I'm fat? Well when we all face natural disasters in December 12', my fat will keep me warm.

Dear life, you [Latest Topic: I hate love;]

Losing Weight.

I'm just going to go out on a limb here and assume that you have all attempted to go on a diet. I know I have.. /sigh.


My first diet was when I was in middle school, sixth grade. Why, you ask? Everyone is beautiful and unique you say?


I say: total bull.

Being in shape and a healthy skinny is important. I emphasize the world healthy.


Here's why:

I talk about this with my dad often and we've reached the conclusion that those who state that everyone is beautiful and all so amazing is self conscious themselves and lying. Sorry to shove the truth done your throat, but no. Not everyone is beautiful. (I feel the hate in your eyes, but please, read on. Although I'm cruel and absolutely random some times, I promise I'm going to make sense in the end.)

How am I so cruel? Because that statement itself would never even make sense..Just saying that everyone is something will never make sense since there's always going to be an exception.

You see, if this was true, celebrities would be one of us, Miss Universe would have seven billion first places, and gossip about the fat bulimic kid wouldn't exist.

However, I do believe in the whole concept of you're beautiful on the inside. I've met dozens of absolutely amazing people blessed with a sense of kindness I would never have, but a beat up, rusty shell on the outside. Sadly, these kind people that often remind me of my grandma, will most likely be ignored and looked over. For example, the hot, averagely smart woman will be chosen over the genius who wasn't blessed with the looks.\


Now, I'm not saying people should lose weight in order to be successful in life and fit in.


Sweet mother of Jesus, I will chop off the and or ovaries and throw salt in the eyes of those who ever say that to you.


But I am definitely saying that having a healthy weight is important today and that you shouldn't let yourself go because some random blog stamps a virtual button on your forehead telling you that you never have to change because you're beautiful just the way you are. Yeah Bruno mars, I'm talking to you.

No matter what anyone says, positive or negative, losing weight is primarily up to you as it is your body. But the reason is always important.

Don't do it because you're made fun of.

Don't do it so that you can fit in.

Do it for yourself, because any other,motive is pointless. Do it so that you can feel good about yourself and be able to strut it with pride.

Here's a lovely scenario for you guys:


I walked down the hallway, clutching my books and thinking about the cliffhanger an author left on AFF. It made me sad, but I eventually got over it. However, the next thing I focused on was not all to appealing.

Britney walked down the hallway, her confidence shown in her pants that would be , and bra that could not handle any more tissues."Oh, it's you. Jessica," she said, looking up and down my body and scrutinizing every individual flaw that I attempted to hide, "Did you ever think about losing weight?"

Boom. It hit me. Sure, . I may have. 

Britney smiled genuinely, as if the words came as advice from her heart- or from the organ that didn't contain any emotions but kept her alive.. sadly. She just stared at me, sighed and walked off.

Taking pity on me? What the hell..

I looked up at the ceiling, pretending as if it was a sky filled with dark, looming clouds and threw my fist in the air, "I'll lose weight and be a skinny like you. I'll show you!"


Now, Jessica. You're losing weight for your own body, but you're basically doing it on an account of someone else.

Jessica nodded at the wise words from the freak who was eating peacefully at the burger king cafe.

Even if your fat is jiggling in the wind and Henry will never come back to you, you can lose weight in order to fill up the confidence you may have lost.

Henry's an and I think he's blind.

Yes, Jessica. I understand. /nodsandsighsdramatically.  




So guys, if you want to lose weight,

turn off your ears and do what you think is best.

Don't be like Jessica. Jessica's kinda' stupid. /whisper.


But, hopefully this didn't make you mad. I don't want to find virtual mobs and pitchforks in my inbox. Lol.


... However. I must confess. /hangsheadinshame.




I'm a hypocrite. /uglysob.


Jessica pointed at Vicheko, yelling, "Fraud!"

Vicheko sighed with stiffled cries in . She sat down on the near bench and crossed her legs, putting her storytelling mask on.

It's a zoo pals plate- zebra.

As I said before I too went on a diet. But I did not do it for myself. I would have eaten ramen everyday if it wasn't for my motivation, my mother.

No, it was not for myself so I could strut it.

That year, in sixth grade..

Vicheko let out a shaky sigh.




my mom made me go on a famine and then forced me to lose weight because as she said while she looked at my test grade, the wrong numbers are going up.



Lol. I can't believe people are actually reading this.

/takes off zoopal mask and bows to virtual audience.

But. Yes. Thank you guys, lol. c:

I don't know what to talk about next.

Gah. Anyone have any ideas?

Comment or send me a message thing through the link in the foreward.


vicheko out. peace. That attempt at coolness what better, ey? Dawg?


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Thank you!
I apologize that I haven't been responding to some of the letters you folks have sent me. I shall respond to the next one tomorrow. (:


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I LIKE~~~~
Chapter 33: Mwhahaha I like your action plan.
I seriously hope it works out
Chapter 33: omg story of my life: very single time I make the same old mistake of telling my friends who I like and it always somehow gets to the guy so embarassingi can't even.

He's such a douchebag >:( it would be fine if he left it at 'there's another girl I want to go to prom with', he didn't have to go on like an a**hole gosh.
Chapter 32: Good luck with your applications! I hope you get into at least one of your first preferences! ^^
Chapter 32: I'm in my last year of school... then college..
I'm already super stressed out about getting in, because I'm not a great student academically.
But if you tried your hardest, then you shouldn't have regrets.
lametardedx33 #6
Chapter 31: Uhm, I think I'm kinda in the same position as you, having feelings of attachment towards somebody quiet? I guess what I did w you can ask a geoyp of friends to go with you? as to muster courage and start talking to him. If you're afraid of rejection, then maybe you can ask mutual friends to go with you? I think that makes everything better and less awkward
Chapter 31: I have no good advice other than making sure he has space..
Like you not the annoying girl in a cliché fanfic that hovers around him 24/7.

I would also judge the situation, but there's no harm in asking him to prom.
The worst he could say is no.

Hope it goes well for you ^^;
Chapter 31: Aww asking him to prom using candy. It's a cute idea ^^ . I don't know if you should go for it because what if the outcome is negative? Do you notice if he has liking towards any girl?
I would analyze first then confess, but on the day before prom just in case he asked someone.
Try asking him if he's going to prom first.

I think your relationship with him is kinda cute. He's quiet and you usually talk to him first. He sounds adorable somehow xD
It's kinda weird how he doesn't seem to make an effort to talk... Is he like that with everyone?
How long have you guys known each other?

Anyways I hope you will be happy no matter what. ^^
Chapter 30: the more costly one ^^; Since it's not a huge price difference
Chapter 29: I love how you compared lies to laughing gas XD
but it's true