter, my authors note, what you had for dinner, I'm so curious, yeah :D

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have been reading some of the later chapters and it literally disgusts me. rewriting soon, methinks [crash] i cant even read it.


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springmiya #1
rereading this again such a good story
Lock_et #2
Chapter 28: It's funny how much I can feel Taemin, rly, I felt like u were describing my problems. Omg it's like I'm personally offended that someone have put this in words D: love this ff and I just needed to tell u that the way u wrote that is actually the way that a person can feel, wow
loserjack #3
Chapter 14: I'm loving this so far, just had to comment saying how much I love all these ymas references!:)
Chapter 2: Oh my god.. i'm crying reading this.... i can feel him.really... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜ
Cephei #5
Chapter 11: holy the moment i left that comment about how i was scared what you were going to throw at us next, you went ahead and made taemin break kibum's heart. taemin you terrible horrible person!! that being said, i do like that you brought back that side of him. idk how to explain it ;-;
Cephei #6
Chapter 9: As much as I love it when Key and Taemin spend time together, the fact that Key is neglecting his friends and academics is really concerning... I hope things start to look up for him in those departments. The zoo date was just way too adorable! I couldn't stop smiling as I read it. I'm worried about what you have in store for us, considering I have another 30ish chapters to get through @ -@
Cephei #7
Chapter 3: Recently found this fic and I just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying it so far! Expect longer and more thoughtful comments from me soon <3
Chapter 37: I liked this story *-* i'm bad at writing if I am not inspired >_> and it's 6:47 in the morning...I did't sleep all night because of ansiety so i'm not really inspired right now... but seriously good story >_>
Chapter 37: Lol I love how the ending was like.. the TaeKey version of the Outsiders xD I loved this Spiro so much~!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was amazing like all of your Spiros!!!!!!!! :D seriously, I've read like every single one of your Spiros. O.o I have no life v.v but either way, this story was amazing, you write so perfectly when it comes to Spiros. I love all of them <33333 as for an idea (this just randomly came to me like 5 seconds ago, k?) What if Key found a kitty one day and then the kitty turns into Taemin????? :D my mind is full of ideas right now, if I wasn't so lazy I would probably make what I just said a story... either way if you want any help with Spiro ideas then feel free to pm me and we could brain storm or something together ^^ anyways, love this Spiro~ and I'm just gonna tell you how much I lobe all of your Spiros, two nights ago I stayed up till four reading the Lowdown, the next night I stayed up till three reading Woodwork, and tonight I stayed up till two thirty reading Crash. <333