It's a set up.

The Moment I Saw You

Baekhyun checked the time on his phone: 10:13 am. Chanyeol should be awake by now. He knocked on the door again.

He leaned against the door and waited. A few minutes later, he heard Chanyeol lazily skip down the steps. Good boy, Channie.

As soon as Chanyeol opened his front door, he didn't know what hit him – literally. Baekhyun threw himself at Chanyeol so fast he couldn't even see who he was.

"Good morning, Channie!" Baekhyun seemed overly-happy today.

Chanyeol hugged him back and then pulled away. "What happened yesterday? What did I miss?"

Baekhyun giggled. "Well, Jongin called me this morning and told me he is taking Kyungsoo out to eat today. He refused to call it a date. But it's a date." They both nodded in agreement.

"That is so exciting! Is that the reason you are so giddy?" He laughed and ruffled Baehyun's hair.

"Well ... sort of. I was thinking that we should ..."

"Meddle?" Chanyeol accused.

"No ... Yes. I just want to help though." Baekhyun pouted.

Chanyeol smiled apologetically. "I know, Baekie. I'll tell you what we can do. Since you're good friends with Kyungsoo and I'm good friends with Jongin ..." Baekhyun leaned forward, impatient to hear his plan. "We can each dress them up all nice and dapper. Also, maybe we could rent out a whole section of the cafe out to them so they have more privacy. How does that sound?"

Baekhyun was on the verge of doing backflips. "That is so perfect! My Channie always has the best ideas." He stretched his neck out so he could peck Chanyeol on the lips before he started jumping around again.

Chanyeol smiled and looked at his phone to check the time. "Baekhyun, do you think we should go now? It's almost 10:30."

"Hmm. I suppose so. If we need to go buy clothes, then it would be a good idea to go now." He looked down for a moment. "Yeah, we'll probably need to buy clothes. I have seen inside Jongin's closet. Here is three-hundred bucks. Don't spend it all in one place, Channie!" He smirked and ran off.

Chanyeol chuckled. He is so crazy. But I love him anyway. He walked inside his apartment and called Jongin to make sure he was home.

Beep. Beep. Beep. "Hello?"

"Hey, Jongin! What are you up to right now?"

"Chanyeol? I just got finished eating breakfast. Is something wrong?"

"Nope. Not at all. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out for a few hours." Please. Please. Please.

"Um, sure. I guess I can. Are you going to come over here?"

Chanyeol was overly excited. "Yeah, sure! I'll be there real soon!"

"See you!" Click.

Chanyeol exclaimed out loud, "Success!" and threw his fist into the air.

A few minutes passed before Chanyeol was on Jongin's doorstep. Jongin heard him walk up the steps, so he opened the door before Chanyeol had a chance to knock.

"Hey!" Chanyeol waved.

"Hey there. Come on in."

Chanyeol slipped off his shoes and sat down on the couch. "I love this couch so much." He sunk into it.

Jongin felt a bit suspicious. "Chanyeol, is there a reason why you are here, or did you really just want to hang out?" He cocked his head to the side.

Chanyeol pouted. "Baekhyun told me about Kyungsoo. I wanted to help you out. That's what friends do!" He was starting to feel a lot like Baekhyun.

"Calm down, calm down. I'm not mad." He chuckled. "What do you want to do to 'help' me?" He made air quotes around the word 'help.'

"I just wanted to help you dress for the occasion." Chanyeol shrugged, trying to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal.

Jongin nodded. "I see. Well, only problem with that is the fact that I don't have a lot of nice clothing."

Chanyeol smirked and held up his borrowed three-hundred dollars. "I've got your back, bro."

The two found a store named Haksaeng Tailor & Pre-mades. It was a strange name, but Chanyeol had heard about it before, so they went inside. Luckily, they were having a sale. They bought a white dress shirt, black suit jacket, black suit pants, black dress shoes, and a black tie. They made their way back to Jongin's apartment.

"That was a really good deal. I love sales." Chanyeol said.

Jongin nodded. "I agree." He smiled. "I'm going to go put this all on now. Be right back."

I wonder how Baekie's doing with Kyungsoo.

He pulled out his phone and sent a text message to Baekhyun.

To: Baekhyunnie

Any luck yet? (?.?)

Sent: 12:51pm

What is taking him so long? It can't be that hard to put on a suit, can it?

His phone vibrated.

From: Baekhyunnie

Yes! \(^_^)/
Open picture file: 72396

Received: 12:58pm

The picture was of Kyungsoo. He wore a pair of black skinny jeans, grey Vans, a red-plaid button up shirt, and a white cardigan. It fit his style perfectly. He even topped it off with a pair a stylish sunglasses. His hair was also spiked up higher then usual.

To: Baekhyunnie

I'll send a pic of Jongin in a min (*3*)

Sent: 1:06pm

Jongin walked out of his bedroom then. He looked absolutely ravishing. He took so long because he styled his hair into a neat quiff.

"That is very nice. Let me snap a picture of it!" Chanyeol fumbled around with his phone until he could hold it steadily in front of him. Jongin did a pose: he pointed to the phone, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Beaufitul." Chanyeol smiled.

To: Baekhyunnie

Mission accomplished! d(^_^)b
Don't forget about the cafe! -3-
Open picture file: 11294

Sent: 1:12pm

"Well, it seems like my work may be done here." Chanyeol sat up and slipped his phone back into his pocket.

"You don't have any pointers you'd like to give me?" Jongin asked sarcastically.

Chanyeol thought for a moment. "Hmm. No . is bad. Um ... Go get 'em, bro!" He laughed. "That's all I got."

Jongin rolled his eyes and punched Chanyeol's shoulder. "Thanks, man. You're the best."




ㅋㅋㅋ I bet you all thought you would be getting some Kaisoo action during this chapter. I fooooled you! :D

~Love you guys <3


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Lioness-SHINee33 #1
Chapter 23: This was such a fun fanfic to read :) If you want to write more, I like truth or dare games :) Like a nice long game of dirty truth or dare between Exo
Chapter 18: "listen ... enjoy the mayo"
that was so funny author niim ^^
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Thanks for the story author nim! ^^
Kaisoo forever <3
I love Luhan!!! The Poster for this is amazing!!! Can't wait to keep reading
IseeBUBBLEtea #5
I think that the story has already lived its course. Although, it was very good and I kinda do want more. ^_^. Though I am excited for your SuLay fic. \(^o^)/
please continue the story
BBuing BBuing
Llama_96 #8
Oooh a new fic?
Can you Make it a SuLay one?