It Can Happen Again

Remember Me

Something seemed odd.

You couldn't figure out where you were, or why you were even here.

Tree's were lined in in rows and columns creating a fork in the now noticed dirt road beneath you.

All the roads looked the same in scenery, but you felt as if the middle road were tugging at you, begging you to choose it.

At first you feel very hesitant to go down any of them, especially the middle one, but the pull of the middle path had you walking through it before you even realized it.

Your surroundings seem to darken as you walk further and further, and all the while you feel as if you're losing parts of you that you weren't ready to lose.

As your long walk ends, you come into a clearing that looked even darker than the path.

Walking further into the clearing, you hear crying, and instantly pangs of worry hit you.

You decide to find the source of the crying, and as you get closer it sounds like a little girl.

You soon see a small figure bent down with her hands cupped around her face, sobbing.

When you're in arms reach of the girl, you open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

Suddenly the crying girl stands up, but her figure grows as she turns around and meets her teary eyes with yours.

That girl was you.


With a loud bang, you find yourself on the floor with an aching head, "Aish!" You say rubbing the back of your head.

Before you even have time to ponder over your dream, the door to your bedroom opens, "____-ah! Are you okay?!"

You lift your head and look over at the other side of the bed to see Eunhyuk standing in the doorway.

"Yah! What are you doing in here?!" You say in confusion.

Seeing that you're okay, Eunhyuk grins while dangling a key for you to see, "Kyuhyun asked me to check up on you, but I didn't think you would be asleep this late." 

You tilt your head at Eunhyuk, "Check up on me? Why didn't he just come himself?"

"____-ah, you know how it is, he isn't even acting like his usual self." Eunhyuk says looking at you seriously.

You sigh, "It's been a week since I've seen or talked to him, and neither of us were on great terms, but still I'd like to at least be friends with him." You say while sitting on the edge of the bed.

Eunhyuk sits next to you on the bed, "You should come over tonight, it's Leeteuk's birthday, and we all wanted to celebrate, maybe you can get Kyuhyun to come out of his room." Eunhyuk says.

Sighing again, "I don't think I will be able to get him to come out of his room, let alone look at me, but I'll still come." You say with a smile.

Eunhyuk grins, "Great! I guess I will see you later then?" He says while standing up.

You nod, "Yep, you can count on it."

Getting ready to walk out the door, Eunhyuk stops and looks back at you, "Oh, and by the way, you really need to stock up on strawberry milk, I couldn't find any!" He teases before waving bye and walking out the door.


Stepping out of the elevator onto the eleventh floor, you search for the room number and stop in front of the door.

Taking a deep breath you knock on the door, while you wait for someone to answer you notice all the writing on the wall surrounding the door, "Wow, are these all from fans?" You ask yourself.

"Yeah, they are." You jump when you see Eunhyuk looking at you through the doorway, "Aish! Don't do that!" You shout.

Eunhyuk looks at you innocently, "Do what? I was only answering the door, ____-ah."

You sigh, "Alright, you have a point." 

Eunhyuk smiles, then stands outside the door, "After you, my lady." He teases as you walk in.

Before you can even reply to Eunhyuk, you're basically pulled into multiple hugs by a bunch of guys saying, "____-ah! We are so happy to see you again!"

Feeling like you can't breathe anymore you yell over all the guys, "Yah! This isn't my party! Stop fawning over me!"

"But Teukie Hyung was the most excited to see you, ____-ah! So we figured we'd be just as excited!" Ryeowook says.

You look around the room, "He isn't even here, guys." 

All the guys look surprised, "Where did he go?! He was here a second ago!" Yesung says.

While all the guys are looking for Leeteuk, you notice him come out of a room, looking around to see if anyone would notice, "I found him." You say pointing at Leeteuk.

Leeteuk looks like he was caught doing something he shouldn't be doing, "Hyung, what were you doing in Kyuhyun's room?" Siwon asks.

"Oh nothing, I just needed to ask him something, that's all." Leeteuk says scratching the back of his head nervously.

Then the door opens again, and out comes Ji Hyun followed by Donghae, you raise your eyebrows, "Ji Hyun?"

Ji Hyun looks in your direction with surprise on her face, "Oh! Unnie! I didn't know you were coming!" 

"Uh, yeah, Eunhyuk invited me." You say, curious as to why Leeteuk, Ji Hyun, and Donghae were in the bedroom that is supposed to be Kyuhyun's.

"So! How about we get the cake and sing to Teukie Hyung!" Donghae says as he heads towards the kitchen.

Everyone seems to forget about what just happened and they all cheer, "Yeah! Cake!"

"Are you coming ____-ah?" Eunhyuk asks, breaking you out of your thoughts.

You look over at Eunhyuk, "Yeah, I'm coming." You say following Eunhyuk to the kitchen.


After everyone sang Happy Birthday to Leeteuk, all the guys urged you and Ji Hyun into the living room again.

"____-ah! We want to teach you our dances, since you probably forgot them." Eunhyuk says.

"Dance? What? I cannot dance for anything!" You say.

Everyone looks at you disbelief, "She hasn't realized her true talent yet." Ji Hyun whispers to Eunhyuk.

"Yah! I'm standing right here, and my true talent is NOT dancing!" You shout at them.

Everyone looks at you with smirks, "We will see about that." 


After an hour of goofing around and just dancing, you stand up with your hands up, "Alright, alright I'm done for now."

"We told you, you could dance well, ____-ah!" Leeteuk says.

You smile then look at Eunhyuk ,"Yah, where is the bathroom?"

"First door on the right." Eunhyuk says casually.

"But that's-!" Donghae starts say, but is silenced by Eunhyuk, "It's the bathroom, Donghae."

You look at the two curiously, "Alright then, I'll be right back." 

Going into the hallway you turn to your right and open the door, walking in and closing the door you turn expecting a bathroom, but instead you meet eyes with a shocked Kyuhyun.

"Well this is definitely not the bathroom." You say awkwardly.

"It's the first door on the left." Kyuhyun says while looking down at the laptop sitting on his lap.

"Right." You say getting ready to turn around and leave, but you stop yourself and turn back to Kyuhyun.

"Kyuhyun." You say to get his attention.

"Yeah?" He says still keeping his eyes glued to the computer screen.

"Even though I've forgotten everything we were, it doesn't mean it can't happen again." You say with a sincere smile.

Kyuhyun doesn't say anything, but he seems to have heard what you said, because he stares blankly at his computer screen.

"Well, I guess I will go to the room I should be in." You say turning around with your hand on the door knob.

"Wait." Kyuhyun says.

You turn around ready to ask him why, but he is already standing behind you, hands on your face, pulling you closer until your lips meet with his.


Something seemed odd.

You weren't pulling away like you had the first time.

You didn't have an urge to smack him.

Your heart was beating faster than you had ever imagined.

Your arms were slowly wrapping around his neck.

Your eyes had somehow blinked themselves closed for you.

What you hadn't thought was possible, had already started to blossom.

And you couldn't deny it anymore, you just couldn't. 


Chapter 6! Yay! 

I really hope this chapter is enjoyable!

And yes, I love cliff hangers. 

Please tell me what you think!











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Ch.24 is most likely going to be the final chapter, unless I change my mind in the middle of it! :)


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lulu88 #2
Chapter 25: I did read this story even before I created my account here so I lost it and couldn't remember its name , I'me so I glad that I find it once again :)
Since I love the current one , then for sure I'll love the rewritten one :D
I'm so happy to find it again~~~~~~~
Chapter 25: As long as she'd end up with Kyu, that'll be totally fine.
katharine #4
Chapter 25: i love your story, would you believe me if i said yesterday i remember your story and was going to read it again.
it's okay if you want to improve it as long as she and kyuhyun will be together.
please if you are going to change the ending , you could make another story of eunhyuk, because i love kyuhyun and this story is about kyuhyun .
good luck.
p.s don't delete this story i miss it and want to read it again.
xjayess #5
Chapter 25: Take ur time ^^ i hope it will still be with kyuhyun ♡
Chapter 25: aaaaaaa......
i think i need to reread this story again...
the title seem familiar,,,,
oh,, dont forget to update the rewrite version link here, so that we can check it out...
and hwaiting!
nerd_91 #7
Chapter 25: hahaa okey take ur time girl~
ReinaPark #8
Chapter 24: love it really....
good job authornim..