
The You I Know


She was startled of course. Who wouldn’t? “You-“


“Its Hoya.”


She gulped and took a step back when her legs failed her and she was about to fall when Hoya caught a grip of her arm. She blinked at him.


He stared at her for a while. “Are you always this clumsy EunHee shii?” he said in a very polite way.


She blushed. “You just said my name,” she muttered.


Now it’s Hoya’s time to blush. He quickly let go of his grip and awkwardly looked away. “What’s wrong with calling your name?” he mumbled.


“I just thought that if you hate me you’ll hate saying my name as well.”


“I don’t hate you.” He paused. “I just dislike you.”


“Does that make any difference?”


“Depends on how you take it.”


She stared at him for a while before looking away and took a bite of her ice-cream, trying hard to ignore the awkward feeling.


“Why though?”




“Why did you have to act that way?”


“It’s not like I want to,” she paused. “Its just-“ she bit her lips. “You won’t understand.”


“Make me.” He glanced at her and she glanced at him. They stared at each other’s eyes, trying to find the answer they’re searching.


EunHee kept asking herself whether she could trust him or not. Besides, he said it himself that he dislike her. If she were to tell him the truth, perhaps for real, he would hate her. He would think it’s annoying and she was stupid to even do such things.


Hoya wanted to know. He felt like he had to. Although he knew just by his presence, he would scare her. I mean look at how she react when she sees him. But blaming himself was another part where he missed. It was also his fault for hurting her in the first place. Maybe, he hoped. He hoped that someday, he’ll know the real her and what kept her from being himself. He was…curious.


“EunHee ah!” a voice beamed which snapped both of them back to reality. Kim Sunggyu approached them and he frowned as he saw Hoya by EunHee’s side. “Your mom is looking for you.”  He said then back his attention to Hoya. Hoya did the same.


‘What is this feeling?’ she read her atmosphere and founds out Sunggyu and Hoya seemed to have a staring contest with each other. She panicked. “Gosh. Stop it you two,” she said and smacked lightly Sunggyu’s arm. “Hoya, this is Sunggyu, my cousin. Sunggyu, this is Hoya, my friend from school,” she said, trying to comfort the mood.


“Hi,” Hoya said and let out his hand for a hand shake.


“I’m a hyung,” Sunggyu said and shook hands with him.


“Okay, that’s a pretty bright introduction. Now, let’s go oppa,” she said and tried to drag him along because she just can’t stand the cold atmosphere these two guys giving her. Sunggyu smiled to her and followed her without looking back to Hoya. “Bye Hoya,” EunHee said and waved at him before disappearing at the next route.


“Cousin eh?” Hoya muttered and started walking. 


As they reached the house, Sunggyu stopped her from going in the front door, he held his hand on the frame door and faced her. She blinked. “Yes, oppa?”


“Who’s that guy?”


“My friend?”


“Are you dating him?”


“Pfft. No. Why would you think such a thing?” she said and laughed.


“Well, you were out and when I found you, you’re with a guy and it did look like I’m disturbing a pretty serious conversation there,” he explained and looked at her for explanations.


She smiled weakly. “School project.”


“Doesn’t seem like one,” Sunggyu said. But in the end, he had to give up his questioning as his phone rang.


“May I go in now?” EunHee asked and Sunggyu smiled, stepping away from the front door and answered his call. “Yo.” He said and peeked, making sure EunHee was definitely inside.


“Hyung,” a voice called.


“Oh Woohyun ah, you can talk now.”





Morning was as cheerful as ever for Minyoung because it was the day of reconcile with her favourite boy of all time, Kim Myungsoo. She did everything she could. Begging her parents to change her school, filling all the forms she got from her new school and even stalking Myungsoo’s class. Everything is in her hands and all she needed was to attend school and voila, she can be by his side 24/7.


“Annyoughasaeyo, Shim Minyoung imnida!” she greeted her classmates with a bright smile but her eyes searching for her so-called-soulmate but the only person she saw was her rival, Park EunHee, smiling at her. She winched. “Songsaengnim,” she called and whispered to her teacher. “Shouldn’t I be in the same class as Kim Myungsoo?”


Her teacher smiled contently. “Mianhe, I forgot to tell you. His class is full so you are prompt to be in this class,” she answered with a bright smile. “Now run along, you could sit by the window there.”


Minyoung pouted and walked to her seat grumpily. All she wanted was to be with Myungsoo but now she ended up with the person she least wanted to be friends with, Park EunHee.


As she sat near EunHee she was waiting for EunHee to jump in delight and cheerfully greeted her but none of it coming towards her direction so instead, she turned to look at EunHee and surprisingly, EunHee acted like nothing happen. EunHee noticed the staring so she turned to give Minyoung a sweet smile mouthing ‘Nice to see you again’ before paying her attention towards the lesson.


Minyoung was baffled. EunHee used to be all noisy and cheerful but now, she’s all mature and well, less noisy which makes her wonder what happen to the old EunHee. She took out her textbook and rested her chin on her palm. “Boring..” she muttered and turned the pages.


“Myungsoo ah!” Minyoung beamed as she saw Myungsoo walked in the cafeteria. Now, all eyes are on her.


“Don’t tell me-“ Myungsoo scoffed. “Seriously Minyoung?” he walked to her side and gave her the look.


“What?” she blinked, pretending all innocent and pure.


Myungsoo shook his head and went to sit at his usual table, waiting for EunHee to come. Minyoung on the other hand, followed him and sat beside him. “You’re eating alone?” she asked.


“Waiting for EunHee,” he blurted out and she pouted.


“What’s wrong with her anyway? She looks..different. Somehow.”


“She’s going through puberty,” he bluntly answered and a hard smack came right to his arm. He laughed. “Things change,” he answered shortly.


Minyoung sighed, “But to see her all quite like that is weird,” she added and Myungsoo weakly smiled. “But Myung ah~ tell me you’re not into mature girls.”




“I’m way behind when it comes to that.”


He chuckled. “Gladly accepted.”


On the last class, Minyoung got bored of listening to the history teacher and decided to go for a walk and perhaps to the ladies and fixing her hair. She went inside one of the cubicles and tried to fix her skirt when a conversation caught her attention.


“What the heck is with EunHee being so know-it-all,” the first one grumbled.  


“I know right? I mean anyone could see that she’s faking it, pretending to be all mature so that boys would flock her,” the second one added.


The first girl grunted. “Urgh, I hate her.”


“You know, I’ve heard stories about her from her previous schoolmates, they say she can’t even tie her hair properly.” The laughed. “And some said she’s so untidy that her uniform always wrinkle. Bet she didn’t iron them before coming to school,” they laughed harder.


The first one sighed. “Well, someone pretty like her is obviously faking it. She’s just trying to get attention from the boys. Especially that Kim Myungsoo. I don’t know what the hell he sees in her.” And their conversation soon disperse as they went out from the ladies, Minyoung could only hear faint laughter coming from the hallway.




A/N: How do you like the stories so far? hehehe.. problems will arise soon so get ready. hhhehehe..Subscribe and leave some comment. I would love to read them. 

hellopanda23 : Hey~ thank you for always reading this~ =) i appriciate it a lot. 

blaqjackinspirit : Hello! =) thank you! hope you enjoy reading it..

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CassInspirit97 #1
will there be more updates ??????????
CassInspirit97 #2
WAHHHHHHH sooooooooo cuteeeeee!!!!!!!!holy heavens the kiss was realllllll!!!!!!hoya oppaaaaaaaaa sooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!why are you soooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: How cute HAHAHAHA.
hellopanda23 #4
Chapter 16: its been so long! LOLS sunggyu doesnt want nightmares lol
Tarantulax #5
This feels so angryyyyyyy
hellopanda23 #7
Chapter 15: mean girls...gosh why cant we all share cookies and be nice to one another
hellopanda23 #8
Chapter 14: Ha ha sunggyu... Lols ha ha.. Gahhh hhejin is cruelllll
coolme #9
Chapter 13: Omg the ending of this chapter is just so surprising.... what happened to her?
YAY / throws confetti around/
haha pls update soon T^T