
Dear Diary [semi-hiatus]


30 September, 11.48pm


Dear Diary,

We’re in Japan! It’s really cool here, but sadly I don’t understand what they’re saying at all…

Soohyun told me that U-Kiss would only be here for a week though, but they’ll officially start their Japan promotions in late November.

I’m in the hotel right now, and it’s really comfortable here. I have my own room though, while the U-Kiss members have to room with each other. I guess that was a perk of being the only girl…?

Japan is a really awesome place, from what I’ve seen so far. I’m really looking forward to what we’ll be doing on this trip!






I placed my diary into my bag and grabbed the towel beside me. Walking towards the bathroom, I grabbed some clean underwear and pyjamas (which were really just a T-shirt and shorts) and went to shower.


I stepped out of the shower, toweling my wet hair with the fluffy towel. Walking further into my hotel room, I picked up my iPhone, letting the towel fall around my shoulders. There was a text from my mum, asking if I was alright. I smiled and hurriedly texted her back.

Just then, there was a knocking on the door followed by the soft ringing of an old doorbell. I walked over to the door and opened it to find Soohyun standing in the doorway, a wide smile spread across his face.

Before I could say anything, he interrupted me, “Tomorrow, we’re going to be really busy, so rest well tonight okay? I’ll see you tomorrow morning!” He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

Impulsively, I hugged him close to me. He was so warm. I nuzzled my face into his chest, smiling. I could feel Soohyun hesitate before wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer and pressing me onto him.

Due to his busy schedule, I haven’t been able to spend much time with him. Holding him like this, though… it was enough for me. I was happy enough.

Soohyun cupped my left cheek with his hand, making me look up into his eyes. His head tilted and he slowly leaned down. I could feel the heat of his breath on my face, and I was pretty sure he could feel mine too. I closed my eyes, bracing for the impact of his lips on mine.

The door next to mine clicked open suddenly, causing Soohyun and I to jump away from each other. We turned our heads towards the direction of the door and realized that it was Kiseop who stepped out of the room.

Thanks, Kiseop, thanks a lot.

Kiseop paused at the doorway, staring at the both of us. Then, snickering to himself, he walked back into his room, where Kevin’s voice could be heard. I guess the Vinseop couple was rooming together next door.

I turned back to Soohyun and asked him, “Oppa, do you want to come into my room?” I wanted to spend more time with Soohyun, even if it was just hugging. I missed him so much.

Unfortunately for me, Soohyun shook his head. “I have to head back now. Goodnight jagi.” He leaned down and pecked me on the cheek, then turned and walked down the corridor.

“G-goodnight oppa! Saranghae…” I called after him.

Soohyun stopped in his tracks and spun around, grinning at me. “Nado saranghae~” He made a heart with his arms, making me smile at his sweetness.

With that, he went into his room, and I went into mine too. 




so sorry for the slow update ;~; school has been really really busy and my exams are coming up, so i might update really slowly or not update at all...

i'm so sorry, my dear readers! please forgive me, i'll update whenever i can!! :(

hope this update was ok though :x

comment please~ <3 sorry D:

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Chapter 30: please update *cries*
Imma spam this story if you don't update!! lolz..I MISS THE STORY SOO MUCH!!! PLEASSEEEEEEEEE
4everalone #3
Chapter 30: Exams were over almost a month ago auntie
UPDATE SOON PLEASE!! love the story and i can't wait to see how it turns out!! <3
Chapter 30: Yay! Finally, finished it all (in one day lol)
That's really good, and fighting for your exams :3
pixiehadoken #6
Chapter 30: this was so cute! good luck in your exams! :D
sutekitty #7
Cute (^O^)
Just for your information hotels in japan are mostly kind of traditional design (or it's just me who have never been to the new one xD) but I do imagine and find it cute.
Kissing in front of the door? x)
Casandra #8
Is great hahaha. .update again ok. .
Ermahgerd i cant live without this story it's been two weeks please update!!!!!! ( ;´Д`)
please update soon! i love love love this story! baby talk talk talk to me! i do believe you you you!