

Kyuhyun opened the door to the dorm as soundless as possible; He didn't want to wake up everyone at night, because he knew the consequences for this just too well.

He has had some schedule today and it took way longer then expected, so he ended up being at home at 4am. He had a few interviews with questions from curious reporters, a little photoshoot and meeting-up with the boss and a colleague from a show. He was really exhausted right now, because the last of his schedule-points today was working-out and even though he wanted to stay in shape and wanted to look good for his fans, he hated it deep from the bottom of his heart. He just couldn't see why everyone got so excited, when they could run on the treadmill. As if they didn't jump and run around enough when they had a concert! And basically, they could also run around in a park or along the Han-river or somewhere else, where they actually move, like in go to another place and not stay at the same place, but do the running-movement.

 He took off his shoes and put down his bag in the floor. Silently, nearly automatically, he walked through the dorm to Ryeowook's room. He very quietly opened the door, just to see a sleeping eternal maknae in his bed. A small smile hushed on Kyuhyun's face. He walked into the room, trying not to make any sounds with his steps. He silently cursed at whatever he had hit his toe on; he was quite sure, it was a brick, but he couldn't see it clearly because of the darkness in the room. He continued walking as the pain got less until he stood in front of Ryeowook's bed. The moonlight shone softly at Ryeowook's sleeping silhouette, making him look very pale and even more breakable then usual, which made Kyuhyun just wanting to protect him from every bad thing in this world. He crouched down and softly a few strands of hair out of the older one's face. He looked at his face, which made his heart pound a little bit faster. He was fascinated, how peaceful and calm he looked, even though on their lives right now was a lot of stress due to the promotion of their new album. 'I'm wondering, what he is dreaming. Probably about something nice and beautiful; at least, I hope he does.', he thought and carefully caressed Ryeowook's cheek with his long fingers. Kyuhyun continued looking at Ryeowook's face for a very long time, taking in every complexion of the older one and saving it in his memories, not noticing how the time passed, before he slowly stood up again. He grabed the blanket, which the smaller one kicked down while sleeping, and pulled it carefully over Ryeowook's body; He knew, Ryeowook starts to freeze easily and he also catches a cold easily, and he doesn't want both to happen, so it was his self-imposed duty to take care of him. He then walked out of room again, this time more careful because he didn't want to hit his toe on that brick or whatever it was again. As he closed the door behind him, he sighed. 'I really am a stalker, creeping up at someone's room while he is sleeping', he thought and quietly had to laugh at how rediculous his action was, 'but he's too pretty to not look at him.'.


Kyuhyun walked to the fridge, because before going to bed, he wanted to drink some water just like always. He opened it and took out a cold bottle, from which he drank a few sips.
"This wasn't your first time going to sleeping Ryeowook's room at night after a schedule, am I right? I saw you doing this for quite a few times already.", a calm, quiet, but still seeing-through voice said behind him and Kyuhyun had serious problems not spitting the just drunk water out again. He turned around and saw Yesung leaning against the doorframe.
"It's non of your business! And shouldn't you be sleeping?! You have a schedule in a few hours and the make-up noonas won't be too happy to see too heavy dark circles around the eyes!", he snipped back at his bandmember, "I actually don't care what you're doing late at night. I go to bed now. Good night!", he added, turned around and did as he said. As he was lying down, he thought: 'I should be more careful the next time...', and he couldn't think more, because he already fell asleep.

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 11: Por favor espero la actualización! TT
Chapter 11: Please update!
Chapter 11: It's really a long time since you update this story. But never mind, I will wait for you. :')
lixian971 #4
Chapter 11: wow.. it's been a long time since you are updating this story kkk
but it's ok author ssi, school is more important :D
author ssi, can you give some 'enter' and more space? i feel so confused when reading it. kkk
but i love the story, keep writing ^^
thank you~
superannesnow #5
Chapter 11: this is too saddddd! i dont like this ;p
kyuhyun dont be soo sad ^^
cheer up. why cant you just confess to wookie
let him know your feeling
katharine #6
Chapter 10: Poor bb kyu.. who the heck is the girl wookie bb?