The Truth Is...?

Mismatched Love


I woke up with a start and sat bolt upright which I then realized was a terrible reaction since the lights almost caused me an instant headache. I quickly shut my eyes and gently lay back down. I wondered why the lights in my room were so bright… Wait, could the lights in my room, even if they were all on at the same time, even be that bright? I doubted it.


I eased my eyes open as I tried to adjust to the intense and cruel lighting. I was sure Minki was behind this prank. Sadly, the more I inched my eyes open, the more I realized that I was still kind of dizzy. Yay. -.-


They opened a little more… a little more yet… and-- wait, green walls?!?!? My walls were definitely purple. What was going on!? Where was I?! I settled on the fact that I would remain squinting for a while and began sitting up, releasing animalistic groans since my neck felt all stiff. My entire body felt stiff actually and everything hurt.


I realized, after moving my hand, that there was an IV. And I was on a bed way smaller than my own...


“Ugh. Hospital,” I groaned.


I looked to the left of me and from what could actually be seen through my squinted eyes, it seems that my family actually loved me.


There were many “Get well soon” balloons and cards, flowers, teddy bears, stuffed animals like llamas and alpacas (oh how I loved those!) and even Angry Birds plushies. I may or may not be obsessed with that game. I smiled a little at the fully appreciated gesture.


However, a soft, yet quite audible in this extremely quiet room, snore made me jolt my head to the right of the room. I almost jumped out of my very own skin when I saw Kai lying on a black sofa. I screamed which woke him up.


“Wh-wh-what-what’s wrong?!” he asked as he got into a ninja pose. I wanted to laugh at how cute he looked but I held it in.


Me: Why am I here?! More importantly, why are YOU here?!


Kai: Well, I saved you from being killed by a car. This is Korea you know, no one’s gonna stop even if they see you. Then you got all passionate and whatnot and then we kissed for like ten minutes or something and—




Kai: Of course NOT. How would I know about your dreams? Wait never mind, you talk in your sleep. I probably would have known about it. Anyways, yes. After we kissed and you were completely tired out by my amazing skills (Me: PSHT!), you passed out again. You had a concussion apparently and you’ve been out for like three days now.


Me: THREE DAYS!!? Ohmaigawd. I would have preferred not to have woken up though! Why’d you do that for!? It’s like that wolf-boy said in Twilight, life and then you die. Well that was my time to die. Why’re you interfering with fate?! Karma’s gonna bite you in the one day.


I mumbled, “I hope karma’s a piranha and it bites your OFF though…”


I looked away at the walls again in an effort to ignore him and said, “Green walls in a hospital?! I’d fire the designer who came up with that idea.”


Kai: Oh but it already bit me in the , I saved your life and not even a thank you. All I get is woken up from my beautiful dream…oh models, where art thou, return to your home which is in my arms…!


I wanted to laugh again but instead I just glared at him.


Me: Listen Shakespeare, I don’t like you nor do I want you near me, got it? So kindly take your leave.

Kai: Aha, Shakespeare? Clever. Real Clever, Myeong.

Me: We’re not friends, don’t call me that!

Kai: No, we aren’t friends… we’re more than that.


Now he got close to me, real close. I could feel his breath on me. I dared to peer into his eyes. Those beautiful eyes. I looked at his smile, that smile that said he knew he was making my heart flutter. He spoke, in that sensual voice of his that sent shivers up my spine.


Kai: Shakespeare, huh? I’ll give you Shakespeare. Why must thou fret over a single fool?

Me: W-w-what fool? I-I-I’m not fretting.


I tried to say more but I couldn’t. I was frozen… yet Kai’s presence made me feel quite warm. What was this feeling? This warmth. I honestly doubt I could be falling for him. Honestly.


I just couldn’t be falling for him again… I didn’t want to endure that whole situation another time… I… I just…


Kai seemed to sense that something was wrong and so he closed the two-inch gap between us in one quick motion. There it was again, that burning sensation inside of me. Except it wasn’t an internal inferno of despair this time. It was more like an internal inferno of passion, pleasure… and …it felt…good.


He pulled away from me, quite unwillingly I might add, but I pulled him back.


Me: Oh no, you’re not gonna just stop when you want for the second time when all these feelings are floating around.


He smirked.


Kai: Second time?

Me: Of course. The first time was that night in the street.

Kai: I thought that was a dream and that you don’t want me around?

Me: No, no, I want you around okay… And yeah right. My dreams are never that good.

Kai: I beg to differ. You say my name a lot in your sleep, I bet your dreams are even better. *wink wink*

Me: O_O


He laughed at me and then stepped back towards the sofa and turned the television on.


That entertainment news show again. Great.


Reporter Taeyeon: Hello everyone and doesn’t it seem like we have QUITE the interesting show for you today! Why don’t you tell our audience what’s in store for them, Siwon?


Reporter Siwon: Well, everyone, we have an exclusive interview with SISTAR for you on their latest comeback, G-Dragon’s latest look: fashion forward or fashion faux-pas? And also the breaking scandal, is EXO’s Kai cheating on his beautiful girlfriend?! All that and more coming right up!


My face fell and Kai dropped the remote on the ground in sheer horror. The picture they had up for the “cheating” scandal was of us that night in the rain. How did someone even get that!? Damn paparazzi!


Just as the reporters were about to delve into it a little deeper, in walked Ji Yong and Jung Ah. Kai scrambled for the remote again and turned the television off.


Ji Yong: Myeong-ah, are you okay!?

Me: What are YOU doing here?! You two are the last people on Earth I need right now in order to recover!

Jung Ah: Relaaaax, Kimiko-cha—

Me: I may be ailing but I can still jujitsu your .

Jung Ah: Can’t we just let by-gones be by-gones?

Me: No. -.-


She sighed and walked up to the ‘get well’ presents.


Jung Ah: Waaaw, these are nice.

Me: Yeah, my family’s amazing. Don’t touch them though, I have a feeling they’d just combust.

Kai: Wait, what about me!? I brought most of those things! D:

Me: Really? Aww, well thank you.


Kai threw his arms up in victory and said, “Finally!! A ‘thank you’!!”


Jung Ah then walked up to him and asked to see him outside which made him look sullen but he still complied.


What!? What was she trying to do!? Have two boyfriends at the same time!? She just wanted to take everything away from me didn’t she!? Why was she even here?!


Ji Yong: So umm…

Me: Save it, I don’t want to hear anything.

Ji Yong: Still, what I said the other night was kinda harsh. I’m sorry.

Me: Apology accepted. ^_^ Now go away. =_=

Ji Yong: I know you don’t forgive me and you probably never will but at least you know that I truly am sorry for what I did, okay?


I sighed, for I was too soft-hearted.


Me: Fine. And I’m sorry for using you in the beginning just to make Kai jealous. You’re actually not that bad of a person… sort of… kind of…


He smiled.


Me: Still, I can’t say what my brother, or even worse my sister, would do to you when they find out what you did. I’m certainly not apologizing for whatever they do and uhh… they’re more vicious than I am… just saying.


His smile fizzed away into a worried grimace.


Kai and Jung Ah returned and Kai said, “We’re going on that Entertainment Daily show to clear some things up… I’ll try to have an interview organized as soon as possible. Most likely tomorrow since they wouldn’t want to pass up on the “juicy” details…”


Me: What do you have to clear up?

Kai: Just… some things, okay?


I had only asked so that I seemed clueless on the whole matter but then realization hit me with the fact that Kai and Jung Ah were still technically together… and that they were probably going on the show to reassure the world that they were all fine and in love and… blehhh.


But Jung Ah wanted Ji Yong…


And Kai wanted… me?


Yet they’d go on national television and proclaim their love?!


What was going on!?


I was confused, and slightly heartbroken, but I didn’t let it show for I didn’t want Jung Ah to get any sort of satisfaction from my pain.


Me: Well, that’s good. Most of Korea, if not all of it, watches that show so you’ll most likely be able to extinguish whatever rumours very quickly.


Rumours, huh… as in the fact that he was with me? Yup… it was just a rumour… only a rumour…


Kai: Exactly, so I’ll go get right on that! Do you need anything, Myeong?


Nicknames again, psht. Why I oughta—


Me: Nope. Nothing. You just go right on ahead! ^_^

Kai: I have a feeling you’re lying to me,


Of course I’m lying. I need YOU, you idiot. *mental pout*


Kai: but I really have to go so I can make things right, okay?

Me: Aha, I’m not lying, it’s okay, go on ahead.

Kai: Okay…


With that he left. Which left me with pretty boy and the princess of all things which disgust me. -.-


Jung Ah: So uhh…

Me: Leave.


She looked indignant but she just looked at me angrily, said, “fine!” and left.


Me: You can go too, Ji Yong.

Ji Yong: But---

Me: Unlike Jung Ah who’s supposed to be my best friend, I’m actually telling you to leave in a polite manner… would you like this to change to me making you leave by force? It’s an easy shift that I would gladly make.


He glanced at me nervously and just said, “Get better soon!” as he left.


I relaxed, finally some peace and quiet. Ohh the sweet serenity and—






In walked my rambunctious family.


My mom ran up to me first and began showering me with hugs and kisses while my dad was placing a lot of stuff on the same side as all the plushies and flowers.


Dad: I can’t let some random boy outdo me!!!

Me: Mom… mom… MOTHER!!!! You’re suffocating me!


She let go and Minho jumped up on the bed.


Minho: Noona, are you feeling better?!

Me: No…

Minho: Well... you’re awake. That’s a start I guess.

Mi Young: Myeong, I saw that Ji Yong guy walking down the hallway and I actually didn’t do him anything!! I think I’m becoming a better perso—no, nope, I’m lying. Imma have him dealt with as soon as you get better.

Minki: Naw, sis. Leave him to me. Imma have fun with this runt!

Mi Young: Fine… I’ll deal with Jung Ah… anyways, Minki, where’s your present for Myeong, huh!? I brought the Angry Birds plushies ‘cause I know her the best but where’s yours!?


She started hitting him all over and in between all the “yah!!”s, he managed to say that he had given his favourite chain that he wore all the time.


Me: No, you didn’t!

Minki: -_- How would you know, you’ve been out cold for the past three days.


Mi Young started hitting him again but he pulled her down and made her sit next to him. Using her hand as a laser pointer or something, he pointed to me.


Minki: She’s wearing it!! Okay!?!?! I put it on her!!


I looked down at my neck and sure enough, it was there. Hmm… how hadn’t I noticed the silver chain with the awesome guitar pendant before…?


Minki: See, it gave her luck! She’s awake now! The power of the Rock Gods!!!


Everyone burst out laughing and Mi Young just hit him on the head ahead, calling him an idiot.


Oh family time. Especially when it’s with my family. It helps you get your my mind off of the… undesirable thing called reality.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*THE NEXT DAY*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I should mention that Mi Young had let me Skype with one of her Chinese friends and it turned out to be Kris! Imagine that, I got a personal “get well soon” message from the duizhang! It took everything within me not to squeal out loud before any of the nurses thought I was a having a seizure.


I had been released from the hospital after a full body check-up (y doctors! Ooh-la-la!) and some other tests and other things I had been to zoned out to pay attention to.


But now, I was back home! YES! Freedom to eat junk food and not the disgusting things they dare to call food at the hospital!


And thus, that was the very first thing I did.


I had my can of Coke, a bag of chips and chocolate! HEAVEN.


I lay on the sofa watching tv with my legs propped up on Mi Young. She had given me a death glare when I did that but when she realized that it didn’t faze me, she just nodded approvingly and returned her glare to the drama we were watching.


Minki and Minho were there too, looking bored out of their minds and my mom was busy cleaning behind us but made sure to yell every other minute, “He’s not the one for you, Mok Dan!! Go to Kang To!! Let him love you!” My dad looked at her like she was crazy every single time.


Right when we were getting to a good part, my phone began ringing and everyone, surprisingly even Minki and Minho, glared at me like I had just destroyed all of their favourite items in the entire world.


I picked it up and answered even though I didn’t know the number. It was Kai. :3


Me: Hello?

Kai: Hey, Myeong. It’s me. Turn on that entertainment show, I think it’s supposed to air now. We did the interview a little earlier today.

Me: Oh, uhh, okay.


I hung up on him, I probably wasn’t supposed to but I was mad. Why do you want me to watch an interview where you confirm your love for another girl?! Ugh.


Still, I was a curious person. Thank God the drama was about to finish. If I had changed the channel while they were watching it, I might have been skinned alive. o_o


And… it finished. Ooo, cliffhanger.


Mi Young stood up and exclaimed, “WHAT!? It ends THERE!? These people are trying to kill me! How could he… what is… what even!? My feels.”


Minho: Episode 18 airs next Wednesday… I’d fire the person who came up with that idea!! I want the next episode NOW.


Ohhh, so he was only feigning boredom huh… good to know. xP


Me: I have to change the channel!!


Despite all of the “no”s I received, I changed it anyways.


Reporter Taeyeon: …the exclusive interview—


They all groaned.


Minho: This again!? What is it with you girls and—

Mi Young: Shh! I see Kai and his .


Mi Young: Fine. I see Kai and his well-bred dog of the feminine species who’d probably chew all of your shoes and attack you from behind.


Quite an accurate description, Mi Young. I approve.


Reporter Taeyeon: So, what’s all this about?

Kai: Well, it was all just a simple misunderstanding, Taeyeon-ssi. The truth is…




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I have to go somewhere for the weekend so... chapter 8 should be posted on Monday. Would've been done before but.. I was sick all week. :(


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.........last chappie......too scared to read......sigh.....
Chapter 15: awww...youve half dedicated it to me????...awww...SUCH A SWEETIE!!!!and omg yes!!!!gonna miss mi young and minki too...and myeong yi too...
teehee!!!!today????like today today????no really today????teehee!!!!i luved that...and teehee!!!!mi young planning out their lives...nope kai!!!! dont get to have a say in things, not one word!!!!teehee!!!!
and omg...seriously...the broadcast was like the sweetest thing ever!!!!and so was the ending...cute cute!!!!
i shall miss this story!!!!...sobs...the laughs...a good story it was!!!!cant wait for others!!!!
Chapter 14: teehee!!!!oh i do luv this story sooo much!!!!the sarcasm and the wittiness...luv luv luv!!!!teehee!!!!mi youngs descrip of jung ah...teehee!!!!...tsk tsk kai...playing on a womans weakness!!!!tsk!!!!but waaah!!!!he can speak shakespearan!!!!coolsies!!!!yay for the updates dongsaenggie!!!!luved it!!!!
Chapter 14: *rolls around and cries* STOP WITH THE CLIFFHANGERS ALREADYYYYYY!!!!!
Chapter 12: ...a car accident????nooo!!!!...and omg...jung ah...that ughish piece of ugh...and jiyong too that arg head...kai where are you????...but...she was dressed prettily!!!!luved the updates!!!!now waits for another...
Chapter 11: Jung Ah.....Jung ah......I don't even know what to say. Just go away with Ji Yong and give Kai. Kai stop being a confusing cow and approve of this. Araso?
Chapter 10: ...gasp...JI YONG DIDNT EVEN INVITE HER TO HIS PARTY????JERK!!!WITH LIKE CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!but omg!!!!MINKI SOOO CUTE!!!!awww...i learned martial arts to protect you...SO SWEET!!!!...i want an older bro like that...i wouldnt even mind the teasing!!!!and omg!!!!i swear i LUV mi young to bits!!!!but utterly confused with her love life...its you for making me smile dongsaenggie!!!!
Chapter 10: OMFG MINKI!!!!!! <3333333 I'm dying Dx big bros are're confusing me. First Kai. Now you. Ugh.
Chapter 9: teehee!!!!omg!!!!i swear to god this ficll make me smile no matter what!!!!teehee!!!!...hydrochloric acid...teehee!!!!but omg!!!!the height diff sounds sooooo cute!!!!a mere roshbush to a skyscraper!!!!...or something like that...waaah...jealous jealous kai!!!!tsk tsk!!!!and hmm...jong ah and ji yong talking secretively together????...doesnt seem very good...hmm...but yay!!!!another update!!!!happy happy!!!!AND HOPEFULLY YOU GET OUT OF THE WRITERS BLOCK SOON!!!!...and omg...for the life of me i cannot think of a single play!!!! should be a comedy seeing as how its unsure!!!!