dream of a kiss

The You I Know

EunHee dropped her bag on the cold floor and sat there while the music beamed loudly across the dance room. Hoya asked her to come and see him practicing some moves and there she is. She greeted Dongwoo as she came in, but Hoya seemed so into his stretching that he didn’t even realize she came in.


“Hey you,” Hoya said as he walked towards her.


“Hey you too,” she replied and held out her fist.


Hoya looked at her with a question look before bumping his fist to hers. “You’re acting friendly,” he said. “It makes me feel weird.”


She laughed and shrugged. “The room just gave out the vibe,” she stated.


“Aha, so you’re easily influence,” he said.


“I’m not sure. Depends on the situation,” she replied.


“Did you stop by alone?”


“Yeah, Myungsoo had something to do, and I don’t have enough friends to call. So, I came by alone,” she said.


Hoya ruffled her hair. “Didn’t have to make it sound so sad now,” he said.


She smiled sheepishly.


“Hoya ah~ Let’s start,” Dongwoo said.


“Coming,” he replied and looked at EunHee. “I bet this ruins all the surprise but I don’t mind you watching me though,” he said.


She nodded. “I understand. But to make you feel better, there’s a possibility you might do better during the competition,” she smiled.


Hoya grinned. “This is the first time that you actually make sense of something.”




He chuckled and made his way to Dongwoo. Both of them were busy picking some songs. They practice several, but just couldn’t choose which is better.


EunHee watched them silently by the side. She watched at Hoya who dance like there’s no tomorrow. That made her realized how much dancing means to Hoya. How upset he must be that his dad didn’t approve of him dancing. He was more than good.


Hoya frowned as he felt like his dance was off beat. He tried to hum while dancing, trying to match his dance again. It has been hours since they started practice. He was so into it that he had forgotten EunHee was there.


As he remembered, he glanced at her who is now sleeping soundly on the cold floor. She shivered a little but continued sleeping. Hoya smiled weakly. He should remind himself, whenever he’s practicing, if EunHee’s there, he should pay more attention to her.


Dongwoo walked to Hoya and patted his shoulder. “It’s almost midnight, she deserves that,” he smiled.


Hoya smiled back at his hyung. “I’m a bad boyfriend if I were to leave my girlfriend sleeping on the cold floor,” he said and grabbed his sweater and slowly he covered her body with it. “I’ll be a while,” he whispered as he her hair.


Quickly, Hoya made his way to the changing room and bathed a little. After that, he rushed towards the dancing room again to find EunHee still sleeping. He sighed in relief. “Lucky you’re a heavy sleeper,” he grinned and made his way towards her.


“Oi,” he bit and she didn’t flinched. “Oi oi,” he said again and still, she was fast asleep. He grinned as he found it amusing to see her like this.


Without hesitation, Hoya lowered down and gently placing his lips on hers.  


EunHee’s eyes abruptly open and she flinched at the bright light. “God. It was a dream,” she whispered and sighed in relief.


Slowly, she pushed her body to a sitting position and rubbed her eyes. She yawned and stretched her arms wide enough that it hit someone beside her.


“Ah,” Hoya hissed as her fist hit his head.


EunHee panicked. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” she said and rubbed Hoya’s head with her hand.


Hoya grabbed her wrist. “It’s fine,” he said and yawned. “What time is it?” he looked at her.


She blinked. “Huh?” Suddenly, the dream she had just popped into her head.




She snapped out of it. “Time. Yeah, time,” she bit and looked at her watch. She gasped. “Oh my god, it’s already this late?” she stood up.




“How could you not wake me up,” she said.


Hoya stood too and stretched himself. “Don’t blame me, you’re the heavy sleeper.”


“But you should at least wake me up,” she said and made her way to the door, Hoya followed her.


“I did, but you didn’t budge.”


She blushed. She cleared . “I guess I was a little tired,” she stated.


Hoya grinned as he looked at her, before locking the door. “Little? I doubt that,” he said.


“I was,” she defended herself. “I walked here. That took a lot of my energy,” she tried to make excuses that would sound believable. But, nah. It’s not working.


Hoya laughed. “Yeah right.”


“Oh believe me, that was hard work,” she exaggerated some more.


Hoya stopped his steps as they reached the street. He looked to the left and then to the right. Scratched his head. EunHee frowned at his action. But then, he looked at her. “Which way is to your house from here?” he asked.


Her heart thump. “T-th-that way,” she pointed to the right.  ‘Geez, that dream really is disturbing, making my heart go like this, aish,’ she said to herself.


“Ah,” he said and started walking. When he realized she was not following her, he looked back at her. “Coming?” he asked her with a teasing smile.


She blushed and looked away but eventually walked towards him. Somehow, the idea of walking home with Hoya seems new to her. Myungsoo had always been the one to walk her home. Now that she’s walking with Hoya, it felt somehow; different.


“Do you always come home this late?” Hoya .


She shrugged. “Depends, if I went clubbing, it’ll be later than this,” she grinned as she played along with his tease.


“Well played,” Hoya said to her.


“What about you? Do you always come home this late?” she asked.


He nodded. “With all of the dance practice and part-time job, like you said, sometimes, it’ll be later than this,” he explained.


“I didn’t know you have a part –time job.”


“Oh trust me, it’s a hell of a work-“ he was about to tell her the whole story when he realized it was EunHee whom he was talking too.


“and?” she waited for him to continue.


He cleared his throat. “It’s confidential,” he said.


“Are you serious? How’s that confidential? Where did you work anyway? Some black-market?”


“Oh, it’s worse than the black market,” he said as he remembered all the moments where he had to hide himself from blowing his cover. But then, he looked at her and placed his hand on her head. “But I have someone to cheer me up now and then.”


EunHee shoved his hand away. “You better stop doing that or-.”


“Or what?”


“It’s bad for my health,” she answered simply.


“Ah, it makes you go all nervous and then you’ll have butterflies in your tummy?” he again.


She blushed again. “I am not going to walk with you ever again,” she said.


Hoya laughed. “Oh come on,” he said as he tried to catch up with her pace.


“Don’t follow me,” she screamed at him. She was walking too fast when she accidentally bummed into a drunken man. But she managed to stop her steps.


“Agashii,” he purred at her.


“Oh gross,” she said as she can smell the strong liquor from the man in front of her. She was about to walk when he grabbed her hand.


“Agashii, let’s have some fun,” he said to her.


“No thank you,” she said and tried to free her hand from his grip but the old man didn’t want too.


“Come on,” he started to drag her to one of the stalls.


“Shirroo,” she said while trying to pull her hand away. She wanted to cry. She looked around for Hoya but he wasn’t there. Perhaps he left her because she was walking too fast. Besides, she shooed him away.


“Come come,” the old man happily sings.


“I don’t wannna!” she almost screamed.


“Don’t be shy.”


She wanted to sob. “Hoya, you better help me this instance!” she called out his name although she knew that wouldn’t because he was gone. But hoping he could hear her.


“Why do you need help?” the old man purred at her and tried to sniff her hair.


She backed away and screamed. “Lee Howon!”


Hoya placed his palm over the man’s face. It covered most of the old man’s small face. He grinned. “Sorry ahjushi, she’s with me,” he said and flicked his fingers hard enough to the man’s hand so that it he’ll let her go. Once he screamed, Hoya grabbed hold of her hand and made their way out of there as fast as they could.


Behind them, EunHee could clearly hear the old man cursing out loud. But she just ignored it and continued running.


They stopped as they reached the neighborhood. Hoya tried to catch his breath, so does EunHee but she managed to him hit hard on the arm.


“Ah! What was that for?” he said to her.


“How could you leave me alone like that?”


“You said you don’t want to walk with me. What choice do I have?”


“You shouldn’t leave a girl walking alone in the middle of the night, you idiot.”


“Why sorry for being such an idiot. But this idiot just saved your life. A thank you would settle the deal.”


“I almost got sniffed by a drunken man!”


“And I stopped him from doing so!”


“But he almost sniffed me!” she screamed.


“And I stopped him!” he screamed back at her.


Now both of them were looking at each other. Both trying to catch their breath. Hoya looked at the angry EunHee and took a deep breath.


He looked at her again and said. “Let’s go,” he said but looking at it, EunHee didn’t have the urge to follow him. He grabbed her hand again; tightening his grip. “Will this be okay?”


Surprised by his sudden act, EunHee looked at him. “I-“ she didn’t know what to say.


They walked in silence; hand in hand. EunHee was trying to find a topic to talk about. But nothing comes to mind. She was too distracted by the fact that she was walking with Hoya hand in hand. She bit her lips. He must have been mad at her. She didn’t even say thanks you for saving her life back there. Now guilty was swarming her. But she didn’t know what to say. She cleared .


“Sorry,” she muttered.




“I said I’m sorry,” she said and Hoya kept silent. “Hey, I’m apologizing here.”


“and I heard you.”




“and what?”


“You were supposed to say you forgive me,” she said, trying to make her puppy face to him but Hoya laughed as he saw it.


“Nah, I’m gonna give you a hard time for a while,” he said.


She scoffed. “Fine,” she said.  While they were walking, they pass by a group of teenage girls, and who knows what they are doing in the middle the night, started to eye on Hoya. EunHee saw it and she eventually link her arms to his, making them groan and have their attention elsewhere. She grinned.


“Having fun, aren’t we?” Hoya .


She coughed. “Those girls are eyeing on you,” she said. “I’m just saving you from the visual-ual harassment,” she stated proudly.


Hoya chuckled. “Yeah, and I get physical-ual harassment instead,” he said while eyeing her arms that were around his.


She coughed and quickly let go. Hoya chuckled again. “You’re too funny,” he said. “You’ve fallen fall me haven’t you?” he said.


Again, her dreams popped up and automatically she could feel her cheeks burning from embarrassment.


“ah, you’re blushing. That’s a good sign.”


“I did not!”


“Well, from the way I see it, you are.”


“Am not.”


“Keep telling yourself that.”




“Well, well well, what do we have here,” Sunggyu said as he saw two of them bickering.


“oh, oppa.”


“I was wondering why you weren’t home yet. So you’ve been out dating.”


Hoya bowed. “It’s my fault. I dragged her along.”


Sunggyu came to him and knocked his head with his fist lightly. “Next time, go out when there’s sunlight,” he said and grabbed hold of EunHee’s wrist.


“But-“ EunHee looked back at Hoya.


“What? Do you need a goodnight kiss?” Sunggyu asked her.


Kiss. She blushed again. “I was just going to say goodbye,” she muttered.


Sunggyu looked at Hoya, then to her. “Don’t be too long. I’ll wait at the corner there. In case you change your mind and wanted a kiss instead. Don’t want to have nightmares tonight.”




“Araso, I’ll be there waiting,” he said and gave Hoya one last look before sighing and walked away. As Sunggyu was out of sight, Hoya grinned.


“Let’s just make it quick,” he said and leaned closer to her.


“Huh?” she backed away.


“I thought you wanted a good night kiss,” he again.


She smacked his forehead. “In your dreams, boy.”


“What is it with you and hitting people?”


She laughed. “You know me. I mean, the real me. So I expect you to be ready for any sorts of violence.”


“Well, I guess you don’t know me well enough to be ready for this,” he said and kissed her forehead. He grinned as he saw the frozen EunHee. He ruffled her hair. “Now get going. I’ll see you tomorrow at school,” he said and started walking the opposite direction.


She blinked. “Did he just-“


That night, EunHee landed on her bed and stared at the ceiling. It was dark but she could clearly replay the scene before and that kept her smiling for no reason. “Gosh,” she bit and rolled to the side. Just then, she remembered her dreams and tried to shake it off. “Sleep, sleep,” she said to herself before dozing off.


“Yah! Earth to Dongwoo!” his sister said while waving her hands in front of him.


Dongwoo snapped out of it and looked at his sister. “Huh?”


“You’re ice-cream is melting,” she said and pointed to his hand.


“Ah!” he said and quickly rushed to the sink to wash his hands. “aish,” he said.


“Oi,” he saw Hoya nudged EunHee but she didn’t flinched. “Oi oi,” Hoya said again and still, she was fast asleep. Without hesitation, Hoya lowered down and gently placing his lips on hers.  As he parted the kiss, he saw Dongwoo looking at him with wide eyes. But Hoya put his fingers to his lips, telling him not to make a sound.


Dongwoo scoffed. “That brat.”

p/s; woohoo~ i'm back with a new chapter.. hope you guys enjoy this~ =)

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CassInspirit97 #1
will there be more updates ??????????
CassInspirit97 #2
WAHHHHHHH sooooooooo cuteeeeee!!!!!!!!holy heavens the kiss was realllllll!!!!!!hoya oppaaaaaaaaa sooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!why are you soooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: How cute HAHAHAHA.
hellopanda23 #4
Chapter 16: its been so long! LOLS sunggyu doesnt want nightmares lol
Tarantulax #5
This feels so angryyyyyyy
hellopanda23 #7
Chapter 15: mean girls...gosh why cant we all share cookies and be nice to one another
hellopanda23 #8
Chapter 14: Ha ha sunggyu... Lols ha ha.. Gahhh hhejin is cruelllll
coolme #9
Chapter 13: Omg the ending of this chapter is just so surprising.... what happened to her?
YAY / throws confetti around/
haha pls update soon T^T