Burning Revelations...

Mismatched Love


Aigoo... long chapter ahead of you here... woohoo xD Please enjoy ^_^


Kai & J.A.: MWOOOOOO!??!?!


J.A.: You’re dating that thing?!


Ji Yong just stood there looking shocked as well. But more like he was shocked that I was telling them about us, not like

he didn’t believe a single word that was coming out of my mouth.


I swallowed the inner disgust I felt and continued my lies.


Me: Yup, I am. I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while now, Jung Ah but I just didn’t know how to… since I knew you

were all alone and I didn’t want you to feel like a third wheel or anything.


Wow, did I actually just say that!? Jung Ah’s pale countenance began to slowly shift, ever so slightly, into one of the

brightest shades of crimson I had ever witnessed.


Me: Yeah, so now that I know that you have oppa over here, I think it’s a good time to let you know about us… So how about

it? A double date? On Saturday, in the park, near the lake. Should be fun, right?


I smiled. A disgustingly fake smile but still, a smile.


Kai looked utterly dumbfounded while Kiko still fumed in her ever-so-confusing rage. She then attempted to smile

through gritted teeth.


J.A.: Sure, that would be… greeeeatt.


She hissed the word out like a serpent. Did she really hate Ji Yong that much? If so then… YAY. I was going to

have a lot of fun bothering her with this then. How could she start dating the love of my LIF—wait no what? NO.

That wasn’t it. He was no longer the love of my life… right? Ugh. My feelings must be getting mixed up just

because he was with Jung Ah now, that must be it. I wasn’t jealous but… I was. *Sigh* I hate being a teenaged girl.


Ji Yong: JJINJJA!? You really mean it!? But I thought you just said it wouldn’t be fu—


I gave him a quick look that that said “I’ll kill you” and he stopped talking. He so was not helping my plan right now. I

almost facepalmed myself but I didn’t because that might have given something away, I didn’t know what but it would

have. I transferred my gaze to the odd couple once more as Kai finally remembered that he was capable of producing

words with his mouth instead of just incoherent mumbles.


Kai: Ahh, yeah… that WOULD be fun. So… this Saturday right? Umm, 2PM (heh xD)?


Ji Yong looked down at me and smiled.


J.Y.: What do you think, sweetheart?


Oh God, no. A nickname. It took every ounce of energy in my body to stop me from cringing.


Me: Sounds great, Yonggie oppa~


Kai looked away over his shoulder making that “tch” sound as Jung Ah continued to stare at Ji Yong’s temple,

calculating just how much force she could apply, as quickly as possible, to it in order to kill him.


I began getting tired of this. Just standing there while my cheeks ached since I had never smiled for such a long time all

at once before (not even at EXO’s concert, I always had breaks Dx ). Kai continued to look bewildered/pissed, Jung Ah

was on the verge of turning purple and Ji Yong just beamed. To top it all off, more people now began to arrive and

overly excited girls were now taking pictures of Kai… he was seriously the most careless celebrity ever, I swear. -.-


Me: Well… bye.


I turned, on my heels once again, most likely provoking Kai’s dear memory, and entered the school through the double

doors. Ji Yong, of course, was at my side once again no later than two seconds afterwards. He was such a puppy. And

maybe I didn’t mind being his owner for a little while…


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IN CLASS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The lovely Mrs Park, who grew more beautiful with each day, was speaking on the excellent usage of foreshadowing in

this one particular poem we were examining for Literature. She was also gushing about the beauty and vivacity of the

figures of speech the poet utilized. I was completely intrigued… the other students…not so much. They were all either

napping or on their phones talking about how boring class was in the chatroom we had. Suddenly our teacher yelled out

“POP QUIZ” and every single person bolted upright in their seats and began complaining.


Mrs Park: Aigoo. You easily fooled children. There is no pop quiz. Unlike other teachers, I’d actually want you to stand a

chance at passing my class. I don’t love you all so much that I’d actually want to see your faces during the summer. I do have a

life you know.


Oh that Park Min Ah… how I loved her humour.


Mrs Park: Come on. I’ll give you a 5 minute break. Look alive afterwards or at least try to hide your illegalities…


She said this as she looked down at Gong Minji who, by the angle at which she was positioned, was clearly visible to the

teacher, texting away on her phone.


She blushed and Mrs Park smirked at her as the class basically became a bar due to the raucous behaviour.  I turned

around to look at Jung Ah because I had had the strangest feeling during class that she was staring daggers at me the

entire time. Sure enough, there she was intensely staring at me as if I had done her the world of wrong.


Me: Yah, Kiko-chan. I don’t know if you’re trying to be Cyclops from X-men but sorry… it won’t happen. I think you’d make a

good Wolverine though… OR MAYBE EVEN ROGUE! YEAH…? No…?


I turned around, feeling slightly defeated. Did me being with Ji Yong SERIOUSLY make her feel this way!? In any event,

does she really think only glaring at me will solve anything? If only I could read minds…



Smiling and attempting to make jokes? Yah, Kimiko-chan! Can’t you see I’m extremely mad at you?! I can’t make it more

obvious than this! All this combined anger I’ve felt towards you over the years… I always held it in because… you were

my friend and I loved you…but I can finally show it now. All the anger built up from… just SO many things. Why can’t you

even show a little sadness right now? I’m mad at you right now and yet you still seem so fine. Humour and everything

else still intact. Maybe you would have gotten a response if you had done that! Aish. But I… I’ll break down those

concrete walls you ever-so-carefully built up over the years. You will admit that you need me, the friend you CLAIM that

you care for when I know you don’t. If you did then you wouldn’t have done… that. Psht, I’m not even dating Kai but I

guess… now I will. You’re happy for us, aren’t you my little Myeong-Yi? Let’s see just how happy you are…



I sat in my room, twirling aimlessly around in my chair, thinking that I should amp up my whole act with Ji Yong. But I

couldn’t really tell him to amp it up as well, could I? Or he’d just figure me out at once. I didn’t like messing with him or

his heart but… but… what is there to say?! I just didn’t like playing with his heart and there was no excuse since his

feelings were genuine. At least I thought so; I still didn’t trust him that much. And why did I feel the need to make Kai

jealous anyways!? Honestly… why did I…


Frustrated and confused as ever, I got up and decided to just get ready for our double date. Being fashionably late was

just no longer an appealing option. Fashionable, yes, late, no. So I quickly threw on the cute (I would never admit that out

loud), short, black, floral-print dress {http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=59556159 } my mom had bought for me

a year ago that I had stashed away in my closet, never to be seen by the light. I also put on the wedge heels { } she bought me at the same time (also never meant to see

light again) as well as a hair bando with a black rose on it and a silver  bracelet. I already thought I was being too

bothered with my appearance so I just let my hair fall in loose curls and dashed outside in order to wait for Ji Yong.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AT THE PARK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ji Yong had met me in front of my house, looking as amazing as ever, and now we were strolling together to the lake. He

had prepared a picnic basket which made me really excited to see if he really could cook. I was terrible at cooking so I

didn’t even want to attempt and was glad that he had offered. If I had even tried to use my microwave, I probably would

have blown up the entire Southern hemisphere… Korea is in the Northern hemisphere, mind you.


We just continued walking with each other and for some reason, him being so calm and that little smile that had formed

at the corner of his mouth made him just so cute. I think it may be possible that I might fall for him after this… I knew I

had feelings for him… what they were exactly, I wasn’t too sure but I knew very well of their presence. I looked up at the

sky and I could see the puffs of mean, grey clouds beginning to push the innocent, white clouds away. I hoped that they

would just stay there and make the atmosphere a lot cooler and that it wouldn’t rain. I loved the rain, I honestly did. But

certainly not at one of the rare moments that I actually decided to grace nature with my presence.


We approached the lake and I pointed out a lovely spot under a shady tree. Picnic blankets were then laid out and I

began to take items out of the basket Ji Yong had brought. I was surprised at how neat and appealing all of it looked.

Even if it was just little sandwiches and cakes, things of that sort. He looked at me, sort of like he was waiting for my

approval. Seeing this, I grinned at him and he smiled in relief. Suddenly, I could see Kai and Jung Ah approaching in the

distance. Both Ji Yong and I began waving at them enthusiastically, looking like quite the couple I might add.



Wow, she looks amazing… I’m so lucky to even be near her right now. Dear God, I don’t know what you have planned for

us but… I really do pray it’s what I’m hoping for.



Aish… look at them waving to me. I mean… me and… Kai, yeah him, that’s his name. What was his real name again?

J-jj-Tae Hwan? Ugh, that’s not important right now. What’s important is that couple over there… being all… nice. I can’t

stand it. I guess it’s just up to me to be even nicer, if I can even manage... that’ll set them straight. That sickening sort of

niceness that I know my dear Kimiko can’t stand…


*Back to being Myeong-Yi :3*

Me: Hi you guys! Look at all the delicious looking food Yonggie-yah prepared for us!

I gestured towards all of the cutely packaged food but no one looked at it. Kai just looked down at the floor blushing

(aigoo, I know I know, you’re with Jung Ah, the most beautiful girl ever, yeesh, contain your feels) while Jung Ah glared

at me and Yong-ah (gah, why did I suddenly feel so comfortable calling him these things) whilst still maintaining her



I merely pouted since no one seemed to be paying attention to what I was saying. Ji Yong reached for my face and lifted

my chin until my eyes met his.


J.Y.: Aww, you’re cute when you pout like that.


I beamed, I didn’t know why, but I did. I was so comfortable with him now, it was nice. My first guy friend… my first

“boyfriend”… my first…love? Nope. That was still Kai. I sighed mentally because of that fact as well as out loud I guess

since Ji Yong asked me what’s wrong.


Me: Uh? Oh, oh it’s nothing. Just wondering when we’d just sit and eat this lovely food...


These pathetic lies. How I loathed them. But it started getting brighter… which in turn lightened my mood.


Me: Oh look. The Sun’s come out of hiding. Good thing I suggested going under this tree.


Ji Yong: Mhmm, you’re just full of great ideas, I’m such a lucky guy.


Jung Ah gagged while Kai looked away, probably embarrassed by our mushiness.


The picnic proceeded smoothly without a single mishap. Just two lovely couples having a good time. Jung Ah even

talked to me a little. I knew she couldn’t stay mad at me forever, despite her feelings towards Ji Yong… she was my best

friend after all. We even had a little radio with us that I had brought and when one of EXO’s songs began to play, Kai

wasted no time in flailing towards it in an attempt to change the station. We all just laughed at him in turn.


During all of this, I didn’t fail to realize how stunning and unrealistic Jung Ah looked though. She had always been the

prettier friend… in my opinion anyways. She wore a blue, floral-print dress { http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=56942487 }, a Summer hat http://luckieeleven.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/gap-sun-hat.jpg and blue wedge heels

http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41hCP8bKjzL._SX395_.jpg }

Oh Kiko, your beauty would make anyone jealous. What did I do to deserve such a beautiful friend?


After eating, we took our shoes off and promptly began playing in the lake’s water. Not even all the way up to our knees

but we’d still probably get in trouble… we didn’t care though. And that’s what being a teenager is supposed to be

about… at least that’s all it SHOULD really be about…not caring too much, just enjoying your youth. While I was prancing

off into the water in my own little world, being my usual anti-social self, I felt hands pick me up and spin me around. I

didn’t like being lifted…at all. It undermined my superiority. -_- But I felt somewhat comforted by these hands so I just

assumed it was Ji Yong and began making sqeauly, giggly, toddler-like sounds of joy. When I turned around, I was met

with the eyes of… Kai. He was smiling contentedly. He looked adorable but I still grimaced and made a low grunt as I

stalked off.


While walking away it began raining though. Damn freak weather. We all ran to grab our stuff and headed under one of

the pavilions in the park. This one didn’t have that much people and they weren't close to us so that was good. I sat

down with my legs up to my chin, wrapped my arms around them and rested my head on my knees which made me

appear to be in my usual sulky mood.


J.Y.: Are you okay, Yi-ah?


Me: Ne, oppa.


I could have sworn on my life that I saw Kai wince a little at this but I’m sure it was from the cold of the rain. He then got

up and sat a little further away from us, Jung Ah copied his action except she walked off in the other direction and sat

there. Ji Yong looked at them and sighed. He then took out an extra blanket he had brought and wrapped it around me.


J.Y.: Are you sure you’re okay? I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you…


Me: I’m fine. Honestly.

He looked at me worriedly, probably not believing a single word emanating from my mouth. He took out another blanket

from the basket though and began to get up.


J.Y.: There’s another one in there, give it to Kai… he’s shivering a bit over there. I’ll give this one to Jung Ah. You two

are kinda still at each other’s throats and I wouldn’t want you both attempting to rip each other apart.


With that, he walked off towards Jung Ah while I stared back and forth between the basket and Kai. HELLLLLL NO, I

wasn’t going to give him it. Nope. Nuh-uh. I refused. I—fine. -.- I took the blanket out of the basket and proceeded to

Kai’s shivering stature. I draped the blanket over his shoulders and he turned around shocked to see my face.  I looked

down, defiant as ever. He sat down and I attempted to walk away but he grabbed my hand. He pulled me down next to 

him, not roughly at all. He didn’t have to be rough since I kind of just let myself fall, just bending to his will.

I could hear Jung Ah telling Ji Yong about how much she hated the rain over on their side. She was a rather loud person

when she was ready. I laughed a little.


Me: Hmpfh. I love the rain.


I said it almost inaudibly but Kai still seemed to hear me.


Kai: Why?


Me: Why wouldn’t I love the rain? I get all these emotions when it’s raining… all these thoughts… of the past, of the

present and what I would like to happen the future, near or far.


I smiled and continued rambling on about my love of rain. Aish, I was way too sentimental. I’m pretty sure Kai stopped

paying attention to me but I didn’t care, getting all of these thoughts into the open was a good feeling. I usually kept

them in but now I had the opportunity to release them… making space for more thoughts of course. I wasn’t going to

pass this up. When I finished, I smiled to myself, feeling completely refreshed.


Kai: Ahh… I see… you get all of that just from rain? Such an advanced mentality and understanding of things… your way with

words as well… it’s… stunning.

I grinned.


Me: Thank but I really have Shakespeare to thank for this advanced mind of mine, haha~


Kai: You like Shakespeare? ‘Juliet, Juliet, let down your hair!”


Me: Hahaha, that’s not Shakespeare, pabo, that’s Rapunzel.


I laughed and then sighed. He was just too cute. I’m starting to hate that word, the people around me are making me use

it way too much.  I sighed again at this revelation.


Kai: Hmm, okay, how about this one… ‘Love is a smoke, and is made with the fume of sighs’ …


I whipped my head in his direction, absolute shock exuding from my facial features as he just looked down and did a

small laugh. I began to stutter like an incompetent fool since my confused mind couldn’t conjure up a single sentence

or even a single word, at that moment.


Me: R-r-r-


Kai: Romeo and Juliet? I know. I bet you thought I was just some pretty-boy idol who didn’t know anything right?


I nodded, shamefully and probably insolently, but I still nodded.


Kai: Well, wrong.


Just then, the rain stopped. So suddenly that it made me question the way nature works, yet again. It was however,

perfect for a distraction. I pointed at something that now forming in the hazy, light orange sky.


Me: Look! A rainbow! One of the many reasons why I love the rain. The fact that it’s able to combine with sunlight, something

so different, in order to create such a beautiful sight that is, a rainbow.


Heh, there I went again. Except this time it wasn’t me just rambling… it was me trying to distract myself from the

perfection Kai was. How could he… why would he… what even?! Why must he make me feel this way yet again! I already

vowed to myself not to like him anymore! AHHH! He’s supposed to be some sort of robot-idol not someone who’s capable

of pulling out Shakespearean quotes out of the blue that effortlessly fit the mood and situation.


I dared to look at him again. Lo and behold, there he was, looking out at the lake, seeming lost in thought. He looked

smart. And completely gorgeous. His profile was handsome and the warm orange glow of the evening sun was cast upon

his countenance ever so angelically. It took everything I had in me not to kiss him right there and then…or basically just

pounce. It was at that moment that I realized I loved him. I LOVED Kai. Wait, no. I LOVED Kim Jongin. The person. Not just

the idol star. But I couldn’t have him, for he did not like me and already had someone else… as did I. Not to mention that

this someone else was my best friend, and I couldn’t betray her like that, even though she kinda did it to me…


That was it. I had had enough. I needed to not see him anymore… like ever again. I needed time to really think these

feelings through so that I wouldn’t act impulsively and cause him to most likely hate me. So I did what I had to do…


Me: Jongin-ssi…


He looked shock. Probably because I had used his actual name. I found it to be only the most respectful thing to do

considering what I was about to tell him. Even if he didn’t like me as much as he liked Jung Ah… it was bound to still

affect him some way or another.


Kai: Nae, Myeong Yi-ah…?


Me: Let’s not see each other again… ever…


Kai: Mwo!?


I felt an intensity rising within me… but I couldn’t put my finger on exactly why it was there. It was a burning sensation…

like an internal inferno of despair. I hadn’t realized my love for Kai that long now, why were these feelings here already,

as fierce and strong as a raging bull? How could he cause me these powerful emotions without any knowledge of my

feelings towards him and therefore without even reciprocating them…? I was a lost cause. I didn’t want to do this…my

mind told me to but my heart sang a different tune. In the end, the mind won over my little heart. My throat burned as I

tried to hold in the tears, whose presence I did not desire at all, back. I attempted to put on my strongest and most

unflinching tone of voice despite tears trying to ruin that.


Me: You heard me loud and clear, Jongin. I don’t ever wish to see your face again. It sickens me to the very point of

regurgitation. I can’t stand you, I never could and I will never be able to.


With that, I stood up.


Me: Treat Jung Ah right. She’s a fragile girl, I can tell, not the most secure either. She will get jealous and may even lash out

at you but deal with it. May I remind you, I am her best friend, and I will find you if you hurt her. This is all I have to say. I truly

hope that I never have to see you again. Have a lovely evening.


Turning slowly on my heels, for excruciating emphasis yet again, I began to walk away, down the steps of the pavilion

and onto one of the little park pathways while completely ignoring Ji Yong’s shouts. Not wanting him to see me in this

state, since I knew it to be a habit of his to follow me, I broke into a steady run. The tears which had been b in my

eyes during my not-so-pleasant farewell now mocked me as each warm tear fell onto my already fire-hot, burning 




Oh, Jongin... oh Myeong Yi... oh Ji Yong... oh ... Jung Ah. -_-

What will happen to them next...? Just wait and see. v_v Haha~

But aigoo...this was so long compared to the others... took me like the entire day to write since I'm so easily distracted.. XD


Comments would be appreciated! Don't be a silent reader! I do that but you're not allowed to here :P Hehe ^^

Have a lovely day everyone <333333

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I have to go somewhere for the weekend so... chapter 8 should be posted on Monday. Would've been done before but.. I was sick all week. :(


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.........last chappie......too scared to read......sigh.....
Chapter 15: awww...youve half dedicated it to me????...awww...SUCH A SWEETIE!!!!and omg yes!!!!gonna miss mi young and minki too...and myeong yi too...
teehee!!!!today????like today today????no really today????teehee!!!!i luved that...and teehee!!!!mi young planning out their lives...nope kai!!!!...men dont get to have a say in things, not one word!!!!teehee!!!!
and omg...seriously...the broadcast was like the sweetest thing ever!!!!and so was the ending...cute cute!!!!
i shall miss this story!!!!...sobs...the laughs...a good story it was!!!!cant wait for others!!!!
Chapter 14: teehee!!!!oh i do luv this story sooo much!!!!the sarcasm and the wittiness...luv luv luv!!!!teehee!!!!mi youngs descrip of jung ah...teehee!!!!...tsk tsk kai...playing on a womans weakness!!!!tsk!!!!but waaah!!!!he can speak shakespearan!!!!coolsies!!!!yay for the updates dongsaenggie!!!!luved it!!!!
Chapter 14: *rolls around and cries* STOP WITH THE CLIFFHANGERS ALREADYYYYYY!!!!!
Chapter 12: ...a car accident????nooo!!!!...and omg...jung ah...that ughish piece of ugh...and jiyong too that arg head...kai where are you????...but...she was dressed prettily!!!!luved the updates!!!!now waits for another...
Chapter 11: Jung Ah.....Jung ah......I don't even know what to say. Just go away with Ji Yong and give Kai. Kai stop being a confusing cow and approve of this. Araso?
Chapter 10: ...gasp...JI YONG DIDNT EVEN INVITE HER TO HIS PARTY????JERK!!!WITH LIKE CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!but omg!!!!MINKI SOOO CUTE!!!!awww...i learned martial arts to protect you...SO SWEET!!!!...i want an older bro like that...i wouldnt even mind the teasing!!!!and omg!!!!i swear i LUV mi young to bits!!!!but utterly confused with her love life...its like...wow...thnk you for making me smile dongsaenggie!!!!
Chapter 10: OMFG MINKI!!!!!! <3333333 I'm dying Dx big bros are osum......Ji....you're confusing me. First Kai. Now you. Ugh.
Chapter 9: teehee!!!!omg!!!!i swear to god this ficll make me smile no matter what!!!!teehee!!!!...hydrochloric acid...teehee!!!!but omg!!!!the height diff sounds sooooo cute!!!!a mere roshbush to a skyscraper!!!!...or something like that...waaah...jealous jealous kai!!!!tsk tsk!!!!and hmm...jong ah and ji yong talking secretively together????...doesnt seem very good...hmm...but yay!!!!another update!!!!happy happy!!!!AND HOPEFULLY YOU GET OUT OF THE WRITERS BLOCK SOON!!!!...and omg...for the life of me i cannot think of a single play!!!!...it should be a comedy seeing as how its funny...but...so unsure!!!!