
Kill or Be Killed 2

    Victoria cleared as Taemin just walked away towards the toilet. He wanted to calm his nerves before killing Luhan. He would not want to do a messy job of killing him. He knew that if he ever survived, the blood in his hands, the picture of Luhan, the look on Luhan's face when he had killed him and lastly his pleas(if Luhan did plead) would haunt him forever. Could he afford to do that just to get out of here?

    Well, maybe he would. Besides, his intention was to find a way to save all of them. Does one person make that much of a difference? No, right? Taemin washed his face and frowned. Should he or should he not kill Luhan, his own junior? Was he able to do that? Was he capable of killing someone?

    Meanwhile, Victoria smiled at Luhan and pretended that nothing had happened.

    "Hello, Vic noona. Where did Taemin go?" Luhan asked.

    "Hello, Luhan-sshi. Well, Taemin went to the toilet. So, are you going to play the game?" Victoria replied smoothly.

    "No, I won't. Why should I? What about you, noona?" he asked.

    "I love all of them who are here. Why should I kill them?" she replied emotionlessly.

    "You are always as caring as ever," he complimented.

    Victoria almost flinched at his sentence. She was being such a hypocrite. How would you feel if the person you were going to kill complimented you before he or she die? It would feel strange. Not surprisingly, guilt, too. She sighed softly and looked at him. She wanted him to know that she was not as caring as he thought. Her eyes drooped as she said,"I'm not really who you think I am."

    "Noona, what are you talking about?" Luhan asked, confused.

    "You'll know soon."

    Luhan's gaze flickered to the paper in her hand. "What's that?" he asked.

    Victoria handed him the letter and observed him as he read. She could see the confusion in his eyes as he read.

    "Are you going to kill?" he asked.

    "No, of course not," she answered.



    Amber, Key and Chen sat down on the floor of a janitor's closet. Even though it might smell of soap and even disgusting things, they did not care. Who cares about cleanliness at the moment when their life were in danger? Only weird people did that.  They all tried to make themselves comfortable as they looked at one another.

    "So...?" Chen started.

    "So..." Amber echoed.

    "We don't have any reason to kill one another, right? I mean, we're in different groups after all," Key said.

    "You're right. But I don't want to die," Chen said.

    "Neither do I," Amber replied.

    "Nobody wants to die," Key said.

    "Well, people with depression want to die," Chen pointed out.

    Key glared at him. "I mean, everyone in this freaking shopping mall does not want to die."

     "So, what should we do?" Amber asked.

     "I suggest we do what he wants," Chen said.

     "You mean, kill one another to become the winner?" Key asked.

     "Yeah, I mean that."

     "But isn't it selfish of us to do that?" Amber asked.

     Key and Chen looked at each other before sighing.

     "Amber, this is how life works. All of them don't give a about us. They care for themselves and we care for ourselves. That's life in the real world," Key said.

     "In order to survive in the real world, we must be selfish. Take what we want and leave what we don't want. Priority is us first before others. Help yourself first before you help others. That's how life works," Chen continued.

     "I see." Amber sighed. "So, there's no other way?"

     "None that I can think of," Key answered.

     "So, we will kill the others," Chen stated plainly.

     "Yeah. We will," Amber said.



    Sulli skipped around happily. It might be weird for her to be happy at a time like this but yeah, she was happy. And it seemed like nothing could burst her bubble. Maybe it was her innocence. Or maybe not. But what others would see by her actions annd her face, she had no worries or fear in it. Nobody knew her true feelings except for herself.

    She was happy because it was time to know how loyal the members of her group were. She had doubts about their loyalty but now, everything would be answered even if it cost her, her life. She was willing to sacrifice herself just to know the loyalty of the others. Maybe it would seem crazy to you. But it was not crazy to her. If she were to die, she would not have died in vain. She would have died knowing that she did this just to know the true feelings of the others.

    She knew if she told anyone this, she would not make any sense to them. They would think that she was out of her mind. But she did not care. She was just happy because she would know the answer to her question. Sulli was just optimistic this way. Besides, what was the chance of an idol becoming a murderer? How many idols had become a murderer? Probably none. But she did know that some of her seniors had become a murderer. You might say that she was only deluding herself.

    "Sulli-ah! You look so happy," someone said.

    Sulli smiled brightly. "Well, I am happy."

    "Do you mind telling me why? I'm trying hard to make myself happy instead of gloomy," Baekhyun replied.

    "Well, it may sound crazy. Wait. It does sound crazy," Sulli replied.

    "Oh, just tell me," he said.

    "Very well. Let's see. Have you ever wondered how loyal your friends are?" she asked.

    "I'm sure everyone would ask themselves that at least once in their life," he replied.

    "Good. Because now, you're able to know how loyal they are," she answered.

    "Is that what make you happy? What if they are not loyal at all?" he challenged.

    "I just have to accept the ugly truth, then. It's ten times better than living your life with a bunch of liars," Sulli said bluntly.

    Baekhyun thought about it for a moment. "You're right. It's better. I guess I'm happy now."

    Sulli smiled. "I'm glad I make you happy."



    Luhan was taken aback when someone jumped on him, literally. He was caught off guard and that person seemed to be holding a knife. He looked at Victoria pleadingly, hoping that she would help him but she just stood there, staring. She did not let any emotions cross her face. Why should she? It was no use. Luhan was going to die, anyway. It was then realization hit him.

    "Noona, I thought you're not going to kill?" he asked.

    "Well, I'm not. But Taemin will," Victoria said. "I did not lie to you."

    "I'm sorry, Luhan. But we have to kill you to know who the person that has locked us up here so that we can get out of this freaky place," Taemin said.

    "Why me?" Luhan asked.

    "Because you're the first person we saw," Victoria answered. "I'm really sorry, Luhan-ah..."

    "Why kill me if you're going to feel guilty afterwards?" he spat.

    "Just think like this. Think that this is a sacrifice you make to save your group members," Taemin said.

    Luhan sighed. He looked at Victoria. "You know what? You're right. You're not really who I think you are." Then, he laughed bitterly. He turned slightly to look at Taemin. "Go ahead and kill me. At least, I'll die knowing that it was all to save my friends and group members," he murmured.

    Victoria could feel the tears streaming down her cheeks. She made no effort to wipe them. She walked forward and hugged Luhan. She choked out a sob. "You're a very nice person. You're not selfish. I'm really sorry," she said.

    "Noona, don't be sorry. I'm doing this to save the others," he said.

    With that, Taemin sliced the knife through his throat. Both he and Victoria lay him down on the floor. Victoria wiped her tears. She used her hands to close his eyes.

    "You're a very nice person, Luhan-ah," she murmured. Then, she turned towards Taemin. "Where did you get that knife?"

    "At a supermarket in the cooking utensils section," Taemin replied. "Let's hope that we'll be able to get out of here."

    As if on cue, another envelope dropped to the floor. The same person ran away again. Victoria picked it up and read the content. Her lips quivered. Her hands trembled. Her face paled.

    "Screw you!" Victoria yelled.

    "Why, noona?" Taemin asked. Victoria handed him the letter.

Well, well, well. Good job in killing Luhan. I'm so impressed. But, the three of you are gullible. Do you really think that I'm going to reveal my identity? Hell, no! No way! Not until the four winners are left. So, yeah. Hahahaha. Good luck in becoming the winners!



    Lay and Kris went to a clothes store. They walked around for a moment. They only stopped to look at things. It was kind of awkward as they did not talk much.

    "Do you like Sulli?" Kris asked suddenly.

    "Why, no!" Lay replied quickly.

    "Don't lie to me. How long have I known you?" Kris asked.

    "Well, yes, I do like her. Please don't tell anyone," Lay said.

    Kris smirked. "Well. That depends." He shrugged. As they were walking around again, Kris stopped to look at himself in the mirror of a dressing room. It was then he realised that Lay had been trying to kill him using a knife for the past few minutes. He was holding a knife and was about to stab him. It was what Kris saw in the reflection.


Author's Note:

I know you all will most probably kill me, right now. First, for not updating for a looooooooooooooooooong time. Second, for killing off Luhan. Well, I forgot to say that the dying order is random. I am not biased this time in choosing the winners. It all depends on luck. So please don't kill me! Anyway, I had exams for the past two weeks so I was not able to update. Anyway, I will have exams next week. But I'll still try to update during weekend.

If you think that I'm going to abandon this fanfic, you're wrong. I will never abandon this fanfic! Unless I'm dead. If I go on hiatus for a long time, it either means that I'm having my exams or I'm dead. But most probably it's the former reason. Kekeke. Thank you for reading, commenting and subscribing! Do comment and subscribe! Enjoy reading the next chapter! :)

P/S: Who do you think the winners are? XD

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I'll try to update ASAP. :)


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nsr_ar #1
Chapter 13: new subscriber. authornim pls pls pls update soon! ♥♡
alledaaa #2
Chapter 13: New subscriber here :)

As soon as sulli died, I have a second thought of continuing reading this fanfic
At first i thought her innocence in this story can enlightened up the others but she died quickly :(
Or even atleast one of the survivors .. Hehehe!

Anyway, although my bias die, i still find this fanfic interesting.
A clueless story at all.. Hahaha
Good job author im ^_^
Chicken_xoxo #3
Please update~
This story is so gooooood ^_^
izzatybadlie #4
Chapter 13: updateee pleasee
exostal #5
Update soon ><
-airhead #6
Chapter 13: more and more drama escalating,
this is by far the most thrilling chapter everrr~!

omo love triangles >.<
sekaistal >.<
and sehun killed d.o because d.o killed krys,
and taemin and victoria also teams up with sehun...

it's gonna be an interesting chapter indeed.
naringgit #7
Chapter 13: thank god i still remember the previous chapters,yeaay..
and it leave me dumbfounded after reading,,so those trio act to fool D.O all this time?wow,that's smart..i didn't see that coming..the pack is just like wolves,patiently waiting the right time while observing..oh did i say wolf accidentally? XD for now i can see the trio and the other trio save with each other,hehe
willreadanything808 #8
Chapter 13: I knew it was Onew. At least it was Victoria that seen them and not the mysterious figures leaving the notes. After the whole Kai and Krystal episode I had the felling that D.O. would meet his end. I hope the way I want this to end comes true.

Glad you updated. Will wait for the next update.
Chapter 13: Haizzz. Love ur update. Innocent hunnie actually killed the Umma. I wonder what futire they have.... At least Xiumin survived? Love how Baekkie and Onew worked together though^^
Hwaiting author-nim!!! ^^