Because of Fear

Kill or Be Killed 2

Minho pursed his lips in anger. From afar, he had seen how Krystal and Kai died. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. It took him almost all of his energy not to throw a punch at D.O's face. How dare he kill his partner in escaping this hell? How dare he! He felt hatred, grief and anger coursed through his veins. He was shaking in fury. Damn you, D.O! he thought to himself. Fine. Two can play the game. You made use of Krystal?? Fine, then....

Minho wanted to cry but if he did, he would not stay calm. He would bawl his eyes out, wail and pound his fists against the floor. He could not lose his composure yet. He had a death to avenge. He stormed over towards where he had left Jonghyun's corpse and Baekhyun. Baekhyun had woken up but he was still weak.

"Thank you, Minho-sshi," he said quietly. "I owe you my life."

Minho smirked slightly. "Really? Will you do everything I ask you to?"

Baekhyun nodded weakly. "Of course, I will. You're my life saviour," he replied.

A smile filled with malice, evil and hatred touched Minho's lips."Are you sure, Baekhyun-sshi? You might regret it," he asked.

A chill went down Baekhyun's spine. There was something about his senior's voice that crept him out. His senior's voice was filled with..... evil. It was then he knew that something bad was going to happen if he agreed. But what else could he do? He was weak. His only chance to survive was to listen to Minho's command. "Yes, I'm sure," he answered.

"Okay, then. Kill your mother," Minho said bluntly.

Baekhyun paled. "What did you say?" he asked.

Minho chuckled slightly. "Not your birth mother, you idiot. I mean, D.O," he replied.

Baekhyun, as weak as he was, meekly nodded. Not because he wanted to. But because he had to. If not, he would die. And Byun Baekhyun had to survive.



Chen and Key entered the male toilet, telling Amber to enter the female toilet to wash herself up. They decided to bathe during the dawn in case they had not had time to bathe in the morning. But both Chen and Key knew it was all an act. The truth was, they had to discuss some things privately and they did not want Amber to hear them.

Chen cleared his throat nervously. "Key-sshi, are you afraid?" he asked.

Key looked up at him. They had just finished getting dressed. "Why should I be?"

"Amber killed Jonghyun. What would you do if she kills you?" Chen replied, his lips quivering.

"She wouldn't," Key replied confidently. "Why are you being such a wimp?"

"I'm not being such a wimp!" Chen shouted. "I'm just being cautious. We don't know what's going on in her mind. She already kiiled someone, for God's sake. I don't want to die in her hands."

Key sighed. "We made an alliance, remember?" he asked with exaggerated patience.

"I know. But how strong is our alliance? Strong enough to make sure Amber doesn't kill us?" Chen asked.

Key kept quiet. "Honestly, I don't have the answer. This , really. Why are you being paranoid for no reason?" he asked.

"I don't know. I feel insecure all of the sudden," Chen replied.

Key looked at Chen straight in the eye. "What are you suggesting, Chen-sshi?"

Chen bit his lips nervously. "I.... I was thinking of killing Amber," he said.

Key froze for a moment. He looked down. Kill Amber? How could he do that? Amber was his favourite junior. He loved Amber as a sister. He could not kill Amber. But if he did not kill her, she might kill him. He could not let that happen. He was, after all, the Almighty Key. How could he get killed by his own junior? That would be unthinkable.

"That may be a good idea," he replied.

"It is a good idea," Chen said. "Kill or be killed. Hunt or be hunted. That's the only way to survive."

"Yeah, it is the only way to survive," Key said. "We have to be heartless in order to survive. If not, people will make use of us and we are just too weak to protest."

"Okay. Let's do it," Key agreed after a moment of thinking.



D.O walked aimlessly in the shopping mall, feeling nothing. He did not feel anything after he had killed Krystal. The truth was, he did not know what he was supposed to feel? Happy? Why should he be happy? He had officially become a murderer. Sad? Why should he feel sad? He did not care about Krystal at all. Remorseful? Why should he be remorseful? He did not regret killing Krystal. All he felt was emptiness inside his heart. It was as though he had no feelings.

D.O desperately wanted to change everything. He wished Kai had not fallen in love with Krystal. That way, life would be much simpler. He wished that he did not love EXO that much until he was willing to kill everyone for them. It was all a waste. People hated him. They despised him. They detested him. They loathed him. He did that for Kai. Yet, nobody appreciated it. He wanted someone to understand him. Only one person and that was enough.

D.O would be contented even though only one person understood him. He wanted, no, needed someone to understand why he had done what he had done. That was all he asked for and God just would not grant his needs. Why should He? D.O had killed someone, after all. Why would God help him now?

He tried to search his mind for emotions, any emotions. He would be very happy if he could find an emotion right now instead of feeling that damned empty feeling in his heart. It was as though there were an animal living inside his heart and digging his heart very deeply.

God, I'm crazy, D.O thought to himself.

He sighed softly. Everybody sided with Krystal. It was always him, the 'bad guy', wasn't it? It had always been him and would always be him. It was not fair to him. It was never fair to him. People never cared about him. All the people he loved and cared for treated him like a piece of . They always took him for granted. He wanted to be cared for by them, too. Why couldn't they understand that? Was it that hard?

He was beginning to hate himself, too. Who wouldn't hate him? He was so heartless to send that video to Lee Soo Man. No wonder people hated him. They thought that he had no heart. But of course, he had a heart. That was what kept him alive, after all, right? Besides, who would love a person with a twisted mind like him? Nobody. Nobody at all.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself, D.O-sshi," someone said, interrupting his thoughts.

"I'm not feeling sorry for myself," D.O retorted. He looked up and saw Victoria, Sehun and Taemin looking at him expressionlessly. He wondered what they were feeling about him, right now? He searched their eyes and there was no disdain, hatred, anger or grief. Just understanding. And suddenly, D.O felt like crying.

"We understand why you did all of those things," Taemin said gently.

"D.O hyung, don't worry! I still love you, no matter what!" Sehun said, beaming at him.

There were no words to describe what D.O was feeling at that moment. Perhaps, the closest word was touched. But touched was still an understatement. It was more than touched. It was something bigger and deeper.



Amber, Key and Chen met again outside the toilet after about half an hour. They laughed as they saw one another's without make-up face. Key and Chen joked around as though nothing had happened when the truth was, they were secretly trying to find the perfect time to kill Amber.

Chen looked at Key sharply and nodded. He was telling him to kill her, right now. Key was standing right behind Amber and he pulled out his gun. He aimed at Amber's head and looked as though he was going to shoot. But at the last moment, he dropped his gun, out of fear.

Amber turned her head and looked at Key curiously. "What's wrong? Did that gun fall down from your pocket? I knew it was too big to fit in that pocket of yours!"

Key just looked at her blankly before turning his attention to Chen. "I can't, Chen-sshi. I can't do it. Sorry," he said.

"Damn it, Key! Why can't you?! We've discussed this in the toilet earlier!" Chen yelled.

"It isn't easy as you think!" Key spat.

"She can do it so why can't you? Are you the Almighty Key?" Chen replied, glaring at him.

"Do what? What did you two discuss about?" Amber asked blankly.

"What's so hard about killing her?" Chen yelled angrily. "You said that I should distract her by talking to her and let you do the killing but you're hopeless!"

"Do you want to know why I can't kill her?!" Key shouted back. "It's because I love her, okay? She's like a sister to me! I can't bear to kill her!"

Amber realised what they were talking about and what they had planned to do to her. She quickly tried to pull out her own gun but she was far too late. Chen picked up Key's gun and aimed it at her head. Then, he pulled the trigger.

Chen looked at Key steely. "Is that so hard to do?" he asked, glaring at him.


Author's Note:

Sorry if there are any mistakes. I had no time to edit it. I wanted to update this on Wednesday and my computer was just too laggy that I had to use my phone to use AFF. Thank you for subscribing, reading and commenting! Do comment and subscribe! Enjoy reading the next chapter!

P/S: Please don't hate D.O so much. He's pitiful, too, in this story. :( There will be something that will happen to him that you'll feel pity for him...

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I'll try to update ASAP. :)


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nsr_ar #1
Chapter 13: new subscriber. authornim pls pls pls update soon! ♥♡
alledaaa #2
Chapter 13: New subscriber here :)

As soon as sulli died, I have a second thought of continuing reading this fanfic
At first i thought her innocence in this story can enlightened up the others but she died quickly :(
Or even atleast one of the survivors .. Hehehe!

Anyway, although my bias die, i still find this fanfic interesting.
A clueless story at all.. Hahaha
Good job author im ^_^
Chicken_xoxo #3
Please update~
This story is so gooooood ^_^
izzatybadlie #4
Chapter 13: updateee pleasee
exostal #5
Update soon ><
-airhead #6
Chapter 13: more and more drama escalating,
this is by far the most thrilling chapter everrr~!

omo love triangles >.<
sekaistal >.<
and sehun killed d.o because d.o killed krys,
and taemin and victoria also teams up with sehun...

it's gonna be an interesting chapter indeed.
naringgit #7
Chapter 13: thank god i still remember the previous chapters,yeaay..
and it leave me dumbfounded after reading,,so those trio act to fool D.O all this time?wow,that's smart..i didn't see that coming..the pack is just like wolves,patiently waiting the right time while observing..oh did i say wolf accidentally? XD for now i can see the trio and the other trio save with each other,hehe
willreadanything808 #8
Chapter 13: I knew it was Onew. At least it was Victoria that seen them and not the mysterious figures leaving the notes. After the whole Kai and Krystal episode I had the felling that D.O. would meet his end. I hope the way I want this to end comes true.

Glad you updated. Will wait for the next update.
Chapter 13: Haizzz. Love ur update. Innocent hunnie actually killed the Umma. I wonder what futire they have.... At least Xiumin survived? Love how Baekkie and Onew worked together though^^
Hwaiting author-nim!!! ^^