Bu Zhi Bu Jue You Que Yang

Strangers Like Us

Margaret Cho once blogged, "Try to put your happiness before anyone else's, because you may never have done so in your entire life, if you really think about it, if you are really honest with yourself". So in favor of my own honesty, I have decided to do something unexpected. I don't know if this will make me happy but I feel that this should happen. My reason? There is none. So when they ask why I did what I am about to do, I'll say a fit of insanity drew me to extreme measures. 

These were extreme measures. 

It's only about 6:40pm. This calm dinner is about to be shaken severely. 

I want to envision everyones faces when my guest arrives. Oh Hyun Su might be furious, face red with anger, he would yell. There would be a big blow out, in which I would be kicked out of his house. Haneul would try to win the intruder over with charm, but soon give in under those barbaric words aimed at her. In Woo and Sehun might not react at all, maybe even pack my things before the fight is even over. Ae Rin will cry and cling to Haneul because there will be a fight of some kind. The possible events to take place make me shiver in excitement. I am bitter. 

"I spoke with your principle this afternoon. A uniform violation?" Oh Hyun Su pointed his chopsticks at In Woo, who flutters her eyelashes. "What have I told you about rolling your skirt?"

"But appa, all the girls are doing it! No one wears the skirt the normal length except for freaks!" She exclaimed dramatically. 

"Tae Ah doesn't roll her skirt."

"Like I said, only freaks don't roll them up."

Sehun looks my way smirking.

"Watch your tongue In Woo." Haneul chided. 

"No, let her. Please keep insulting me when I am clearly right across from you. Your only making my decision easier. Now I won't need to feel any remorse for what happens tonight." I replied smiling.

"And what exactly is going to happen tonight?" asked Hyun Su matter of factually. 

"Something that will not only be my fault, because you've all pushed me to do this." I thought for a minute. "Well not Haneul and Ae Rin, but no one will be spared tonight. You've all got to hurt as much as I have."

"Whose hurt you, unni?" Ae Rin asked sweetly. 

I gaze into her soft eyes and kiss her on the nose. "It's for the best you didn't listen."


"Let the show begin." Sehun answered the door. 

"What are you planning?" In Woo asked suspiciously. 

"Your down..."

"Appa there some lady here who says she knows you. Some Jiyeon?" Sehun said walking in with that creature. 

Hyun Su looked at me, "You didn't."

"I did."

Jiyeon looked particularly mad at Haneul, only giving her the threatening stare. "Hello Hyun Su. Remember me?" 

Hyun Su looked over at me appalled, "Do you know what your doing?"

I smirk, "Of course."

I stood up from my seat and offered it to Jiyeon. She took it, not without shoving me out the way. 

"Everyone, this is Jiyeon. She's my mother." There was a sharp intake of air from Haneul. 

"What is she doing here, Tae?"

Jiyeon huffed. "This . I should be you right now. Do you know what you've done to me those years. Hyun Su leaving me to struggle, all alone." 

"You had Tae Ah all to yourself. I couldn't see her without having to see you. Do you know how hard that was?" Hyun Su stated roughly, placing a gentle arm around Haneul. Jiyeon deflated quite a bit by this showing of affection. 

"You loved me."

"No, I loved what you offered me at the time. A time when I was childish and afraid of commitment. You were a girl I could sleep around with and have no attachments." 

"But you told me you..."

"I'm sorry for lying to you. At some point, I loved you but only for what you gave me. But those feelings are long gone, Jiyeon."

She cried out, "Don't lie! Those nights when you held me...I gave up everything...I even had her! I only did it for you! Did you even think about me just once?"

"I'm sorry." Hyun Su said softly.

"Don't lie to her appa. Tell her how you don't think about her. About how happy you are to have her out of your life. Tell her that the daughter she disowned is happy being mistreated in the house rather than living with her for one minutes."

Jiyeon got up from the chair and slapped me roughly across the face. "I wish you were never ing born." She stormed out of the house.

The room grew quiet. Everyone was stiff. But I could breathe and it felt nice. Like I was a new born baby, just coming into the world. 



This is quite the awkward update for me considering I'm doing it (>.<) at a football game at half time. Cheering is not fun whe the sun keeps shining directly on your back. And we don't even have actual uniforms yet, just shorts and t-shirts. But I'm really happy because Alex is here and he's being adorkable. 

I've been flipping out becuz Exo comeback on Sept 14th? Anyone else excited (AND OBSESSIVELY LISTENING TO THEIR MINI ALBUM!)? I heard Lay and Suho both get solos and I think I might just spend all kinds of money to go see them perform live. Also just saw Kris perform Like a G6 and I yelled so loud I couldn't talk for 15 minutes !!!!!!! He's too y it hurts! 

So yeah comment and junk like that and I'll try to update soon. (Also I'm going to introduced the teacher in the next chapter so yeah get ready for y!)

LilyLycan B. 



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Chapter 22: hurricane sandy sighhh...where do u live? im by boston ma so its supposed to hit us tonight
SarangMBLEAST #2
Chapter 21: Omgosh I couldn't contain my laughs at le last chapter
Chapter 20: oh my gosh authornim.. you left me dead. youre such a good writer! argh this chapter was so great! major kudos to you OTL