15 August 2011

Dear Diary [semi-hiatus]


15 August, 11.39pm


Dear Diary,

So many things happened today. I went to visit U-Kiss, got stuck in a lift, did… stuff… with Soohyun, coughed blood, fainted and told mum about Soohyun.

I’m so scared… why did I cough blood? Mum doesn’t know, and I don’t intent to tell her because I’m afraid she would worry… it’s just something small… right?

Speaking of my mother, her reaction when I told her about Soohyun was epic. She was so excited, and it’s not even her boyfriend. Her ex-boyfriend was dad… and he… well…

… I shall not dig up painful memories.

Anyway, my mum said that she wants to meet Soohyun. Should I call him over for dinner or something? I’m sure my mother would like him. I’m just worried that she’ll tell him about my illness… if that really happens, I don’t know what to do anymore. But seeing as to how it was my mum, she should be able to keep a secret. I should trust her.

I should call Soohyun.






I picked up my phone and punched in Soohyun’s number. I hope this would go well…

The dial tone rang on and on. Just as I was about to put down, Soohyun picked up. “Yeobo, why are you calling me at this time? Are you okay?

I smiled. He really did care for me. “Oppa, I’m okay. It’s just… I told my umma about us, and she said she wants you to come over to visit. So I was thinking, when are you free? Want to come over for dinner?”

Sure, I’m free next weekend. Can I come over then?” I could practically see him grinning.

“Ok~ see you then, oppa. I love you.”

I love you too, yeobo.” 



Hey guys :] 

double update today~ i know the updates aren't very long but... i'm sorry T-T

I'm having a mini holiday, so i should be able to update more often~ (i hope....) 

Thank you for being patient with this fanfic and my updates, and thank you for your encouragements in the comments >< i love you guys <3

comment please? ;]


@kaji_hikari : that's a secret :) 



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Chapter 30: please update *cries*
Imma spam this story if you don't update!! lolz..I MISS THE STORY SOO MUCH!!! PLEASSEEEEEEEEE
4everalone #3
Chapter 30: Exams were over almost a month ago auntie
UPDATE SOON PLEASE!! love the story and i can't wait to see how it turns out!! <3
Chapter 30: Yay! Finally, finished it all (in one day lol)
That's really good, and fighting for your exams :3
pixiehadoken #6
Chapter 30: this was so cute! good luck in your exams! :D
sutekitty #7
Cute (^O^)
Just for your information hotels in japan are mostly kind of traditional design (or it's just me who have never been to the new one xD) but I do imagine and find it cute.
Kissing in front of the door? x)
Casandra #8
Is great hahaha. .update again ok. .
Ermahgerd i cant live without this story it's been two weeks please update!!!!!! ( ;´Д`)
please update soon! i love love love this story! baby talk talk talk to me! i do believe you you you!