5 August 2011 - Beautiful Conflict

Dear Diary [semi-hiatus]


“I’ve fallen for you.”

Soohyun’s words seemed to echo throughout the silent room. Him? Fall… for me? How was that even possible? Sure, we were good friends, but this? Falling in love?

“I-I need to go now. Please get out,” I pushed him out of the door awkwardly. I went back into the house, grabbed my stuff and left the house. Soohyun was still standing there, looking at me. I tried to walk past him, but he caught my wrist and spun me around to face him.

“I’m serious. I really meant what I said. Could you at least… please consider?” his eyes were pleading.

I brushed off his hand. “I’ll… think about it.” With that, I ran all the way to my friend’s house, not looking back at all.



5 August, 10.44pm


Dear Diary,

Today was… shocking. Soohyun oppa came and confessed to me. He said he loved me.

What do I do? I can’t let him find out about me having cancer or he might hate me… but I want to be his girlfriend. I love him.

Mum didn’t say anything about not allowing me to have a boyfriend, but this… Was this acceptable? How could a hallyu star like him fall for someone like me? Someone sick, someone normal, someone like me. Anyone but me. Why did it have to be me?

I’m happy, and sort of excited too. It’s a feeling I can’t really describe. Should I accept his feelings? My instinct tells me to, but...

I’ve never been good at boy stuff. I need help on this. Maybe I should call my best friend and ask her what she thinks. She’s a genius at this topic.






I fumbled around my desk, looking for my phone which was buried under the mess. When I found it, I punched in the numbers I had memorized. The dial tone started up and was immediately interrupted by a burst of static and my best friend’s chirpy voice.

“Hey, ‘sup?”

I took a deep breath and told her everything. About Soohyun, about what happened on the beach, about how I felt towards him, everything. My friend was silent.

Suddenly, she shouted into the phone, “I’m heading over to your house now!” and hung up.


10 minutes later, she arrived with a large bag. I raised an eyebrow. “Who said you could stay over?”

“Me,” she replied cheekily and made herself at home.

I grabbed some chips from the kitchen and passed them to her, knowing she would love those. “So, what do you think?”

“Hmm?” she replied around a mouthful of chips.

“About what I just told you!” I threw a pillow at her.

She hugged the pillow. “Well, you love him, he loves you, what else could go wrong? Just accept him!”

I rolled my eyes at her simplicity. “What if he finds out…?”

“Aigo, why are you so worried? Just accept the poor guy already!”

I sighed and lay down. Accept him huh… it sounded so easy. Yet I knew that one wrong step and he would find out.

Should I do what I thought was right and reject him? Or should I follow my heart and accept him? Such a beautiful conflict I have run into. 

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Chapter 30: please update *cries*
Imma spam this story if you don't update!! lolz..I MISS THE STORY SOO MUCH!!! PLEASSEEEEEEEEE
4everalone #3
Chapter 30: Exams were over almost a month ago auntie
UPDATE SOON PLEASE!! love the story and i can't wait to see how it turns out!! <3
Chapter 30: Yay! Finally, finished it all (in one day lol)
That's really good, and fighting for your exams :3
pixiehadoken #6
Chapter 30: this was so cute! good luck in your exams! :D
sutekitty #7
Cute (^O^)
Just for your information hotels in japan are mostly kind of traditional design (or it's just me who have never been to the new one xD) but I do imagine and find it cute.
Kissing in front of the door? x)
Casandra #8
Is great hahaha. .update again ok. .
Ermahgerd i cant live without this story it's been two weeks please update!!!!!! ( ;´Д`)
please update soon! i love love love this story! baby talk talk talk to me! i do believe you you you!