Chapter 4



Shindong was with him near the waterfall, making some circle with magic draws.

“This is for summon the god of this domain” then he erased it, and started to draw a different summon circle.

“Then that god is the one that our clan has to serve and…” Shindong turn curious at Eunhyuk.

“And what?” The child shook his head.

He is the one that put the curse on us.


Shindong didn’t want to ask more, so he talk again.

“And this one is for summon…” at that moment a child appear between the bushes, and the happy smile of the child turned into a frown, then he widened his eyes at the realization.

With Eunhyuk was someone, and he was told to not show himself when it was somebody else.

Shindong lift an eyebrow, then show a mischievous smile and turn towards his brother and pretending that he didn’t see the other child, he hugged a oblivious Eunhyuk, making him smile at his brother care, and then Kyuhyun run towards the eldest of the boys and shout.

“Let it go! You big…” but Eunhyuk separated from his brother and show a big smile to the other.

“Kyuhyun-ssi!! You’re here!” his eyes were sparkling and Shindong giggled.

The boy was confused, he felt someone grabbing his sleeve and then he turned his gaze, and he forgot everything when he see Eunhyuk’s gummy smile and he smiled like an idiot.

He then frowned when he heard someone laughing, and walked a step forward, hiding Eunhyuk at his back.

“Wo! Take it easy young one” said Shindong waving his hand at the air.

“Kyuhyun-ssi?” asked the blond child and he turned towards him.

“You promise to met me, but you said alone” he frown.

“Oh, but hyung saw you yesterday and he wanted to know you since you’re an outsider, but he promised me that he doesn’t going to say anything and the more important, he doesn’t want to kill you!” exclaimed the child while moving his hands.

“Fine” the raven huffed.

“Well, now that I did my duty to made you company while waiting for him, I’m going to train near here, so master doesn’t will suspect anything” and waved a farewell.

Kyuhyun turned to the happily boy and hissed.

“Don’t be so happy at his words” he murmured and took the hand of the boy in his one.

“I was so worried when I’d see you hugging you” and he sighed “I don’t know why tough” and Eunhyuk tilted his head confused.

“Shindong-ssi is my hyung, so is natural for him to hug me, like Heechul-hyung did before” at those words the younger throw a glare to the a little taller boy and shout.

“Yah!! How many people let you hug you?!” and that made Eunhyuk flinch first for the change of voice, but since he doesn’t know well the other, he thought that was his way to ask things, and he put his hand in front of his face and started to count between murmurs.

“Master Young Woo, Shindong Hyung, JiYong-ssi sometimes” Kyuhyun was getting irritated “Mom… dad…” but when the voice of the other started to faint, his irritations changes to worry “Heechul-hyung…” then the eyes of the blond child were watery and Kyuhyun started to panic.

“Aish” and he pull the boy in a raw move towards his chest, making Eunhyuk a bit uncomfortable at first because the raven one was a little smaller than him. Kyuhyun then said with his blushing cheeks that the other was missing, because he had his face buried on Kyuhyun’s chest.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it, so don’t cry, ok?” and the latter nodded and apart his face a little, now that he was standing straight, the difference between their height were notorious and while Kyuhyun blushed at the closeness, Eunhyuk giggled.

“I’m taller than you” he said with a singing voice and the other apart quickly, hm-ing, crossing his arms on his chest.

“Are you angry?’” asked careful Eunhyuk with sad tone. Kyuhyun sighed.

“Just… forget it” I don’t want to lose time in a quarrel because I need to go to earlier than yesterday so the king doesn’t suspect.

“What do you want to do?” asked Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun took his hand and smile a little.

“Be with you” making blush the other and stuttered.

“W-We’re together now”

“I know, but I don’t ask for anything else” he replied, adding “what do you want to do?”

“Watch the lake with you, we can even see the fishes colors!” exclaimed happily clapping his hands one time.

Kyuhyun wanted to impress the other kid, so he jumped to the lake and catched a fish, bring in out of water until the fish die. Eunhyuk gasped in horror and Kyuhyun smile faded away, feeling that he made something wrong.

“Why did you do that?”

“Because you wanted a fish” he replied.

“B-But now is dead” he speak softly with sorrow and took the fish on his hands, Kyuhyun looked guilty the fish and the boy.

“I’m sorry” and Eunhyuk smile softly.

“It’s ok” then he returned the fish to water and it started to swing, getting far at every instant “Now…” he whispered slowly “it’s…ok” and he fell onto the grass asleep.

Kyuhyun ran towards the boy, and started to shake him.

“Hey!! Wake up!” but the other didn’t respond, then he cry out for help alarmed and Shindong arrived after hearing the shouts.

Before he asked something, the sight that he saw made him widened his eyes and ran to his brother, carrying him bridal style, and gazing the other kid he asked.

“What happened?” the dark-haired boy told everything to Shindong and the latter sighed.

“I would be mad at you for this, but I know you didn’t do it on purpose, so I will let you know” and he started to put Eunhyuk on a softer place, under the shadow of a big tree.

“Eunhyuk… he fears death” Shindong noticed the expecting glance of Kyuhyun for knowing more and he continued; “Well, saying that he is afraid of death will be wrong, is more like” he gaze the face of the boy and started to remember the vision he had about what happened to Eunhyuk years ago “He feels that when someone or some living being dies is his fault, or that he needs to bring it to life again, so he forces his powers and return the life to that being, but…” he stopped, unsure if continue will be right, he didn’t even know that kid!

But when he remembered the worried gaze he had towards his brother, he choose to believe in that child, so he  goes on with it.

“He pays a price for doing so” stated with a slight dark gaze of frustration.

“W-what price?” asked the child unsure if he really wanted to know.

“Gods don’t allow to bring something to life again, so when he does it, he pays with reincarnation” and Kyuhyun look confused.

“What? That doesn’t even make sense!” he shout a little, and Shindong sighed again.

“Let me explain it better” He caressed Hyuk’s hair and Kyuhyun frowned but let it pass just this time.

“He belongs to a special clan, and they live, well… let’s say that a long time. A while ago, Hyuk’s family were killed” and Kyuhyun didn’t let pass the frown on his face when he heard the boy’s nickname in the lips of that boy, but didn’t say anything, when he processed the other´s words, he was shocked and looked the unconscious one, see him with empathy.

So, he is like me. I lost a father, but he lost all is family.


“The shock was too much for him, so now he only wants peace and make other people happy, even if himself needs to pay the price, and returning to that; like a was saying, Hyuk’s clan has a special ability and that is to know about his future lives, not the ones that they have now, but the incoming ones, but every-time that Hyuk revived someone or something, the space and time collides and then his reincarnation is eliminated of this world, and he feels like dying every time” when Shindong watched the perplex face of the other, he sighed again.

“In others words. Hyuk dies in another dimension every-time that he revived some being” Kyuhyun was static, he didn’t even knew that it was possible something like that. It was crazy!! But then again, he didn’t even know the child well or what clan was talking about Shindong, so he just tried to process what he was being told and then nodded.

“So, how can he knows how many lifes he has?” asked trying to comprehend.

“I know, but he doesn’t” Shindong replied, confusing the other.

“How?” this was so freaking him.

“I’m the next high priest, so I can see the past, and the near future doing meditation in the temple under the god of time name, so I can know how many reincarnations he has, and I’m going to tell you that they’re few”. He said watching carefully the child.

But I can’t see his future in this life though.

And Shindong frown a little, this topic always gave him headaches, so better not to think more deep.

The sun was hiding and the monk took the boy on his arms again.

“Tomorrow he has training with my Master, but after tomorrow I’ll bring him here, so you will know that at that time, he will be ok” he said after watching the worry on the child face.

Kyuhyun nodded.


Kyuhyun were walking from side to side, spacing out, thinking about the child; he sighed.

“Are you alright? You seem strange today, somehow” he was surprised, never that have happened to him before.

“I’m alright, so keep doing the training” he answered to his master, the man just drop the sword, scratching his neck.

“You know, I’m sure there’s something bothering you, so just finish here, ok?” he said and Kyuhyun wasn’t content.

“No, there’s nothing” and he start to attack his master, the other just grinned.

“You know, even when you’re young, you’re pretty skillful, I can bet that you can win against some low demon” he said with a smirk, dodging the sword lunges.

“I don’t want to kill a demon, but a god” and he continued with his attack.

The teacher has now his full attention on the kid with an amused expression, and he asked.

“Which god?” even when Kyuhyun was so skilled, still he was a child, so the master can keep talking really well.

“The survivor of wealth gods” Kyuhyun was panting of the effort, until he observed an aperture and did hit his master there; on the shoulder, the other grinned at Kyuhyun.

I can’t let you kill him

“Yeah, just a lower demon” and turned away with a mischievous smile.

Because he is the one that saved my life once, even when I’m like this…

A demon.

Kyuhyun tsk-ed and left the practice yard, then return to his room, he rested his body with his arms extended, watching the roof.

I want to see him.

Know if he is alright.

Why everything is so confuse.

Then he started to sleep, dreaming with a beautiful blond kid smiling at him, and growing together hand by hand, sharing everything.

Kyuhyun smiled trough his sleep, and he hugged a pillow, then the dream turned into a nightmare when the blond child were taken apart from him, he didn’t even know who was the one, but it was painful and he hug the pillow more until he woke up sweating.

He then watched the sky, it was still dark, but he needed to see the kid, so he walk out of his room, an a slow pace at first, and running step by step, he felt anxious.


“I’m ok now” tried to convinced his father; the master.

“If I said no, then that’s it. Now lay down” and Eunhyuk did what he was told.

“Why did you do that? It was only a fish!” and the boy smiled a sad one.

“It was a living being” and he bit his lip “I don’t want to see death again”.

Yong Woo sighed and ruffle the child’s hair.

“I know, but please… don’t hurt yourself, don’t kill your future self, because then the you of that time will not even be born, it’s sad, you know” and Eunhyuk bit his lower lip.

“I’ll try” and Yong Woo took that for a yes, so he walked out, he just heard a whispered “I’m sorry” and then he smiled.


Kyuhyun jumped the wall of the temple and started to search for the blond one, but nothing. Oh, how silly! because it was almost midnight, he thought later.

Then he heard someone steps and he hid behind a bush near of a pillar.

“I know you’re there”

That voice was familiar, so he took a step onto the light and widened his eyes.

“Master!” he said surprised, because the man in front of him wasn’t in his outfit of soldier like always, like the general he was, but in a simple dark hanfu, the man smiled soft for the first time, but it was full of sorrow.

“You mustn’t search for that kid” he said slowly, making Kyuhyun fear for some reason.

“Are you going to tell this to his Pyeha?” asked concerned and the other shook his head in a no.

“I have other reason for saying this, but I can’t tell you” and then Kyuhyun was confused.

“Do you know him?” and his master nodded.

“He doesn’t know me well though” and then he signaled a long corridor “Turn left, then you will find some slim path, at the end you will find a room, he is in” and the child started to walk.

“If you’re going to see him like this, then observe him well and know him, he is a good person with a golden heart, like a god” and Kyuhyun nodded, letting pass the hint in the god word.

I feel bad for you but for him more.

“You don’t have the right to do that” spoke a voice and then he smiled cheerfully.

“I know, but you wouldn’t say anything either, since you want him to be happy, right?” and the high priest nodded.

“But, I’m afraid this happiness only will be for a moment. After all, Eunhyuk belongs to…” and he lowered his face.

“I know, Eunhyk swore his allegiance to him, not even the king but him” and he sighed.

“I know he nows is re-thinking about it, but now he can’t do anything, just run away maybe” he laugh bitterly.

“It’s ok, Yong Woo. Even if you can’t protect him, I’ll do it. He owns my life because he lost two of his on me that time” and the two men were now watching the long corridor when the silhouette of the boy was now lost.


Kyuhyun was afraid of being catched, but still he keep walking, when he found a dark door at the end, he opened, afraid of what he might be in, but his fear turned into a smile when he saw a blonde kid sleeping peacefully.

He walked near the bed and took a long glance of the other features.

So beautiful, so… perfect.

Kyuhyun caressed Eunhyuk’s face and he was lost in that calm expression of the other, then he smiled to himself.

I wonder how he lost his family and why is he here.

Then he started to feel sleepy and in minutes he doze off , hugging the other like the pillow before, but this time holding into the sweet fragrance of the other.

I feel not lonely anymore.


Sorry this is a short update, I'll try to make it longer ^^ 

Thank you so much for comment :D you made my day, I'm happy *u*

So please keep commenting if you like this, and tell me what is wrong or right please, so I can improve ^^ 

Thank's to the ones who read this and thank's a lot to:


kyuwifey: I love you too, unnie ^^ Yeah. So now you know who is Taeyang? ^^
michikokasumi: I hope you like this chapter ^^
Ami_SujuElf: Yeah, that's true, he is really bad. I hate him too. That's a surprised ^^ I hope you like this 
EriiAr: I'm happy you like this chapter ^^ Yeah, it was something like he didn't want to ruin the moment because Kyu presence was enough ^^ 
You really make me happy ^///^
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Akuropanda #1
Chapter 15:'re story is really good..i had fun reading it..
michikokasiumi #2
Chapter 15: Waaaaaa... Ginaaa,, u really become greater and greater,,, i love this fic too :,)
but im happy of how it ended,,, not forced,,, n it write smoothly n perfectly n it has sequeeeeeeel :D
gonn wait for the sequel Gina :D
Chapter 15: Wow... I'm really speechless.. I mean... the ending... undescribable... really.. I'm speechless.. in a good way of course.. oh.. and how I was waiting for sequel now~
Chapter 15: sobs sobs...such a heartbreaking story ~~~ why why why....well it is a good choice for everyone write the sequel soon..thank kyu for writing this...
Chapter 11: Fainly i found this fic i was locking for it ^^
I miss alot of thing's >.<
But soooo great^_^ thanx really^^
But there is no heehyuk moment as brother's?!?
Thanx really^^
And waiting for the next^...^
Chapter 14: i'm a bit confused here..
is it gonna have sad ending????
Chapter 14: I know that Sungmin has a feeling to Eunhyuk.. or else he wont always being at his side..

"Demons and gods have two different worlds connected but asides too and if a demon want to visit holy place…the demon needs to kill an innocent being"

this seem like Sungmin sacrifice himself so that they can enter the place.
michikokasiumi #8
Chapter 14: hwoooo... sooo complicated... HWAITING KYUU .. HYUKKIE.. >0<
from the story line i think its realy goin to end soon TvT
but its okay.. there will b another story ne!! ne!! ne!! kkkkkk :p