Two Very Unappreciated Weeks

Mismatched Love


Two weeks had gone by.

At least, that’s what I was told.

It felt more like two months… years… decades…

In essence, it just hadn’t been a fun two weeks.

I should probably break it down for you and that, I shall.



J.Y: Hey, Myeong—

I didn’t answer him, didn’t even look at him. Instead, I just kept on walking along the hallway to my next class, Bio. He hadn’t told me what Jung Ah had been talking to him about yet and I was still mad. Well, not really mad, more curious. I guess my curiosity appeared a little fiercer than I had wished it to be. I didn’t want him to feel bad about it really, I just wanted the silent treatment to work, in hopes that he would talk. But I guess Jung Ah has got a stronger hold on my boyfriend than me…

At least I was going to Bio… that meant cute boys… YAY for cute boys -.-



I decided that the silent treatment wouldn’t work since his lips seemed to be industrially glued as well as triple padlocked. So I invited Ji Yong to my house that evening to study… lawl, study. More like an interview. A very unsuccessful interview.




J.Y: What did you get for num—

Me: Why won’t you tell me what Jun—


Woah. It was the first time I had eveeerrrr seen him lose his cool. He had always maintained this aura about him…a special aura that can only be described as HIS.

 I wasn’t sure but I think I cringed and sort of shied away from him after that explosive reaction. It was just THAT unexpected.

J.Y: Uhh… sorry…

Me: No, no. I’m sorry. I keep pestering you to tell me, not because I don’t trust you, I just… don’t…trust Jung Ah… anymore… I feel like she has it out for me nowadays you know and I don’t want her trying anything funny, especially with you.

He looked off at a wall, deep in thought.


Me: I mean, she already took K—

J.Y: What?

Me: Nothing.

J.Y: You were about to say Kai. That she took Kai away from you. Am I wrong?


I couldn’t lie to him. So I kept quiet.


J.Y: Huh. I’m right. This is great, just great.


With that, he got up and attempted to leave. I didn’t try to stop him. I was the stupid one at the moment anyways, what more could I say? I might have just made things worse since I seemed to only do the wrong things which only hurt the people I loved. So I just brought my knees up to my chest and continued sitting there on the floor, sulking.

He was playing with the doorknob when he turned around to speak.


J.Y: Myeong, do you… love that Kai dude?


I was confused about every detail of my life right now, why in the heck did he choose that moment to ask this?


I tried to say “no” but it just wouldn’t come out. My facial features froze, most likely in a vigorous attempt to say “stop spewing these damned lies”.

His shoulders dropped and his head hung low.


J.Y: Expected.



I was on the receiving end of the silent treatment now. I made attempts to call out to Ji Yong in the halls but he would act as if I wasn’t even there.

I kept thinking to myself: You should start with something that would catch his attention and make him listen! Like “Aye, Ji Yong, I was just wondering what you wanted for your birthday and all. It IS next week Saturday so I need to get you something, of course. Being your girlfriend and everything…”

Wow, I was a talkative idiot. He’d disappear before I even got to “Aye”.

Maybe I shouldn’t have questioned him so much about it… I hate to admit it but I was beginning to miss him. Or rather I missed the fun we’d usually have together. I still saw him so I didn’t miss him.



Ahhh, what’s the use of talking about this day. It was the same. The same yet worse. AISH~! ><

Fridays are generally happy days for me… this Friday could have dropped dead, disappeared from the calendar, rolled in mud and hopped three times for all I cared. Ji Yong still didn’t talk to me. And therefore Friday no longer had meaning.



I sat alone in our garden again thinking. Finally, I was getting that “me” time I was ever so longing for a while back… but I didn’t want it anymore.

As I thought about the increasingly suffocating loneliness I was feeling, Minki came into view.

Dear God, what kind of sick joke is this? I’m feeling lonely and you send the one person who’d just confirm my loneliness for me and then laugh in my face? One does not appreciate this.

I looked up at him, squinting because of the radiating, yet still mellow, beams from the early morning sun. I didn’t even bother to look at him that well, but I knew that he was wearing black jeans, a white T-shirt and a leather jacket. He was probably just out there to make use of me as his source of entertainment before going out with his friends or some other unimportant shizz.

He had his hands in his front jean pockets… he resembled the epitome of awkward at that moment which was a first for the normally cool and suave Lee Minki.

Minki: So… umm… Mi Young sent me out here to cheer you up… and stuff…


Of course. Oh unnie, you’re truly amazing.

I laughed at him.


Minki: Hey don’t laugh. She’s scary.


I laughed more.


Minki: Ughhh, shut up.


He sat on the grass next to me.


Minki: So… tell me your problems and what not. I’d just lie and pretend that I came to you … if it were someone else. But this is Mi Young we’re talking about, she senses your lies and then feeds off of the fear you start emanating when you realize she knows.

Me: Haha, yes yes, that sounds like her alright.

Minki: Yeah… anyways, what seems to be the problem? I was told of a jerk who needs to be dumped, a girl who needs to be thrown in the ocean and some random dude who you need to have dancing babies with. o.O

Me: Ohdeargawd.

Minki: Yeah, I said the same thing, so…?

Me: Well… uhh… okay this is so awkward. I’m not doing this. Go away.

Minki: Believe me, I’d be more than glad to leave but I don’t wanna get trampled by Mi Young later…

Me: *sigh* Fine. Well, she doesn’t like my boyfriend and—

Minki: Wait, what!? BOYFRIEND?! Mwo!? Why didn’t I know of this!?!? What-are-you-doing! I have to see this dude… so I can scare him less. You know, so he won’t hurt you or anything…

Me: Oh please, you just like scaring people. Plus, you’re too late. He’s not talking to me at the moment… it’s sad… it hurts…

Minki: Aw hell!


He stood up at lightning speed.


Minki: Okay, I gotta go beat- I mean talk some sense into this guy. Where does he live? Come on. Tell me.


He began cracking his knuckles and his neck and did other warm-up exercises.


Me: You promise you won’t hurt him?

Minki: Promises are for ers.

Me: Then I’m not telling you.

Minki: Ugh. You’re no fun.


He sat back down.


Me: Oh I’m terribly sorry. Psht. Like you’d do anything for me anyways.

Minki: But… but… I would.


Was he being cute right now?! Okay, seriously? More things to confuse my life?

I eyed him skeptically.


Minki: Don’t look at me like that. Why’d you think I did Martial Arts anyways? For you. When you were born I wanted to be a “good big brother” who knew how to protect you… so I asked dad to join Martial Arts.


My eyes widened in shock.


Me: Really? Awwwww, I knew you had some good in you. I love you, big bro~!

Minki: Sure you do. Huh, now that I think about it, a three year old asking to join martial arts to protect his new baby sister… I’m pretty amazing, even way back then.

Me: You just had to ruin the moment didn’t you?


I punched him in the arm.


Minki: Yes, I just had to. But anyways, yeah, if you ever need me, just say so. No matter when or where.  Okay?


He got up and began walking away but then he stopped and looked over his shoulder.


Minki: Just because I’ve let you know that I’ll always be there for you, doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop annoying you. *he waved* See ya later, troll.


Ah, there was the Minki I knew and loved.

Well… this was the best day of the horrible two weeks… yay for martial-arts-knowing, -kicking, name calling big brothers.


The rest of the week droned on like I said. I don’t even feel like mentioning every day. It was just filled with more Ji Yong-less days and a bunch of sickening snapshots and videos of Kai and Jung Ah popping up everywhere. Everything irritated me, everywhere I turned. Not even y Biology boys made my day anymore…


It was Friday again. Another meaningless Friday. A Friday that would have had meaning if Ji Yong would have talked to me, considering the next day would be his birthday. He didn’t seem to be a birthday person though… since he hadn’t told me of any plans for a party or anything. Not even back when we were still talking.


It was Chemistry class now. How wonderful. The perfect ending to a ish day.


Mrs Bang: Could you all at least pretend to be interested?

Taehyun: Why would we lie to our dear teacher?

Mrs Bang: Be quiet, Mr Oh. Do you want detention for a week again?

Taehyun: Do you really think you want to endure THAT again, Mrs B?

Mrs Bang: Uhh… never mind then…

Oh Sunyoung: I’M INTERESTED!

Taehyun: *cough* Nerd *cough*


Everyone else in class laughed while both Mrs Bang and Sunyoung glared at Taehyun.


Mrs Bang: I know you’re interested, Sunyoung but it would be fantastic if the rest of the class shared the same view. As for Taehyun, I would greatly appreciate it if you left Ms Sunyoung alone.


Taehyun: Psht. She’s my sister. She’s used to it.


Everyone in class began whispering since no one, not even me…or Mrs Bang, knew that they were siblings.


Mrs Bang: She… she is? Ohdear. Logic has completely dissipated from the world. How much time do we have left? One minute. Thank God. You can just go home and read chapters 5 to 13 in your text book. Yeah, that’s your homework. You can leave now.


Ugh. Nine chapters. This woman seriously needed a man. Wait. She had one. How did that happen!?

I walked out of the door and saw Taehyun leaning against the wall on the side.


Taehyun: Hey, Myeong Yi!

Me: Uhh… hi…?

He hadn’t ever really talked to me before so I was utterly confused.

Taehyun: Aha, you look scared, there’s no need to be. I actually like you so it’s not my life’s goal to annoy you like Mrs B. Anyways, you’re gonna be at Ji Yong’s party tomorrow night right?


What? Party? TOMORROW?


Me: Uhh.. haha, yeah, of course…

Taehyun: Aha, yeah, that was a stupid question. You ARE his girlfriend after all. But great! I’ll see ya there!



As he waltzed away, I stood there staring at the wall he had just been leaning on, seemingly in a trance as a mixture of betrayal and anger encompassed me and threatened to make hot tears brim.



Chapter 10. Woo. xD

Hope you enjoyed. ^_^

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I have to go somewhere for the weekend so... chapter 8 should be posted on Monday. Would've been done before but.. I was sick all week. :(


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.........last chappie......too scared to read......sigh.....
Chapter 15: awww...youve half dedicated it to me????...awww...SUCH A SWEETIE!!!!and omg yes!!!!gonna miss mi young and minki too...and myeong yi too...
teehee!!!!today????like today today????no really today????teehee!!!!i luved that...and teehee!!!!mi young planning out their lives...nope kai!!!! dont get to have a say in things, not one word!!!!teehee!!!!
and omg...seriously...the broadcast was like the sweetest thing ever!!!!and so was the ending...cute cute!!!!
i shall miss this story!!!!...sobs...the laughs...a good story it was!!!!cant wait for others!!!!
Chapter 14: teehee!!!!oh i do luv this story sooo much!!!!the sarcasm and the wittiness...luv luv luv!!!!teehee!!!!mi youngs descrip of jung ah...teehee!!!!...tsk tsk kai...playing on a womans weakness!!!!tsk!!!!but waaah!!!!he can speak shakespearan!!!!coolsies!!!!yay for the updates dongsaenggie!!!!luved it!!!!
Chapter 14: *rolls around and cries* STOP WITH THE CLIFFHANGERS ALREADYYYYYY!!!!!
Chapter 12: ...a car accident????nooo!!!!...and omg...jung ah...that ughish piece of ugh...and jiyong too that arg head...kai where are you????...but...she was dressed prettily!!!!luved the updates!!!!now waits for another...
Chapter 11: Jung Ah.....Jung ah......I don't even know what to say. Just go away with Ji Yong and give Kai. Kai stop being a confusing cow and approve of this. Araso?
Chapter 10: ...gasp...JI YONG DIDNT EVEN INVITE HER TO HIS PARTY????JERK!!!WITH LIKE CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!but omg!!!!MINKI SOOO CUTE!!!!awww...i learned martial arts to protect you...SO SWEET!!!!...i want an older bro like that...i wouldnt even mind the teasing!!!!and omg!!!!i swear i LUV mi young to bits!!!!but utterly confused with her love life...its you for making me smile dongsaenggie!!!!
Chapter 10: OMFG MINKI!!!!!! <3333333 I'm dying Dx big bros are're confusing me. First Kai. Now you. Ugh.
Chapter 9: teehee!!!!omg!!!!i swear to god this ficll make me smile no matter what!!!!teehee!!!!...hydrochloric acid...teehee!!!!but omg!!!!the height diff sounds sooooo cute!!!!a mere roshbush to a skyscraper!!!!...or something like that...waaah...jealous jealous kai!!!!tsk tsk!!!!and hmm...jong ah and ji yong talking secretively together????...doesnt seem very good...hmm...but yay!!!!another update!!!!happy happy!!!!AND HOPEFULLY YOU GET OUT OF THE WRITERS BLOCK SOON!!!!...and omg...for the life of me i cannot think of a single play!!!! should be a comedy seeing as how its unsure!!!!