Is It Required?

Strangers Like Us

*Yixing POV

Stendhal once said, "The greatest joy love can give you is to take your lover's hand for the first time". But she isn't my lover. A mere stranger, who I had casually heard of from Sehun. Yet I felt something when my hands reached out for her. At that moment, I wished she were my lover because I'd love her. I'd love this trembling body with such passion and fire, she would burn up from my stare. 

"You don't have to tell me what's bothering you; however, you are obligated to drink that coffee I brought you." I sat across from Tae Ah in the Moon Cafe attempting to raise her spirits. "If your worried about the fact that I basically kidnapped you, don't be. I'll let the principle know, personally, that I was responsible for this."

She raised an eyebrow. "And what is this exactly?" Her fingers began to dance between her mug and my blueberry muffin.

"This is me trying to crash into your life." I replied briskly. 

"You don't even know me," she pointed out. 

I smile, "And you don't know me, hence the meaning of this early lunch. Let's start with names." I put out my hand. "Zhang Yixing, but I go by Lay." 

She looked at me queerly. "Lee Tae Ah. People normally call me Tae. But you already know that, Lay sshi."

"Call me Yixing."


"Don't call me Lay. Only strangers call me that. And while your at it, you can also call me gege."

"Aren't we strangers?"

I sigh, "I might have just met you today but it feels like I've met you before, maybe past lives or something." 

She suddenly became vulnerable in front of me. Like she needed someone to love her, as if she had been deprived of affection all her life. 

"I like blueberries," and she smiled, "Yixing gege."

I happily watched as she devoured the muffin. 

"I Music and words are very big to me," she began. Then she stopped. "I don't get along with people...because I'm awkward. What do you see when you look at me?" she asked shyly. 

"I think you need someone to love you," I replied honestly. "And you like pushing people away because you don't know what it feels like to be cared for."

"You know all this, after only knowing me for what? An hour, tops?"

I shrug. "I can read people well." She puffed out her cheeks and just when I thought she couldn't get any more cute. "I like to dance."

"Are you any good?"

"The best, well next to Kai that is."

She raised an eyebrow. "Kai?"

"He's another dancer at the university. He's my rival for captain of our dance crew. Which is why I came to your art class today."

"I don't understand."

I sigh, suddenly feeling the need to rub my temples. "I need service credits to fit the criteria to become the leader."

....She's laughing, I made her laugh

"What a way", chuckling softly,"to get your hours. Selling your body for service credits." 

"I know. And, hey, it's not like I have to take my clothes off, yet. I met you too! Lots pf perks with this volunteer business" She smiled at me longingly and I began to ask myself if this was enough for her. Just being with me. Talking, laughing at nothing. She deserved so much more than this. "Are you happy?"

"I wasn't awhile ago." She started to tell me. "I wrote words, beautifully enchanting words, for a literature project. No one truly understood them. The fire behind them, they didn't understand. Just like they don't understand me." She sighs. "I wish I could make them see how meaningful those words can be."

"Maybe, I'd understand." I offered. My hand reached out to hers, hoping to grasp it and give my words, no matter how small, more meaning. She let lightly run my fingers over her hands. My middle finger moved in comforting circles.

"You'll have to suffer like you never have before." Suffer

"Is that how you found out the meaning of those strong words?" I laid my hand gently upon hers. 

"Yeah." And she pulls away. She was slipping away. How should I pull her back, make her forget those words. Those words that made invisible scars on the soul of this beautiful being. How do I make you understand that I'm breaking in front of you, crumbled into the fiery its of infatuation?

"Come watch me dance!"


Yay for Lay's POV!

And I have a bit of ranting to do so I plan on making a whole chapter dedicated to my little horrible life >.< 

Which is right now~ 

LilyLycan B. 


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Chapter 22: hurricane sandy sighhh...where do u live? im by boston ma so its supposed to hit us tonight
SarangMBLEAST #2
Chapter 21: Omgosh I couldn't contain my laughs at le last chapter
Chapter 20: oh my gosh authornim.. you left me dead. youre such a good writer! argh this chapter was so great! major kudos to you OTL