Until Forever. ♥

Mismatched Love


Kai: Well, it was all just a simple misunderstanding, Taeyeon-ssi. The truth is… that Jung Ah and I had already broken up at the time that picture was taken.

Reporter Taeyeon: *gasp* You did?! So you weren’t cheating then, what a relief.

Kai: Of course not. I would never do something like that. However, I know someone who would…


With that, he looked at Jung Ah and she got that scared look in her eyes like a deer in headlights.


I was beginning to enjoy this show.


Kai: You see, Taeyeon-ssi, this beautiful girl sitting right here cheated on me with her best friend’s boyfriend. At least, her former best friend. And, as if to make matters worse, I found out that she had been using me simply to make that same best friend jealous in order to mend her own insecurities. So you see, I had no choice but to break up with such a conniving individual whom I had actually shown such love and kindness to.


Jung Ah got up angrily and said, “You’ll regret this!” She then stormed out of the room I guess? All I know is that she disappeared from the screen, I dunno how this tv station or set thing works. v_v


Suddenly, the set seemed a whole lot more beautiful.


Reporter Taeyeon: Tsk tsk. What a shame. It’s always the pretty ones.

Kai: Well… not always. The girl who I was seen with in that “scandalous” picture happens to be the most beautiful girl in the world in my eyes and just so you know, she’s amazing. She’s honest, just… and someone I know I can trust.

Reporter Taeyeon: Well she has to be amazing in order to have you rhyming like that.


They both laughed.


Kai: She is. And… I love her. Yes, Lee Myeong Yi. I love Lee Myeong Yi.

Reporter Taeyeon: Ahh, so that’s her name? A pretty name for a pretty girl, even though we haven’t really seen her that well yet.

Kai: Oh I have a picture of her!


Just then, a picture of me appeared at the side of the screen. Thank God, it was a picture of me actually smiling… it looked kind of good, if I do say so myself. Thank God it was Kai and not Tsukasa from Hana Yori Dango who opted to show the world a picture of his girlfriend, Tsukushi, eating a mouthful of spaghetti instead of one of her prettier pictures.


Reporter Taeyeon: Ohhh, she’s absolutely stunning! I’m somewhat jealous…!


Mi Young: Somewhat?! Bish, please. You wish you looked that good.


Kai: Stunning is an understatement.

Reporter Taeyeon: So, can we expect to see more of you and this lovely new girlfriend of yours? Maybe we can have yet another exclusive interview?

Kai: I would say yes but she’s not my girlfriend. I haven’t really gotten up the courage to ask that yet…

Reporter Taeyeon: Well you should! Who could say no to such a good-looking and well-rounded young man?


Kai just grinned from ear to ear.


Kai: I will… today. Definitely.

Reporter Taeyeon: Great! I expect to hear from you two soon then! And there you have it, folks. A love square worthy of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I’m Yoon Tae—


I zoned out. Did he just say he would ask me to be his girlfriend… today? As in… today, today? Like… today?


I was shock yet, without even thinking about it, I began walking to the door in order to find him. I didn’t know how I was going to but I would. And yes, the knowledge that I had just gained his phone number did in fact fly out of the window. However, before I could take a single step out of our living room, I felt hands pulling me back.


Mi Young: Are you crazy? This isn’t some Indian movie where you run to meet him, find him in some lonesome field with ONE tree and then start dancing! Let HIM come to you! Not the other way around! Have I taught you nothing?


She opened to continue her rant but there was a knock at the door. My mom opened it and in walked Kai looking quite handsome in a black suit and holding a bouquet of roses.


He ran his hand through his hair awkwardly and said, “Umm… did you like the interview?”


I laughed.


Me: Yes. I found it quite interesting. Thank you for letting me know about it.


He smiled, maintaining that awkward look about him.


Kai: Umm… can I, wait I’m sorry, may I see you outside for a moment?

Me: Sure, no problem.


As I walked out the door, my mind was a bubbling explosion of “AHAKJHKhkashlkLKHKLJGJKLGajklhkj;” but I maintained a poker face.


Kai: Uhh… these are for you.


He handed me the roses and I took them graciously.


Me: Thank you very much. Roses are my favourite flower.

Kai: Really? That’s great then!


I smiled at him and said, “So…?”


Kai: Oh, right. Lee Myeong Yi, will you… will you be… will you be my—


I burst out laughing.


Me: I’m sorry, I’m sorry! *still laughing* It’s just… you’re so awkward right now!! xD

Kai: Well, I wouldn’t be so awkward if you weren’t so intimidating!

Me: I’M intimidating!? Me?! Bahaha! It’s okay though. Your awkwardness is cute.

Kai: Really?

Me: Yes. But I’m not going through that again so yes, I’ll be your girlfriend!

Kai: Oh, thank goodness.


I practically glomped him but he didn’t topple over. Instead he just spun me around, put me down and then kissed me on my forehead.


Suddenly, I heard shouts and turned to see my entire family squished together and looking at us through a window. My mom and Mi Young were cheering and Minho, Minki and my dad were jeering. I teased them because I didn’t care about what they thought and then kissed Kai, on the lips this time, to rub that fact in.


A few days later, Jung Ah called saying that she wanted to apologize.


Me: Then apologize right now.

Jung Ah: But we’re on the phone.

Me: Thank you Captain Obvious, I really didn’t realize that.

Jung Ah: *sigh* It’s just a little insensitive to just apologize on the phone okay? Can’t we meet in person? We can meet up by the pier.

Me: You want to kill all the little fish, don’t you?

Jung Ah: We’re not going fishing, we’re just going to talk there.

Me: I meant with your presence.

Jung Ah: How is it that you’re this mean?

Me: My sister’s a professional and I’ve been attending her private classes.

Jung Ah: Ohgawd. Anyways, can I take that as a yes?

Me: Fine.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*THE NEXT DAY*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jung Ah: Hey, Kimiko-chan!

Me: Hey, Kiko-chan!

Jung Ah: *gasp* You called me Kiko!! Oh, I’m so glad!


She hugged me… and I hugged back.


Jung Ah: Hey, listen, I—

Me: It’s okay. I’ve really given it some thought and I’ve decided to be mature about this and just put the past behind us. We were the best of friends before, maybe we can get back to that…

Jung Ah: Really?

Me: Heck no!


And, with a turn and a flip, Jung Ah was in the water. She didn’t even see it coming because I’m ninja like that.


I put on my shades, smirked at her when she finally surfaced and then walked away like one of those cool guys in action movies.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*LATER THAT DAY*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mi Young: She’s lucky Myeong dealt with her and not me! I would have done much worse… much, much worse. AND I would have made sure it had been broadcasted to all of—

Minho: Korea?

Mi Young: You think too small, little one.

Minki: The world?

Mi Young: Still too small, dear brother.

Me: The universe. v_v

Mi Young: Of course. Martians would have seen that ish.

Minki: Sweeeet.

Mi Young: Anyways, Minki didn’t you say you were going to deal with Ji Yong the other day?


Minki began choking on his Coke since he began laughing.


Minki: Oh right, him. I got my gang together to go beat the crap out of him but he just started cowering in fear and begged for mercy before we even did anything. So I decided I would have a little more fun with him and just threatened him.

Mi Young: That’s it!? Just a threat?!?!?

Minki: Chill, sis. Have you ever realized that our family has a way with words? And threats… and such…


He smirked and Mi Yong clapped her hands in joy as she realized what was going on.


Their dad: He’s lucky I didn’t get a hold of him. Hurting my baby girl… I would have—

Minki: BAHA! Sure dad, sure. * rolls eyes*

Dad: What? You think I’m joking? You think you’re the only one who learned martial arts?

Minki: Of course, I don’t think that dad...

Dad: Right! *looks all satisfied*

Minki: Mom’s a pro at it!

Dad: Why I oughta …!


With that, Minki ran, dad trailing close behind him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`*MONTH LATER*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Dad had gotten a hold of Minki and made him declare him Supreme Ruler of ALL Things Martial Arts.


After that, Minki decided it would be a good idea to drive by Ji Yong’s house every day… every time Ji Yong saw him, he ran inside scared less until he decided to just stay inside and peek nervously out his window. I guess whatever Minki told him scared him so much that he was even too afraid to call the police.


Jung Ah was home-schooled or something now… I guess she wasn’t strong enough to deal with all the negative media attention and angry fangirls who wanted to torture her for cheating on their “oppa”.


I didn’t care, all I knew was that I stopped seeing her around in school.


Mi Young and my mom kept planning everyday what they would do to her if she ever decided to come around again. I honestly doubted she would but part of me secretly hoped she wouldn’t because… well, let’s just say that I never knew that even my mom was so devious. O_O


Kai and I were still together and remained, in my opinion, the weirdest couple ever.


And I loved it.


Mi Young still found joy in telling us HER plans for our future though.


We were sitting on the couch in my living room together watching an old movie when Minho passed and gagged and Minki looked at Kai dead in his eyes and feigned decapitation. Kai just laughed at him since it was a regular thing for him to do now as a warning that he shouldn’t break my heart but I thought it wasn’t needed though.


It got to a really good part in the movie when Mi Young sprang up behind the sofa and started babbling again.


Mi Young: Sooo… Myeong is 16, Kai is 19. Hmmm… I’m giving you guys four years.


“Four years for what?” I asked confused.


Mi Young: Four years to get married of course!

Kai and I: WHAT?!

Mi Young: Yuuuup. And then I’m giving you one year after that to have them lil dancing babies!

Me: Ohdeargawd.

Mi Young: Uh-huh! I’m not getting any younger you know! I want to see my nieces and nephews before I die!


Mi Young: Your point?

Me: My point is that I’m sure you won’t die by the time I’m actually READY to have chil—

Mi Young: How are you so sure.

Me: Well, because—

Mi Young: Plus, I can’t guarantee that I wouldn’t have done something bad by definition of the law by then and will have to change my name and secretly move to China… or maybe Guadalajara, it sounds all nice and exotic!

Me: WHA—wait… I can’t argue with that one.

Mi Young: Exactly.

Me: But… well… but—uhh, fine. Fine.


Kai raised his hand slightly like a kindergartner.


Kai: Umm… don’t I have a say in this…?

Mi Young and I: No, no. Not really.

Kai: Well then.


Minho: Yeah, I don’t really approve of being an uncle at the age of 15. o_o

Mi Young: It doesn’t matter what you approve of.

Me: So wait… when do I get MY nieces and nephews!?!

Mi Young: When I’m ready. Sooner than you think though…

Everyone: O_O

Mi Young: No, I’m not pregnant, you fools. -_- I barely leave my room far less the house in order to do anything.

Minho: I’m too young for this conversation.


He got up to leave but Minki, while still staring at Mi Young with his mouth agape, yanked him back onto the sofa.


Mi Young: Anyways, it’s just that I’m dating one of my Chinese friends—

Me: KRIS?!?!?!

Mi Young: WHO?!

Me: You’re hopeless. -_- I mean Jiaheng!

Mi Young: YES!!! Jiaheng!


Kai and my eyes lit up!


Minki: Damn, I guess you and I are the only single ones in this family, Minho.

Minho: What are you talking about? I have my dear Yun Ju. You’re alone on this one, bro.


Minki just looked at us all in shock and we all laughed at him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*FEW DAYS LATER*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kai and I were back at the park where we had had that double date with a horrendous ending.


We were sitting on a picnic blanket by the lake looking out at the sunset.


Me: Okay, I have some questions that I really need answered.

Kai: Ask away~

Me: Okay, if you’re such an awkward person, how did you even manage to ask Jung Ah out?

Kai: I didn’t. She asked me. And believe me, I was awkward when I agreed too but she seemed really nice so…

Me: Hah, she seemed nice to me too for all the years we were best friends… she should really be an actor you know… then again she shouldn’t. She’d end up in the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest anti-fan club.

Kai: Haha, true that.

Me: Okay, next question. Why were you such a douche when we first met!?

Kai: Aha, I was waiting for that question… it was because while I was performing I saw the most beautiful girl ever in the crowd and I winked at her and smiled. But she just stood there with a poker face that looked a little angry too from where I was standing. Furrowed eyebrows and all. And I don’t know about you but something like that wouldn’t really put you in the best mood… even when we met backstage and I realized it was you, I was pissed off. I know I shouldn’t have let that get to me but I guess with the stress of everything else, it pushed me off the edge… sorry.

Me: No, you don’t have to apologize. But still, I was confused not angry, pabo!! You were my favourite, I almost had a heart attack when you did that!

Kai: I was your favourite?

Me: Fine, fine. You are my favourite. Chanyeol’s trying to kick your on my bias list though.


He laughed.


Kai: Anymore questions?

Me: A LOT more! But let’s just enjoy the sunset for now.


With that, we sat there looking at the beautiful sun setting in silence… which I just had to break.


Me: Hey, Jongin, who do you love?

Kai: You, of course.

Me: Hmpfh. Not even your mother? You’re a terrible son—

Kai: Hahah, and if I had said my mom you would have yelled at me for not loving my dad, huh?

Me: Yes of course.

Kai: Fine, I love everyone.

Me: Ohhh, so you love Jung Ah huh?

Kai: Ohdeargawd.


We kept up our playful bickering for a good few minutes until I pushed him down and lay on his chest.


Me: Jongin-ah?

Kai: Hmm?

Me: I love you.

Kai: I love you too.

Me: I’ll love you forever.

Kai: You should believe me when I say that there will never be a day that I will go without loving you for you are—

Me: Save all the mushy stuff for our wedding vows, dancer boy.

Kai: Ahhh, yes. That would be the best day of my life. Wait no. Honeymoon. Definitely.

Me: Psht, ert.

Kai: What!? I’m simply thinking about fulfilling my sister-in-law’s wish okay!? v_v

Me: Unbelievable.

Kai: Haha, come here.


With that said, he flipped me over and proceeded to kiss me against my will… not that I complained.


He stopped and looked me in the eyes.


Kai: It’s true that love is a smoke… but hopefully our love won’t be made with the fume of sighs…

Me: Of course it won’t be. It’ll be made with the fume of laughs. I can promise you that.

Kai: Good. Cheers to our forever.

Me: Our HAPPY forever.

Kai: *smiles* Of course.


With those words said, I knew we would continue to live together happily… until forever.


And yes, yes, I was sure that we’d fulfil Mi Young’s wish soon enough. ;)





So that's it. It's been fun! ^_^

But now it's a new year so time for old doors to close and new ones to open... ;)

I will truthfully say that I'm going to miss these characters though.. xD Especially Mi Young and Minki. 

Thank you to everyone who read this story! :3

Seven and thirteen are my two most favourite numbers and thus, chapters seven and thriteen are my favourites. ;3

And I would like to dedicate it to singaporetwins unnie and aEpikMinja dongsaeng~~


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I have to go somewhere for the weekend so... chapter 8 should be posted on Monday. Would've been done before but.. I was sick all week. :(


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.........last chappie......too scared to read......sigh.....
Chapter 15: awww...youve half dedicated it to me????...awww...SUCH A SWEETIE!!!!and omg yes!!!!gonna miss mi young and minki too...and myeong yi too...
teehee!!!!today????like today today????no really today????teehee!!!!i luved that...and teehee!!!!mi young planning out their lives...nope kai!!!!...men dont get to have a say in things, not one word!!!!teehee!!!!
and omg...seriously...the broadcast was like the sweetest thing ever!!!!and so was the ending...cute cute!!!!
i shall miss this story!!!!...sobs...the laughs...a good story it was!!!!cant wait for others!!!!
Chapter 14: teehee!!!!oh i do luv this story sooo much!!!!the sarcasm and the wittiness...luv luv luv!!!!teehee!!!!mi youngs descrip of jung ah...teehee!!!!...tsk tsk kai...playing on a womans weakness!!!!tsk!!!!but waaah!!!!he can speak shakespearan!!!!coolsies!!!!yay for the updates dongsaenggie!!!!luved it!!!!
Chapter 14: *rolls around and cries* STOP WITH THE CLIFFHANGERS ALREADYYYYYY!!!!!
Chapter 12: ...a car accident????nooo!!!!...and omg...jung ah...that ughish piece of ugh...and jiyong too that arg head...kai where are you????...but...she was dressed prettily!!!!luved the updates!!!!now waits for another...
Chapter 11: Jung Ah.....Jung ah......I don't even know what to say. Just go away with Ji Yong and give Kai. Kai stop being a confusing cow and approve of this. Araso?
Chapter 10: ...gasp...JI YONG DIDNT EVEN INVITE HER TO HIS PARTY????JERK!!!WITH LIKE CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!but omg!!!!MINKI SOOO CUTE!!!!awww...i learned martial arts to protect you...SO SWEET!!!!...i want an older bro like that...i wouldnt even mind the teasing!!!!and omg!!!!i swear i LUV mi young to bits!!!!but utterly confused with her love life...its like...wow...thnk you for making me smile dongsaenggie!!!!
Chapter 10: OMFG MINKI!!!!!! <3333333 I'm dying Dx big bros are osum......Ji....you're confusing me. First Kai. Now you. Ugh.
Chapter 9: teehee!!!!omg!!!!i swear to god this ficll make me smile no matter what!!!!teehee!!!!...hydrochloric acid...teehee!!!!but omg!!!!the height diff sounds sooooo cute!!!!a mere roshbush to a skyscraper!!!!...or something like that...waaah...jealous jealous kai!!!!tsk tsk!!!!and hmm...jong ah and ji yong talking secretively together????...doesnt seem very good...hmm...but yay!!!!another update!!!!happy happy!!!!AND HOPEFULLY YOU GET OUT OF THE WRITERS BLOCK SOON!!!!...and omg...for the life of me i cannot think of a single play!!!!...it should be a comedy seeing as how its funny...but...so unsure!!!!