the word 'Hyung'

The You I Know


“Get a hold of yourself. Do you think I really like you?”

“Hyung,” Woohyun muttered as Sunggyu answered the phone.

“I want a break up. I don’t like you.”

“Oh Woohyun ah, you can talk now.” Sunggyu said with a short sigh as EunHee was nowhere to be seen.

“I hate girls like you. You’re so clingy that it annoys me. Try to be mature and pretty once.”

“Is EunHee there?” he asked. Curious.

“Grow up!”

“Yeah..she just left.” Sunggyu said.

“How is she?” Woohyun asked while staring at the white pure ceiling above him.



Today was extremely hot and Hoya couldn’t take any longer being inside the costume. He felt like stripping himself from the big suit. If only he could search for a place to hide.


“Ahjushi!” EunHee chirped happily as she saw the big bear, Hoya winched in surprise. “Ahjushii! I bought something for you,” she said and picked out the best keychain she could find. “Here.” She held up to the big bear. “Mom just got back from the U.S and she bought some souvenir.” She handed him the small keychain, it was a bear wearing a t-shirt saying ‘NY’. “I’ve tried to find something cute but this is the only think I can find in the bunch of keychain mom brought home,” she smiled.


Just then, a smile crept on Hoya’s face, if only she could see it. He couldn’t help but chuckled a bit. ‘What is it with this kid,’ he muttered to himself, still having the smile on his face. He placed the big paw on top of her head.


“Ahjushii, did you just laugh?” she frowned; the bear shook its head. “Really? I just thought I heard something,”  she muttered but then enjoyed the fluffy big paw on her head. It felt warm everytime Mr.Teddy did that to her. He was the only Mr.Teddy that did something like that to her. It makes her feel secure and loved. She smiled.


Hoya was enjoying every moment. He didn’t realize that he actually adore looking at her. Staring at every bit of her action, it makes him laugh. Even now he didn’t remember the heat he was fuming with.


“Hyung!!!” Someone yelled from behind him, EunHee raised her head to see who it was but Hoya froze.


Sungjong noticed EunHee with his hyung he can’t help but to wonder who she was. He just bowed and she did the same.


“Ahjushhi~ you’re his hyung?” she whispered and the bear shook his head. “But he just called you hyung,” she said.


Hoya quickly spun around. “Hyung!” before Sungjong could talk any further, he quickly dragged him away.


“Eh?” EunHee blinked as she realized Mr.Teddy just left her. “What was all that about?” she shrugged and made her way home.


“Hyung, you’ve got some explanation to do,” Sungjong huffed as Hoya just dragged him and they run as fast they could. “How can you even run with those big feet?”


Hoya removed the bear head and heaved a long breath. “Oh god, I thought I was going to die back there,” he muttered and wiped the sweats on his forehead.


Sungjong crossed his arms and faced Hoya with one eyebrow raised. “You like her don’t you?” he blurted out and Hoya chocked from his breath.


“What the hell?”


“You were clearly ruffling her hair just now and she was smiling!”


“But that doesn’t mean anything.”


“It does to me.”


“Well it doesn’t.” Hoya sighed and rubbed his temple. “She’s just a friend.”


Sungjong stared at his hyung for a long 5 second before swallowing everything in. “Fine, let’s just say that she’s just a friend.” He paused and placed his index finger on his lips. “But why are we running away when I called you?”


“Why do you have to be all curious?”


“It’s my hyung. Besides, I’m eager to know your girlfriend. What kind of girl that can stand you,” he smiled innocently although his words stings.


Hoya let out a fake laugh. “Ha ha ha. Is that supposed to be an insult?”


“Great that hyung can catch that.” he smiled again.


Hoya smiled and looked down to his feet. “The only thing I can tell you is that she’s from school and she didn’t know I’m inside this huge bear. But other than that, I need to find the answer myself before blurting out anything to you.”


Sungjong stared at his hyung. He never saw that side of him yet. He looks distant and somewhat troubled. Perhaps this is how a spark looks like. A small spark that just began to twitched Hoya’s heart. Sungjong smiled. “Araso. I won’t tell her anything even if you want me to.” He wrapped his arm around Hoya’s shoulder. “Now that I’m here, treat me something.”


Hoya sighed. “Fine.” He paused. “and thank you.” He looked away, embarrassed. He didn’t look cool anymore but Sungjong just smiled and answered a simple ‘welcome’.


“Say Myungsoo,” EunHee called as she rested on one of his couch in the living room. Myungsoo stopped doing his cleaning and looked at her.  “When a person calls you hyung, what does that mean?” she asked and stared at him intensely, waiting for an answer.


“It means I’m older?” Myungsoo gave her the are-you-serious-look. “What kind of question is that?”


She pouted. “Well, someone called Mr.Teddy hyung today. It got me thinking after that.”


Now Myungsoo really stopped doing what his at and stared at her. “Thinking of what?”


“That maybe. Just maybe,” she bit her lips. “Mr.Teddy is not an ahjushii.”


Just right there, Myungsoo felt a slight tension as she blushed.


“Maybe he’s not as old as I thought he would be.”


He stiffened. “Well,” he coughed. “Hyung is an ambiguous word. It could mean anything.” He said and continued sweeping. “It could also means that he’s just older,” he paused. “Way older,” he added.


She rested her chin on her knee. “Perhaps.” She muttered.


Few weeks had past and today the weather seemed cozy but EunHee felt extremely lazy to open her eyes and concentrate in history. She had always hated long histories, eventhough the presence of a mummy astonish her but this kind of history is not to her likings. It was a hard decision, but she skipped the class and went to the gym instead. No one was inside, so she could feel safe for now. At least, no one could see the perfect EunHee skipping class.


A loud yawn was heard.


No one except for him. Lee Howon.


She was startled, he was too. “What?” the first thing came out from his mouth after he yawned and stretched himself.


“What are you doing here?’ she asked as she no longer facing him.


“I should ask you the same thing,” he said but she didn’t reply to him. “Skipping class?” he asked and she nodded hesitantly. “The all mighty EunHee is skipping class,” he said and casually sat next to her. “What else I didn’t know about you?”


She sighed. “I just don’t feel like studying history today.”


He nodded.


A complete silence.


“What about you?” she managed to ask.


“Nothing much. Didn’t feel like studying history either.” He answered with a smile.


“Are you mocking me?”


“Like I said, it depends on how you take it,” he stood up.


“and I take that as offensive.”


He chuckled but then he led out his hand for her to reach. “Come on, let’s go somewhere else,” he said.  She looked at him then to his hand, then back to look at him. He smiled and motioned her to place her hand on his.  He was not confident in this but deep down he knew she’ll reach out to him.


Slowly, her hand moved and slowly, her warm hand touched his. She looked away, blushing. Hoya just smiled though. He didn’t know why he was feeling so content. He helped her up and muttered something about letting her see cool things as both of them are skipping class anyway. He dragged her outside but Hoya bummed into someone and that made them to stop abruptly.


“Oh, sorry. I wasn’t looking-“ the boy was apologizing but he froze as he saw her. “EunHee?”


Her eyes went wide and she hid behind Hoya, tugging his shirt tightly.


Hoya noticed how she acted; he can’t help but to gawked at the person in front of him. He stood infront of EunHee protectively and asked, “Who are you?”

hellopanda23: girls are scary sometimes.. yeah.. i agree with you.. haha..but who knows~ 

coolme: me totally opposite as well. your doubt will cleared up with the flow of the story.. don't worry~

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CassInspirit97 #1
will there be more updates ??????????
CassInspirit97 #2
WAHHHHHHH sooooooooo cuteeeeee!!!!!!!!holy heavens the kiss was realllllll!!!!!!hoya oppaaaaaaaaa sooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!why are you soooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: How cute HAHAHAHA.
hellopanda23 #4
Chapter 16: its been so long! LOLS sunggyu doesnt want nightmares lol
Tarantulax #5
This feels so angryyyyyyy
hellopanda23 #7
Chapter 15: mean girls...gosh why cant we all share cookies and be nice to one another
hellopanda23 #8
Chapter 14: Ha ha sunggyu... Lols ha ha.. Gahhh hhejin is cruelllll
coolme #9
Chapter 13: Omg the ending of this chapter is just so surprising.... what happened to her?
YAY / throws confetti around/
haha pls update soon T^T