Well that was scary.

The Moment I Saw You

"Why are you so down in the dumps, babe?" Yes, Jongin was calling him that now. "It's Friday! Don't make me sing the song." He had Kyungsoo pinned against the wall again, like he had done every day this week.

He began to sing, "It's Fri–" and Kyungsoo interrupted him with a quick kiss. "I'm happy. Can't you see the excitement in my face?" He put on the best poker face he could.

"No, I can't." Jongin poked his nose. "You'll be happy soon enough."

"And why is that?"

"No reason." He his heel and walked away.

Kyungsoo ran after him and wrapped an arm around his waist and Jongin wrapped an arm around Kyungsoo's shoulder. It was just instinct now.

The past three days had been boring, hectic, and even amazing. Kyungsoo didn't know how to explain it. He hung out with Jongin every day after school, which he had planned to do today as well. Today was the day Jongin was going to meet Kyungsoo's mom and dad. Jongin was overly excited.

"Stop walking so slow!" Jongin complained on the way to Kyungsoo's house. "The longer you take, the longer we have to wait to be alone, meaning the ​less​ time we have​ to be alone."

Kyungsoo pouted. "Your logic , you know."

"I know, babe. I know."

Before opening his front door, Kyungsoo took in a deep breath and let it out nice and slow. He opened the door to see his parents both doing their thing in the living room.

"Mom, dad, I'm home." He let Jongin inside and shut the door.

His mom set down her magazine – always Women's Health – and looked up at the two of them. "Is this Jongin, dear?"

"Yes, I am Jongin. It is very nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Do." He bowed and smiled.

"Ah, son. You've got a polite one. Good for you." He stood up and walked to Jongin. "I am Byunghun." He shook his hand.

His mom smiled. "I'm Kyungsoo's mommy! Sunkyung." She pulled him into a tight hug.

Jongin bowed again. "It is very nice to meet you."

They both smiled, Sunkyung a bit ​too​ wide, and bowed back.

Kyungsoo leaned over and whispered in Jongin's ear, "She seems normal now but I promise you she's crazy!"

"What was that, dear?" She looked at Kyungsoo, eyes wide with curiosity.

"Nothing." Her eyes got wider. "I just told him he was stepping on my foot." Jongin chuckled and playfully stamped on Kyungsoo's foot a few times.

She laughed. "Oh! Right, right. So, Jongin. What are your plans when it comes to my grandchildren?"

​What is it with you people and grandchildren? The boys both thought.

"Adoption. My mother said we have to adopt." Jongin shrugged.

"Perfect! Just try to make sure it looks at least a bit​ like you." She laughed. "And get a boy ... They are much easier to take care of. Especially since you are both boys. I read Women's Health. I know these things." Her eyes grew even wider – if that were possible – and she tapped her temple.

Okay, she is a bit whacko. Jongin gave Kyungsoo a look and he knew exactly was that look was saying. Kyungsoo gave him an 'I told you so' look in return, his expression smug.

Following their encounter with Kyungsoo's parents, they took a walk – the long way – around the block. There were in the part of town where some of their friends lived: Sehun, Chanyeol, and Kris. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were sitting together on Chanyeol's front steps, so they talked to them for a bit. Later, they saw Sehun outside talking to Luhan on the phone. He just waved at them, too engrossed in his conversation. Across from Kris' house was a small corner park. They decided to cut through it.

They had been talking about Kris for a while.

"So you're saying that he uses people and doesn't even care?" Jongin was shocked.

"Yep. It's horrible. He is still a friend though. I don't think he would ever mean to hurt us. We could never be so sure, though."

"Have you ever noticed how to stares at us at lunch? I see him staring in the hallway too." Jongin looked a bit worried.

Kyungsoo was a bit worried as well. "Really? Wow. I wonder why."

Just then, when Kyungsoo looked to the left of them, he saw Kris out of the corner of his eye. He was sitting on a bench, pretty far away, but he was still staring straight at them. He only saw Kris for about ten seconds, but in those ten seconds, Kris never looked away. His gaze tore into Kyungsoo.

"Jongin, I just saw Kris, and he was staring us down." He was almost shaking.

Jongin stopped walking. "Let's go back. I'm not going that way. I don't want t run into him. Go, babe, go!" He turned Kyungsoo around and starting walking the way the came from.

Kyungsoo glanced in the direction in which he saw Kris before; he wasn't there any more.

"He's gone, let's walk faster!"

They reached the entrance of the park again. Kyungsoo looked to the right and saw Kris walking in their direction. Luckily they could turn left and end up at Kyungsoo's house. They booked it down the road. Kyungsoo looked back again and saw Kris walking up his front steps. They were safe.

"Phew. Thank goodness." Kyungsoo leaned onto Jongin as they walked.

Simultaneously, they said, "Monday is going to ." Then Kyungsoo added, "Good thing it is only Friday."

And with that, Jongin began to sing 'Friday' by Rebecca Black over and over until they got back to Kyungsoo's house.



It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on - No. It's not even Friday. It's Sunday. Boo. Hope you liked this one, guys :D I don't really have anything else to say xD

~Love ya <3

[Thank you, Tika_Pyro for the "bouquet of chocolates" (^_~) ]

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Lioness-SHINee33 #1
Chapter 23: This was such a fun fanfic to read :) If you want to write more, I like truth or dare games :) Like a nice long game of dirty truth or dare between Exo
Chapter 18: "listen ... enjoy the mayo"
that was so funny author niim ^^
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Thanks for the story author nim! ^^
Kaisoo forever <3
I love Luhan!!! The Poster for this is amazing!!! Can't wait to keep reading
IseeBUBBLEtea #5
I think that the story has already lived its course. Although, it was very good and I kinda do want more. ^_^. Though I am excited for your SuLay fic. \(^o^)/
please continue the story
BBuing BBuing
Llama_96 #8
Oooh a new fic?
Can you Make it a SuLay one?