The Guy Who Loves His Groupmate

Kill or Be Killed 2

A/N: I suggest that you re-read the story right from the beginning since you might have forgotten some things for those of you have subscribed to this story right from the start... >.<





Baekhyun paled. Who was that that had screamed? he wondered. Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead. He did not want anyone else to die. He looked at Onew. Onew seemed to be afraid for that person, too. They quickly went to the staircase. Baekhyun was still carrying the items that he had taken in his arms.

"Onew hyung, wait here. I've got to take something," he said quickly before rushing off to where his hiding spot was located at. He rushed inside and put the items that he had stolen there and stole Minho's first-aid kit. Then, he ran out of the hiding place and rushed to Onew. Together, both of them rushed to where the location of the scream came from.

"I think the scream came from the first floor," Onew said to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun nodded. "I think so, too," he replied. "It sounds like Xiumin hyung's scream. I wonder what had happened. I hope no one had killed him or something."

Soon, the two of them arrived at the first floor. They were trying to make sure that no one had seen them. Then, they checked every store and at last, they found Xiumin lying on the ground, bleeding. Baekhyun rushed towards the older guy and sat down next to him as Onew followed him from behind.

Baekhyun checked for Xiumin's signs of breathing and he heaved a sigh of relief as soon as he found out that Xiumin was still alive. He looked at the wound and winced. He pulled out the knife and kept it inside the pocket of his pants. "Let's bring him somewhere safe first," he said to Onew.

Onew nodded. The two of them held each of Xiumin's arms as they rushed towards Baekhyun's hiding spot, not knowing that someone had spotted them. Onew sniffed the air and he almost gagged. "What's that smell?" he asked.

"It's most probably Jonghyun hyung's corpse," Baekhyun replied.

"What?" Onew croaked out in disbelief.

Baekhyun shrugged. "You heard me, Onew hyung," he said as gently as possible. "It seems like Jonghyun hyung's body has started to decompose."

"Who saved you?" Onew asked as Baekhyun tried to stop Xiumin's bleeding.

Baekhyun let out a sigh. "Minho-sshi," he answered after a moment of silence. "But I should kill him. Not being ungrateful or anything but I don't want to be his slave for the rest of my life."

"Even if we survive, we have nothing to do and no one to turn to," Onew pointed out.

"I know," Baekhyun replied quietly. "People will think that we're dead and SM will most probably use a ridiculous cover story to explain our deaths. Why is he doing this?"

Onew shrugged. "I don't know," he said. "Maybe, we'll never know."

"We've got no future in front of us," Baekhyun said sadly. "We might as well kill ourselves."

"No," Onew said quickly. "We have to avenge our members' death. We have to plot for a revenge." Baekhyun looked at Onew in surprise. Then, he slowly nodded as he realised that he needed a goal if he wanted to stay alive. There was nothing left for him, now. People would think that he was dead. He sighed. "How is Xiumin's condition?" Onew asked, interrupting Baekhyun from his thoughts.

"His bleeding has stopped," Baekhyun murmured, distracted. He leaned his back against the wall and closed his eyes. He thought of all the things that had happened. He did not know how many more people were dead, now. He should avenge EXO's death. Luhan... Lay... Sulli..... Is she still alive? he wondered.

Maybe, he would never find out.



Luna entered the clothes store that was located at the fifth floor. She looked around as she entered. There was a table located in the middle of the store and on top of it was a letter and a box which needed a key to open it. She approached the table and read the letter.

Dear Luna-sshi,

Right now, you have to find a key that is hidden in this store and open the box. You have to do it within five minutes or you'll be electrocuted to death.


Lee Soo Man

Luna let out her breath. This game was seriously testing her patience. She started to look at the counter, in the clothes' pockets and everywhere but she did not find any key. She sat down on the floor hugging her knees. She had killed Chanyeol in order to survive so why couldn't she find the damned key?! She let out a sigh.

Just as she was about to give up, her eye spotted something silver under a clothes' rack. She reached for it immediately and found that it was the key. She smiled to herself and immediately rushed towards the box. She opened the box and looked at its content. She let out another frustrated sigh as soon as she saw what it contained.

The box contained a piece of paper which someone had written:

You have to kill Suho in order to survive.

Luna really felt like killing Lee Soo Man. What kind of game was he playing with her? First, she had to kill Chanyeol. Then, Suho had to kill whoever he had to kill. Then, she had to kill Suho. What was this, really? It was then, everything clicked into place. Lee Soo Man knew that there was no way they would kill each other if there were not any games. Lee Soo Man knew that he had to threaten the idols' lives in order to get them kill someone. Then, the person they had to kill would have to defend themselves by killing the person that wanted to kill them. It was either kill or be killed.

Lee Soo Man is really smart, Luna thought to herself bitterly.



Victoria, Taemin and Sehun sat down on the first floor where Krystal's and Kai's death had occurred. They had finished the game that Lee Soo Man had held. They knew whom they had to kill.

"Do you want to know something?" Victoria asked.

"What is it?" Taemin asked, interested.

"Spill it, noona," Sehun urged.

"Do you remember when we had seen Baekhyun's bloody shirt which was left behind and we assumed that he was still alive?" she asked. They nodded. "It is true. He is still alive. He and Onew are still alive. I saw them carry Xiumin to a place. It seemed like they were trying to save Xiumin. Right now, Xiumin may or may not be alive."

The two guys gasped in unison. "Baekhyun hyung is still alive?" Sehun asked, smiling slightly at the same time Taemin asked, "Onew hyung is still alive?"

Victoria nodded. "Yes," she answered. "I saw them with my own eyes."

Sehun was about to say something when D.O arrived to their location. Sehun turned to D.O and smiled slightly. "Hyung, who do you have to kill?" he asked.

D.O just shrugged. "It doesn't matter anymore," he replied.

"Why not?" Taemin asked curiously.

"I'm not going to kill anyone," D.O replied quietly. "The only reason I killed Krystal was because she hurt Kai."

"Mm, sure," Sehun murmured.

"What was that supposed to mean?" D.O asked sharply, looking at Sehun. He was surprised at Sehun's response. He thought that Sehun understood him. What if Sehun was only pretending? What if Sehun actually wanted to kill him? Those kind of thoughts kept running through his head.

"You know," Sehun started to say. "I'm in love with Krystal, too. The only difference is that I had never told any of you and I didn't make it obvious like Kai did."

"Sehun-ah..." D.O called out quietly. His eyes met with Sehun's for a moment. D.O knew the look in his eyes. Sehun's eyes were filled with anger, sadness, grief and desire for vengeance. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "If I could turn back the time, I would have still killed her."

Sehun shrugged. "I know," he replied. "Because you're such a loyal member of EXO." D.O did not look past the sarcasm in Sehun's tone.

"Are you going to kill me now?" D.O asked. "To avenge Krystal's death?" Sehun's and D.O's eyes met again and this time, both of them held the stare. Neither of them blinked.

Then, slowly, Sehun nodded. "You're right. I'm going to kill you," he replied. "But then, killing you right after Tao hyung had killed Kai is not fun. I was sick of drama at that time. So, we decided to fool you into thinking that we understand you."

D.O looked at Taemin and Victoria. "The two of you are in this together with Sehun?" he asked in disbelief. They did not say that it was true nor did they deny it. But their silence had answered D.O's question. "Why?" he asked.

"Krystal was my groupmate," Victoria replied.

"Krystal was like a younger sister to me," Taemin replied.

"What's so special about that girl that everyone loves her?!" D.O burst out in frustration with tears in his eyes. He could not accept the fact that they had betrayed him. "What's so special about her that makes you guys care for her? Tell me."

"Her personality - her everything," Sehun answered. "She's perfect."

D.O smiled bitterly. "Sure, she's perfect," he replied sarcastically. "She's so perfect that she ends up hurting Kai and making him almost kill himself. Yeah, sure. She's very perfect."

"Watch your sarcasm, hyung," Sehun snapped.

D.O ignored Sehun. "Go on and kill me," he challenged. "If you dare, if you love Krystal more than me, go on and kill me."

Sehun glared at D.O. "Do you think that I won't do it?" he asked, raising his voice slightly.

"You don't have enough guts to do it," D.O retorted.

"I do," Sehun replied. With that, he took out a knife from his pocket and lunged at D.O.


Author's Note:

I'm sorry for not updating in such a long time. I had a writer's block. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Do comment and subscribe. Thank you for reading, subscribing, commenting and waiting for such a long time. Enjoy reading the next chapter! :)

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I'll try to update ASAP. :)


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nsr_ar #1
Chapter 13: new subscriber. authornim pls pls pls update soon! ♥♡
alledaaa #2
Chapter 13: New subscriber here :)

As soon as sulli died, I have a second thought of continuing reading this fanfic
At first i thought her innocence in this story can enlightened up the others but she died quickly :(
Or even atleast one of the survivors .. Hehehe!

Anyway, although my bias die, i still find this fanfic interesting.
A clueless story at all.. Hahaha
Good job author im ^_^
Chicken_xoxo #3
Please update~
This story is so gooooood ^_^
izzatybadlie #4
Chapter 13: updateee pleasee
exostal #5
Update soon ><
-airhead #6
Chapter 13: more and more drama escalating,
this is by far the most thrilling chapter everrr~!

omo love triangles >.<
sekaistal >.<
and sehun killed d.o because d.o killed krys,
and taemin and victoria also teams up with sehun...

it's gonna be an interesting chapter indeed.
naringgit #7
Chapter 13: thank god i still remember the previous chapters,yeaay..
and it leave me dumbfounded after reading,,so those trio act to fool D.O all this time?wow,that's smart..i didn't see that coming..the pack is just like wolves,patiently waiting the right time while observing..oh did i say wolf accidentally? XD for now i can see the trio and the other trio save with each other,hehe
willreadanything808 #8
Chapter 13: I knew it was Onew. At least it was Victoria that seen them and not the mysterious figures leaving the notes. After the whole Kai and Krystal episode I had the felling that D.O. would meet his end. I hope the way I want this to end comes true.

Glad you updated. Will wait for the next update.
Chapter 13: Haizzz. Love ur update. Innocent hunnie actually killed the Umma. I wonder what futire they have.... At least Xiumin survived? Love how Baekkie and Onew worked together though^^
Hwaiting author-nim!!! ^^