It's All Lies.

Mismatched Love


After a lovely weekend of family time, it was Monday… Great. -.-

I trudged up the front steps of the school as if I had a grudge against every square millimetre of cement that was used to make them. I would have preferred to be at home with my annoying, sometimes lovable, brothers and my kickass sister but noooo, the law of the world would not permit that. Almost as soon as I was about to push through the front doors, I heard the deafening screech of tires as some black Range Rover came to a halt. People’s attention was automatically drawn to the vehicle just like mine. I continued to stare at it but after a lengthy minute of waiting and not a single soul exiting the car, I just decided to turn and go. The sound of a car door opening and the screeching of my name succeeded my actions.

It was Jung Ah. I knew it. So I pretended not to hear and continued to make my way through the doors as she continued shouting, “I know you hear me, Kimiko!”

… This .

She ignores me and gives me the evil eye for a month even though I did her absolutely nothing and now she wants to go back to a nickname basis. NO.

As I made my way through the halls, I heard the doors burst open and the almost instantaneous “clack-clack-clacking” of heels as Jung Ah ran after me.

I felt her hands on my arms and they burned like hydrochloric acid. Actually, I didn’t even allow her sufficient time to grab onto me, it was just her presence that scorched.

I whipped around as her hand hovered over my arm and glared at her. I started thinking of fire, hoping that it would somehow show in my eyes as she looked into them.

“What do you want?!” I growled at her.

J.A: Woah there. SOMEONE’s in a bad mood. *she giggled playfully*

Me: It’s because your face is nauseating.

J.A: Aww, no need to be like that, Kimiko-chan!

Me: Don’t call me that. You don’t deser- ugh, just don’t call me it okay.

I was beginning to calm down already. It was probably instinct that I had developed where I couldn’t get too mad at her. I just couldn’t. No matter how much I tried or how mad she made me, I was just too soft when it came to her… it .

So I just asked her a question, in a bored monotone of course, since she was at least talking to me again instead of attempting to vapourize me with her mind.

Me: So… must be nice having a Range Rover huh… When did you get it?

J.A: Oh, that? It’s not mine, it’s—

Oh dear gawd,no. Him. Let me just run away right now. Or maybe fly away. Yeah, that would work. Or I could finally find out I’m SpiderMan… or even his long lost sister? Anything?

 But, since the universe enjoys seeing me suffer, I couldn’t do any of these things and just had to watch the lovely Kim Jongin strut through the doors and down the hallway.

Kai: Hey, Jung Ah. You forgot your phone in my car again, beautiful.

He handed her her cellphone and then kissed her on her forehead.

He kissed her on her forehead… he KISSED her on her forehead…

Wait, psht, why do I care? I’m happy for them! Right?

Kai: Oh, hey, Myeo—

He stopped in his tracks, most likely due to the last thing I had said to him, and just awkwardly elevated his hand to run his fingers through his hair.

Kai: Umm… Imma go now… b-bye, Jung Ah.

She held him back. Like one of those annoyingly needy girlfriends. Ew.

J.A: Already, but you just got here!

She pouted. Ohgawd, aegyo. Could I hate anything more than this?

Just then, as I was about to shout (since I was enraged by something… I don’t know what v_v), I felt hands lace themselves gently around my waist.

A backhug? Who was this brave soul?

“Guess who…” a voice whispered. Quite frankly, it sent chills up my spine. Good chills. And that made me feel ashamed of myself.

It wasn’t the fact that I was enjoying this that made me feel ashamed. It was the fact that I knew who it was and that THAT person made me feel this way.

Me: Uhh… hmm… could it be that you’re that cutie, Choi Daehyun from Biology?

Jiyong spun me around and his face was a mixture of vexation and jealousy. I thought it was cute. Why? I didn’t know. But he was starting to get to me… and I actually didn’t mind.

I tiptoed, since I was a mere rosebush and he was a skyscraper, and kissed him on the cheek.

He looked surprised. Heck, I was surprised too.

So was Jung Ah… and Kai… why did I find this amusing? O.O

Jung Ah, once again, looked raging mad. The You-just-destroyed-my-SHINee-collection-so-I’m-going-to-kill-you kind of mad. And that rage… was worthy of a demented serial killer.

J.A.: You… you… UGHHHHHH.

With that, she stormed away. Probably to class? The girls’ bathroom? I didn’t know. And I didn’t care.

Suddenly, Kai grabbed my hand and led me all the way outside and then behind the school where no one could see us. I was preparing my vocal chords to shout “!”

Kai: YAH! What the hell was that!? Why did you kiss him!? It’s not right! I can’t even beli—

Me: Wait.

I held my hand up and bent my head with my eyes closed, pretending to be seriously pondering the situation at hand. I remained cool and calm and my voice never wavered.

Me: So what you’re saying is… that it’s not right for me to kiss my own boyfriend…? Kai… what logic do you possess in that pretty little head of yours? Does it even possess any kind of logic at all? Or is it all just fluff and hair spray?

He was at a loss for words. Good, that’s what I wanted.

Me: Now if you have nothing else to say, I’ll be taking my leav—

He grabbed my hand again. I swear if he did that one more time, my inner dragon kung fu master would appear.

Kai: W-why do you even like him…?

Hmm. I hadn’t really thought about this. Initially, it was just… you know. But I honestly did like Ji Yong now. He was just… such a good match for me. At least I thought so…

I didn’t want to tell Kai this though. So… IMMATURE CHILD MODE ACTIVATED.

Me: Why do I like him…? I like him because he’s prettier than you.

I smiled sweetly.

Me: Now goodbye.

I yanked my hand away and made my way back to the front of the building where I saw Ji Yong looking around as if he’d lost something extremely important.

Me: Ji Yong-ah!!

I ran up to him and he smiled.

J.Y.: Myeong-ah! Where were you? Did that bastard do anything to you? I swear I’ll kill him.

Oh, Ji Yonggie, you’re so skinny and fragile, who could you POSSIBLY kill my dear?

J.Y.: I’m serious, I’ll—

He looked off and I turned around to see what he was looking at. There Kai was, rounding the corner, smirking at Ji Yong. And was it just me, or did his hair seem a little more dishevelled than it should be…? O_O He just continued on and went into the Range Rover and drove off.

Ohdeargawd, ohdeargawd, please don’t let this give Ji Yong any ideas, please don’t let this give Ji Yong any ideas…!!

Ji Yong eyed me sceptically.

J.Y.: Myeong Yi, what did you do…?

Me: NOTHING. Ohmygawsh, nothing! No-what-we were back there for like a minute-what do you think could have happened-omg-noooo-gaaah!

I sounded hysterical… which made it seem like I had something to hide. He tried to still look cheerful though.

J.Y.: It’s okay, Myeong. I trust you.

Then he smiled. That smile. (^_^)

I smiled appreciatively since it meant I wouldn’t have to continue my nonsensical babbling rampage.


The lunch bell rang. THANK THE HEAVENS. I was in Chemistry class. Oh what joy it gave me. -_-

Everyone was quickly picking up their things in an attempt to desert the classroom as soon as possible.

Mrs Bang: Oh and those 3 labs I mentioned earlier, can you get them to me by tomorrow.

Oh Taehyun: That was a question right? Well my answer to that is uhhh, no. o.o

Mrs Bang: It wasn’t a question dear boy. And I expect those labs by tomorrow morning. OH, also I’ll be seeing you in detention for the rest of the week. Okay? :D

Taehyun: Again with the questions. Fine, I’ll answer you since you seem to be craving those oh so much. No, that is not o—

Mrs Bang: Wanna make it two weeks? I won’t mind that you know, I have time.

Taehyun: Obviously.

Mrs Bang: What was that!?

Taehyun: NOTHING. See ya in detention, Mrs B.

And he zoomed out of class leaving everyone else in stitches while Mrs Bang clawed angrily at her table. It really aggravated her that he was one of her best students yet still one of the worst. :P

I exited class with a smile on my face, a first when it came to Chemistry but this smile quickly faded into a half grimace, half frown when I saw Jung Ah leaning against the lockers, talking to Ji Yong.


She looked in my direction as I started towards them, told him something really quickly and then walked away before I caught up.

Me: Hey there. What were you talking about?

J.Y.: Oh… uhhh…umm… nothing. It was nothing. Nothing important.

I raised an eyebrow at him and he laughed nervously.

J.Y.: Really, it’s nothing.

Me: Nothing you say, huh…

J.Y.: Really! You have nothing to worry about!

Me: Why would I be worried.

J.Y.: Ah…ahaha, I don’t know. That’s what I’m saying. Nothing to worry about. Nothing.


I didn’t know I was dating a spider. However, he’ll soon be caught in this web of lies he was now spinning because I don’t plan to leave things just like this.


Me: Mhmm. Ji, you said you trusted me right…?

J.Y.: Yeah. Of course. One hundred percent!! Do you trust me…?

Me: Hmmm…


Or maybe we’re all just the insects, captured in what we thought was our own miniscule web and just waiting to be devoured whole by this spider itself…


Short chapter. DX

The other one will be kinda short too cuz I at these fillers... xD

But I have the other chapters completely planned out so I just need to rewrite them properly. So it won't be another two weeks before I update again. Haha, sorry about that. 

Also, story's about to end pretty soon.... awwwwww. Haha~

Hope you're all enjoying it so far~ :3 <3333

Oh and YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY for the B.A.P title! xD

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I have to go somewhere for the weekend so... chapter 8 should be posted on Monday. Would've been done before but.. I was sick all week. :(


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.........last chappie......too scared to read......sigh.....
Chapter 15: awww...youve half dedicated it to me????...awww...SUCH A SWEETIE!!!!and omg yes!!!!gonna miss mi young and minki too...and myeong yi too...
teehee!!!!today????like today today????no really today????teehee!!!!i luved that...and teehee!!!!mi young planning out their lives...nope kai!!!! dont get to have a say in things, not one word!!!!teehee!!!!
and omg...seriously...the broadcast was like the sweetest thing ever!!!!and so was the ending...cute cute!!!!
i shall miss this story!!!!...sobs...the laughs...a good story it was!!!!cant wait for others!!!!
Chapter 14: teehee!!!!oh i do luv this story sooo much!!!!the sarcasm and the wittiness...luv luv luv!!!!teehee!!!!mi youngs descrip of jung ah...teehee!!!!...tsk tsk kai...playing on a womans weakness!!!!tsk!!!!but waaah!!!!he can speak shakespearan!!!!coolsies!!!!yay for the updates dongsaenggie!!!!luved it!!!!
Chapter 14: *rolls around and cries* STOP WITH THE CLIFFHANGERS ALREADYYYYYY!!!!!
Chapter 12: ...a car accident????nooo!!!!...and omg...jung ah...that ughish piece of ugh...and jiyong too that arg head...kai where are you????...but...she was dressed prettily!!!!luved the updates!!!!now waits for another...
Chapter 11: Jung Ah.....Jung ah......I don't even know what to say. Just go away with Ji Yong and give Kai. Kai stop being a confusing cow and approve of this. Araso?
Chapter 10: ...gasp...JI YONG DIDNT EVEN INVITE HER TO HIS PARTY????JERK!!!WITH LIKE CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!but omg!!!!MINKI SOOO CUTE!!!!awww...i learned martial arts to protect you...SO SWEET!!!!...i want an older bro like that...i wouldnt even mind the teasing!!!!and omg!!!!i swear i LUV mi young to bits!!!!but utterly confused with her love life...its you for making me smile dongsaenggie!!!!
Chapter 10: OMFG MINKI!!!!!! <3333333 I'm dying Dx big bros are're confusing me. First Kai. Now you. Ugh.
Chapter 9: teehee!!!!omg!!!!i swear to god this ficll make me smile no matter what!!!!teehee!!!!...hydrochloric acid...teehee!!!!but omg!!!!the height diff sounds sooooo cute!!!!a mere roshbush to a skyscraper!!!!...or something like that...waaah...jealous jealous kai!!!!tsk tsk!!!!and hmm...jong ah and ji yong talking secretively together????...doesnt seem very good...hmm...but yay!!!!another update!!!!happy happy!!!!AND HOPEFULLY YOU GET OUT OF THE WRITERS BLOCK SOON!!!!...and omg...for the life of me i cannot think of a single play!!!! should be a comedy seeing as how its unsure!!!!