Saving Himself

Kill or Be Killed 2

Suho gasped as soon as he saw what Luna had done to Chanyeol. He could easily see what had happened because he, too, had not entered the store he was supposed to go to on time. He was hanging upside down but soon, he was lowered to the floor just as Chanyeol and Luna did. He quickly stood up and be on his guard in case Luna wanted to kill him, too. Then, someone from above threw an envelope at them.

Luna and Suho grabbed the envelope quickly. They looked at each other questioningly. Suho opened the envelope quickly.

Dear Luna and Suho,

Well, well, well. What a cruel thing to do to kill Chanyeol, Luna-sshi! Are you proud of it? I hope so because you have just saved your own life. Your life is more precious to you than friendship, huh? I know what you're thinking Luna-sshi. If I ask you and Suho to kill each other, you would kill him. But don't worry, Suho-sshi. You won't die. But someone else will. No, it's not Luna. Luna practically saved you when she killed Chanyeol. If they decided to die together, I would have pressed a button to drop you from hanging upside down. Even if you had not died yet, you definitely will suffer some broken bones.

Let's just consider that you're lucky, Suho-sshi. Or not. Suho-sshi, it's your turn to kill someone if you don't want to die. Luna had killed someone and it saved you. So shouldn't you kill someone for her to repay her graciousness? Yes, you must kill someone if you want to live. Anyway, Luna-sshi, you may go to the clothes store and do what I asked you to.


Lee Soo Man


Suho shook his head unbelievably. "This is freaking sick. I don't get it. Why must we kill each other? This doesn't make sense! What had we ever done to deserve this? Why had everything turned out like this? This is not fair. This , really. I hate this. I might as well kill myself. I hate this! When had things become so messed up?" he said.

Luna bit her lips nervously. "You'd better do what he asked you to do or you'll die, Suho-sshi," she said. "I'm going to go now." She quickly went to the elevator, leaving Suho alone, in his dilemma.

Suho trembled. Why is this happening? he asked himself. It's so not fair. We've done nothing to deserve this. I hate it. He ran his hand through his hair. He was confused. Should he or should he not kill? He was truly confused. Wait. Why was he even considering to kill someone to save himself? That was selfish of him!

But Suho did not want to die. He wanted to stay alive. He had a lot of things he had not achieved yet. That had to be a difficult decision for him. So yeah, you wanna survive, a voice said inside his head. How far are you willing to go to save yourself?

Very far.



Baekhyun sighed. He could not let Minho control him. No way. No freaking way. Over his dead body! He hated it when others wanted to take over his life. It was his right. He hated it when people threatened him. Byun Baekhyun was no coward. He would not let others take over his life. No one could control him and what he did except for himself. Byun Baekhyun belonged only to himself.

But if he were to make sure that Minho would not control him, he would have to kill him. That was the only way. He had to kill Minho before Minho killed him. He still felt weak. But it was okay. He just needed to eat more food. He stood up and peeked out of his hiding place. Nobody was there. He slipped outside quietly.

Baekhyun quickly rushed to the stairs and went downstairs. Most supermarkets were usually in Basement 1. Basement 2 was usually the car park. He made sure that nobody was there. He was running as fast as his two legs could carry him. As soon as he had reached Basement 1, he looked around for a supermarket. At last, when he saw it, he sprinted towards the supermarket as fast as he could.

He prayed that no one had seen him. He was taking such a big risk. But what else could he do? He had to eat to survive. He needed energy. He entered the supermarket and went towards the food section. Then, he went to the counter and stole two plastic bags. He went towards the food section and put in some packets of biscuits and crackers inside. He also put some cartons of milk in.

He looked around to see if he needed anything else. He found some energy bars. He also put in as much chocolates as he could in so that he would be able to gain energy quickly. He noted grimly to himself that he might get fat by eating all of these. Not that he cared. Why should he care about the size of his body when he was in great danger.

Suddenly, someone called his name,"Baekhyun-ah."

Baekhyun jumped, almost dropping the two plastic bags he was holding. His heart was beating so loudly that he could have sworn everybody in the shopping mall could hear it. He wondered whose voice it belonged to. He turned around slowly and got the shock of his life as soon as he saw who was in front of him. But then, he heard a loud scream echoed throughout the whole shopping mall.



"Hey, are you out of your mind?!" Xiumin shouted at the person in front of him who was holding a knife and was pointing it at him. "Why are you trying to kill me?"

Suho sighed. "I'm so sorry, hyung," he said. "I have to, in order to save myself."

"Selfish bastard," Xiumin said. "Are you seriously doing this? Why me? What had I ever done to you to deserve this? You don't hold any grudge against me, do you?" He had never felt so betrayed before. Why was this happening? He thought that he and Suho had gotten along just fine. So why was Suho trying to kill him now?

Suho shook his head in defeat. "I chose you because I played a game. I closed my eyes and turned around and pointed at someone. The someone that I pointed to is the one I had to kill. That someone is you," he said.

Xiumin glared at him. "Are you crazy? You can't kill me! We're not from the same sub-unit! You should kill someone who is in EXO-K! Don't ask me who! I don't know. D.O, maybe? Sehun? They're the only ones alive other than you! Go and kill them!" He could feel the tears in his eyes. He really felt so betrayed. How could Suho do this to him? He did not remember hurting Suho. "Look here, if I had ever hurt you, I'm sorry, okay? I really am. You don't have to kill me."

Suho shook his head. "No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for wanting to kill you," he said.

Xiumin immediately brightened up. "Are you not going to kill me?" he asked, his eyes hopeful.

Suho almost smirked. Naive, he thought to himself. "I'm so sorry for wanting to kill. I'm sorry for killing you." With that, he threw the knife he was holding at Xiumin's chest. It stabbed through Xiumin's heart. Or so Suho thought. Xiumin fell to the floor after letting out a scream of pain.

Not wanting to see Xiumin's corpse, Suho quickly ran away before the guilt of killing someone began to engulf him.



Author's Note:

Oh my God! This is like the most boring chapter ever! Gosh, I'm so sorry! But don't worry. The next chapter is going to be filled with drama again. Haha. This is the dark before the storm. XD Before that, I've got a bad news to tell you. I'm going on a semi-hiatus. No, I'm not going on a trip or anything. It's just that I think I should finish off Yoona and the Seven Idiots first before continuing to update my other stories as normal.

But don't worry. Since I want to finish this story ASAP, too, I'll be updating this after I've updated every three chapters of Yoona and the Seven Idiots. Once again, I'm so sorry! :( I just need to get that story out of my head first.

Anyway, any guesses who the person that Baekhyun had seen is? XD Thank you for subscribing, reading and commenting! Do comment and subscribe! Enjoy reading the next chapter! :)

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I'll try to update ASAP. :)


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nsr_ar #1
Chapter 13: new subscriber. authornim pls pls pls update soon! ♥♡
alledaaa #2
Chapter 13: New subscriber here :)

As soon as sulli died, I have a second thought of continuing reading this fanfic
At first i thought her innocence in this story can enlightened up the others but she died quickly :(
Or even atleast one of the survivors .. Hehehe!

Anyway, although my bias die, i still find this fanfic interesting.
A clueless story at all.. Hahaha
Good job author im ^_^
Chicken_xoxo #3
Please update~
This story is so gooooood ^_^
izzatybadlie #4
Chapter 13: updateee pleasee
exostal #5
Update soon ><
-airhead #6
Chapter 13: more and more drama escalating,
this is by far the most thrilling chapter everrr~!

omo love triangles >.<
sekaistal >.<
and sehun killed d.o because d.o killed krys,
and taemin and victoria also teams up with sehun...

it's gonna be an interesting chapter indeed.
naringgit #7
Chapter 13: thank god i still remember the previous chapters,yeaay..
and it leave me dumbfounded after reading,,so those trio act to fool D.O all this time?wow,that's smart..i didn't see that coming..the pack is just like wolves,patiently waiting the right time while observing..oh did i say wolf accidentally? XD for now i can see the trio and the other trio save with each other,hehe
willreadanything808 #8
Chapter 13: I knew it was Onew. At least it was Victoria that seen them and not the mysterious figures leaving the notes. After the whole Kai and Krystal episode I had the felling that D.O. would meet his end. I hope the way I want this to end comes true.

Glad you updated. Will wait for the next update.
Chapter 13: Haizzz. Love ur update. Innocent hunnie actually killed the Umma. I wonder what futire they have.... At least Xiumin survived? Love how Baekkie and Onew worked together though^^
Hwaiting author-nim!!! ^^