Enjoy the Mayo!

The Moment I Saw You

Jongin groaned. "What are we going to do then? We only have four players."

"We can still play. It just won't be quite as fun." Baekhyun nodded his head slightly and patted Jongin's shoulder.

Groaning once more, Jongin stood up and walked out of the room, annoyed. A few seconds later, they could hear Jongin plead, "Kris, come on, you can do this later ... We just want to finish this game!" He came back into the room with a frown on his face. Kyungsoo swung his arm around Jongin's shoulders when Jongin slumped onto the couch beside him.

Not too long after that, Kris came into the room with a disoriented Tao on his back.

"He needed a piggy-back ride just to get down the hall?" Chanyeol observed.

Kris smirked. "Well, y'know." Baekhyun waved his hands out in front of him and mouthed "I don't want to know."

Kyungsoo turned to Baekhyun. "Should we get Sehun and Luhan too?"

Baekhyun thought for a moment. "Uh, let's just do one round first. Then Kris can go round them up." Baekhyun turned to Kris and he nodded.

"Cool. My turn." Chanyeol grinned. "Baekhyun. Choose your poison."


Kyungsoo's eyes widened upon hearing Chanyeol's wicked chuckle. "I dare you ... to take off your shirt and wear it around your neck as a cape for the rest of the game." He looked down at Baekhyun and smiled sweetly.

"Damn it, Chanyeol. You know I absolutely hate taking off my shirt in front of people," Baekhyun complained.

Chanyeol didn't say anything. He just smiled. Baekhyun sighed and slipped his shirt off quickly and tied the sleeves around his neck. He sighed and brought his knees up to his chest in attempts to cover himself as much as possible.

Jongin scoffed. "Baek is such a prude." He chuckled wholeheartedly and Baekhyun pouted.

"Jerks. Oh, Kris, go get the children." Baekhyun gestured toward the door.

Kris laughed and stood up. "Children? Luhan is the oldest."

"But he acts like he's the youngest."

"Touché." Kris walked out of the room.

Jongin laughed at the scream he heard after Kris pounded on the bedroom door. "Sehun, you and Luhan get your butts out here and finish this game. Tao and I had to come out, so it's only fair. I don't ing care if you are or not. Out, now." He returned and took his place next to Tao, his face smug.

Sehun walked in a minute later, his face solemn.

"Poor baby. Did we interrupt a good time, Sehunnie?" Jongin teased.

"No," Sehun growled. He held up a finger, a not-so-nice gesture, at Jongin and sat on the empty couch.

Jongin gasped theatrically. "Oh mother dearest, do help me. I have been horribly offended." He pretended to faint and sprawled out across Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo slapped his shoulder.

Luhan trudged into the room then, his countenance content. He sat next to Sehun and leaned his head on his shoulder.

"Baekkie. Why do you have a cape?" Luhan was eyeing Baekhyun suspiciously.

"Chanyeol at making dares," he said simply. "Okay ... Kyungsoo. Truth or dare?" Baekhyun's eyebrows twitched up when he said "dare."

Kyungsoo sighed slightly. "Dare, I guess."

"I dare you to," Baekhyun paused, "strip down to your underwear and sit on Jongin's lap." Chanyeol and Kris laughed uncontrollably.

Kyungsoo's jaw dropped. "Hell no!"

"Fine. Completely then!"

"Screw you, Baekhyun!" Kyungsoo pouted and slipped off his shirt and jeans. Jongin looked at him and winked. "Don't look at me like that," Kyungsoo complained as he sat on Jongin's lap.

"Chanyeol, truth or dare?" Kyungsoo asked, his expression clearly showing his discomfort.

Chanyeol chuckled. "Dare. Truth is no fun."

Kyungsoo jumped off of Jongin's lap and ran out of the room. Chanyeol and Jongin exchanged a confused look. "Okay?" Jongin chuckled.

Kyungsoo returned with a bottle of mayonnaise in his hand. He knelt down in front of Chanyeol and opened the bottle. "Okay. I'm going to give you a mustache with this, and then you have to try to it off. You cannot wipe it off. If you can't it all off, somebody else has to. I assume that will be Baekhyun." Baekhyun nodded excitedly. "Awesome. Then after that is done, Baekhyun can put more wherever he wants, and if you can't that off, he has to do that as well." He chuckled and brought the bottle up to Chanyeol's face and spread mayonnaise above his top lip, extending the line all the way to the middle of his cheeks.

Chanyeol stuck out his tongue and tried to it off, finding that he couldn't reach it all. "Kyungsoo, you put it too close to my nose!" He frowned.

Baekhyun smiled and got in Chanyeol's face without warning, pecking Chanyeol's lips. "I got this." He the mayonnaise off of his cheeks first, then moved to the top of his lips.

"Hey, quit swapping spit over there. Gross." Tao pretended to look disgusted.

Baekhyun scoffed and pulled away from Chanyeol and took the bottle from Kyungsoo. "Lift your shirt up, Channie."

Chanyeol sighed and obeyed. Baekhyun spread mayonnaise over Chanyeol's lower stomach, between the top of his jeans and his navel.

Baekhyun lowered his head and Chanyeol almost groaned immediately. "Oh dear lord."

Luhan leaned over Sehun and looked at Chanyeol. "Enjoy the mayo."


​hi hi hi hi hi

​The randomosity ensues. I really like this truth or dare business xD
Anyway, don't forget to comment, my loves. I really like hearing what you have to say about the story. It makes me laugh and smile like an idiot :D

Author-nim out~ <3


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Lioness-SHINee33 #1
Chapter 23: This was such a fun fanfic to read :) If you want to write more, I like truth or dare games :) Like a nice long game of dirty truth or dare between Exo
Chapter 18: "listen ... enjoy the mayo"
that was so funny author niim ^^
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Thanks for the story author nim! ^^
Kaisoo forever <3
I love Luhan!!! The Poster for this is amazing!!! Can't wait to keep reading
IseeBUBBLEtea #5
I think that the story has already lived its course. Although, it was very good and I kinda do want more. ^_^. Though I am excited for your SuLay fic. \(^o^)/
please continue the story
BBuing BBuing
Llama_96 #8
Oooh a new fic?
Can you Make it a SuLay one?