It Was Not Fair

Kill or Be Killed 2

    Baekhyun felt that everything happened in slow-motion. He was shot, all right. He was lucky that the bullet landed below his heart. If not, he would have died. Perhaps, it was a reward for helping D.O. He winced in pain. Help me, someone, he wanted to say. But no, he forced himself not to. After all that had happened, could he trust anyone? He felt someone approaching him.

    "I'm sorry, Baekhyun-ah. I didn't mean to shoot you. You saved D.O but you lost your life. That was such a waste. I've got my own reasons to kill him. He blackmailed Krystal, the girl I love. I can't stand it. That was why," Kai whispered. His voice was hoarse. "I didn't want to kill you. I swear I don't."

    What are you talking about? I'm still alive.... Baekhyun thought but he was too weak to let out a sound.

    "But you shouldn't have saved D.O," Kai snapped. "You are too nice. I pity you. So innocent. You're too weak to face the real cold and cruel world, Baekhyun hyung."

    I'm not weak! Baekhyun protested mentally. He badly wanted to say something to show that he was still alive but no, he could not. He was just too weak. Too tired. Perhaps, if he let go now, would he be able to find peace? Would he be able to meet Luhan and Lay again? Would he be happier?






    It was too bad. There was so many things Baekhyun wanted to do in his life. He wanted to travel. He wanted to have an experience of having a girlfriend. He wanted to play around with Chanyeol. He wanted to be nicer and kinder to others. He wanted to be one of the best singers in Korea. If he could, he wanted to be one of the best singers in the world. He wanted to apologise to his parents. He wanted to meet his fans. He wanted to buy birthday presents for other people. He wanted to love someone with all his heart. He wanted to tease and play pranks on his groupmates.

    So many things that Baekhyun wanted to do yet it was impossible, now. He was dying and he knew it. But at least, he would be able to meet Luhan and Lay again, right? He missed them. They rarely got to meet one another. Baekhyun did not even talk to them when they arrived as everything was too hectic. His heart ached at the thought of them. He was not embarrassed to admit that he loved them. Why should he? He did love them and would always love them no matter what. Them meant his groupmates. EXO.

    To say that Baekhyun had no regrets in his life would be a lie. He had many regrets and he wanted to atone for his deeds. So many bad things he had done but he had never apologised for it. He felt the tears in his eyes but he forced himself not to cry. Why should he cry? He was going to meet Luhan and Lay, right?

    But Baekhyun knew why he was about to cry. It was not because he was dying but it was because he realised that he would never had that chance to say goodbye to his family, friends and.....Sulli. For the short amount of time that he knew Sulli, he thought that Sulli was special. Very special and unique, indeed. He was not sure whether it was love or just admiration only. Too bad that he would never find out.









    The moment those shots were released, Baekhyun snapped back to reality. He could not die, now. There were so many things that he had yet to achieve. His parents would be devastated if he died. And Chanyeol. Chanyeol, his best friend for life. What would he feel? He had to stay alive no matter what. He just had to.

    But who would save the boy who had saved his friend? Baekhyun knew that there was no hope. No hope at all. He was beginning to lose touch with reality. He saw that everything was white. Plain white. Luhan and Lay were calling his name..... He should let go now. But he could not. If he had let go now, he would not have felt that his body was being carried somewhere...


    To say that Choi Minho was a kind-hearted person, he was not that kind. He was just average. He could be good and evil at the same time. He had seen everything that had happened between Kai, Baekhyun and D.O. Kai had wanted to shoot D.O but then Baekhyun pushed D.O away. Minho admired Baekhyun's courage to save his friend. He admired Baekhyun's loyalty. Maybe that was why he decided to save Byun Baekhyun.

    After Kai had finished talking to Baekhyun, Minho quickly approached him. Minho could see that D.O had no idea what was going on. Everything was in confusion for his poor junior. Minho carried Baekhyun away from the others. He was grateful that it was dark. "Baekhyun-ah?" he whispered carefully, not wanting anyone to hear him.

    Baekhyun gave him no reply. His eyes were shut but Minho could see the rise and fall of his chest that indicated he was still alive. Minho lay Baekhyun on the ground. He took out his first-aid kit from his bag and searched for the perfect tool. He took Baekhyun's shirt off, revealing the wound right below his heart.

    Minho quickly stopped the wound from bleeding after taking out the bullet from it. He fixed Baekhyun's wound. He thought about it for awhile. Maybe he should hide Baekhyun here somewhere? He quickly carried Baekhyun again and went inside one of the stores. He opened a door that said,'EMPLOYEES ONLY' and placed him in there. Before he could leave, he could hear Baekhyun mutter something.

    Minho leaned in closer to hear it. "Thank you," Baekhyun mumbled. Minho smiled. After all, it did not hurt to be kind. But then, he remembered that someone else had been shot. Someone else had died. He had to dispose of him or her body so that it would not be suspicious.






    Minho had to find his or her body fast. Time was running fast. It was only a matter of time before they had finished the game. Besides, what would the idols say when they found out that Baekhyun was the only one missing and found another dead body? Wouldn't it be suspicious?

    Minho felt as though it was hours before he had found the body. He carried the body. From the weight of the body, he could tell that it was a male. He entered the same place where he had placed Baekhyun and placed the body beside Baekhyun. He looked at his face. He looks like a dinosaur, Minho thought. And there was only three people whom he had known that had dinosaur features. Amber, Jonghyun and Donghae. Amber was out because it was a male, after all. And Donghae..... Donghae had died. And now, Jonghyun was dead, too.

    Minho suppressed his tears. He willed himself not to cry. He was not weak. He had to stay sane in order to find a way out of here. But how? He had not talked to Krystal and planned anything with her yet. He needed to do it soon.



     "Game's over. Game's over," someone said through a speaker. Minho quickly left the store and went back to the place where they had to play the game. The lights were by the time he returned. Everyone blinked at the sudden darkness. On the table, there was another letter.

Dear f(x), SHINee and EXO,

Five people are dead now. Onew, Luhan, Lay, Jonghyun and Baekhyun. Have a good rest. The next day will be hell for all of you. And as for the gun, you may keep it for future killings.


Lee Soo Man

    "I wonder how does he know that they're dead," Victoria mumbled to herself.

    "Maybe there is a sensor in the gun?" Taemin replied.

    "What kind of sensor? Light sensor?" she replied sarcastically.

    "Like it is alerted when someone is holding it or not," he said.

    "Maybe. And who had placed that letter on the table?" she asked.

    "I don't know. Jonghyun and Baekhyun's bodies were shifted," he replied.

    "Maybe it's the same person that locked us up in here," she suggested.

    "Most probably," Taemin said. His eyes wandered all around. The idols' faces were pale and they looked tired. There were a lot of burst balloons everywhere. Such a waste, he thought to himself. Then, his eyes caught something. He pulled Victoria's arm and went towards where he saw the thing. It was a shirt. A blood-soaked shirt. It was Baekhyun's shirt.

    "What does this mean?" he asked.

    "I don't know," Victoria answered truthfully. "But maybe, someone had saved Baekhyun. Maybe, he is still alive. Why else do people want to take off his shirt if it was not to heal him?"



    It was the first time anyone had ever seen Choi Sulli that sad before. She was sad that Baekhyun had died. Baekhyun who had shared her feelings. Baekhyun who seemed like the only normal one here. It's not fair, she thought miserably. Baekhyun was such a good person. He had a very bright future. He was a good singer. Sulli bit her lip in anger. Her tears were streaming down her cheeks, ruining her once perfect make up.

    Sulli cherished the short time she and Baekhyun spent together. Baekhyun was so bright, so cheerful, she thought. Who would want to kill him? It was cruel. Life's cruel. Life's unfair. It was not fair for him. Not fair for me. I had just found someone whom I loved very much. But he had died. God, what had I ever done wrong? What had he ever done wrong to deserve death? Why him?! Why?

    Sulli wiped her tears. She had to stay strong. She wanted to kill whoever that had killed Baekhyun, right then. She badly wanted to. It was never fair. It was never fair to her. Her heart ached so much. Life was so cruel. God, I love him. I don't know that it's possible to fall for someone so hard in a short time. I had never known that it was possible.



     Amber was amazed by her credibility. She had never expected to kill Jonghyun. She had never expected that she could be so accurate. She, Chen and Key shared a secret smile by themselves. They could care less that five idols were dead.



    Kris watched Sulli, his face not revealing anything. Deep inside, he felt sorry. He felt sorry for her. He knew that she was crying for Baekhyun. Baekhyun and Sulli had gotten very close for the past few hours. He envied them. But right now, instead of envy, he felt pity. Baekhyun did not get to say goodbye to her.

    It was okay, though. The thought that Baekhyun and Sulli would soon be reunited would lessen Kris's guilt of killing her. After all, he had promised Lay that he would kill Sulli. As a leader, he should fulfill his promise, right? He aimed his gun at her.


    D.O had seen what Kris was trying to do. He turned to Krystal and said,"Kill him. Now!"

    "Give me a reason, first!" Krystal snapped, annoyed.

    "Don't you see that he's trying to kill Sulli, your groupmate?" he snapped back. "Go on!"

    Krystal gasped as she saw what D.O had said was true. But she realised it too late.


    The bullet went straight into Sulli's heart. "No!" Krystal cried out. Tears spilled from her eyes.

    "Just kill Kris, already!" D.O shouted at her. Each and everyone attention was now on them.

    Krystal looked at D.O, tears blurring her eyes. "I can't, Do Kyungsoo. I can't," she replied. "I'm not a killer. never have been and will never be."

    "He killed Sulli! Don't you care about that?!" D.O yelled.

    Her tears kept coming. She could not stop crying. Her heart hurt. It felt like there was a hole in it. She closed her eyes, trying to feel her anger for Kris. But there was none. She did not feel angry. Just plain sad. No matter how hard she tried to look for the anger, she could not find it. In the end, she whispered,"I can't kill him. Even though he killed Sulli, I can't kill him." She opened her eyes. She stopped crying. Her grief and sadness were replaced by anger. Not to Kris, but to D.O.

    D.O, who had made use of her since the beginning. D.O, who had blackmailed her. D.O, who had acted like he owned her. Who was he to order her around? What right did he have to order her around? He was her junior, not her boss. She was seething with anger, right now. She glared at him as best as she could. Right then, she stopped caring. She stopped caring about the consequences of disobeying D.O. It was all worthless, wasn't it? People would die sooner or later. Maybe it was Jessica and her destiny to die sooner.

    Krystal sniffed. She wiped her tears angrily. "You. You made use of me since the beginning. You blackmailed me, saying that you would tell Lee Soo Man that Jessica is still alive. Don't you think it's too much? It has to stop now, Do Kyungsoo. You are not my owner. I'm no one's pet. I can control myself. I don't need you to order me around! You're heartless. I hate you," she spat.

    "I hate you with so much hatred you could never imagine. I had never hated anyone as much as I hate you. You're cruel. You're evil. I want to kill you. But I can't. Besides, you don't deserve death. You deserve something more than that," she went on.

    "You should be careful with your words, Jung Soojung," D.O replied. "Cause, I think I really should send that video to Lee Soo Man, right now, before I kill you."



Author's Note:

How is this chapter? I hope it is okay. It's not that sad but I almost cried when I wrote this. Sulli had died. But it was too bad that she and Baekhyun would not be reunited because he is still alive. Don't kill me for BaekSul tragic love story! :(

Do comment and subscribe! Enjoy reading the next chapter! :)

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I'll try to update ASAP. :)


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nsr_ar #1
Chapter 13: new subscriber. authornim pls pls pls update soon! ♥♡
alledaaa #2
Chapter 13: New subscriber here :)

As soon as sulli died, I have a second thought of continuing reading this fanfic
At first i thought her innocence in this story can enlightened up the others but she died quickly :(
Or even atleast one of the survivors .. Hehehe!

Anyway, although my bias die, i still find this fanfic interesting.
A clueless story at all.. Hahaha
Good job author im ^_^
Chicken_xoxo #3
Please update~
This story is so gooooood ^_^
izzatybadlie #4
Chapter 13: updateee pleasee
exostal #5
Update soon ><
-airhead #6
Chapter 13: more and more drama escalating,
this is by far the most thrilling chapter everrr~!

omo love triangles >.<
sekaistal >.<
and sehun killed d.o because d.o killed krys,
and taemin and victoria also teams up with sehun...

it's gonna be an interesting chapter indeed.
naringgit #7
Chapter 13: thank god i still remember the previous chapters,yeaay..
and it leave me dumbfounded after reading,,so those trio act to fool D.O all this time?wow,that's smart..i didn't see that coming..the pack is just like wolves,patiently waiting the right time while observing..oh did i say wolf accidentally? XD for now i can see the trio and the other trio save with each other,hehe
willreadanything808 #8
Chapter 13: I knew it was Onew. At least it was Victoria that seen them and not the mysterious figures leaving the notes. After the whole Kai and Krystal episode I had the felling that D.O. would meet his end. I hope the way I want this to end comes true.

Glad you updated. Will wait for the next update.
Chapter 13: Haizzz. Love ur update. Innocent hunnie actually killed the Umma. I wonder what futire they have.... At least Xiumin survived? Love how Baekkie and Onew worked together though^^
Hwaiting author-nim!!! ^^