The Past

The You I Know


“You’re the best, EunHee-ah,” Woohyun said as he ruffled her hair.


“Aish. You’re ruining my hair!” she shoved his hands away and started tidying her hair back.


“Ah, it’s so nice to have a girlfriend now. Finally, I have some alone time,” Woohyun said as he lay down on the floor of the rooftop.


“If we get busted, we’re dead,” she replied and lay beside him. “Woohyun-ah.”




“Why do like me?”


He smiled. “What’s with such question?”


She blushed. “Well, you know. There are a lot of pretty girls out there. Why would you choose someone like me?”


“You’re different,” he said. “Something that is special to me and only me?” he turned to face her.


“Aish, cheesy guy,” she turned to face him too. They stared at each other for a while before Woohyun whispered to her.


“Come closer.”


“Ah, wae?” she said, blushing madly.


Since she didn’t budge, Woohyun motion himself closer to her and wrap his arms around her waist, and they lay close to each other that he could smell her perfume. “You smell nice,” he smiled.


“If songsaengnim caught us like this, we might get expelled,” she joked and tried to push him away but Woohyun immediately kiss her forehead.


“Then we’ll just get married right after,” he grinned.


Now, she pushed him away. “Yah! What’s with that thought?”


“I’m joking.”


“If you’ll say that again, I might beat you up.”


“Aigoo, you want to beat your beloved boyfriend?”


“Aigoo, my boyfriend is so cheesy that I’m getting nauseas every second,” she joked at stood up. “Come on, let’s head to class.”


“Araso, help me up. I’m too lazy,” he held out both of his hands to her.


She scoffed but helped him up. Woohyun smiled at her and they walk hand in hand.

“Yah, Woohyun-ah. You’ve been spending too much time with her,” Hogeun said as he sat down at their usual place for recess.


He smiled. “Of course. She’s my girlfriend. What do you expect?” he replied and took a wholesome of bread.


“How the heck did you like her anyway? She’s just-urgh,” Byul said and shrugged in disguise, her friends too laugh and have fun talking bad about EunHee.


“You’re just using her, right? I mean, the all-mighty Woohyun fell in love with a soggy girl? I mean, come on,” Hogeun exclaimed.


Woohyun smiled awkwardly.


“So when are you planning on dumping her?” Byul asked as she leaned closer to hear his answer.


“Oho, you’re too advance, Byul-ah. Let him have some fun.”


“Tsk. I still have to know when I can get my chance,” she shoved him aside and concentrating on Woohyun. “So? When is it?”


“Why do guys think I would do that?” Woohyun looked away, uncomfortable.


“Dude, if you still want to hang out with us, you got to do something, man,” Hogeun bit. “But I like your idea in using her. Make her look more stupid than she is. Who would like someone like her?” he laughed and Byul laughed along with his joke.


“Yah! Stop making fun of EunHee,” Woohyun warned them.


All of his friends laugh at him. Right then, EunHee appeared and she smiled as she saw Woohyun. All of them saw it. “Yah, she’s very clingy isn’t she?”


“I said stop it,” Woohyun told him again.


“You can’t seriously like her dude. She’s a no no. You’re not famous anymore. Can’t you see? Those stupid twins aren’t looking for you anymore. They look down on you. Girls don’t flock you like they always do except for Byul, that is. Do you wanna know why, Woohyun? It’s because of your beloved girlfriend. Come on, you gotta do something,” Hogeun provoked him.


He does have some point. Woohyun used to be a lot more popular than this. He used to be the center of attention and he liked it very much. He didn’t realize until Hogeun told him off that he is infamous. He didn’t realize it.


“She’s ruining your reputation,” Byul said.


“See? Even Byul thinks that way,” Hogeun said and looked at him for answer.


“Do you really think that way?”


“Of course, man.”


“You have to break up with her. I mean, look at her. She’s snobby, immature and she’s not even pretty,” Byul snickered as she observed EunHee from far.


Woohyun too look at her direction, when EunHee called out his name, he looked at his surroundings. People are giving him stares. Some are whispering and some shook their head in disapprove.


“Something has to change,” Hogeun said as he wrapped his arms around Woohyun’s shoulder. “You know what I mean?”


Few days later, Woohyun and EunHee were back at the rooftop as usual. “Oppa, what are you doing this weekend?” she asked him as they sat down.


“I’m busy. School work,” he spat out.


“Oh, really?” she frowned. “Okay.”


The next few days, Woohyun was giving her cold shoulders and EunHee was getting suspicious about it. “Are you okay?” she asked him as they were at the cafeteria.


“Hmm,” Woohyun replied and looked away in annoyance.


EunHee pouted. She opened up her lunch box and hand it over to Woohyun. “I made lunch today. Have a taste.”


“Aish, I’m full,” he looked away.


“Awh, come on. Just one bite,” she handed to him again.


“Ah! I said I’m full,” Woohyun yelled and shove the lunch box away, causing it to splatter on the ground. The cafeteria went silent after the sudden bellow.


“Woohyun-ah,” EunHee’s eyes glimmered.


“Get a hold of yourself. Do you think I really like you?” he scoffed. EunHee froze as she heard those words. When he realized that the whole cafeteria went quite. His eyes caught Hogeun and Byul, giving him the thumbs up. Woohyun understood what he had to do.


 “I want a break up. I don’t like you.” He finnaly said as he look at her sternly. “I hate girls like you. You’re so clingy that it annoys me. Try to be mature and pretty once.” Woohyun continued. “Grow up!”


Didn’t know how to react at the embarrassing situation, EunHee ran away from the cafeteria and right after, she heard a loud cheer, people clapping and just then she realize, she was played.


Hogeun rushed to his friend and gave him a hug. “Man! You’re the bom!” he said and raised Woohyun’s hand in the air. “Our Prince is back!” He yelled and the whole cafeteria cheered in joy.


But Woohyun faked a smile. He wondered what whether he had made the right choice. He really like being the popular and he wanted his title back but then, as he EunHee’s face just now made him wavered.

Ever since then, everyone kept making fun of her. Although she was the kind of feisty and she got just gave them a punch in the face but the incident did give her something to think about. She kept thinking that perhaps, there is something wrong with her that everyone hated her so much. Did she need a change? Did she need to transform herself to be someone like Byul whom guys adore?


She was walking to her class when a group of girls purposely bum into her. “Opps, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there,” one of them said and giggled as they walk away.


EunHee sighed and stared at her stuff that was now scattered around the floor. She bended down to pick them up when someone showed up and help her.


“Hye,” Myungsoo said. “Let me help you with that,” he reached her things and started to collect them.


“You better not. They’ll do the same to you if you insists on helping me,” EunHee said and grab her things from him.


Myungsoo blinked. “Well, I’m your friend, Eunhee. It’s the least I could do,” he said awkwardly.


“Didn’t you hear what I just said? Leave me alone,” she said and stood up, making her way into the class.


Myungsoo sighed and stood up. “Oppa!” Minyoung called and slip her hands around his arm. “What’s wrong?” she asked.


“Nothing,” he said and both of them walk away.

EunHee was busy packing her stuff when she realized Myungsoo was standing in front of him. For the few days past, he has been helping her whenever she got pushed or making fun at. She didn’t get why he is so stubborn.


“What is it now?” she asked him.


“I’m still your friend you know?”


“For now, I think I can handle my problems by myself. I’m late, please excuse me,” she said and tried to go pass him but he blocked her way. “Seriously?”


“Look, I’m here if you want a shoulder to lean on. I’m here if you want to pour out your feelings. Don’t shut yourself. Especially with me,” he sternly said.


She let out a sigh. “I need some time to think about my mistakes-“


“You’re not at fault. That guy is a bastard and he doesn’t deserve you-“


“Then who does?” she cut him. “Who does, Myungsoo? All of this thing, the reason he break up with me, don’t you get it? It’s me who’s wrong here. His embarrass to have this kind of girl by his side. Perhaps he is a bastard but I just can’t help but to reflect myself too,” she bit her lips. “It makes me hate myself.”


Myungsoo sighed in frustration. “You’re not going to listen to me in this,” he looked away. “Fine, I’ll accept your opinion for now. But promise me you won’t do anything stupid that cause me to worried about you,” he said.


She smiled and pinched his cheek. “What’s with the ‘’,” she chuckled. “I promise.”


“Good. I have to go now. My girlfriend is waiting,” he winked.


“Aigoo. Araso. Tell her I said hi,” she said and he nodded. He waved her a goodbye and quickly made his way to the school gate where Minyoung patiently waiting for him.


“You’re late,” she pouted.


He ruffles her hair. “Mianhe. I need to talk some senses with EunHee,” he bit.


“She’ll be okay. She’s a strong girl,” she said.


“I hope so.”

“EunHee-ah, I need to talk to you,” Woohyun said as he appeared in front of her class. Everyone stared at him then back at EunHee. Some girls scoffed and others just whispered their discontent.


EunHee didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to see him, what more talk to him. She started to feel uneasy whenever he’s there and everyone is looking. She just sat there on her seat, not moving, pretending to not hear him.


“Tsk,” Woohyun cursed under his breath. He then, walked towards her seat. “I said I need to talk to you,” he said and she still didn’t look at him. Without hesitation, he grabbed hold of her wrist and dragged her out of the class and to the rooftop. They pass Hogeun and Byul on the way and EunHee could clearly see the dirty look Byul had on her face.


“Let go,” EunHee said as they reached the rooftop. It was winter and she could feel the cold breeze brushed her skin. She shivered. “It’s freezing out here. Can’t we talk inside?”


He shook his head and looked at her. “Did they give you a hard time?” he asked.


She stared at him for a while, “If you’re going to ask me those kinds of question, I’m going inside,” she said and turned her back to him. Before she could walk away, Woohyun hugged her from the back. EunHee waited for him to say something, but he never did.


Before he walked towards the door, he patted her shoulder. He went down the stairs and leaving her alone in the cold feeling confuse as ever.


“Woohyun-ah, you could just say you’re sorry. I would accept that,” she said although she knew Woohyun won’t be able to listen to her. She sighed and looked up at the blue sky.

A few days later, Myungsoo came to see EunHee early in the morning. She was busy taking out her book from her locker when he appeared.


“Have you heard?” he said, huffing.


“Heard what?”


“About Woohyun?”


She stopped what she’s doing and looked at him. “What about him?” she asked, worried in some sense.


“He moved to the US yesterday,” Myungsoo explained.


She froze. Woohyun didn’t tell her anything. Although she’s not in the place to know about it but at least, she thought she should know. She was hoping Woohyun would tell her-


“Did they give you a hard time?”


Perhaps, at that time, did he want to say something else instead?


“What’s wrong?” he asked as he saw her expression changed.


“Nothing,” she bit and smiled.


Myungsoo shrugged.  “Hey, I’m going to my class now. Be sure to call me if there’s anything, okay?” he said and she nodded. With a smile, he made his way.


EunHee sighed and continue on what she was doing. Her head filled with questions about Woohyun and it hurts that he didn’t tell her anything about it. Makes her feel more miserable than ever. She guessed that she’s not that special to Woohyun. It might be only her thoughts, telling herself that she is.


“We need to talk,” Byul appeared.


EunHee shut her locker. “I don’t have anything to talk to you.”


“But I do. Hold her guys,” she motioned her friends to grab EunHee. The four of them held her arms tightly and dragged her towards the staircase of the east wing of the school building. The only place in the school that the students seldom use.


“What do you want from me?” EunHee asked sternly as she shook their hands off her.


“Did Woohyun tell you anything about him moving to the US?” Byul asked with her arms crossed.


EunHee shook her head. “He didn’t tell me anything.”




“I’m telling you-“


“Just because he thinks you’re special, doesn’t mean you can make fun of all of us.”


“What? I didn’t-“


“Shut it EunHee. I’m not going to believe anything. Woohyun left without telling anyone and in the end, I got to know it from our homeroom teacher. You know how frustrating that is?” she puffed her cheeks. “But what’s more annoying is thinking that you might know all of this and he told you and only you.”


“He didn’t.”


“You better stop making fun of me. It’s not funny.”


“Which part of the story makes you think I’m making fun of you?”


“You might be laughing inside because you know all of about him and I don’t.”


“How would you know?”


“I can sense it.”


EunHee scoffed. “This is ridiculous,” she said and wanted to walk away.


“See? You did laugh at us!” Byul pulled her arm harshly.


“Let go of me!” EunHee yelled at her, trying to break free from her.


“Who do you think you are? Woohyun’s not here anymore so stop being so cocky,” Byul yelled.


Still struggling, “You’re the one who’s cocky, now l-let go!” EunHee pulled hard but at the same time, Byul had freed her grip.


That’s when the whole thing went wrong, EunHee accidently slip and she fell down from the stairs, and the back of her head hit the edge of the concrete.


She laid there, her eyes fluttered, trying to stay awake. She could feel a great pain on her head but she was too weak to move. The last thing she saw was Byul’s face, she was in shock but didn’t move an inch. She watched for another second before running away from the scene. 

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CassInspirit97 #1
will there be more updates ??????????
CassInspirit97 #2
WAHHHHHHH sooooooooo cuteeeeee!!!!!!!!holy heavens the kiss was realllllll!!!!!!hoya oppaaaaaaaaa sooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!why are you soooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: How cute HAHAHAHA.
hellopanda23 #4
Chapter 16: its been so long! LOLS sunggyu doesnt want nightmares lol
Tarantulax #5
This feels so angryyyyyyy
hellopanda23 #7
Chapter 15: mean girls...gosh why cant we all share cookies and be nice to one another
hellopanda23 #8
Chapter 14: Ha ha sunggyu... Lols ha ha.. Gahhh hhejin is cruelllll
coolme #9
Chapter 13: Omg the ending of this chapter is just so surprising.... what happened to her?
YAY / throws confetti around/
haha pls update soon T^T