Chapter 6


Eunhyuk was sobbing on his own embrace, he was cloistered on some cold dark room without windows on the castle, he wiped his tears away so many times but they returned, so now he was just sobbing because his Pyeha prohibited to cry and he knew he didn’t had the right to cry, because like Kyuhyun had say; he was a monster.

And his tears started to fall again.

He heard then some shouts and he stopped to cry, and put his ear next the wooden wall and try to hear what was happening, still holding his sobs from time to time.

“I want to see him!”

That voice… it was, Yoong Woo master, his now father and Eunhyuk pressed more himself towards the wood, his master was there, calling for him.

“Eunhyuk! Eunhyuk-ah”

And the tears were flowing, he was in pain and even when he was a bad being, his master was worried for him, he didn’t deserve so much love, no, he deserve hate, like the one on Kyuhyun eyes before part away from him, and his gaze were again blurred.

Meanwhile on the royal room when the enthrone was, his Pyeha were sited on his throne, watching the boy that was with a mixed gesture of hate and sorrow and he smiled at that vision.

“So,   you hate him, right?” and Kyuhyun didn’t hear right, he was just nodding absent, his heart was dumb, his mind and soul too, and he just reacted after some slap from his Pyeha and he touch his bruised cheek.

“You hate him?” repeated the question and Kyuhyun clenches his fist.

“I…” I love him yet hate him, he played with me “I… do, I hate him” and his Pyeha smirked triumphal but then Kyuhyun shook his head in negation “I can’t, I can’t hate him” and finally the tears that he was holding started to fell, slowly and silently and his Pyeha frown, what had happened with the rebellious kid from years ago?.

“You are no worth like that” and he then smirked again, evilly and signaled one of his men to get near “go and call my son” and the soldier bowed and went out with his task, minutes later JiYong arrived and watched the large room, his father at the center, so he gulped and walked until reach his father, he watched everything, something was wrong, yet JiYong didn’t knew what.

Kyuhyun on the other hand was behind the big throne of his Pyeha, hiding himself by the older command; listening everything without making a sound.

“Did you call me, father” and his Pyeha nodded at his own son words with a smirk.

“I called you, because I want to ask you something” and JiYong nodded doubtfully, so his Pyeha continue “Did you already form a friendship with the survivor of the wealth gods?” and JiYong thought about what to answer, at first he didn’t knew Eunhyuk was the last good of wealth and he learn that later, but not by his father words, so he negate.

“I don’t know what you mean father” answered and his Pyeha frowned.

“Don’t try to make a fool of me, I know that you and Eunhyuk are good friends” and JiYong widened his eyes, while Kyuhyun covered his mouth and he too; opened his eyes wide.

“I’m not making a fool of you, I didn’t knew Eunhyuk was the survivor” answered and took a deep breath, he needed to calm himself before made a mistake.

“Alright, then… I’m just going to ask something, and if I noticed that you are lying to me, I’ll kill that boy” and JiYong gasped with horror, Eunhyuk was his best-friend after Kyuhyun, so he nodded.

“Who was the one Eunhyuk vowed his eternal faithfulness and his being for the rest of his life” and JiYong breath started to being erratic, what was he supposed to say?

“I don’t…” but before he could finished, his Pyeha said.

“Don’t lie to me, I already know but I want to confirm it by your own mouth” and JiYong glanced the floor and bit his lower-lip, making it bleed.

“Eunhyuk-ssi… Eunhyuk-ssi, he vowed…” and JiYong didn’t want to say it, because he promised to no reveal that until being a grown man, but what if his father did really kill Eunhyuk for lying to him, and Kyuhyun was expecting the answer, he didn’t want to hate Eunhyuk, he still want to believe on that beautiful child, his mind was battling, so if JiYong replied that still Eunhyuk is his own owner and nobody else, he will fight his own hate and fight for the blond kid, but if…

“Eunhyuk-ssi vowed himself to me” said in a wishper JiYong, like if he was committing some awful sin and his Pyeha started to laugh and Kyuhyun clenched his fist very hard and his tears were dry, his eyes full of hatred.

“That’s all I want to know, good child, you can go” and JiYong left with an uneasy feeling on his chest.

Second later, his Pyeha called Kyuhyun’s name and he went out, standing in front of his Pyeha with his lost gaze.

“So now, he betray you in every possible way, so… you hate him” and Kyuhyun clenched his fist, wipe his dried tears away and watch with coldness his Pyeha eyes.

“I hate him, with all my heart, his Pyeha” and Kyuhyun bowed and kneel in front of the satisfied man, now nothing could go wrong on his plans, his own kid, and the wealth god one were destined to be one and with that his kingdom will improve more than anyone on history.


The day arrived and Yong Woo still stood at the gate of the palace with Shindong at his side, both now kneeling with the plea of meet his Pyeha and that he will release Eunhyuk from his enclosure.

His Pyeha went outside with a shivering kid next to him; that as soon as he glance his brother and master, he ran towards them, being hugged by Shindong and Eunhyuk started to sob.

His Pyeha rolled his eyes bothered and cleared his throat.

“I must kill you” hissed and Yong Woo didn’t flinch, just stood there and his Pyeha sighed frustrated “but since you are the best and your disciple is the next priest, I must spare your life and his as well, so take that child and raise him well, when the time he need to make his real vowed arrived, you must return with him” and Yong Woo hesitated but nodded, better run away now that later but his Pyeha told him “and don’t try to fool me or the Kyuhyun kid will pay your betrayal” and Eunhyuk shivered and gripped the fabric of Yong Woo right sleeve, so he sighed.

“I will bring him back”


Kyuhyun was training like a week ago, with no rest and no mercy. His master Youngbae watching him worry, he didn’t were send with Eunhyuk, so he stood taking care of Kyuhyun and yet, that kid seemed like if he want to kill himself since a week ago.

“Hey, take it easy” tried the general and master of Kyuhyun relax with that the boy, receiving just a glare from him and he sweat uneasy. This was the first time see him like that, then one question bring him out of his own thoughts.

“Did you knew?” and Youngbae wasn’t silly, he knew but answered.

 “What, the little one secret?” and Kyuhyun just glare him cold, so he sighed “No, I didn’t until a few days” and Kyuhyun nodded and grabbed his sword.

“Good, because if you knew, I’ll kill you” and Youngbae sighed again, maybe this kid was a lost case and it will be better for Eunhyuk to never return again.

“Listen Kyuhyun, Eun-” but he was cut.

“Don’t dare to say his name!” Kyuhyun shouted “he is worse than trash, he doesn’t even deserve to be named” but the true was that more than hate was hurt on Kyuhyun’s heart; sadly he didn’t know that yet.


Meanwhile Heechul stood in front of a big gate, the palace was beautiful and yet somehow feel empty and cold, so he shivered, or more like Top shivered in Heechul´s body.

Yah! Let me out! I want to see my brother, you so f***

And Top shook his head, damn, it was so difficult to maintain that wealth good under control, he was very weak the time he met him and now he was like some impatient child and more strong that he had thought.

“Shut up” Top hissed under his breath, passing the gate, entering to the kingdom and some guards stopped him at his outstanding beige hanfu, but he just shrugged and say he was some merchandiser and they nodded and let it him pass.

Don’t shut me, is my body, you trickster!

And Top sighed on Heechul´s body, this was exhausted, after some walking, he heard something that caught his interest.

“Yeah, that monster was found out, and his Pyeha send him to some far place to protect us” said one old women and other added.

“I wish for him death, he has the fault my son had died years ago, he is cursed” and Heechul’s body got near the murmuring persons and asked.

“May I know beautiful ladies who are you talking about?” and they blushed and replied.

“Of course the monster and more awful creature that had exist; the survivor of wealth gods” and Heechul’s body widened his eyes and Top asked.

“Some blond kid?” but the women watched him confused “blond? we didn’t even see him once, we don’t know, but his Pyeha said he was hideous”

You… I’m going to kill all of you once I can go out

And Top tried to calm Heechul but the other was cursing every woman there, and Top just asked.

“Can I see his Pyeha, I guess I can make a good deal” after some days, he was allowed to met his Pyeha, gaining the confidence of him and with that, he could get the name of the place to where Eunhyuk went days ago.


The blooming season went down, and some others pass like water. Eunhyuk’s heart was everyday and in every memory some painful moment but he still manage to smile, because his master and brother were always there for him, the first days were with him having nightmares, the months then were like if he was in hell because his own choice and after two years, the memory of Kyuhyun was still imprinted on his heart equal at the pain but now he was willing to embrace that with no rejection, because pain were mean to be on his heart, so even if it hurts, now he too can smile.

Eunhyuk was finishing his training lesson with Shindong; he now with eighteen years has even more power that his brother and that made him happy and sad, because he was praised and yet that was the motive of why Shindong didn’t will become the priest but him.

Shingdong told him once it was ok, and yet Eunhyuk knew it wasn’t, because his brother had always train hard for become the priest and he was taken that away for him, but once again; Shindong smiled at him and said.

“Eunhyuk-ah, is alright, the only thing I really wish is your happiness” and Eunhyuk nodded, embracing the other with gratefulness.

Some days after that passed and Eunhyuk was talking with someone or better say, some god.

“It is ok, my dear one, I’m here, so you can forget everything” and the god walked away of the summon circle and embrace the boy very thigh, Eunhyuk sobbed softly and embraced the other, like holding on something before fall and the god watched him with sorrow.

“I don’t know why but it pains me like the first time” and he sobbed more, the god rubbed his back slowly.

Because you love him the god thought but didn’t say.

“He was a friend of yours, so is normal to still feel hurt” and the god lift Eunhyuk’s face with his hands and smile “but you will always have me, you know that, right?” and Eunhyuk smiled softly and nodded like a child, the god; named Sungmin rest his forehead on Eunhyuk’s one and smile, the god watched the boy lips and closed his eyes; this was a sin, so he separated away and went back to his circle and smile.

“You can count on me always, just call my name” and Eunhyuk nodded, since the first time a year ago, that god was the most kind towards him even if he didn’t deserve it, it was like a good friend, so he smiled mouthing a silent thank you.


He was hungry, so he had no choice left, even when he didn’t want, he must do it in order to survive, so he went to the town and kill some animals, but even so, his hungry didn’t ceased, it has been years since he feed himself with some eatable.

He his fangs, and gulped, no, he is not going to do so, but his hungry was more.

Being a cursed demon of more than a thousand of years was painful, his solitude was great like his sorrow and guilt, so he decided to be a loner, yet destiny was calling him to fulfill his owns basic task; eat.

The night had fall and the people was sleep, so he become a human and walked by the dusty streets, some women and men were laughing at the houses of Gisaeng, so he rolled his eyes, searching for something to eat, he walked for more than an hour and stood in front of some house, he heard some men yelling at his wife and how she was being probably hitting her, so he closed his eyes, this person wasn’t worth to live, maybe heaven will not cursing for taken away his life, so he transform on his original form and when the man went out, the shape on the shadows attacked him and kill him, taking away his heart and kidney, eating it with joy, his lips and fangs; the still fresh taste of blood there, but then he felt something on his back; near his heart and his eyes turned red, watching some man with his face covered.

Then another thing were piercing his torso, he now recognized the object like arrows and he pull out with force the one at his chest but let the one at his back, he was bleeding, he then thought that it was better like that, his life wasn’t worth, he had killed so many persons, many have family and other weren’t too bad, still his instinct of survival was on him and he run away, time passing, minutes and maybe hours, he feel the hunter following and he was very tired, so he transform again in human, maybe with that he can lose the hunter, so he walked, supporting himself on the trunk of the threes and felling dizzy, everything was turning in circles and his gaze was fading away, he didn’t know when or how, but he lost conscious.

He opened his eyes slowly, some hand caressing his white pelage and he jumped on his four legs and bit the hand, glaring with his now red-eyes the being that dared to touch him, he heard some moan of pain and then he could watch some childish boy with blond hair, brown rounded innocent eyes observing him, and he felt weak, not for the loss of blood  but because he feel ashamed of hurt someone like him for some reason and he tried to walk away but were grabbed by the person and he fight weakly for release, failing.

“I’m not going to hurt you” and the animal, watched with almost human eyes the person and huffed relaxing, so the blond boy giggled.

“You seem lonely, like me” and the boy with his bleeding hand hugged the animal but the animal struggled, so the boy released him free.

“It is okay, I’m not going to hurt you” and the boy introduced himself “I’m Eunhyuk” and he smiled tenderly, the animal or demon keep on his site, he didn’t knew how to react and then Eunhyuk pull out the arrow on the back of the animal and started to heal the injuries, almost fading but he success on not, because now he could control the amount of live that he gives, but true was that that animal took not only time of his life but a whole life just for being healed and Eunhyuk watch the being before him.

“You are not a simply fox” he estate and the animal cringe like an scolded kid, so Eunhyuk carry him “maybe a demon or maybe a god?” and the fox watched the smiling boy curios, this was the first time feeling so much peace and quietness, he now feel sleepy on that boy embrace, so he purr.

“Relax, I’m here” said Eunhyuk, caressing the white fox on his embrace, lifting it and walking to the small abandoned temple where he lives now, and the fox cuddle on the embrace, he for first time feel warm and started to loss conscious, but this time were no pain, just calm on his body and heart, just thinking on how to conceive his feelings to the other.

The next day, Eunhyuk awoke when a boy with dark red hair and brown eyes watching him, Shindong told him it was ok, and Eunhyuk relax but keep glancing the strange boy that were smiling softly, so when he was going to ask something, the boy talked.

My name is Ryeowook, Eunhyuk-ssi

 Eunhyuk blinked and nodded confuse, then he watched the concern on the other’s eyes when he yawn and smiled.

“I’m okay, just a little tired” and the named Ryeowwok nodded, and Shindong laugh a little, saying.

“He keep watching you all night, he was dead worried about you, even myself was startled at first but then he told me everything and well, I guess we have a new friend” and Eunhyuk nodded smiling sleepy.

“I’m not good but still…” Eunhyuk bit his lower lip “I’m glad to meet you” and Ryeowook jump to the bed and hugged the boy, making him blush when he his cheeks with his own tongue and Shindong slap his hand to his face faking worry.

“I guess we need to teach him manners first” and Eunhyuk watched him puzzled, separating the boy a little of him, still he felt somehow familiar with the other.

“He is the white fox of yesterday” and Eunhyuk widened his eyes shocked.

“What?” so Shindong laugh and Ryeowook embrace him again.

Hope you had like this ^^ though it wasn't KyuHyuk on this chapter u.u

Thank you for reading :D

 Ami_SuJuElf: Thank you ^^ I'm trying to improve even if is a little Yeah, the Pyeha is mean and Kyu is just lost on hatred u.u thank's for comment :D

Next week another chapter :D


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Akuropanda #1
Chapter 15:'re story is really good..i had fun reading it..
michikokasiumi #2
Chapter 15: Waaaaaa... Ginaaa,, u really become greater and greater,,, i love this fic too :,)
but im happy of how it ended,,, not forced,,, n it write smoothly n perfectly n it has sequeeeeeeel :D
gonn wait for the sequel Gina :D
Chapter 15: Wow... I'm really speechless.. I mean... the ending... undescribable... really.. I'm speechless.. in a good way of course.. oh.. and how I was waiting for sequel now~
Chapter 15: sobs sobs...such a heartbreaking story ~~~ why why why....well it is a good choice for everyone write the sequel soon..thank kyu for writing this...
Chapter 11: Fainly i found this fic i was locking for it ^^
I miss alot of thing's >.<
But soooo great^_^ thanx really^^
But there is no heehyuk moment as brother's?!?
Thanx really^^
And waiting for the next^...^
Chapter 14: i'm a bit confused here..
is it gonna have sad ending????
Chapter 14: I know that Sungmin has a feeling to Eunhyuk.. or else he wont always being at his side..

"Demons and gods have two different worlds connected but asides too and if a demon want to visit holy place…the demon needs to kill an innocent being"

this seem like Sungmin sacrifice himself so that they can enter the place.
michikokasiumi #8
Chapter 14: hwoooo... sooo complicated... HWAITING KYUU .. HYUKKIE.. >0<
from the story line i think its realy goin to end soon TvT
but its okay.. there will b another story ne!! ne!! ne!! kkkkkk :p