We Set Off

Dear Diary [semi-hiatus]


16 September, 8.37am


Dear Diary,

Yesterday Soohyun asked me to go to Japan with him. Should I? I mean, I really want to go there because I’ve never been there, and also because I can fulfill one of the things on my to-do-before-I-die list.

But then… how long would U-Kiss be staying there? Surely I would have to return home earlier because I still have school, and I need to go for my chemotherapy sessions too. I can’t my mother alone, too.

I’ve already decided, and I don’t think he’ll like my decision. It’s for the best though… I hope…






The dial tone rang three times before Soohyun picked up. “Yeobo~ have you decided?

I gulped. “Sorry oppa… I won’t… be going to Japan with U-Kiss.”

Why not? The plane ticket is free, if that’s what you’re worried about.” I could hear disappointment in his voice.

“It’s because… U-Kiss will be really busy, and I don’t want to distract you from your job. Sorry oppa, I have to go now. I’ll text you later ok?” Without waiting for his reply, I put down the phone.

I threw myself on the bed and buried my face into the soft mattress. Hearing Soohyun’s disappointed voice… it really broke my heart.

“Oppa… I’m sorry…” I mumbled into the pillow.

I heard someone walking into my room and looked up. It was my mother. She sat down beside me wordlessly and my hair. I closed my eyes, feeling like a young child again.

“You can go to Japan, you know.”

My head shot up. “What?”

My mother smiled kindly at me. “You can go. Just for one week though, because you still need to attend school. Promise me you’ll be a good girl ok?”

“I didn’t even tell you anything…”

“I overheard your conversation with Soohyun.”

“But… I don’t want to leave you alone…”

“Silly girl. I will be fine, your mother is a strong person! Or have you forgotten that? Go to Japan with your boyfriend! It’ll be a nice experience, going to a country you’ve never been to before. Don’t worry about me. I want you to go.”


Two weeks later, I was at the airport, which was flooded with paparazzi and fans. My luggage was being checked in. I was to board separately from U-Kiss in case any paparazzi caught me and start some weird scandal. In the distance, I saw U-Kiss queuing up to have their passports checked and followed them, pretending that I did not know them.

After we boarded the plane, I searched for my seat. “H25… H25…” I murmured to myself. I walk down the aisle with the snake of people and spotted my seat. It was a window seat!

In the seat beside me, there were two more seats. The one nearer to me was occupied by Eli while the other one contained a sleeping Kiseop. I shimmied my way into my seat, disappointed that I won’t be sitting beside Soohyun.

Suddenly, Eli got up from his seat and moved to the one in front of me. I stared confusedly, until Soohyun slid into the seat beside me. “Yeobo~ I’ll sit with you.”

I smiled and hugged him. This was going to be the best trip ever.

The safety belt sign lit up, signaling for us to put on our safety belts. I did as we were told.

Welcome dear passengers, this is your captain, Sandeul, speaking.We will be taking off shortly to Japan. Please ensure that your seatbelts are fastened and your seat is upright. We hope you have a pleasant flight.” The captain’s voice rang throughout the whole plane. I looked out of the window in anticipation.

A few minutes later, the plane started up, and before I knew it, we set off. 




hi~ so i finally updated orz. in care you're wondering, B1A4's Sandeul was put in there because i was thinking about him when i was writing this.........but he probably won't appear again ahahahah (even though he's cute)

and some of you might know, this chapter was named after one of U-Kiss' songs haha

btw, if you like U-Kiss and/or Big Bang fanfics, please subscribe to PrivateLovestoryxxx ! she's a really good author ^-^ here's the link to her stories: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view_author_stories/180379/L

comment please~ <3 

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Chapter 30: please update *cries*
Imma spam this story if you don't update!! lolz..I MISS THE STORY SOO MUCH!!! PLEASSEEEEEEEEE
4everalone #3
Chapter 30: Exams were over almost a month ago auntie
UPDATE SOON PLEASE!! love the story and i can't wait to see how it turns out!! <3
Chapter 30: Yay! Finally, finished it all (in one day lol)
That's really good, and fighting for your exams :3
pixiehadoken #6
Chapter 30: this was so cute! good luck in your exams! :D
sutekitty #7
Cute (^O^)
Just for your information hotels in japan are mostly kind of traditional design (or it's just me who have never been to the new one xD) but I do imagine and find it cute.
Kissing in front of the door? x)
Casandra #8
Is great hahaha. .update again ok. .
Ermahgerd i cant live without this story it's been two weeks please update!!!!!! ( ;´Д`)
please update soon! i love love love this story! baby talk talk talk to me! i do believe you you you!