30 June 2011 - The Day I Met You

Dear Diary [semi-hiatus]


30 June, 11.38am


Dear Diary,

I’m sorry for the slow update. So many things have happened.

I got the tickets to the U-Kiss fansign event! My mother told me she would get them for me, and I won’t have to pay her at all, ‘cause she’s paying the full $127! My mum is the best.

I’m leaving for the fansign event soon, I’m waiting for my friend to fetch me there.

Will be back home in the evening.






I stopped writing and shut the book. My friend was going to arrive any moment. I wore my sneakers and grabbed my black jacket. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and went to the living room to wait for my friend, not forgetting to hide my diary.

Just as I stepped into the living room, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and was greeted by a huge smile on my friend’s face. Hurriedly, we left for the fansign event, which was 45 minutes away from my house.


There were millions of people at the fansign! Well, not millions but you get the picture.

There were long lines of people, and those lines seemed to grow longer and longer with every passing minute. Hurriedly, my friend and I rushed to the queue before it could get any longer.

After 30 minutes of queuing, we finally reached the front of the queue. The work personnel there asked for our tickets. We presented ours and went in front of the table, where U-Kiss was sitting.

I was so excited I could scream at that moment. But no, my body chose that perfect timing to act up. I coughed and practically hacked my lungs out, right in front of U-Kiss.

I felt a pair of strong arms around my shoulders, supporting me. I swallowed and cleared my throat.

I stood up and brushed myself off, and then I realized who that pair of arms belonged to.

It was Soohyun.

I could feel my face heating up and getting red. What do I do? I just coughed like there was no tomorrow in front of my bias in U-Kiss! I could die of embarrassment. Oh, how I wished a hole in the ground would just open up and swallow me at that moment!

Soohyun smiled at me, and I think my heart stopped for a moment. “Gwenchana?”

I was stunned by his beauty. Like, seriously, how could someone this gorgeous be so near me!?

Someone stop me from blushing.

I nodded my head. Unfortunately, Soohyun let go of me and went back to his seat at the table. The rest of U-Kiss just looked at me worriedly.

I passed them the album I wanted them to sign. Kevin, Dongho, Kiseop… soon, I had reached the end of the table where Soohyun was sitting.

“Gwenchana? Are you sure?” Soohyun asked me again.

I laughed at his concerned face. “D-dae, Soohyun oppa.”

He then looked down, relieved, and signed the album.

Just as I was taking the album from his hands and about to walk away, Soohyun slipped a small piece of paper into my hand. I looked at him, puzzled, but he just winked at me and continued signing albums and posters.




30 June, 10.43pm


Dear Diary,

The fanmeet was… almost like a dream. I don’t know if it was a bad dream or good dream though.

I coughed, really horribly, in front of U-Kiss. It was so embarrassing, I don’t even have words to describe it!

But in a way, it was a blessing in disguise. Because of my coughing, Soohyun oppa left his seat and held me as I coughed. How lucky was I? I was sad when he let go though, but I guess he couldn’t hold me forever, could he?

Oh, and he gave me a slip of paper after he signed my album. I just looked at it, and you have no idea how surprised I was when I read what was written there.

It said:

Hey, are you okay? Remember to drink lots of water and take care of yourself^^ here’s my number: XXXXXXXX call me when you’re free and let’s chat ;)

-         Soohyun

I don’t know what to do! Should I call him? I’m so excited now, but I have to sleep soon… though I doubt I’d be able to sleep.




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Chapter 30: please update *cries*
Imma spam this story if you don't update!! lolz..I MISS THE STORY SOO MUCH!!! PLEASSEEEEEEEEE
4everalone #3
Chapter 30: Exams were over almost a month ago auntie
UPDATE SOON PLEASE!! love the story and i can't wait to see how it turns out!! <3
Chapter 30: Yay! Finally, finished it all (in one day lol)
That's really good, and fighting for your exams :3
pixiehadoken #6
Chapter 30: this was so cute! good luck in your exams! :D
sutekitty #7
Cute (^O^)
Just for your information hotels in japan are mostly kind of traditional design (or it's just me who have never been to the new one xD) but I do imagine and find it cute.
Kissing in front of the door? x)
Casandra #8
Is great hahaha. .update again ok. .
Ermahgerd i cant live without this story it's been two weeks please update!!!!!! ( ;´Д`)
please update soon! i love love love this story! baby talk talk talk to me! i do believe you you you!