
The You I Know


The night was quite as Minyoung stared out her window. There are still couples walking in the street, hand in hand and it made Minyoung remembered how she used to be with Myungsoo. He was really sweet back then. He never gets tired of her and all he did was to laugh at her clumsiness.


But things are different now. She knew she didn’t have a chance. She knew if she held on to him, he’ll let go of her.


“Myungsoo! I’m talking to you!” Minyoung yelled and grabbed hold of his wrist. All she wanted was for him to look at her like he always do but when he came to an abrupt stop, she could see his face darkened as he saw EunHee with some other guy and just like that, his hand slip away from hers and he went to EunHee’s side.


She pretended to be fine. She pretended to care less about everything. Things were never the same right after Christmas last year. She didn’t know why Myungsoo changed. The next thing she knew, he disappeared when high school starts along with EunHee.


Minyoung didn’t mind being friends with EunHee back then because EunHee was a cheerful girl and she had her own boyfriend although she was so close with Myungsoo. That made Minyoung less care about their friendship. EunHee’s boyfriend was Woohyun. The famous guy who’s in the field team. He was the best out of the best and everyone wanted to be with him. How everyone envied EunHee back then.


But things change when they broke up. It was the same time when Myungsoo changed his attitude around her. So Myungsoo kept spending more time with EunHee and things weren’t going well with EunHee either. Minyoung did try to talk to Myungsoo several times but he pushed her away when he saw EunHee in front of him.


How she hated EunHee after that. He was all nice on Christmas and the next thing; he’s giving her cold shoulders. What’s more, his relationship with EunHee was getting suspicious. Who wouldn’t think he dump Minyoung because of EunHee? Minyoung didn’t even get any explanation about the whole ignoring her.


But now, she thinks there’s more to it because Woohyun appeared in school. Myungsoo was being super protective this time. He kept EunHee away from Woohyun if he could. So it makes Minyoung wondered why.


The night where Myungsoo and Sungyeol were hanging out for dinner, she came along because she thought she could get answers from him. But he didn’t tell her anything but he didn’t push her away either. The two of them laughed hard on Sungyeol’s joke and they bit their good bye to Sungyeol before walking home.


“I’ll walk you home,” Myungsoo said as they walk the opposite way from Sungyeol.


“I’m fine walking alone,” she said, but in her heart, everyone knows she wanted him too.


“It’s dangerous and I don’t want you to call me if some drunken guy come purring to you,” he said with a grin.


She pouted. “Then I’ll just call someone else.”


“Like whom?”


She bit her lips and thought for a while. Come to think of it, she didn’t have anyone, she sighed. “Fine, I’ve got no one,” she exclaimed and looked down to her feet.


Myungsoo chuckled and ruffled her hair. “You’re still the same Minyoung,” he muttered softly and there was an awkward silence between them.


Right now, Minyoung wanted to ask him badly about what happen between them. She never gets a definite answer for it but she knew if she asks him, she’ll ruin the moment and she might end up walking alone. “I know,” is all she can come up with.


For a while, they walked silently side by side and Minyoung could feel her hand brushed against his and she felt the urge to reach to him but she kept her thoughts far away, bringing her hands to and blew the warm air.


He looked at her. “Cold?” he asked.


She shook her head, didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. Without warning, Myungsoo reached out for her right hand and shoved it inside the pocket in his coat, still holding tight her small hands. Satisfied, he smiled and both of them continue walking.


Minyoung could feel her eyes getting teary. What he’s doing now is exactly the same when they were dating on Christmas. She didn’t want to ruin this moment, so she tighten the grip, which makes Myungsoo to glance at her for a while but he smiled softly before turning away, being aware of the whole situation. But he knew what he was doing, that’s for sure.


“I’m sorry Minyoung,” he bit.


She smiled. “I wish you would tell me sooner.”


He paused. “Things were hard.”


“and I’m still waiting for an explanation,” there. She said it.


He didn’t talk for a while but they keep walking. Myungsoo bit his lips. “It’s best if we ignore the explanations. Trust me. It’s not the right moment.” He said, clearly he didn’t want her to know.


“Even ignoring that you’re actually holding my hand right now?”


He smiled and shrugged. “I won’t if I were you.” he muttered softly.


“Stop giving me wrong ideas, Myungsoo.”


“I wish I could.” He said and they were finally in front of her house. “Well, this is it.”


“Myung-“ before she could say anything, the door sprung upon, revealing an angry brother at the frame door.


“What do we have here,” he smirked.


Myungsoo’s face darkened. “Good night,” he said and walked away, didn’t want to spend his precious time talking to an idiot.


When Minyoung saw Myungsoo walked before she could stop him, she glared at her brother. “Really?” she said and pushed her away in.


“Are you still dating that kid?” her brother asked as he closed the door behind him.


“He’s not a kid and what is wrong with you?” annoyed with the look his giving her.


“I don’t like him.” He answered bluntly.


“Well I do.” She stated and staring furiously at her brother.


“I told you to stay away from him..” he gritted his teeth.


“You’re a jerk.” She said and went in her room.


“Stay away from him!” she could hear him yell. She groaned. Honestly, she didn’t understand what is the big deal for her to date Myungsoo? Her brother is being over protective of her ever since he knew she was dating someone. She gets it that he was trying to take care of her but sometimes, it’s just, annoying.


The next morning, Minyoung was keen to see Myungsoo because she knew she needed to say sorry for her brother’s ill-behaviour. Besides, she feels that between her and Myungsoo, things weren’t as bad as she imagine. She went to his classroom to only find other kids, Myungsoo was not there. She wondered where he might be.


“Our victim has reached her destination,” a girl spoke and her friends laughed. Minyoung couldn’t help but to turned and glanced at them but they were too engulfed in their dirty plans to notice her.  


EunHee went inside one of the cubicle, wanting to fix her uniform, right then she heard girls giggling and a thud was heard at the cubicle door. She blinked and tried to push it but it seems the door was stuck. She banged the door a few times. “Hello?”


The girls giggled.


“Guys, it’s not funny. Get me out of here,” she said and banged the door again. The next thing she knew, a pile of water came splashing on top of her. She was too startled to say anything, her hair was dripping wet, and her clothes were drenched. The girls laughed louder, enjoying every moment.


“Serves you right.” One of them said and she could hear them walked out.


EunHee tried pushing the door open but it was hopeless and she was stuck in there. She sighed and looked down at her clothes. She bit her lips. Anger, confuse, her emotions are all mixed up. Wonder what she had done to deserve this.


While she was wondering in her own thoughts, Minyoung came in and saw the broom leaned against the cubicle, so she pushed it away. “EunHee ah,” she spoke. “You can open the door now.”


A creak was heard as EunHee swung the door open, but what worries Minyoung is that EunHee had a smile on her face. “I’m all wet,” she said with a chuckle.


“Here,” Minyoung handed her the towel she had for her P.E.


“Thanks,” EunHee said and wrapped herself. “I’m gonna change,” she walked pass Minyoung.


“Are you going out like that?”


EunHee nodded. “I’ll be fine.”


“You know, girls like you. I hate them the most,” Minyoung said, practically irritated. She wanted EunHee to tell her that she wasn’t alright. She wanted her to at least, tell her true feelings.


But again, her hopes were useless because EunHee just smiled at her and walk out of the bathroom. “Stupid EunHee. I would listen if you wanted to talk,” Minyoung muttered alone.


When EunHee thought it was not a big deal about getting splashed, she was wrong. As she went out, everyone, she meant everyone was outside, staring at her. She could see some people whispering, some giggled at the sight of her, her eyes wondered and she saw Woohyun and she didn’t feel like seeing him. She was about to walk away but she saw the worried look on Myungsoo’s face.


“EunHee ah,” he started.


“Don’t.” she said and gave him a smile. “I’m okay.” She said and walked pass him. ‘Okay my foot,’ she said to herself. Actually, she didn’t want to cry. She didn’t want to feel terrible after what had happen. But she almost burst into tears as she saw Hoya came rushing to her with Dongwoo by his side. He furrowed his eyebrows.


“Maybe you guys were right,” she paused and smiled weakly. “I’m too obvious.” She said and made her way out of there. She knew her voice cracked a little but she held in her tears. It was her pride and she’ll never let those tears slip.


Hoya frowned and turned to face Myungsoo, his face showing that he wants answers but Myungsoo shrugged. He too didn’t know what happen.


Those few weeks, EunHee was bullied over and over again. She got pushed in the cafeteria and her food spilled on her, some girls would trash her desk and some would sent her death notes saying all the bad things, cursed words. But EunHee tried to shrug it off because she didn’t understand why. Why is she being treated this way? But she was fine. Besides, it’s the same thing happened all over again. Just like middle school.


“I’m getting worried. She didn’t tell you anything?” Sungyeol spoke as he saw EunHee walked in her class. He too realized the tension everyone is giving when it comes to EunHee. Sungyeol tried to save her from getting bullied once, but everytime he tried to interfere, the girls would swarmed him and he couldn’t get near EunHee. His attempt has been hopeless.


Myungsoo shook his head. “She’s too stubborn. I can’t get through her.” He answered. It’s the truth; EunHee seemed to be shutting herself from him. She didn’t answer his call and everytime he went to her house, her cousin, Sunggyu, would tell him she didn’t want to see anyone. “Do you think you could talk to her?” he shifted his gaze to his friend.


Sungyeol pointed to himself. “Me?” he shook his head. “I can’t even reach a 100 meters near her. Those girls are crazy I tell you,” he said and shivered.


“I’m hopeless,” Myungsoo finally said.


“True,” a voice beamed, Myungsoo turned to face a smirking Woohyun. “I thought I remember you saying something about taking care of her. Is this how you do your job?” he said.


“Don’t get me started Woohyun,” Myungsoo snarled but Woohyun grabbed him by the collar.


“Do something Myungsoo!” Woohyun yelled at him.


“Yah!” Sungyeol tried to free them both.


“I can’t do something if she shoves me away!” Myungsoo yelled back.


“Just do something! Anything! Things will go worst,” Woohyun pleaded. His eyes stared directly at Myungsoo and Myungsoo knew he wasn’t playing around this time. He’s getting worried like the rest of them.


“I can’t. She won’t let me,” Myungsoo muttered. “Why don’t you try?” he said mockingly.


Woohyun let go of his grip. “She hates me.”


Myungsoo laughed. “Hah. It took you that long to realize?”


“Shut up Myungsoo.” He blurted out. “Has things always been this way? I mean from the first time I saw her, I knew she changed but I didn’t know she was bullied.”


“How could you know? You fled to U.S remember? She got bullied right when you dumped her. But when she came here, her life changed but then you had to show up and ruin everything,” Myungsoo exclaimed and sratched his head in frustration. “Why the heck am I even telling you this?”


“She was?” Woohyun was speechless. Of course he never knew anything; he was too stupid at that time.  


“Screw it Woohyun,” Myungsoo said and walked away with Sungyeol.


He sighed. “I’m a jerk.” Woohyun said to himself.




Like usual, EunHee would walk home without Myungsoo with her. It has been weeks since she talked to him but right now, she didn’t feel like it. She knew Myungsoo is worried about her but she didn’t want to bother him with her problems anymore. She bothered him enough.


“Yah Park EunHee!” someone called out her name and before she knew it, she was yanked away and she hit the hard wall behind her, causing her shoulder to winch in pain. She looked up and saw Kim Hyejin in front of her. EunHee knew her during the first day she came in. She was in love with Myungsoo but Myungsoo didn’t give her a chance.


“Hyejin, what the heck?” EunHee cursed as she rubbed her aching arm.


“Finally!” she exclaimed loudly. “I thought you can’t even talk,” she laughed mockingly and her friends followed her, eyeing EunHee in disgust.


“Let me hit you hard and I’ll let you know,” EunHee growled.


They laughed, of course, Hyejin would be the loudest. “You don’t scare me EunHee,” she muttered and lean closer to her, grapping hard EunHee’s chin. “I really hate you.”


“Then we’re even.” EunHee spat out.


“Ah, so this is your true color?” she snorted. “Those pure innocent image you created never fooled us. But it did fool everyone else though,” she paused. “Even Nam Woohyun.” She pushed her face harshly.


EunHee scoffed. “So you’re the one behind all of this?”


“Isn’t it obvious?” she said and put a finger on her lips. “But let’s just say everyone hates you now. So, next time, it might be another person coming at you,” she laughed.


“Bring it on,” EunHee said. She was about to walk off from those troublesome girls but Hyejin managed to grab her arm and again she was pushed to the hard brick. “Damn,” EunHee gritted her teeth.


“Don’t you dare walk away from me, you poser!” Hyejin said and she took out the scissors she had all along with her.


EunHee’s eyes went wide and now she did feel a little scared. “What-“ before she could say anything, the other four girls grab her and held her tight, making her hard to escape. “Let go!” she screamed.


“You know, I don’t get it. Why did every guy have to come to your rescue? I hate how you’re so clingy to Myungsoo-“


“He’s my friend you idiot. Now let me go!”


“Don’t seem like one to me,” she shrugged. “and then you seemed to be in a good terms with Lee Howon. He’s a heartthrob honey. Just admit that. But then I saw you with him. I manage to control myself from killing you but now, that new student, Nam Woohyun-“


“You can have him if you want. I don’t have anything against that,” EunHee narrowed her eyes to Hyejin.


Hyejin smiled mockingly. “Nam Woohyun,” she paused and leaned closer to her face. “I heard you have some history with him.”


“Like you said, we’re history.”


“He didn’t think so. He still likes you. A lot I tell you,” Hyejin began to look at her in disgust. “and when I ask him why, he says he likes your long hair.” Her hands reach out to touch EunHee’s hair. “and I tell you how I hate that.” She said.


“Don’t!” EunHee panicked. To every girl, her hair was the most precious thing and to have someone cut it against her will, it’s not a very amusing feeling.  


“Shut up!” she yelled and gave a hard slap. Blood trickled from EunHee’s cheek as her long nails brushed against her face. Hyejin motioned her friends to cover EunHee’s mouth and hold her tight. EunHee muffled but she can’t seem to talk. Hyejin grab hold of her hair. “If I were to cut all of it, it won’t be that fun,” she said and slipped some of her hair away but kept some in her grip. “Now, scream for help EunHee. No one is going to save you now,” Hyejin smirked.


EunHee tried to struggle but it was hopeless, she had four girls holding her tight. Her eyes prickled with fear as the scissors rested on her hair.




Hyejin laughed.


EunHee’s eyes went wide as she saw her hair drop to the ground. She glared at Hyejin and tried to break free.


“Look at you,” Hyejin said. “Should I cut more?” she smirked and bent down again, this time, taking the remaining long hair of EunHee’s. But when she tried to cut it, a tight grip caught her wrist and immediately, she was yanked off her feet. Fear showed in her eyes as she saw Woohyun before her.


“What the heck do you think you’re doing?” he screamed at her.


“Woo-Woohyun,” she stuttered. “We weren’t doing-“ her eyes followed his and his eyes landed on the hair on the ground, his eyes perked up to see EunHee. “No-“ Hyejin tried to save her life.


“Are you crazy?” Woohyun glared.


“No,” she managed to grab hold of his collar. “Don’t trust her. She’s not what you think she is,” she said and took a breath. “She’s not the pure and innocent girl everyone thing she is.”


Woohyun looked at her coldly. “I know her better than you do,” he spat. “Go away before I kill you,” he said.




“Go!” he yelled at her and tears rolled down her cheeks. She ran away. “Aren’t you going?” he yelled to the other four girls and they quickly scurried away, leaving the lifeless EunHee. Once they were gone, Woohyun kneeled down.


She looked at him. “Happy?”


“EunHee. I’m so sorry,” he said and wrapped his arms around her, her hair.


“Let go of me Woohyun,” she said and pushed him away. “I don’t think I want to see you right now,” she said and stood up. She gathered all of her courage and walk away.


Woohyun was about to reach out to her but he knew she’ll shove him away again. So, he stopped. They cut her hair, the long hair that he had always loved.


EunHee walked limply, her legs are aching after the hard push. She made her way towards the park and she could see all eyes on her. But she ignored them. She just needs something to cheer her up. It may seem childish but she misses Mr.Teddy.


Then she saw him. The big teddy bear costume, giving little kids the balloon in his hands. She smiled and leaned towards the nearest tree. She couldn’t show herself. She couldn’t at this state, ahjusshi might get worried and will start to ask questions, so she stood there and watched every movement.


It’s almost dark and Sungjong was happy that Hoya called him, saying he would treat him dinner, so he headed to the park. He was walking happily, humming some songs but he stopped as he saw EunHee. He was about to talk to her but by the way she looked, he didn’t feel like it. He frowned and noticed she was staring at the big bear. He chuckled.


He didn’t know why but he found it funny and cute at the same time. He wondered how she’ll react if she knew it was Hoya inside there. He chuckled again but decided to make his way to the office as he saw Hoya walk away.


When he reached there, he saw Hoya fanning himself. “Oh, Sungjong ah~” he smiled to him.


“Hi hyung,” he said.


“I’ll just take my shower and we’re off,” he said and stood up.


“Hyung,” Sungjong called him and Hoya looked at him. “I think we need to cancel our date,” he said and Hoya broke into a laugh.


“Date? Gosh Sungjong. Don’t make things awkward,” Hoya laughed and Sungjong looked at him with his-really-look so Hoya held in his laughter.


“I saw EunHee just now,” he said and Hoya’s eyes perked up. “Ah, so you’re animal instinct is not working well these days?” he joked.


“You saw her?”


He nodded. “Looking like a crazy girl staring at a bear costume.”




“Near the trees from where you work just now.”


“I’m gonna-“ Hoya was about to rush there, but Sungjong stopped him.


“Might as well, change and a short shower would be nice,” Sungjong smiled at him.


Hoya looked at himself. He still had the costume on him, except for the big bear’s head of course. “Yeah, you’re right.” He scurried away.


Sungjong smiled. “You owe me another dinner, hyung!” he yelled.


“I’m broke!” Hoya yelled out.


Sungjong shrugged. “But you still work as a Teddy,” he said and stared at the bear’s face. “Too slow to even realized your feelings,” he said but he knew Hoya couldn’t hear him so he smiled.


When Hoya was done with his shower, he changed and quickly made his way towards EunHee. His eyes searched for her figure. “Trees,” he said to himself and wondered around. It was just then he saw her.


Sitting above a big tree and playing with her fingers. He smiled but then he frowned as he saw how she looked like. Sungjong was right, she looked horrible. Her uniforms are all dirty and he noticed her hair. “EunHee?” he called out her name.


She winched and looked up to see Hoya looking at her in confusion. Instead of running away like she used too, tears started to fall and she broke into a sob.


“Ah!” Hoya panicked. “Don’t cry,” he bit his lips and bent down to face her. “Did I scare you?” he asked in concern.


She shook her head and continues sobbing. She didn’t want him to see her in this state, it was embarrassing and she could guess how terrible she looked like.  She waited for him to ask why or worst for it but then, she felt a warm hand on her head. She looked at Hoya but helooked away.


“Don’t cry,” he muttered and patted her head lightly.


‘Why is this so familiar,’ she thought. His warm hands on top of her head. ‘It feels like-‘ she looked at him.



A/N: this is a long chappy~ *squeals* hehehe..what do guys think of this chappie? i really hope you guys don't hate Minyoung here. =) thanks for reading and don't forget to give a comment.

hellopanda23: hahaha.. don't punch Woohyun yet~ XD

blaqjackinspirit: i know~ i made her that way.. ki ki ki..

SooYeol: but i hope you don't hate her now~ LOL. 

coolme: hahaha, IKR? how cute is it going to be? you're welcome!

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CassInspirit97 #1
will there be more updates ??????????
CassInspirit97 #2
WAHHHHHHH sooooooooo cuteeeeee!!!!!!!!holy heavens the kiss was realllllll!!!!!!hoya oppaaaaaaaaa sooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!why are you soooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: How cute HAHAHAHA.
hellopanda23 #4
Chapter 16: its been so long! LOLS sunggyu doesnt want nightmares lol
Tarantulax #5
This feels so angryyyyyyy
hellopanda23 #7
Chapter 15: mean girls...gosh why cant we all share cookies and be nice to one another
hellopanda23 #8
Chapter 14: Ha ha sunggyu... Lols ha ha.. Gahhh hhejin is cruelllll
coolme #9
Chapter 13: Omg the ending of this chapter is just so surprising.... what happened to her?
YAY / throws confetti around/
haha pls update soon T^T