Chapter 3




He was walking really pissed through the corridors towards the temple, a very visible frown on his face.

That ing prince… he hissed on his mind.

It was the unknowing time that the prince skipped practice and yet he was getting better in his fighting skills and speed, Kyuhyun frown gone deeper.

He was the best fighter and then the weakly prince were improving so much for his liking in the past three months, at this rate he isn’t going to obtain the trust of his Pyeha and in result, he is not going to have the chance to kill the kid that caused his father’s death.

And the worst was that JiYong was almost never in palace, though his Pyeha doesn’t mind it now, he does mind him, because he needs to keep an eye on that prince because he is the only one (apart of him) that can obtain the task of being the captain of the troops of his Pyeha in a future.

Now he was standing in front of the big gate, just a step and he could be inside.

“Where do you think you go?” asked a man with a serious face.


“You can’t. This sacred place is only for the High Priest and the monks, no one of the outside can enter here except for his Pyeha” explain the bald monk.

The boy lifted an eyebrow.

“I’m his Pyeha’s son” but the other doesn’t seem surprised.

“His Pyeha only has one true son, and he is now with the High Priest; so leave” Kyuhyun clinched his fist and turned around.

He was frustrated, nobody recognizes him, not even his Pyeha. He knew that the only reason why he was adopted were because his father were a great commander. He, at his short age knows that he is only a piece on the kingdom of his Pyeha, one that can be replaceable but that doesn’t matter to him, because he is using his Pyeha in order to find the whereabouts of that cursed child.

And JiYong was interfering on that because his skills are improving.

After walking around the side of the temple, he could see a wall that can be climbed, so he does so. Falling perfect onto his feet, hiding on the bush for him to sneak deeper on the temple, he passed a lot of corridors, hiding when he heard some steps or any kind of noise.

The fact of being doing something against the rules of his Pyeha made him uneasy, he was feeling that something will happen, but has no clue of what.

Still, he keep on. After hearing some quick steps towards him and some yells off; “an intruder!!” he felt anguish, what will happen to him if his Pyeha find this out?

Then after running trough corridors that seems like passages of a labyrinth, he hides himself on a room, closing the door. Then he sees that the whole place is dark and covered by green big leafs, like if time has forgotten that place so long ago, because everything in that room seems abandoned and it smell like mustiness.

He heard someone trying to open the door and then he try to hides under some of the leafs that seems protecting a secret, everything goes so fast at one moment, because he can feel himself falling at his back and can see torches lightening a long corridor, he stands and walk straight, forgotten the anxiety that minutes ago he felt because now it was replaced with curiosity.

Left, right, straight again, left, left, right, then an intersection, two paths, what too choose? The one at the left or the one at the right, almost all the people choose right, he thought, so that is the most reasonable answer yet something is telling him to choose left, and he does so.

He can see light at the end and some birds singing and the sound of the water hitting the rocks, then all goes bright and he close his eyes for a second, adjusting them at the sudden change.

It’s notorious now that even when in palace there’s no snow, here he can see the transition between winter and spring.

The leafs of the flowers has some glowing drops of water falling gracefully, the lake is cold but flows harmonic, a little snow is still on the trees but almost disappearing, the fishes swim free and the birds keep his welcome song to the spring.

He walks toward the river, following by the side like a path and then he find a lake and a waterfall, he takes water with his hands and he sits on the past under a tree, glazing the flowers of different colors under the light of the sun.

He then avert his gaze towards the imposing waterfall and his eyes widened at the sight, the water seems like if it were split in two and a beautiful boy emerges from there like a beautiful angel rounded by a glint of light, then the curtain if water return to be one after the boy gets out.

Then he notices that the boy’s clothes, hair, face, everything were soaked and gulps because even when he is still a child, the sight is tempting, and he wants to cover his eyes but can’t hold himself to do it until the other child flinch when he sees him, and he stands up quickly.

“I’m not going to hurt you” is the first thing that he says because he can sense the fear in the other’s eyes, but then something hits his mind.

That child resembles like someone, that blond hair and that eyes filled with fear, then he shakes his head.

It can’t be him, because that monster is imprisoned.

No, a beautiful person like the one he has in front isn’t bad; the one in front of him is an angel, a god, not a monster.

The brown orbs were focused on him, trying to trust but with a glint of still fear.

“I…” Kyuhyun tried to say something but couldn’t, for the first time he didn’t know what to say.

“I’m lost” he sigh, he didn’t even know if he was saying that referring that he was lost in what to say or in his way to come back to the palace, and the other seemed to find that sentence estrange.

“Listen…” while he approaches, the other steps back, so Kyuhyun stop it.

“I…” He took his hand trough his hair, obtaining the attention of the other, then both gazes were on the other’s, one was full of innocence and curiosity, the other sharp yet kind on this moment.

“My name is Kyuhyun, I’m thirteen years old, I live in the palace and…” he couldn’t continue because it startled him that soft, gentle and timorous touch on his face, he closed his eyes, feeling that delicate fingertips sensing his skin, when he lost that sensation, he whined, causing a perplexed expression on the other.

Kyuhyun was lost on those deep, brown pure eyes and he smile, a tiny one.

The other blushed at this and lowered his face causing a frown on the other child because now he couldn’t watch that beauty face.

“I’m…” before he finish, the child sneeze at the coldness.

 “Oh, you’re soaked, I already forgot that” exclaim Kyuhyun, taking off his light blue hanfu and putting on the other’s shoulders, causing another blush on the boy cheeks.

“No need…” the boy murmured “I’m fine” another sneeze was heard.

“I bet” and Kyuhyun smirked.

They sat next to the lake, in silence. Kyuhyun stealing glances of the other’s face.

“Don’t watch me” said uncomfortable.

“Why? You’re beautiful” and that made the other’s heart beat in pain.

“I’m not. I’m a monster” Kyuhyun felt at that moment his heart sink at the sad, painful statement.

“Even if you think that or even if the world says that…” He cupped the face of the other between his hands, eyeing him, trying to communicate through his eyes with his, “for me, you are the most beautiful being in this earth”.

The eyes of the blond child were widened and his brain was still processing the information, and before he could, he felt a lips being pressed lightly on his forehead.

“I…” The blond tried to say, but that loving gaze made him silent.

“If you say something else, my lips will be here” and Kyuhyun touchedthe other’s lips, causing him blush deeper.

“It’s a joke…” for now.

The sky were light red, orange and blue and at the far, the name of the beauty boy were shouted.




Three different voices; two unknown for Kyuhyun and one very familiar, so he frowned.

“You know JiYong” more that an ask were a statement, the confused face of Eunhyuk turned light and nodded happily with big brow amused eyes because Kyuhyun knew one of his friends, but that cause that the frown of Kyuhyun face were deeper.

“So the random person is you” he hissed, not because he was the person but because JiYong met him before him and now he was smiling so much at JiYong’s name while with him was just…quiet.

He doesn’t know what that bothers him, but it does, and that is pissing him off.

The voices were near at every shout, then something was showed on Eunhyuk’s face, and it was horror and fear.

Remember, don’t let anybody of the outside find you, because then I must kill him, so his Pyeha will not know that I let you being see and that I treat you well, because then, it will be the end of this ephemeral freedom, so be careful.

“You must hide” whispered, making Kyuhyun confuse.

“Why?” He asked while a panicked Eunhyuk tried to making stand.

“My master and my hyung are going to kill you!” the fear still on his eyes, then he begged “please… go”.

“Why they are going to kill me and not JiYong? We’re both outsiders” asked a wanting to know and irritated at the fact that Eunhyuk seems so afraid.

“Because…” but he could finish because the voices were more near, and Eunhyuk then said in a hurry for the other to leave.

“I promise to be here tomorrow, so leave, please…” and still unsure Kyuhyun sigh and nodded, then smile.

“Tomorrow then” and he kissed quickly the cheek of the other, grabbing his blue hanfu in the process.

Eunhyuk gaze was lost in that darker place were the silhouette if the other disappear between trees and bushes and a deep red color on his cheeks were visible, he touched his chest.

What is this feeling?

“Oh, so you are really here” He heard and turned to his master.

“Sorry” he had his head low, then he felt that his hair were ruffled.

“Don’t apologize, I already told you that you had no fault of anything, so I want my cheerful son and no this kiddo that I met three months ago” said caring and soft, causing a smile on Eunhyuk lips.

“Thank you” he said now with a bright smile.

“Eunhyuk-Ah, I was so worried because I finished my training with Yong Woo master and then you didn’t return of your meditation, so I was so afraid that something might happened to you” explain quickly the prince.

“I’m fine, really” smiled at his friend cuteness. He isn’t like his father, so Eunhyuk tought that his decision was right, that was until the moment he saw that child of dark hair and eyes.

“C’mon, if we get late at dinner, the stingy monks will not going to allow us to take double ration” whined Shindong, taking Eunhyuk by the hand and whispering at his hear.

“I saw him… and I know why your cheeks were red” Eunhyuk eyes widened and he tried to stop but Shindong grab it by the shoulder an keep him walking “I’m not going to say anything, so relax. Just… be careful, because what Yong Woo said, he does”

Then in a try to lift the mood, he release the younger and touch his tummy.

“I’m really hungry, so if they don’t let me have double portion, you’re going to give me your loaft, ok?” and Eunhyuk more relaxed nodded. Shindong were the only in those months that were with him, feeding him, cheering him, and making him smile, even laugh, he was like Heechul.

And thinking of him made Eunhyuk sad, so he focused on his new family.

Heechul hyung, I wish that you were here… with me.

I miss you.

“So, tomorrow you’re going to train with me. I even learn some medic spells!!” clap JiYong his hand while telling this, and Shindong say.

“Sorry, tomorrow he is going to train with me” and Shindong winked at his brother, obtaining a silent thank you.


Meanwhile at the walls of the entrance of the castle, a boy was climbing them in order to be on his room without being noticed.

Minutes before he arrived at his room, he saw a shadow trough the paper of rice. He knew that prideful shadow and he gulped.

He opened the door and greeted with a bow the king.

“Oh, so… where have you been?” asked with a cunning voice.

“Training, his Pyeha” the other nodded in agreement.

“I like to hear that” the he stand up from the chair and walked towards the boy, standing beside him, he touched the shoulder of the other.

“So… I guess that you know now where the prince goes every day, right?” and the child stiff.

“He goes at the temple every day, but I do not know why or where in particular” and his Pyeha show a satisfied look.

“So… they didn’t let you in, right? And the boy nodded again.

“That’s all I needed to know” because that god-kid is only for my eyes to be seen.”Sleep well” and his Pyeha departed, letting a uneasy Kyuhyun behind.

Why he was so estrange, it’s like if he didn’t want me near the temple; thoutgh to himself the boy, remembering the moment at the waterfall and grinning like a fool.

That kid is so beautiful and cute.

I want to see him again…

And he remembered the promised, and the grin turned into a big silly smile.

And I’m going to see him.

“He even has the name of a jewel” murmured to himself at the memory of the three persons shouting the kid’s name.

“My beautiful jewel…” and he dozed off thinking about that sweet boy.


“!!” exclaimed Top on Heechul’s body. “I’m so ing lost” the dark forest was cold and it started to rain.

“I’m going to curse Seungri for not letting me know the way to go out” he hissed.

Second later a laugh was heard.

“Searching for fun, my beautiful maiden?” and Top lift and eyebrow of that body, he knew the voice.

“If you come near, maybe” he teased and the being got nearer.

Then the owner of the voice was on the ground with a knife on his throat.

“I knew it!” he pushed the knife deeper and the other struggle in vain.

“Who are you?” asked, then the other grinned.

“Let me go out of this forest or I’m going to ing kill you for letting me be lost on your domain for months” and the tone and command were too familiar to him.

“You’re not him, right?” asked for being sure.

“I am” and he stood, playing with the knife passing it between his fingers “so, if you want to live, let me out, if not…” and the threat made the other gulped.

“Ok, I’ll do it” and the illusion disappear.

“Now, tell me for which side is where the clan of wealth gods was killed” and the demon were confused but anyway he answered.

“Go to the east, at the domain of Cheongnyong* and you find what you’re searching for”

When the latter where far away, the demon said.

“Cheongnyong was the one that helped that king though”





*Cheongnyong is one of the four gods, so is the dragon, and it represents the spring season.

Yeay!!! Finally Kyu met Hyuk >_< I'm so happy. True that didn't end like it was on my mind, but... I hope you like it ^^

For those who were patient. Thank you!!! 

And thank's for their comments to:

Hyuk58:  I hope you like this ^^ 

KyuwifeyUnnie!! you like it? it was not painful but sweet meting >_<

EriiAR: Thank you so much for your comments *O* I really hope you like how they met and how Kyu were with Hyuk and viceversa :)

Ami_SujuElf: Sorry for making you impatient. I still hope you like this chapter ^^ Is love.




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Akuropanda #1
Chapter 15:'re story is really good..i had fun reading it..
michikokasiumi #2
Chapter 15: Waaaaaa... Ginaaa,, u really become greater and greater,,, i love this fic too :,)
but im happy of how it ended,,, not forced,,, n it write smoothly n perfectly n it has sequeeeeeeel :D
gonn wait for the sequel Gina :D
Chapter 15: Wow... I'm really speechless.. I mean... the ending... undescribable... really.. I'm speechless.. in a good way of course.. oh.. and how I was waiting for sequel now~
Chapter 15: sobs sobs...such a heartbreaking story ~~~ why why why....well it is a good choice for everyone write the sequel soon..thank kyu for writing this...
Chapter 11: Fainly i found this fic i was locking for it ^^
I miss alot of thing's >.<
But soooo great^_^ thanx really^^
But there is no heehyuk moment as brother's?!?
Thanx really^^
And waiting for the next^...^
Chapter 14: i'm a bit confused here..
is it gonna have sad ending????
Chapter 14: I know that Sungmin has a feeling to Eunhyuk.. or else he wont always being at his side..

"Demons and gods have two different worlds connected but asides too and if a demon want to visit holy place…the demon needs to kill an innocent being"

this seem like Sungmin sacrifice himself so that they can enter the place.
michikokasiumi #8
Chapter 14: hwoooo... sooo complicated... HWAITING KYUU .. HYUKKIE.. >0<
from the story line i think its realy goin to end soon TvT
but its okay.. there will b another story ne!! ne!! ne!! kkkkkk :p