What a guy wants.

The Moment I Saw You

Kyungsoo's Saturday and Sunday were relatively boring; he hadn't seen Jongin at all because he had a family reunion in Gwangju. Kyungsoo sat in his room almost all day Saturday and​ Sunday, texting Jongin about the most random things.

It was Monday morning – ugh – and for once, Chanhee hadn't come in to wake up Kyungsoo.​ Instead, another person quietly came into the room, not intending to throw anything at him, but to just lay on the bed next to him. No response came from Kyungsoo, so the person pressed their body against Kyungsoo's and wrapped their arm around his waist.

"Baby~" the person cooed, "It's time for school. You need to wake up."

Kyungsoo moaned in disagreement. "Jongin-ah, just a few more minutes," he mumbled into his chest.

"What? I'm not Jongin."

Kyungsoo's eyes shot open and he sat up abruptly. "Then who the he–" He looked at the person in his bed.

"Wow, my plan worked. I'm smarter than I thought." Jongin guffawed and pulled Kyungsoo into a hug. "Go get dressed and eat and brush your teeth. Do whatever you do in the morning. I'll wait here." He kissed Kyungsoo's cheek and patted his , edging him to get off the bed.

Kyungsoo got off his bed and muttered while he stumbled into the bathroom, "Jongin-ah, you ."

He just giggled silently.

Jongin walked Kyungsoo to class when they arrived at school, almost making himself late for Chemistry. He ran as fast as he could down the hallway, but he wasn't looking around him. Kris was leaving the Chemistry room when Jongin almost ran right into him. The force of impact almost knocked Jongin to the floor. Kris seem to be a bit bothered by it.

"Oh, ... I'm sorry Kris." He bowed slightly.

Kris lifted his hand, dismissing the apology. "What the hell, Jongin? Maybe you should quit toying around with Kyungsoo in the mornings... then you wouldn't always be late for class." He turned and continued walking.

Lunch time was even more awkward. Jongin and Kyungsoo walked in together to see Kris staring again. They avoided him at all costs by sitting on the other end of the table.

Sehun turned toward Jongin and Kyungsoo. "Guys, have you noticed how Kris is always staring at you?"

They both nodded and looked sheepish.

"Do you know why?"

Kyungsoo shook his head. "No. I really want to know, though." He frowned.

Sehun sighed. "It's because," his face had no expression as he looked at Kyungsoo, "he likes you. He is jealous."

Kyungsoo's jaw dropped and Jongin's face turned completely expressionless. Neither of them could speak.

Sehun went on, face still impassive. "Apparently he has liked you for quite a while. He said he has been too scared to say anything. Now he can't because you're in love with Jongin." He was whispering now. "I hope he realizes he lost his chance."

Jongin nodded. "He snapped at me this morning. I ran into him on accident because I was late for class. I don't want him to hate me ..." He looked down.

Kyungsoo held Jongin's hand and squeezed it. "I don't want Kris to hate either of us. Or anybody, for that matter. Everything will be okay."

Little did they know, Kris could hear almost everything that was said on the other side of his table during lunch.

"Sehun, can I talk to you for a minute?" Kris asked as he walked past Sehun after school. Sehun followed Kris outside.

"Is something wrong, Kris?"

"Why did you tell Kyungsoo?" Kris asked, his face not showing whether or not he was angry.

Sehun shrugged. "I figured you would never tell him. Plus, he and Jongin were getting upset and worried because you are always staring them down."

Kris sighed. "What else is a jealous guy going to do? I'm not going to sit in a corner and cry."

Baekhyun saw them and joined the conversation. "Hey guys! Why the serious faces? Is something wrong?"

"We're talking about Kris' secret love for Kyungsoo," Sehun said.

"Oh. I see. Hmm. How is that going, by the way? Kris?" Kris had turned around, about to leave. "Don't leave! Come back here."

Kris turned back around slowly, clearly not wanting to be a part of the conversation.

"You can't just stay in the shadows, Kris." Baekhyun shook his head. "You need to be like a cheetah. Well, no. Since your target is taken by another predator. And that predator isn't going anywhere any time soon ..." he trailed off.

"You're not making the situation any better, guys." Kris looked irritated.

Sehun looked at Kris. "So, what are you going to do?"

"I'll tell you what I'm going to do," he started, his tone more serious.

Baekhyun and Sehun leaned in slightly, both excited and worried for his next words.

"I'm going to get what I want."



​Uh oh. What is Kris going to do? I don't even know. I write these chapters as I go. I no real storyline figured out. LOL. Anyway. Sorry for the extremely long wait. Please don't hate me ​T-T

​Also, pray I don't die tomorrow. I am going driving for the first time with my driving instructor from Driver's Ed. I'm scared out of my wits. Enough about me. What do you think will happen to Kyungsoo and Jongin? Hm. ;)

~Much love, Ashley <3

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Lioness-SHINee33 #1
Chapter 23: This was such a fun fanfic to read :) If you want to write more, I like truth or dare games :) Like a nice long game of dirty truth or dare between Exo
Chapter 18: "listen ... enjoy the mayo"
that was so funny author niim ^^
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Thanks for the story author nim! ^^
Kaisoo forever <3
I love Luhan!!! The Poster for this is amazing!!! Can't wait to keep reading
IseeBUBBLEtea #5
I think that the story has already lived its course. Although, it was very good and I kinda do want more. ^_^. Though I am excited for your SuLay fic. \(^o^)/
please continue the story
BBuing BBuing
Llama_96 #8
Oooh a new fic?
Can you Make it a SuLay one?