
The You I Know


The cold night breeze blew the curtains away and from Myungsoo’s room. He could see stars gazing at him. He smiled. These small things can make a person’s mood change. Through sad and sorrows, joy will overwhelm it.


His hands reached for a familiar box under his bed. It was dusty and he was sure he left it unopened for a while now. But today, he just feels like looking into it. Slowly, he opened the box and peered inside.


People might think he’s the type of a guy whom is too cool to be a romantic person. With his deadly stares, surely he won’t be categorized in being a romantic person. But, to him, he’s hopelessly romantic. Dreaming that one day he would encounter the person he loves.


He then took the familiar Polaroid which has his picture and Minyoung in it. He smiled weakly.


“Myungsoo!” EunHee yelled his name and barged in the room just in time Myungsoo kicked the box under his bed. She frowned.


He quickly stood up, panic. “So soon?”


“I was calling your name for almost a hundredth time,” she bit. “What were you doing?” she said and tried to pick up evidence.


“Nothing,” he quickly said.


“Are you-perhaps-?” she chuckled.


“Yah! I’m not Sungyeol!”


EunHee burst to a laugh. “Araso, come on, your mom is making lasagna tonight,” she said and pushed him out of the door. “Oh, wait. I need to use the washroom,” she suddenly said.


“I’ll be downstairs,” he said and she nodded.


Once she was sure Myungsoo was far away, she slowly made her way into his room. Her eagerness played through her mind. She wondered what’s Myungsoo’s been hiding. Once she stared at the floor, she came by a Polaroid. She bent down to pick it up.


“Ah, Myungsoo,” she bit her lips as she saw the picture.


“EunHee-ah-“ Myungsoo swung the door open and saw her with the polaroid in her hand.




“Give me that,” he snatched the picture from her.


“You should have told me-“


“Tell you what?” he stared hard at her.


“You still like her.”


“That’s none of your business,” he looked away.


“Is it because of that? The incident?”


“It has nothing to do with that,” he interrupted her and looked down to his feet.




“I said it has nothing to do with it!” he yelled at her.


Her face darkened. “Fine, if you think that I’m not worth to tell all of this. Then forget it,” she said and was about to rush out of the room when Myungsoo grab her wrist.




“I never wish to be a burden to others and I know what you have been through just to help me. But I beg you, Myungsoo. Don’t waste your life for me,” she said and strode out of the room.


Myungsoo watched as she disappeared from his visions. He sighed and sat at the edge of the bed. For the first time after a while, he’d actually reconsider about Minyoung.


“Why the gloom face?” Sunggyu asked as he sat down beside her on the couch. His hands casually reached for the remote control and switched the tv on.


“Do friends usually do that?”


“Do what?” he asked as he ate the chips he had in his hands.


“Sacrifice themselves for the sake of others?”


“Well, depends on how that ‘others’ mean to them,” he paused and took a mouthful of chips, as he kept munching on his chips, he continued, “If they’re really friends. Then, I don’t see any problem in sacrificing.”


EunHee nodded weakly as she tried to digest his words. Now that she sees it, she wondered if she ever sacrifices anything when it comes to Myungsoo. He’s been such a good friend to her but has she ever been the same to him?

“What are you doing?” Hoya asked that startled EunHee. He too peeked to where her eyes were just now. “Are you stalking on someone?”


She held her finger to her lips, telling him to keep it down and turned her back to him again; peeking.


Hoya didn’t say anything but kept standing there, curious of what she’s doing. He was busy thinking when to his surprise, he saw Myungsoo walking towards her classroom and asked for her, except that she wasn’t there. He then saw Minyoung, but when he approached her, Minyoung went somewehre else, clearly, avoiding him.


"Why isn't she talking to him?" EunHee frowned. 


“Is this what you’ve been doing?” Hoya asked her as he chuckled.


She elbowed him. “Hey, I have reasons.”


He raised both of his hand in defeat. “Not judging.”


They just stood there again, looking at the sight in front of them. Myungsoo was talking with Minyoung and for a while there, he looks happy while he teases her. Minyoung looked shy but kept her composure and tried to sound cool.


“I have a feeling that I’m the cause of their break-up,” EunHee started.


“They were together before?” Hoya asked and she nodded weakly.


“But Myungsoo ran away from her because of me. He was there, when I fell.”




She smiled weakly. “Nothing. What are you doing here anyway?” she asked him, trying to change the topic.


“I was on my way to the gym.”


She frowned. “Gym’s that way,” she pointed the opposite direction.


“I just had to come by and see what you’ve been sneakily doing. Who knows it might be fun,” he .


“Ah, sorry to disappoint you.”


“Oh don’t worry. I got a new headline. EunHee, the love guru,” he laughed.


She hit his arm. “Go away,” she bit.


He laughed again but raised his hands in defeat. “See you around, love guru.”


“I hate you.”


“Hate is a strong word.”


“Not strong enough to make you stop.”


“Perhaps the opposite of hate might work.”


She glanced at him. “Opposite of hate?’ she thought for a while. When she finally realized that love was the opposite of hate, she blushed and shot him a look.


Hoya grinned. “Try saying it once. I might enjoy that,” he while making his way towards the gym.


She let out her tongue. “Pabo!” she yelled at him but he just raised his hand for wave and disappeared at the corner. She cupped her face and she knew she blushed madly. She could tell. ‘Pabo EunHee. Pabo,’ she hit her forehead several times.

Hyejin curled her hair with her fingers as she chewed on her chewing gum. Her eyes wondered to the view in front of her. For how many times she sees it, it sickens her. Myungsoo actually like this Minyoung kid. Which means no way he was going to pay his attention towards her. She got rid of EunHee in the picture but Minyoung came in right after.


“Yah, Hyejin. Don’t you think they look good together?” one of her friends said.


She groaned. “Oh please.”


“What? Don’t tell me you’re jealous. I thought you’re over him.”


“Who said I was?”


“Duh, the reason we cut that girl’s hair because you said you like Woohyun.”


“Just get it this way, she gets all the men.”


“So you hate her because of that?”


“Doesn’t she annoy you?”


The girl hesitates. “Well, sometimes.”


“Then why are you asking me about it?”


“Because you’re the most eager person among us,” she replied.


“Well, I went through EunHee’s past. It turns out that everyone hates her,” she scoffed. “She’s so cocky now that she had all of them in her hands.”


“What else did you found out?”


“Some things,” she smirked. “Probably we need to act soon.” 


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CassInspirit97 #1
will there be more updates ??????????
CassInspirit97 #2
WAHHHHHHH sooooooooo cuteeeeee!!!!!!!!holy heavens the kiss was realllllll!!!!!!hoya oppaaaaaaaaa sooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!why are you soooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: How cute HAHAHAHA.
hellopanda23 #4
Chapter 16: its been so long! LOLS sunggyu doesnt want nightmares lol
Tarantulax #5
This feels so angryyyyyyy
hellopanda23 #7
Chapter 15: mean girls...gosh why cant we all share cookies and be nice to one another
hellopanda23 #8
Chapter 14: Ha ha sunggyu... Lols ha ha.. Gahhh hhejin is cruelllll
coolme #9
Chapter 13: Omg the ending of this chapter is just so surprising.... what happened to her?
YAY / throws confetti around/
haha pls update soon T^T