
The Moment I Saw You

A/N: If you stop reading this chapter for whatever reason, before you close out of this, please read my author note at the bottom. Pretty please? I'll give you virtual smooches. Or cookies, whichever you prefer.


"Wait a minute. You're telling me you've been talking for weeks, but you haven't told me?!" Kyungsoo was at a loss for words. He was happy for his best friend, but also furious that she hadn't told him anything about it.

Yoona shrugged. "You seemed too infatuated with Jongin to care!" She hadn't realized how mean that sounded until after she said it. "I'm not mad at you, don't take that the wrong way!" She was waving her hands in front of him. "I'm really glad that you two are happy together. You guys are so cute." She smiled at him.

"Don't try to soften me up." Kyungsoo frowned. "So, when do I get to meet this Kyuhyun boy, since I apparently don't know him already?" He looked at her with narrowed eyes.

How does he do that? I didn't even know his eyes could get that small.

"I heard that."

"What? Did I say that out loud?" Yoona's eyes grew wide.

Kyungsoo laughed wholeheartedly. "You did. Don't worry about it. I think the same thing sometimes." He winked.

The next day, Kyungsoo waited with Jongin in the schoolyard under a tree for Yoona. She had said she would meet them there with Kyuhyun. They were both equally excited to meet him. More importantly, eager to see if they approved of him. Kyungsoo wasn't too worried, however. Based on everything Yoona has said about him, he seems like a very nice person.

Jongin spotted Yoona as she walked out of the school. She was walking with a boy, significantly taller than her, who had his arm loosely wrapped around her shoulders.

As they got closer, Kyungsoo was able to distinguish Kyuhyun's features. He appeared lanky, though it was apparent he had some muscle mass as well. When his face became visible, he observed that he was a good looking kid. His eyes were sincere as he glanced at Yoona, and his smile was warm. His reddish-brown hair bounced with each step he took.

"Hi Kyungsoo, hi Jongin!" Yoona greeted them with a friendly wave and a smile. Kyungsoo smiled and stood up, walking toward her with his arms spread out. Kyuhyun dropped his arm and let Yoona hug Kyungsoo.

"Hi there. Are you Kyuhyun?" Kyungsoo smiled at him.

Kyuhyun smiled and nodded his head once. "I am. Are you Kyungsoo?" Kyungsoo nodded his head.

Yoona stepped back so she was once again standing beside Kyuhyun. "Okay, you met. Can we leave now?"

Jongin stood up and leaned against the tree, crossing his arms. "No, no. Not so fast. It's clear that Kyungsoo likes him, but I have to approve too."

Yoona and Kyungsoo sighed.

Jongin stepped away from the tree, eyeing Kyuhyun from head to toe. "When's your birthday, loverboy?"

Kyuhyun looked sort of amused. "February 3, 1995."

"Good. Not too old at all, ​saeng." Jongin smirked. "Have you ever had a girlfriend before?"

Kyuhyun winced slightly from the memory, but nobody noticed. "I have, yes."

"What was her name?"

Yoona stepped toward Jongin and slapped his shoulder. "Leave him alone! Don't ask him questions like that."

Jongin chuckled. "Fine, fine. I'll ask one more. Why do you like Yoona?"

Kyuhyun looked down at Yoona and smiled. "I like her because she's kind and sweet, but if she needs to, she could kick somebody's . I'd remember ​that​ one, hyung," Kyuhyun said sarcastically. He laughed and wrapped his arm around Yoona's shoulders.

"Very clever. Okay, I approve of you," Jongin said. He his heel, walking away and grabbing Kyungsoo's arm and taking him as well.

As Kyungsoo was being pulled away, he yelled, "Bye Yoona and Kyuhyun! It was nice meeting you!"

Kyuhyun and Yoona laughed and waved at him, a look of confusion striking both of their faces.

"They were nice." Kyuhyun chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.

Yoona rolled her eyes. "Don't mind Jongin. He gives everybody a hard time."

"Yeah, I figured that one." Kyuhyun smiled.

Yoona looked up at Kyuhyun. "So ... you didn't answer Jongin, so I'll ask you again." She smiled. "Why do you like me?"

Kyuhyun smirked and pecked Yoona's cheek. "Bye!" He ran away, laughing.

She couldn't help but laugh. "." Yoona bolted inside the school after him.




I didn't know what to do. So I brought Yoona back. I'm pretty sure you are all going to hate me for this. If you don't want me to continue with this, tell me and I won't.

I just really want to end this story SOMEHOW, but I don't know how, since there is pretty much no storyline.

So tell me ... should I keep going, or start a new story with a drama-filled storyline? I have a really good one in mind. I'd love it if you guys stuck with me as an author and read the new story, since most of you seem to like this story a lot.

I don't want you to be silent readers! Please tell me your thoughts guys T-T

I love you all <3


PS: I can't imagine seeing anybody that ISN'T familiar with Kyuhyun, Super Junior's maknae ... but if you are a n00b and have no clue who he is, here is what he looks like <3


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Lioness-SHINee33 #1
Chapter 23: This was such a fun fanfic to read :) If you want to write more, I like truth or dare games :) Like a nice long game of dirty truth or dare between Exo
Chapter 18: "listen ... enjoy the mayo"
that was so funny author niim ^^
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Thanks for the story author nim! ^^
Kaisoo forever <3
I love Luhan!!! The Poster for this is amazing!!! Can't wait to keep reading
IseeBUBBLEtea #5
I think that the story has already lived its course. Although, it was very good and I kinda do want more. ^_^. Though I am excited for your SuLay fic. \(^o^)/
please continue the story
BBuing BBuing
Llama_96 #8
Oooh a new fic?
Can you Make it a SuLay one?