Oh Love...

Dear life, you [Latest Topic: I hate love;]

Q. You:
R. So there's this guy, I'm going to call him "JR" throughout the letter. First of all, JR has been my childhood friend but now we don't talk very often, we actually act like we don't know each other and we only converse when it is needed or we smile at each other as a sign of acknowledgement every time we see each other, because we're neighbors. 

Our house is more like an apartment, there are many rooms and such, and sadly, he lives downstairs. Our families are good friends and his parents are my sister's godmother and godfather (I don't exactly know if that's what it's called in english but in the Philippines we call it as Ninong and ninang). 

We met back when we were in first grade and I had a crush on him, but he liked another girl which was also our friend but she was a year older than us. Even though I was very young I felt jealousy, the kind of jealousy I feel when I see kids play with toys my parents won't buy me, but it lasted until I was fourth grade and I had another crush, but in all of my years liking him, he ALWAYS liked another girl. As a child it was really heartbreaking, knowing that your puppy love will remain unrequited and unsaid.

Now we're currently gradating students in highschool. The buildings for girls and boys are separated so I rarely see him at school. Before the year started I've been getting dreams. Dreams that consisted of him, I didn't know why it started happening, but it happened for almost every night, and it happens occasionally up to now. My dreams was about me and him being a couple and after waking up, I couldn't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach. I'm still confused up to now whether I like him or I like the him in my dreams. I have to say that everytime he would come close or whether I see him I get nervous and stuff, but I try to avoid him at all costs (but I still have this desire to see him idk //frustrated sigh//) but I can't say it's safe to like him either because I'm guessing he likes another girl and I don't want to be a fool twice. I couldn't really think this out because being a graduating student isn't easy at all, with the preparation for college and stuff. So I'm asking for advice if I like him and if you think I do, how to I stop these feelings? Sorry for the rant and thanks.

Q. Name (Anon name, real name- what you want me to call you c;)
R. Minhee

Alright, I’m going to be honest and say I am absolutely horrible on the topic of boys- men- whatever. I actually try to avoid even liking a guy because I hate the feeling of butterflies and geh T^T.

But honestly, I think you may be attracted to this guy- or at least the idea of being with him. The thing about feelings is that you can’t really erase them regardless of how hard you try. They literally will not go away, and the harder you try to remove them, the more engrained they’ll be. Therefore, my advice is probably to simply embrace them. Just admit that you may potentially like him.

Really, the main goal is to get out of this “do I like him or not” stage. Afterwards, consider if he’s really the right person for you. Minhee, you are probably a fabulous woman and you deserve the best. There are two things that I have now established for myself in terms of relationships. If there is a boy, I will only go for it if the idea of being with him makes me think “ YEAH”. If it’s not a yeah, why even try to nurture a relationship with the person? I’m sorry to say this, but YOLO. You don’t live very long, and even more, you don’t stay young for very long. Why waste time on someone who doesn’t make you feel alive. Second, that boy better want you as bad as you want him. If he wants you, he wants you and he’ll try. If he doesn’t try to get your attention and your heart as much as you strive to gain his, is he worth it? Minhee, you deserve the best and don’t accept anything less.

*Please not that “the best” isn’t a uniform idea. The best for me is probably entirely different than the best man/woman for you. (:

If JR doesn’t meet these criteria and you feel he isn’t worth your time, don’t try to erase these feelings. Just remind yourself that one day, someone who makes your heart flutter (and who’s heart flutters because of you) will arrive. 

Good luck! 



Hello dearies c: 

I hope all ya'll are doing well. If there's anything on your mind, I will always try and respond to them! I also love reading your thoughts and comments so please do leave some if you feel like saying anything. Much love, 


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I apologize that I haven't been responding to some of the letters you folks have sent me. I shall respond to the next one tomorrow. (:


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I LIKE~~~~
Chapter 33: Mwhahaha I like your action plan.
I seriously hope it works out
Chapter 33: omg story of my life: very single time I make the same old mistake of telling my friends who I like and it always somehow gets to the guy so embarassingi can't even.

He's such a douchebag >:( it would be fine if he left it at 'there's another girl I want to go to prom with', he didn't have to go on like an a**hole gosh.
Chapter 32: Good luck with your applications! I hope you get into at least one of your first preferences! ^^
Chapter 32: I'm in my last year of school... then college..
I'm already super stressed out about getting in, because I'm not a great student academically.
But if you tried your hardest, then you shouldn't have regrets.
lametardedx33 #6
Chapter 31: Uhm, I think I'm kinda in the same position as you, having feelings of attachment towards somebody quiet? I guess what I did w you can ask a geoyp of friends to go with you? as to muster courage and start talking to him. If you're afraid of rejection, then maybe you can ask mutual friends to go with you? I think that makes everything better and less awkward
Chapter 31: I have no good advice other than making sure he has space..
Like you not the annoying girl in a cliché fanfic that hovers around him 24/7.

I would also judge the situation, but there's no harm in asking him to prom.
The worst he could say is no.

Hope it goes well for you ^^;
Chapter 31: Aww asking him to prom using candy. It's a cute idea ^^ . I don't know if you should go for it because what if the outcome is negative? Do you notice if he has liking towards any girl?
I would analyze first then confess, but on the day before prom just in case he asked someone.
Try asking him if he's going to prom first.

I think your relationship with him is kinda cute. He's quiet and you usually talk to him first. He sounds adorable somehow xD
It's kinda weird how he doesn't seem to make an effort to talk... Is he like that with everyone?
How long have you guys known each other?

Anyways I hope you will be happy no matter what. ^^
Chapter 30: the more costly one ^^; Since it's not a huge price difference
Chapter 29: I love how you compared lies to laughing gas XD
but it's true