Chapter 10


I want to say first; I'm sorry, I made a grammar mistake (well, I do a lot, but this was important) 

“There is already someone but not the one you think”

The correct was "There is already someone but not the one you will think" (that changes de meaning and I'm really sorry!! Thank you for be patient with me and understand me *bows*



The ceremony arrived and everything were smoothly, Eunhyuk was now the new High Priest officially and then nobody could touch him, it was at that moment when Eunhyuk stood before JiYong and smiled a bit sad, so the latter just hugged Eunhyuk, whispering.

“I don’t need the vow of loyalty, just say the words but don’t show your power” Eunhyuk watched amazed the man and was doubtful; then his Pyeha frowned because he didn’t heard anything and sighed in the end.

Heechul bit his lower-lip feeling guilty at how his brother was for take the full responsibility and later for sure the real curse of the clan, while Top just hold the hand of Heechul, squeezing it a bit, smiling soft at the amused expression of Heechul.

Ryeowook was on one of the corner of the temple watching for any suspicious person or thing, alerted that nothing could go wrong, while Shindong was the one leading the ceremony because he was the best and former student of the Yong Woo, while Kyuhyun was just a meters of Eunhyuk because was protecting not only the blond, but his Pyeha and JiYong.  

Eunhyuk walked to the middle of the ceremony circle and kneeled, starting to recite some words in a foreigner language to the presents.

Kyuhyun that was watching from apart felt his heart sank while seen the blond beautiful man preparing a chant to say his vows to JiYong, and just for a second he felt the urge to stop everything but still his mind was telling him to hate the man, but his heart…

Ryewook lifted an eyebrow when noticed a man in suspicious attitude and walking between the people to where Eunhyuk was, he started to walk to the strange man while watching all the surrounding of the ceremony room of the temple, his eyes from side to side, watching the balconies, the pillars and the man repeated times, almost like a dizzy motion.

When the man pulled out a knife running to Eunhyuk; Ryewook shouted widening his eyes.

“Look out” Suddenly everything went into chaos and Kyuhyun ran to Eunhyuk even before follow the instruction to help first his Pyeha, he dragged out his sword and pierced the stomach of the person while this falls slowly. Eunhyuk ran to his attacker with open eyes and tried to cure him. Kyuhyun at watched this walked to the alarmed Eunhyuk and with a glare he grabbed him roughly by the wrist, while Eunhyuk was fighting for being free and Kyuhyun in the middle of all the chaos, shouted.

“Are you crazy!!” Eunhyuk stared at Kyuhyun for half a second.

“I am, I don’t want anybody to die” Kyuhyuk hold were lost and Eunhyuk tried to heal the man but it was late and he started to left silent tears from his face, Kyuhyun was lost and something inside him was in pain and battle because this man wasn’t a monster, this man wasn’t bad, this man was the one he lo—

Kyuhyun was for call Eunhyuk when the latter turned and widened his eyes, standing quickly and embracing him, or more like protecting Kyuhyun, because some attacker was for wield his sword against Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun just widened his eyes at the sight of Eunhyuk smiling softly and whispering…

“I’m glad…” and Kyuhyun just hold the beautiful wounded man by the waist, still in shock; watching the almost dried tears he had spilled, but the only thing that Kyuhyun could really watch was the caring smile and tender gaze directed to him from Eunhyuk.

Kyuhyun fell on his knees while Ryeowook killed the man that injured Eunhyuk, while shouting to Kyuhyun to snap back, but the best soldier, the best general after Youngbae was in shock with his heart breaking and calling tremble the name of the man than now he knows loves the most and doesn’t hate.

Eunhyuk…. Eunhyuk…. Eunhyuk… Eunhyuk… Eun…

Kyuhyun doesn’t remember anything else, just how Ryeowook took away from him the wounded bleeding Eunhyuk and how he was so lost, almost like if he was dead and Kyuhyun didn’t even knoe he was crying if it weren’t for JiYong that dragged him away of the chaotic place, he just remembered everything went blurr and JiYong’s voice.

“It was father’s command”


Eunhyuk awoke feeling pain on his chest, almost near the heart and the first welcomed words from Shindong and Ryeowook were;

“Are you crazy?!!!!!!!!!” Eunhyuk blinked trying to stand but he lay down again, so he was now watching the ceiling.

“Sorry…” he muttered and Ryeowook hugged him very thigh, sobbing.

“I was so worried, I thought… I thought that you…” Eunhyuk patted Ryewook’s back repeating “I’m sorry” while Shindong just smiled soft.

“Don’t do this again, we were very worry about you” Eunhyuk nodded, and some flashes went on his mind, so he asked worriedly.

“Kyuhyun… how?” Shindong lowered his face and Ryeowook frowned averting from Eunhyuk.

“He is fine, right?” Shindong nodded and after sighing said.

“It seems that the attack was ordered by his Pyeha so the people will not recognize you like the High Priest” Eunhyuk widened his eyes, Shindong talked again “Youngbae is still investigating but maybe… Kyuhyun was with them since he is his Pyeha’s favorite piece” Eunhyuk shook his head but then… remembering all the hate Kyuhyun proclaimed have for him made him doubtful, so he closed his eyes.

“I… understand” Eunhyuk cuddled on the blankets and murmured.

“I want to be alone”

Shindong sighed and Ryeowook nodded unsure but both obey him and went out of the room.

“I just hope Kyuhyun was in the darkness like us” said Shindong and Ryeowook stare at him, thinking, and asking.

“Eunhyuk, he loves him, right?” Shindong wasn’t so surprised since he knew the feeling the demon was holding for Eunhyuk as he nodded. Ryeowook didn’t ask more, just walked away.


Kyuhyun was spacing out on his former room in the palace, his gaze was lost and his mind replied over and over again the same scene.

I’m glad…

Kyuhyun passed his hand through his hair and then buried his face between his hands.

Eunhyuk… Eunhyuk…

“Hyukkie…” murmured with long.

“Oh” said a voice amused and Kyuhyun lifted his face startled “so you dare to call his name?” Kyuhyun watched the man in front of him, the one glaring at him, but even when the cold and threatening aura was on that person, those words slipped from Kyuhyun’s lips.

“How’s Eunhyuk?” Ryeowook icy eyes, almost animal now turned human and painful, so Ryeowook averted his gaze.

“Recovering” Ryeowook was walking around the room, watching the empty place asides for the bed and a small table next to it so he choose to sit next to Kyuhyun.

“He asked about you” confessed Ryeowook staring the door and Kyuhyun turned his face to watch the lost face of the man.

“Why are you telling me this?” and Ryeowook chuckled bitterly.

“You know… he saved my life and I… fell in love with him” Kyuhyun forrowed his eyebrows but let the other continue “I always be near him but he seems sad evytime he was alone, until…” Ryeowook stood and walked to the door.

“His eyes only are bright when he see you” Kyuhyun was smiling and for some reason feeling grateful to that person now, he stood and walked to Ryeowook.

“Can I… visit him?” Ryeowook asked before answering.

“Did you knew this was that Pyeha command?” and Kyuhyun lowered his face and nodded ashamed adding” JiYong told me, but he just discovered the truth after the atackk started it”. Ryeowook nodded.

“Eunhyuk is in the small temple on the town, the people wanted to protect their new High Priest, I guess Heechul was the one manipulating the people to say that, but it was good for Eunhyuk” Kyuhyun agreed and they walked outside the palace.

When a guard asked why Kyuhyun was lefting, the latter replied it was still his duty to watch over the High Priest, nobody opposed to that.


Eunhyuk was outside of the temple, at the door for being specific, while Shindong was scolding him and Eunhyuk just smiled at him.

“They want to see me and ask something, I can’t say no” Shindong grunted and a little girl approach Eunhyuk, Heechul was for stopped her but Eunhyuk just smile, lending his hand to the girl.

“Yeah?” she giggled and her doe eyes were bright.

“Is it true that if you pray for us, the land will be fertile and we will be better and no suffering?” she asked with hopped. Eunhyuk bithis lower lip and asked.

“Who told you that?” the girl replied happy.

“My mom!! She went to the heaven days ago, but she told me to trust in you, because you will bring health to us” Eunhyuk widened his eyes and embrace the girl, and when they separated and the little girl were watching him, he said.

“Your mom was saying the true, just wait a bit and everything will be fine” the girl nodded and ran happily, reaching his father’s hand, a corpulent middle man that mouthed thank you with hope on his eyes.

When Shindong was for ask Eunhyuk if he was fine, a stunning woman stood in front of Eunhyuk with a smile and he watched her confused.

“I want to ask for you to pray for me to find a husband” Eunhyuk nodded doubtful feeling his heart racing, he was the High Priest, so he was the one to pray for every whish of the persons.

“Do you have someone in mind?” asked Eunhyuk, because remembering that Sungmin once told him.

“I can’t make the fall in love, if I don’t know their names”

“Kyuhyun, his Pyeha’s general” Eunhyuk was shocked for a second but when the woman asked him, if he was ok, he nodded and he fake a smiled, feeling awful for some reason.

“There is already someone… but not the one you will think”

Eunhyuk watched the girl; he was really beautiful and girly, almost bright at Eunhyuk eyes and even when he was feeling slowly how his heart was shattering he replied.

“I can pray for him to love in love with you” She squealed and Eunhyuk opened his eyes wide when he saw Kyuhyun behind the girl, glaring at him and turning ready to left.

Ryeowook just watched Eunhyuk’s hurt expression and followed Kyuhyun after mouthing “Don’t worry”

Eunhyuk’s eyes were watery and he felt some oppression on his heart, so he gripped the fabric of his clothes and ask to the woman.

“Your name is?” she giggled.

“Soo Young”



Thank you for reading ^^ and thank you specially to:


Ami_SuJuElf : Revelaed new character ^^ but who would you think is the real one for Kyu *coughhyukcough* ok, I give you a spoiler, sorry. Thank you!

kyuwifey: Thank you! unnie that will be for the last chapters unnie ^^  It took me more than a week, sorry.

michikokasiumi: Thank you!! I hope this too has been of your liking :D



Saranghe!!!!!!!! *kiss* 



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Akuropanda #1
Chapter 15:'re story is really good..i had fun reading it..
michikokasiumi #2
Chapter 15: Waaaaaa... Ginaaa,, u really become greater and greater,,, i love this fic too :,)
but im happy of how it ended,,, not forced,,, n it write smoothly n perfectly n it has sequeeeeeeel :D
gonn wait for the sequel Gina :D
Chapter 15: Wow... I'm really speechless.. I mean... the ending... undescribable... really.. I'm speechless.. in a good way of course.. oh.. and how I was waiting for sequel now~
Chapter 15: sobs sobs...such a heartbreaking story ~~~ why why why....well it is a good choice for everyone write the sequel soon..thank kyu for writing this...
Chapter 11: Fainly i found this fic i was locking for it ^^
I miss alot of thing's >.<
But soooo great^_^ thanx really^^
But there is no heehyuk moment as brother's?!?
Thanx really^^
And waiting for the next^...^
Chapter 14: i'm a bit confused here..
is it gonna have sad ending????
Chapter 14: I know that Sungmin has a feeling to Eunhyuk.. or else he wont always being at his side..

"Demons and gods have two different worlds connected but asides too and if a demon want to visit holy place…the demon needs to kill an innocent being"

this seem like Sungmin sacrifice himself so that they can enter the place.
michikokasiumi #8
Chapter 14: hwoooo... sooo complicated... HWAITING KYUU .. HYUKKIE.. >0<
from the story line i think its realy goin to end soon TvT
but its okay.. there will b another story ne!! ne!! ne!! kkkkkk :p