Rainy Day Blackout.

Mismatched Love


Jung Ah: Oh, hi. Such a lovely surprise. What’s brings you here?

Me: What…!

Jung Ah: I said what brings you here? I’m quite sure you weren’t invited. I went over the guest list twice.

Me: YOU went over the guest list!? Why would YOU be doing that!? Why are YOU even here!!

J.A: Why wouldn’t I be here for my dear Ji Yong’s birthday?


The words, “YOUR. DEAR. JI. YONG.” seethed out of my mouth through clenched teeth.


J.A: Yes. My dear Ji Yong. Emphasis on the “my”.


Rage was pulsing through my veins as I balled up my fists, ready to punch her in the face. I pounced like a lion ready to rip the head off of its prey but I felt hands pulling me back.


It was Taehyun again.


Me: Let me go.

Taehyun: Think about it, do you really want to do this?

Me: I said let me GO!


With that, I pried his hands off of me and took a good look around. I hadn’t realized everyone at the party had been watching us.


J.A.: You’re making a fool of yourself, dear friend.

Ji Yong: Just calm down, Myeong and—


“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” I shot back. “It’s Myeong YI to you! I can’t believe I actually TRUSTED a jerk like you even when I had a bad feeling about you in the first place.” “And YOU,” I said, pointing at Jung Ah, “I thought you didn’t even like him! You both hated each other!”


They both started arguing back at me at the same time.


Ji Yong: You can’t believe you trusted me? Well that’s great because I can’t believe I trusted you. Jung Ah told me everything.

Me: What “everything” could she have possibly told you!? We haven’t spoken much since the two of us started dating!

Jung Ah: I told him that you were just using him to make Kai jealous. Shall you deny it?


I looked at them, mouth agape, not knowing what to say since it was true.


Ji Yong: Of course you can’t deny it…

Me: Look, Ji Yong, that was only in the begi—

J.Y.: No, save it. I dated you to get closer to Jung Ah anyways.


I, weirdly enough, wasn’t shocked so I just stood there, completely expressionless.


Jung Ah: And I have told you before that I like Ji Yong! If you could just listen to me for once instead of always being in the limelight—

Me: ALWAYS BEING IN THE LIMELIGHT?! What the hell are you talking about!?!? Are you jealous of me, Jung Ah?! Is that what it is?! Well let me just tell you that you’re being jealous of absolutely nothing and it’s turned you into a self-centred, nonsensical . Also, you’ve never told me anything like that or else I would have remembered!

Jung Ah: Oh please, why would you remember something so insignificant? Anything that wasn’t about you was insignificant.

Me: ….what!!! Are you sure we had the same friendship and the same memories!? Who is this person you’re talking about?! If it’s any one of us, I’m pretty sure it’s you!

J.A.: How could it be me? I always wanted what was best for you, Kimik—

Me: Say it and I’ll gut you like a fish right here.

J.Y.: Umm, it’s clear that you’re not in your right mind right now so I think you should leave. Secu—


I shot him my signature death glare and he stopped his words in their tracks. I huffed and puffed angrily while glaring intensely at Jung Ah. I knew it scared her. I had developed my “fear radar” like Mi Young. When I felt like she had gotten the point of my intention to destroy her some other time, I stormed through the crowd and out of the ballroom. On my way out of the lobby, the weird looking concierge called out to me.


Concierge: Pretty lady, I hope you enjoyed your ti—



I didn’t even care to look at him, or the people in the lobby who were now curiously peering at me. I was pissed and I didn’t care about anything. Blind rage tends to be dangerous though…


I was now out of the fancy hotel but I still felt like I was too close to Jung Ah and Ji Yong and that I’d end up running back inside to strangle both of them. So I began walking away from it. I didn’t intend to go home yet or else Mi Young would just figure everything out and then I’d probably have to visit her in jail for the rest of her life. But she’s too smart for that, so she’d probably just end up changing her name and moving to China or something.


My slow and steady saunter as I looked at the pavement was interrupted by the feeling of a raindrop. I stopped and looked up at the sky wondering if it was just another joke on me just because God felt like it today. Rain was one of my most favourite things in the universe… but not at this moment okay.


I continued to walk slowly though not letting the drizzling rain bother me. I thought about everything that was going on in my life at the moment and the more I thought about it, the more the tears tried to fall over. I wasn’t sad of course, oh gawd no, that emotion was for the weak. I was mad, raging mad to be specific… and I only cried when I was mad.


The time came where the clouds couldn’t take it anymore and they finally burst. Rain poured down so I broke into a run in an attempt to find shelter. Okay, that was a lie. I wasn’t trying to find anything, I just wanted to run in the rain. I soon realized that the rain was actually a gift since my tears finally burst their bank and the rain hid them oh so well.


I started sprinting, my eyes glued to the ground. It gave me a sort of rush. I didn’t care that I wasn’t seeing where I was going. Quite frankly, I didn’t WANT to see anything. I just wanted to run. To get away. From Ji Yong. From Jung Ah. From the pain I felt that I didn’t like admitting. From…




In an instant, I saw the lights, heard the screeching tires and then…black…



Oooo, I wonder what happens next. ;)

I expected this to be wayyy shorter... but I found myself enjoying writing it so...yeah xD

Hope you enjoyed it too~ :P <33

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I have to go somewhere for the weekend so... chapter 8 should be posted on Monday. Would've been done before but.. I was sick all week. :(


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.........last chappie......too scared to read......sigh.....
Chapter 15: awww...youve half dedicated it to me????...awww...SUCH A SWEETIE!!!!and omg yes!!!!gonna miss mi young and minki too...and myeong yi too...
teehee!!!!today????like today today????no really today????teehee!!!!i luved that...and teehee!!!!mi young planning out their lives...nope kai!!!!...men dont get to have a say in things, not one word!!!!teehee!!!!
and omg...seriously...the broadcast was like the sweetest thing ever!!!!and so was the ending...cute cute!!!!
i shall miss this story!!!!...sobs...the laughs...a good story it was!!!!cant wait for others!!!!
Chapter 14: teehee!!!!oh i do luv this story sooo much!!!!the sarcasm and the wittiness...luv luv luv!!!!teehee!!!!mi youngs descrip of jung ah...teehee!!!!...tsk tsk kai...playing on a womans weakness!!!!tsk!!!!but waaah!!!!he can speak shakespearan!!!!coolsies!!!!yay for the updates dongsaenggie!!!!luved it!!!!
Chapter 14: *rolls around and cries* STOP WITH THE CLIFFHANGERS ALREADYYYYYY!!!!!
Chapter 12: ...a car accident????nooo!!!!...and omg...jung ah...that ughish piece of ugh...and jiyong too that arg head...kai where are you????...but...she was dressed prettily!!!!luved the updates!!!!now waits for another...
Chapter 11: Jung Ah.....Jung ah......I don't even know what to say. Just go away with Ji Yong and give Kai. Kai stop being a confusing cow and approve of this. Araso?
Chapter 10: ...gasp...JI YONG DIDNT EVEN INVITE HER TO HIS PARTY????JERK!!!WITH LIKE CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!but omg!!!!MINKI SOOO CUTE!!!!awww...i learned martial arts to protect you...SO SWEET!!!!...i want an older bro like that...i wouldnt even mind the teasing!!!!and omg!!!!i swear i LUV mi young to bits!!!!but utterly confused with her love life...its like...wow...thnk you for making me smile dongsaenggie!!!!
Chapter 10: OMFG MINKI!!!!!! <3333333 I'm dying Dx big bros are osum......Ji....you're confusing me. First Kai. Now you. Ugh.
Chapter 9: teehee!!!!omg!!!!i swear to god this ficll make me smile no matter what!!!!teehee!!!!...hydrochloric acid...teehee!!!!but omg!!!!the height diff sounds sooooo cute!!!!a mere roshbush to a skyscraper!!!!...or something like that...waaah...jealous jealous kai!!!!tsk tsk!!!!and hmm...jong ah and ji yong talking secretively together????...doesnt seem very good...hmm...but yay!!!!another update!!!!happy happy!!!!AND HOPEFULLY YOU GET OUT OF THE WRITERS BLOCK SOON!!!!...and omg...for the life of me i cannot think of a single play!!!!...it should be a comedy seeing as how its funny...but...so unsure!!!!