*RING RING* Unexpected douchebag alert.

Mismatched Love


It was… KAI.


He looked at me warily. I couldn’t help but stare at him. Such beauty was right in front of me. Practically reaching distance.


Kai: Do you plan on getting up anytime soon or are you just going to sit there and stare at me all day?


Me: Oh…


I hadn’t even realized I was still on the ground and rubbing my head, he was just so breathtakingly handsome, even

better looking than on TV or the internet and I still couldn’t believe he was right there. I thought I was hallucinating

because of how hard I hit my head. I managed to get up though, I did wobble a bit but I stood up straight.

With the brightest smile I could muster at that point in time I attempted to talk to him.


Me: Hi, I’m Myeong Yi, your biggest fa—


Kai: Save it. I don’t wanna hear it.

My smile immediately washed away into a depressing frown and I could hear the faint shatter of glass in the distance

even though I’m pretty sure it was my heart.


Me: W-What?!


Kai: I said I don’t wanna hear what you have to say! I’m sure it’s not true anyways.


Me: But you don’t even know what—

Kai: You were going to tell me that you’re my biggest fan which you probably hoped would lead to us being best friends

then getting married to live happily ever after somewhere, right?


I looked down, utterly embarrassed.


Kai: Exactly. Aish, I’m not even in the mood to deal with this stuff…


Me: Well alright then, you could’ve just said so. No need to be a total bastard about it.

He just snorted, shook his head and walked away to wherever he planned on going to without the rest of s or managers or…ANYONE.

Ughhh~ I wanted to scream right there. How could he be such a ! He didn’t even look at me throughout our entire

encounter, he just kept looking to the side. And what was up with his attitude?! He seemed totally fine in the concert.

Well if he wanted to be like that then fine, I always liked Bacon more anyways. -.-


Suddenly I heard my name being called so I turned around and there she was.


Me: Did you enjoy your sudden trip to the Bermuda Triangle?


J.A.: Huh? YOU’RE the one who disappeared just like that, not me!


Me: Whatever okay, Kiko?


J.A.: For a person who just attended the “awesomest concert ever” you’re in quite a mood.


Me: Oh yeah. *I tried to sound cheerful* The concert was GREAT! *fake smile*


J.A.: Mhmm~ We’ve been best friends for years, Kimiko… I know that fake smile of yours like the back of my hand.


Me: *sigh* Well…


J.A.: It’s okay. You can tell me later. Let’s just head back. Your mom is about to have a heart attack.


Me: *I laughed…a small, almost unnoticeable laugh, but at least it was real*


We both walked off towards my mom’s car and when she saw she gave me the biggest bear hug ever~


Me: Woah there. I should probably wander off more often then!


She shot me a dirty look that told me that that would be a terrible idea.


We then got into the car and started our homeward journey. All the while I kept staring out the window thinking about,

not even the concert, but…him. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn’t even realize Jung Ah was talking to

me the whole time. Or that my mom had dropped her off at her house. Or even that we had arrived home already.



I jumped a little and hyperventilated a bit from the shock. She was looking at me all wide-eyed.


Mom: Have you finally returned to Earth, my dear?


*I stuttered trying to answer her and just looked out the window again*


Me: W-when did we get home?


Mom: About 20 minutes ago. *She looked at me like she was worried* You okay?


Me: Yeah, mom. I’m fine. Just a little…shocked, that’s all.


Mom: Yeah, concerts can do that to you. I remember the first concert I went to. I went to see—


Me: Yeah, well goodnight mom. Love you.


With that, I dashed out of the car leaving my mom there, dumbfounded, and ran up to my room. I got ready for bed and lay

there. For hours. Thinking about him still. Oh when would I ever fall asleep?



Heh. xD

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I have to go somewhere for the weekend so... chapter 8 should be posted on Monday. Would've been done before but.. I was sick all week. :(


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.........last chappie......too scared to read......sigh.....
Chapter 15: awww...youve half dedicated it to me????...awww...SUCH A SWEETIE!!!!and omg yes!!!!gonna miss mi young and minki too...and myeong yi too...
teehee!!!!today????like today today????no really today????teehee!!!!i luved that...and teehee!!!!mi young planning out their lives...nope kai!!!!...men dont get to have a say in things, not one word!!!!teehee!!!!
and omg...seriously...the broadcast was like the sweetest thing ever!!!!and so was the ending...cute cute!!!!
i shall miss this story!!!!...sobs...the laughs...a good story it was!!!!cant wait for others!!!!
Chapter 14: teehee!!!!oh i do luv this story sooo much!!!!the sarcasm and the wittiness...luv luv luv!!!!teehee!!!!mi youngs descrip of jung ah...teehee!!!!...tsk tsk kai...playing on a womans weakness!!!!tsk!!!!but waaah!!!!he can speak shakespearan!!!!coolsies!!!!yay for the updates dongsaenggie!!!!luved it!!!!
Chapter 14: *rolls around and cries* STOP WITH THE CLIFFHANGERS ALREADYYYYYY!!!!!
Chapter 12: ...a car accident????nooo!!!!...and omg...jung ah...that ughish piece of ugh...and jiyong too that arg head...kai where are you????...but...she was dressed prettily!!!!luved the updates!!!!now waits for another...
Chapter 11: Jung Ah.....Jung ah......I don't even know what to say. Just go away with Ji Yong and give Kai. Kai stop being a confusing cow and approve of this. Araso?
Chapter 10: ...gasp...JI YONG DIDNT EVEN INVITE HER TO HIS PARTY????JERK!!!WITH LIKE CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!but omg!!!!MINKI SOOO CUTE!!!!awww...i learned martial arts to protect you...SO SWEET!!!!...i want an older bro like that...i wouldnt even mind the teasing!!!!and omg!!!!i swear i LUV mi young to bits!!!!but utterly confused with her love life...its like...wow...thnk you for making me smile dongsaenggie!!!!
Chapter 10: OMFG MINKI!!!!!! <3333333 I'm dying Dx big bros are osum......Ji....you're confusing me. First Kai. Now you. Ugh.
Chapter 9: teehee!!!!omg!!!!i swear to god this ficll make me smile no matter what!!!!teehee!!!!...hydrochloric acid...teehee!!!!but omg!!!!the height diff sounds sooooo cute!!!!a mere roshbush to a skyscraper!!!!...or something like that...waaah...jealous jealous kai!!!!tsk tsk!!!!and hmm...jong ah and ji yong talking secretively together????...doesnt seem very good...hmm...but yay!!!!another update!!!!happy happy!!!!AND HOPEFULLY YOU GET OUT OF THE WRITERS BLOCK SOON!!!!...and omg...for the life of me i cannot think of a single play!!!!...it should be a comedy seeing as how its funny...but...so unsure!!!!