Chapter 1



The first months were tortuous, the man that killed his kind goes everyday to laugh at his face for being the last of his type, then the man will hit him until he lost conscious and then left, when he awake ups, he feels that his body was going to break but it was amazing how at the next day he will be fully recovered and that made him think that he really was a monster.

Then he will cry in silence because for what the man said to him.

It took just a few days to the man to convinced the child that he was an awful being that everybody hated because it was his fault that his own kind were murdered and it was also his fault being a hateful being for being different and the village people also hate him because there were so many soldiers dead, in few words; he had full fault by everything.

The kid was lost in despair because he was taught to help others, to make others happy, to love every being in the earth and to give his all for the sake of another, and even when his parents taught that important lesson to him and relied in himself that precious task, he could not do it because he did the most awful thing that can be done; let people die. He did not help anyone but put in the hearts of others hatred and that was so painful for his heart that the only thing that he wanted was to die every day but even death hates him, so he was just staying alive.

He thought of himself like a real monster and started to think that he deserved every hit, every bad word, and every pain than his body could deal and even the one that he couldn’t, because he was a monster.


The first week was smoothly, the king send servants to help him in the process to adjust himself into his new life. There were no luxury but it was comfortable, and easy to fulfill the expectations of the king, the only thing that he needed to do was to train for being a perfect soldier, a leader warrior.

The task was easy, he only had to master the sword, and the fighting skills, and being born with the abilities of his father, this was pretty simple, and more if he adds the hate towards the being that had the fault of all his pain.

He still doesn’t know the name of the creature but that does will not matter when he kills that thing.

That monstrous being that were the cause of every-one of his misery, he still does not understand why the King is so obsessed with that thing and why he spends more of half day with him. It was the duty of a King to punish the culprit but no. His majesty only visited that monster every day.

Unknowns were for Kyuhyun that his majesty visited everyday the child for beaten him up.


A week has passed and his body was weak, he hasn’t eaten anything since the murdered of his clan. Now he has dark circles because the nightmares of the screams and blood that were stucked in his mind, he chuckled bitterly.

They really died…

And it surprised him how now he can’t cry, and smirks.

I’m an empty vessel.

The night falls and he decided that it was time for him to die like his own kind. He search for a peaceful place to end his life, and takes a blade to cut his throat but something stopped him, some sort of glowing blue light in a not far place from him caught his eyes.

He pass trough trees, weeds and broken woods, until he reach a stair covered with magic seals, statues and a temple at the end of the stair, so he ups the stairs and can see the light more intense, then everything goes pitch dark.

“You’re a perfect vessel” Heechul hears a deep, guttural dark voice.

“Wh-Who are you?” asked with a bit of fear in his voice.

“Your salvation” answers the unknowing being.

“Ha! No one can save me, and even if you could, I don’t want it” shout angrily forgetting the fear that felts minutes ago.

“I know, but I can save the one that you love like a brother” Heechul widened his eyes surprised.

“You’re lying!!” It can’t be true, he is dead. And tries to convince himself because if Eunhyuk is still alive then he would feel like a bad brother for not searching him enough.

“I’m a bad entity but not a liar. I can show you” Heechul doubt but nods, if Eunhyuk is alive then he must find him and care for him.

“Go to the lake and watch what is inside” the voice is cold but you can trace a little hint of suspicious joyfulness.

The water starts to swirl, then it shows a kid being beaten up worse than an animal, but the child does not make a sound, no sobs, no cries, just passive silence at the time that snuggles himself.  

“You’re a piece of that has the fault of exist” shout an old man while kicked the little one. “So you better accept my offer and be my slave, give me power and I’ll free you”.

The child says in a whisper.

“I can’t be free and I can’t be saved. I deserve to suffer because all is my fault”

And Heechul feels his heart inch and his eyes start to feel watery but no more than that, until he hears a sentence that marks his heart.

“I’m a monster…” And the child just cuddles himself in order to received another beaten up.

And Heechul starts to cry silently.

“No…” murmurs “You’re not a monster…” and the sobs turn into wailings “You’re so kind, so good, so precious, so beautiful to be a monster” The hybrid sobs at the nothingness.

“What do you want?” shouts the young boy.

"Hm. I want you to be my vessel" the entity saw the confused expression of the other and adds "My body is sealed in someplace far from here but my soul remains in this place, so I need a vessel to obtain my body back"

"I... can't give what you want" dubiety answers and with guilty.

"Then he's going to suffer by your selfishness" stated the voice.

"No! It's not that!. It's because of the curse, if I give my body to you, someone that is not from the clan of wealth gods then my body will be corrupt and then..." unfinished the words remain because the entity said.

"Think of this" slowly and silky the voice talks "If you preserves your body pure then you will have to carry the curse of your clan and  the beloved familiar that you want to protect so bad will be dead in no time and in despair" and that made Heechul flinch "but if you give your body to me, the little one will be cursed but saved from that man that made him think of himself like a monster" The latter doubts.

"What is worst, the curse or remaing a living being with no hope?" And the half god feels like his world is going to crumble, because neither of the options are good to choose, then sighs, what can he do? Until now he done nothing for others but he really wants to help Eunhyuk to goes out of that place that he is in now. Then Heecchul watch the sight of the little boy that makes his mind upside down in despair reflected in the lake and desission is impressed on his eyes.

I'm sorry Eunhyuk, this is for the sake of us, I promise to be by your side forever, forgive me not for this but please... understand me.

"I accept to be your vessel. “I’ll give myself to you if you promised me to help him” The entity smirks, that was easier than he thought it would be.

"Maybe I would want to kill the one that seal me here" said the other spectrum with mockery but the other remains silent "Fine” a dark shape starts to walk towards the hybrid “Now you’re gonna be my vessel, I’ll take your soul, body and eyes until I fulfill my revenge towards the monk that seal me here and this task of yours”

It could be heard a scream of pain, then the hybrid faints at the shock of another soul into his body.


After three years has passed, it was getting boring to hit that child every day, so the king used his triumph card with the little one.

The door of the cell was opened and the ruler of that land made his appearance, watched the child embracing himself and smirks, that creature was so fragile and even when it had mud and dust on his face and legs, the child seems beautiful, and for a moment the king thoughts that it was a shame to just take him like a priest for the good of the village and not took him like a lover, Oh! How many things he can do with that boy, but shakes his head right away because the creature must be pure in order to fulfill his duty and then sighs at the frustration for not can have him for himself.

The child watched with fear that man that always goes to beaten him up, he doesn’t shake and does not made any sound, he just watch how the male goes to him with a sadist smile, and deep inside he want to cry but knows that he does not deserve the blessing of show emotions and keep holding his tears inside his soul.

“I’m going to let you choose your destiny boy” it started like a casual offer and that gains the attention of the younger, so the king continues more confident “You can go out of this cell and obtain indulgence from yours sins by helping and praying for the people, or die here beaten up by me and be hated by all the village”.

The kid did not excepted that he had a choice in first place because he does not deserved it, but if he can heal the hearts of the people and make them happy then he must not be a coward but a brave one that can give his all for the village even if that means to lose himself and being the one taking the task that his like-brother were going to took, he will gladly accept this offer because he does not want anything more than the chance of make others blissful, so in order to do so, he will give his everything.

And then he gets up and gaze the man with a light of hope and streng that the other thought it was lost a long time ago, and it startles him a bit, the kid that was so defenseless has the look of a superior being, almost like the best of his warriors.

“I choose to gain indulgence, Pyeha” and bows in respect to his future king but not to the only one that is going to serves for the rest of his life, because starting his new life, all his might will be for the village.

“That’s what I wanted to hear” he turns towards the exit and calls for someone “Young Woon!!” the named shows under the doorway with a serious face “From now on towards the end of your days you’re going to be in charge of this child, so keep an eye on him and teach him manners, prayers, and how to summon gods. Now he is like your child”. The priest nods and the ruler depart with no other word said.

The high priest turns his head towards the boy, watch him cautious because he heard that the kid killed a lot of people before but only can see a caring being in fron of him, then his hard face loosened and is replaced with a soft expression.

“So… what is your name kiddo?” The boy is curious about the change of emotions on the face of the priest but answers anyway.

“Eunhyuk” Young Woon smiles a little, ruffles the blond hair and signals the exit.

“Well… I’m Young Woon but you can call me Kangin” smiles. “So… monkey, now is time for you to meet your brother, although he is a little apprehensive with food, he is a kind kid, just don’t interfere him while he is eating, ok?” and Eunhyuk nods, he doesn’t even bother on find why the man calls him monkey and not by his name, but that doesn’t bother him but it makes him happy for an unknown reason.


His life was like he wanted but there was something bother him for almost three years and that was the fact that every afternoon the king were no one to be seen and then he will return in the evening. Why bother at that? Because if his deductions were right, the king were to see that devil child. And even when he shows obedience towards his king the other do not trust him enough to take him at the place where the creature was cloistered.

He was in the middle of training and so captured in his own thoughts that he lost balance and the fighting lesson.

“I win this time!!” exclaimed a boy with light-red hair.

“You wish” smirked the other, pick up his sword and started the counter attack.

“Hey! That’s unfair, I already win” shouted the other but Kyuhyun ignored it. The red haired one frowned his eyebrows.

“I can’t lose Ji Yong. Not matter if you’re the crown prince, I cannot lose to anybody” said with pride, the named scowls while just avoid the most danger lunges.

“You’re not a good looser Kyuhyun” Ever since kids Kyuhyun was better and that makes Ji Young being a little unsure of his owns capabilities but at the same time admired the youngest for his skills.

“It’s not that I don’t know how to lose, it’s just that I’m the best and being like that made me want to surpass everything” said with a smirk.

“Even myself?” asked the sixteen year old boy. That questions surprised the youngest because he doesn’t see that coming.

“What do you think, crown prince?” grins and the red haired knows the answer but does not want to see it, then lies.

“Forget it, I’m tired” left the blade falls and leaves the younger alone.

I will even surpass your father and even the gods itself if with that I can obtain my revenge.



I did put the picture of Ji Yong here because I forgot it on the description, so now you can have a better visualization of him. He is the legitimate heir of the King (and who's the king? He doesn't have a name here, so just "king" or "ruler" or "his majesty" or "Pyeha" but starting chapter three I'm going to use the latter).

And I'm so sorry for made Hyukjae to be in pain and the others as well.

Thank you to kyuwifey, who wait patiently for me to update, I hope you like it, and thank you to the ones that subscribed and the silent readers ^^

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Akuropanda #1
Chapter 15:'re story is really good..i had fun reading it..
michikokasiumi #2
Chapter 15: Waaaaaa... Ginaaa,, u really become greater and greater,,, i love this fic too :,)
but im happy of how it ended,,, not forced,,, n it write smoothly n perfectly n it has sequeeeeeeel :D
gonn wait for the sequel Gina :D
Chapter 15: Wow... I'm really speechless.. I mean... the ending... undescribable... really.. I'm speechless.. in a good way of course.. oh.. and how I was waiting for sequel now~
Chapter 15: sobs sobs...such a heartbreaking story ~~~ why why why....well it is a good choice for everyone write the sequel soon..thank kyu for writing this...
Chapter 11: Fainly i found this fic i was locking for it ^^
I miss alot of thing's >.<
But soooo great^_^ thanx really^^
But there is no heehyuk moment as brother's?!?
Thanx really^^
And waiting for the next^...^
Chapter 14: i'm a bit confused here..
is it gonna have sad ending????
Chapter 14: I know that Sungmin has a feeling to Eunhyuk.. or else he wont always being at his side..

"Demons and gods have two different worlds connected but asides too and if a demon want to visit holy place…the demon needs to kill an innocent being"

this seem like Sungmin sacrifice himself so that they can enter the place.
michikokasiumi #8
Chapter 14: hwoooo... sooo complicated... HWAITING KYUU .. HYUKKIE.. >0<
from the story line i think its realy goin to end soon TvT
but its okay.. there will b another story ne!! ne!! ne!! kkkkkk :p