letting go

The You I Know


“I-umm,” before EunHee could speak, Woohyun cut her off.


“Isn’t it obvious? Let go off me,” Woohyun yanked his arm from Hoya’s grip.


“I know exactly what you’re doing, but I want to know what she is doing,” Hoya looked at EunHee for answer.


EunHee froze, Hoya was looking at her for answers and Woohyun seemed to look at her too, waiting to hear on what she had to say about the whole situation. ‘Oh crap,’ she bit her lips. If she were to answer ‘nothing’ she might hurt Woohyun but if she answers ‘just like what you saw’ would totally be a misunderstanding. She looked up and still their eyes didn’t budge.


“Well?” Hoya crossed his arms.


“Stop pressuring me,” she blurted out. “What kind of answers do you expect me to say? I was caught by surprise,” she mumbled and looked away.


“Caught by surprise?”




“It didn’t seem like it,” Hoya said and EunHee glared at him.


“What exactly do you want to hear Hoya-shii?” she narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you trying to pick a fight?”


“Depends on you,” Hoya replied.


Woohyun frowned and smirked. Now he understands what Sunggyu meant. He understands why he had to let go of her. The answer is pretty obvious.


“So I’m the one who’s at fault here? What about you and Hyejin? I didn’t have anything against that. So why are you making such a big fuss about Woohyun?” EunHee blurted out.


“Hyejin doesn’t have anything to do with this.”


EunHee snorted. “So does Woohyun,” she answered. “Come on Woohyun,” she said but woohyun chuckled.


“I’m not going anywhere with you,” he said with a smile. “You do have some explanation to do,” he winked at Hoya. “I’m gonna go now,” he stretched himself and started walking. “What a long day.”


“Yah! Nam Woohyun! You come back here!” EunHee fumed. ‘What the hell? I have to explain all of this. It’s his fault for this whole misunderstanding,’ she snorted as Woohyun walked away, leaving her alone with Hoya. She turned to him and saw him looking at her with his cocky smile on his face.


“So you have a thing for him?” Hoya asked.


“It’s a long time ago,” EunHee answered truthfully.


“and it’s back on?” he asked with curiosity in his eyes.


“I was about to settle it but you appeared, so I don’t know.”


“You mean-“


“Yes Hoya-shii, that was my chance to say no to Woohyun,” EunHee sighed and run her fingers through her hair. “Thanks to a certain someone, now I had to do it all over again,” she said.


‘Damn,’ Hoya bit his lips. “Just tell him later, he’ll understand,” he said simply.


EunHee snorted and punched him lightly on the shoulder. “Easy for you to say,” she bit and sighed again. “Bytheway, what are you doing here?”


“A-um-walk. I was walking. Taking some fresh air,” he faked a laugh and stretched his arm.


EunHee narrowed her eyes on him. “You’re suspicious. Have you been following me?”


Hoya chocked. “Boo? Yah! Why would I waste my time doing that?”


EunHee shrugged. “But still, it’s suspicious,” she said. There was an awkward silence between the both of them. Hoya coughed and started a new conversation.


“Aren’t you going home?” he asked.


“I will now,” she said. “What about you?”


“I have some work to do,” he said. “I’ll see you later then?”


EunHee looked at him and smiled. “Right, see you later,” she said and waved at him goodbye. She then walked towards the street and disappears behind the corner.


Hoya turned around and leaned himself to the tree.


“You’re hopeless hyung,” Sungjong said and he appeared. “You’re not romantic at all,” he said bluntly.


Hoya gave him a glare and sighed. “I’m not Woohyun,” he said.


Sungjong laughed. “of course,” he answered and got another death glare from Hoya. “Oh come one hyung, you know you can’t compare yourself to Woohyun-“


“-he almost kiss her-“ Hoya cupped his face.


Sungjong crossed his arms. “You’re pathetic hyung. Do you really want me to teach you a few moves?” he asked with a sneaky smile.


“The last time I trust you, I end up in a bear suit.”


“Aish, that doesn’t count. It was the only job I could find-“


“-still, a cashier would be nice-“


“You met EunHee, and that is thanks to me. I'm like a cupid.”


“Cupid my foot.”


Sungjong smiled. “Training starts tomorrow.”


“We have training? That’s ridiculous.”


“Call me Songsaengnim.”


“I’m gonna rip your throat if you say that one more time,” Hoya said and stood properly.


“But I’m going to teach-“


“Sungjong, ripping my shirt is the easiest job. Try imagining me doing that to you throat.”


“Araso, aish,” Sungjong cursed and Hoya smiled.


“Now let’s go and eat, shall we?”


“On you?”


“Araso imma,” Hoya ruffled Sungjong’s hair and both of them started walking towards their usual place.



The heavy box wobbled Minyoung’s steps as she carried it through the hallway. The seniors made her carry the heavy box to the library. It seemed like Minyoung was one of the unlucky juniors who got caught by the seniors and had to do their jobs instead.


“Ah,” she was wobbling to the right as she could feel the box falling.


“Yah, be careful,” Myungsoo said as he lifted the box from her.


Minyoung watched him. “Give it back Myungsoo. I’ll carry it by myself,” she said and tried to take the box from him but he sprung it away from her and shook his head.


“I’ll do it,” he said and cleared his throat awkwardly. “Where to?”


She sighed. “Library,” she answered bluntly.


Myungsoo started to walk but Minyoung stood there and watched his back. Looking at him, she couldn’t think on what she’s doing here. I mean, the first reason she wanted to enroll here was because of Myungsoo. She was happy to see him and wanted to be with him. But once she did meet him, she wondered, ‘Now what?’ she asked herself.


Myungsoo stop his steps and turn to look at Minyoung. “Coming?” he asked.


They stared at each other for a while. ‘Anything is fine isn’t it? As long as I’m right beside him, everything’s fine,’ she told herself and smiled. “I’m coming,” she said and rushed by his side. Put on a smile and act like normal.


After placing the box inside the library, both of them walked to the parking lot. It was a quiet evening and they knew most of the kids had gone home. Maybe a few who wanted to study stayed back.


“Should I walk you home?” he asked her.


“If you are willing too, I’m okay with it,” she smiled at hime.


He hit her forehead lightly. “Aigoo,” he chuckled.


“Yah,” she said and punched him lightly on the shoulder. They were laughing when suddenly, Myungsoo phone rings.


“Oh, Eunhee ah,” he answered the phone. By the sound of her name, Minyoung’s smiled died. “I’ll be there by 8,” he replied and hung up the phone. “Let’s go,” Myungsoo smiled at her.


“Why does it have to be her?” Minyoung started and Myungsoo stop his steps. “Has it always been like this from the beginning?” she asked him but Myungsoo just stood there, facing his back towards her. “Answer me, Myungsoo!” she cried out. Still, he didn’t reply. She walked and stood in front him.


Myungsoo looked away in annoyance. Minyound scoffed. “What? Did I finally trigger you?”


“Enough already,” he said while looking at her sternly.


“Wae? Ah, because you’re going to defend her until the end?”


“I said enough is enough, Minyoung,” he warned her.


“What is she to you, Myung-ah? Why did you need to defend her? You wouldn’t know if she’s just using you or trying to steal you from me!”


He scoffed. “You and your careless thougths,” he paused. “What do you know?"


“I might know nothing but all I know is you’ve glued to her and I can’t have my chance here,” she said. “I- I want answers. I don’t like being the bad guy too, you know. But with you being around her, I can’t help but to feel unsecure-“


“I’m no longer your boyfriend,” he said and that was the word. The only thing he had to say to make her stop.


Her eyes were glimmering with tears but she held in. “Fine,” she said and run the opposite way.


Seeing that, Myungsoo sighed in frustration and looked at the Minyoung whose now far away. He did remember the scene. But instead, he was doing the running.


“Chincha? Daebak!” he heard a few of the girls whispering and they started to walk towards the staircase at the east wing of the school building. He frowned, didn’t know what’s going on.


“Kaja, I want to see,” another girl spoke as she passed by him.


Myungsoo stood there and watched as every single student around him running towards the same direction. He can’t help but being curious himself.


As he reached there, he saw most of the students were crowded in circle;watching in amusement. Myungsoo tried to get in between them, to see what’s going on. Once, he reached there, he saw her, with blood flowing from the back of her head.


“EunHee ah!” he yelled and rushed towards his friend. “EunHee ah, wake up! EunHee ah!” he panicked. He didn’t know what to do. “Someone call songsaengnim!” he yelled but then he heard nothing and no one seemed to be doing anything. He glanced up at everyone around him. “What are guys waiting for? Quickly!” he plead them but everyone was looking at him with nonchalance in their eyes.


From then Myungsoo realize what was going on. Ever since Woohyun left, EunHee got bullied endlessly. He didn’t know things would go serious until the incident. He scolded himself for being too careless in taking care of his friend. That was the reason that he stick to her till the end. That was also the reason why he left Minyoung; terrified that he won’t be able to save his loved one. 

Author's note: Yah~~~~ it has been a while. How did this chapter go? a little bit  of the past there and i will reveal a lot more in the upcoming chapter. Hope you guys are still here~ <3

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CassInspirit97 #1
will there be more updates ??????????
CassInspirit97 #2
WAHHHHHHH sooooooooo cuteeeeee!!!!!!!!holy heavens the kiss was realllllll!!!!!!hoya oppaaaaaaaaa sooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!why are you soooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: How cute HAHAHAHA.
hellopanda23 #4
Chapter 16: its been so long! LOLS sunggyu doesnt want nightmares lol
Tarantulax #5
This feels so angryyyyyyy
hellopanda23 #7
Chapter 15: mean girls...gosh why cant we all share cookies and be nice to one another
hellopanda23 #8
Chapter 14: Ha ha sunggyu... Lols ha ha.. Gahhh hhejin is cruelllll
coolme #9
Chapter 13: Omg the ending of this chapter is just so surprising.... what happened to her?
YAY / throws confetti around/
haha pls update soon T^T