Fangirl Spasms

Mismatched Love


“Jukgo, jugigo ssaugo oechigo igeon jeonjaengi aniya!!...”


I pranced on my bed screaming these lyrics at the top of my lungs. It was part of EXO-K’s song MAMA, which I happened

to be blaring in my room at the moment because it was one of my favourite songs by them! Well…all of their songs were

my favourite actually. And all of the members were my favourite people but one of them definitely stood out to me and

that member was… KAI!


I mean he was a great singer, an AMAZING dancer (all of those teasers x_x) and yet he still managed to be y and yet

absolutely adorable~ Oh Kim Jongin…why art thou so perfect in every way? Radiating light worthy of the morning Sun

through my window… In this case my window would be my laptop screen considering I had never seen him in person.

Then I started wondering about what I had just thought…how the comparison was similar to one in Romeo and Juliet. I

thought to myself and laughed at how I could drag Shakespeare and his language into anything. And I mean ANYTHING.


I hopped off of my bed and began staring at my mirror. I tried to make faces as intense as Kai’s but it just failed. T_T Then

I started attempting to dance like him but that failed too as I ended up twisting in my bedspread that was hanging halfway

off of my bed and fell flat on the floor with a loud *THUMP*.


As strange as it may sound… it didn’t hurt AT ALL. I was too busy being overjoyed with the fact that my mom had

surprised me with tickets to EXO’s next concert the night before. I lay there on my bedroom floor remembering the

entire scenario. I had never hugged my mom so tight! She must’ve been so happy to actually see me smile like that, it

was probably the biggest grin she’d ever gotten from me in her life.


My carpet had never EVER felt so soft. It was like I was floating on clouds. Too high for ANYTHING to bring me down.

About an hour had passed and I was still there on my floor smiling like a complete idiot and having SO many fantasies

about my beautiful EXO boys. But sadly, my joy was cut short by my mom yelling for me to get downstairs for dinner. Since

it was probably the tenth time she was calling me and I didn’t want that temple at the side of her head to burst, I got up

and bolted downstairs. Besides, I was hungry anyways… fangirling takes up a lot of energy. ;)


~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*AT DINNER~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*

My dad was still at work and my big sister was locked away in her room studying so it was just my mom, big brother, little

brother and I.


Mom: So…you excited to go to that concert next week?!


Me: Mom, that’s the understatement of the YEAR! Wait no, CENTURY.


Mom: Well I’m glad to see you appreciate it~ *I smiled*


Lee Minki: I dunno what you’re so worked up about anyways. It’s not like you’re going to meet them and have them

magically fall in love with you! Unless you have some creepy spell up your sleeves…I always knew you looked like a



Mom: HEY! Leave your little sister alone!


Minki: *ignores and continues* Or wait, maybe you’re going to use that lame Shakespeare stuff you’re obsessed with to “win

them over”. *he smirked* Plan on turning into Romeo anytime  soon baby sis? And yes I do mean Romeo, I’d never compare

you to anyone as amazing and stunning as Juliet.


…Pabo. -_-


Mom: YAH!!!


*He shut up this time but continued to smile to himself.*

Ugh~ that’s my big brother right there. A joy isn’t he? -.- I’m positive my mom thought she couldn’t have children at first

and picked him up on the side of the road somewhere. Worse yet is my little brother, Minho. I’m convinced he was raised

by wild hyenas, especially with that laugh of his. He couldn’t have been raised by monkeys though, they’re too civilized a

species for his kind. V_V


Minho: Is SNSD going to be there at the concert? If not, then it’s irrelevant to society.


*I felt like getting a laser gun for him but I resisted the urge*


Me: I’m pretty sure none of SNSD is the slightest bit concerned with your existence.


Minho: For your information, I happen to know for a fact that all my noonas love me! I mean look at me, I’m adorable!


*He did this cute face with his hands rolled into fists near his chin but of course I wasn’t going to let him know that he

looked cute*


Me: Well this noona doesn’t so listen, Freddy Kreuger—


Mom: HEY! I was just defending you and now you turn on your little brother? Aish~


*We settled into our seats and kept quiet (PAINFULLY quiet) after that until my mom broke the awkward silence*


Mom: So, Myeong Yi, I think you should ask JungAh to go with you. She is your best friend after all.


Me: I would but she doesn’t like EXO…at all…


Mom: Oh…well I’m sure you’ll still find someone to go with you!


She did that smile. Her ‘ahjumma’ smile I called it. One that made you feel truly happy and comfortable and confident. It

shed light on your life and made you feel warm inside.


I smiled too as a reaction to this.


Me: Yeah, everything’ll work out just fine.


With that I got up, washed the dishes (which shocked my mom since she didn’t have to ask me) and then went to get

ready for bed where I had sweet, SWEET dreams of Kai…and the rest EXO too…okay, maybe JUST Kai… ;)



There's chapter 1... like it? Don't? Doesn't matter, leave a comment. Haha~ ^^ All feedback is appreciated :D


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I have to go somewhere for the weekend so... chapter 8 should be posted on Monday. Would've been done before but.. I was sick all week. :(


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.........last chappie......too scared to read......sigh.....
Chapter 15: awww...youve half dedicated it to me????...awww...SUCH A SWEETIE!!!!and omg yes!!!!gonna miss mi young and minki too...and myeong yi too...
teehee!!!!today????like today today????no really today????teehee!!!!i luved that...and teehee!!!!mi young planning out their lives...nope kai!!!! dont get to have a say in things, not one word!!!!teehee!!!!
and omg...seriously...the broadcast was like the sweetest thing ever!!!!and so was the ending...cute cute!!!!
i shall miss this story!!!!...sobs...the laughs...a good story it was!!!!cant wait for others!!!!
Chapter 14: teehee!!!!oh i do luv this story sooo much!!!!the sarcasm and the wittiness...luv luv luv!!!!teehee!!!!mi youngs descrip of jung ah...teehee!!!!...tsk tsk kai...playing on a womans weakness!!!!tsk!!!!but waaah!!!!he can speak shakespearan!!!!coolsies!!!!yay for the updates dongsaenggie!!!!luved it!!!!
Chapter 14: *rolls around and cries* STOP WITH THE CLIFFHANGERS ALREADYYYYYY!!!!!
Chapter 12: ...a car accident????nooo!!!!...and omg...jung ah...that ughish piece of ugh...and jiyong too that arg head...kai where are you????...but...she was dressed prettily!!!!luved the updates!!!!now waits for another...
Chapter 11: Jung Ah.....Jung ah......I don't even know what to say. Just go away with Ji Yong and give Kai. Kai stop being a confusing cow and approve of this. Araso?
Chapter 10: ...gasp...JI YONG DIDNT EVEN INVITE HER TO HIS PARTY????JERK!!!WITH LIKE CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!but omg!!!!MINKI SOOO CUTE!!!!awww...i learned martial arts to protect you...SO SWEET!!!!...i want an older bro like that...i wouldnt even mind the teasing!!!!and omg!!!!i swear i LUV mi young to bits!!!!but utterly confused with her love life...its you for making me smile dongsaenggie!!!!
Chapter 10: OMFG MINKI!!!!!! <3333333 I'm dying Dx big bros are're confusing me. First Kai. Now you. Ugh.
Chapter 9: teehee!!!!omg!!!!i swear to god this ficll make me smile no matter what!!!!teehee!!!!...hydrochloric acid...teehee!!!!but omg!!!!the height diff sounds sooooo cute!!!!a mere roshbush to a skyscraper!!!!...or something like that...waaah...jealous jealous kai!!!!tsk tsk!!!!and hmm...jong ah and ji yong talking secretively together????...doesnt seem very good...hmm...but yay!!!!another update!!!!happy happy!!!!AND HOPEFULLY YOU GET OUT OF THE WRITERS BLOCK SOON!!!!...and omg...for the life of me i cannot think of a single play!!!! should be a comedy seeing as how its unsure!!!!