Sierra Leone

Strangers Like Us

*Sehun POV

 Stendal once said, "In love there is only one law; make your love happy." Should I sentence myself to life imprisonment for breaking loves one and true law. I made Luhan hyung cry today. I don't know how I did it. One moment, that beautiful baby-face boy was looking at me with tender eyes. The very next second we're throwing things at each other, screaming I hate yous and flipping the other off. I hadn't meant to make him cry, it was a joke at best, but I couldn't help questioning him. He's been spending so much time with Kai hyung that I was becoming curious.

"How was your day, Sehun?"

I didn't mean to make it sound like an accusation. 

"Sehun oppa!"

​There was absolutely no need for him to get so defensive.

"OH SEHUN!" My fathers yelling snapped me out of my head.


"Your mother asked you about your day."

​I frown, fiddling with my kimbap. I notice that the dog isn't eating hers either. "YAH! Do you not eat anything?"

Her eyebrow quirked, "Since when did my life concern you?"

This girl. "I could care less about your life. I'm just thinking about all the hard work my mother puts into making these meals that YOU refuse to eat."

"I never refused. And besides I ate before coming home today."

​I scoffed. "There's always an excuse with you. I bet you did everything you could to NOT eat when you were with Lay hyung."

​This time my mother chimed in, and very giddy I might add. "You were out with Yixing, Tae Ah?"

I smirk. The dog sighs and put down the fork she was toying with. "Hyung called me before I got home. He said she was offly talkative."

"Because he's nice to talk to."

"Oh, yeobo! Can you believe it? It's love, I just know it!" My mother practically gushed while beaming at my father. 

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Oppa was just being nice to me because of my incident in lit today."

"What incident?"

She sighs. "It was nothing, Oh Hyun Su."

Mom still remained in her dreamland, "Maybe we should invite Yixing over for dinner one night. Oh wouldn't that just be so cute." 

"Love is blind, huh?" I spoke to no one in particular.

"Well at least I don't go making pretty deer cry."

This. . 

"Shut your ing mouth!"


"Why, so you can put me into a fit of sobs?"

"You don't know about anything!"


She laughs, while crossing her arms over the other. She's ing laughing at me! "And might I say I am the most surprised why. I didn't know you walk...curvy lines. And filled with insecurities to boot! No wonder the little doe practically fainted in distress."

"SHUT UP! SHUT THE UP! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT US LIKE THAT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. What right did she have to even utter those things about Luhan and I? She doesn't even know him, or me for that matter. She met him after our fight and suddenly she has the right to tell me all this bull. "The do you know about love anyway."

"I know that love makes people blind, but not for forever. Eventually they come to see the exit."


There was ringing in my ear. My hand stung a bit, but I didn't know why. All I know is that dog is and the floor, hair messily covering her face. Is she trembling? What happened to her? A minute ago she was commenting on my relationship, now she's falling apart before me. 

"How could you?" My mother screamed, eyes glistening with disappointment and shame. "I did not raise you to hit girls!" 

Hit girls

"Go to your room, Oh Sehun! GET THERE NOW!" My father yelled at me. He never yells at me. 

​I look down scornfully at Lee Tae Ah. I ran up to my room and lock the door, ignoring the pounding of my fathers fist against it. I needed to talk to Luhan. 

After calling him about 15 times he finally picked up.


"What do you want, Sehun?" He sounds so tired. 

"Were you asleep, hyung?"


"Are you sick?"

"Did you call to play 20 questions?" 

"Ani! I called to apologise."

"I'm listening." I breathe a sigh of relief. 

"Mianhe, for being a bad boyfriend. I just couldn't help but feel like you could do better than me. I can't help you in your classes when you don't understand. I can't stand you looking at other guys for more than a second. I can't help but wish I was nearly as breathtaking as you, so that you would want to be with me and only me. I'm just a douche who loves you."

Was that a sniffle. "Why didn't you ever tell me how you felt?"

"I was ashamed of myself for feeling this way when you obviously love me."

"Don't ever ask me questions like that again!"


"I love you, Sehun ah."

I smiled, "You don't know how much I needed to hear that. I love you too."

Luhan hyung giggles. "I've got to go Sehun, but I'll call you tomorrow, ara?"

"Ara! Love you Lulu! Don't stay up too late with homework."

"You know me so well. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I was about to hang up when I heard it. 

"I LOVE YOU!" And the line went dead. I drifted into a sweet slumber knowing that Luhan and I were okay. 


I awoke in a foreign household. Umma was not her joyus self, she was sitting next to Tae Ah solemly. "You don't have to go to school."

"I'll go." She answered, emotionlessly. 

"Umma, where's breakfast?" I asked brightly. But I received a glare from umma. Is she not feeling okay?

"I'll go first." the dog brushed by me. 

What is with these women?





It wasn't until third period that I noticed the red mark on her left cheek. 

"What happened to your face?"

"I don't know? Your hand wanted to get acquainted with it." She replies sarcastically.

"I didn't mean to, you just made me so mad."

​She scoffed. "And that's an excuse to slap me?" She rolled her eyes. "Don't think for one second that I'm scared of you now or something. Because even when I can't go on, I go on." And she walked away from me. 

​Go on what?


​Greetings earthlings~

So about how I ing hate Google Chrome for cutting off half the chapter~ The !


And a super duper extra huge thank you to the most 'mazin reader *cough* VanillaKisses *cough* for replying to my sob story. Thanks for your concerns and I will most likely be relaxing the rest of this week. But when I read your comment it was like drinkin Monster/Rockstar/5hour Energy for me and I just had to make a glorious chapter as a thanks, hehe awkward inner monologue =.=" THANK YOU NA CHINGU! Here a gif of the y Kai becuz I don't know your bias but Kai is lovely so its still cool.~


Still hating G Chrome!

LilyLycan B. 


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Chapter 22: hurricane sandy sighhh...where do u live? im by boston ma so its supposed to hit us tonight
SarangMBLEAST #2
Chapter 21: Omgosh I couldn't contain my laughs at le last chapter
Chapter 20: oh my gosh authornim.. you left me dead. youre such a good writer! argh this chapter was so great! major kudos to you OTL