Chapter 11


I'm sorry for taking long, very long in update this story. I thought this was going to take long but when I checked my draft in the notebook I notice that this is going to end soon. I love this story -even if it has a lot of mistakes because is my first story, so yeah...- but well (one day I will edit this -maybe if I'm not lazy or so busy as now), I hope you still like this and enjoy it until the end (I'm not sure if is three or four chapters, but that will be all). Thank you for everything and reading this :D





Sungmin was scolding Eunhyuk for the unknown time because he already had to accomplish a lot of match-makings to the women that wants to marry and to some men that wants to marry too, so now Eunhyuk was with his head lowered but smiling when Sungming just sighed and then started to say some foreign words and after a long ceremony, he turned to Eunhyuk smiling.

“Oh, is in this world anything that I couldn’t do for you?” and so the blond man just smiled softly but opened his mouth to ask for just one more match-making.

“Can you…” he doubt at first “can you pray for Soo Young to fall for Kyuhyun, please?” inside his heart Eunhyuk was yearning for a ‘no’ as an answer but Sungmin turned his back to him and replied in almost a whisper.

“Yeah, I can”

Eunhyuk’s heart shattered at that moment but faked a smile and walked away of the temple, then Sungmin smirked and called for the one that was hiding the whole time.

“I guessed you were just watching him to protect him, not stalking him to know what he does”

The other snorted and walked out of his spot, glaring at the god.

“I have the right to keep an eye on my life”

Sungmin then wanted to laughed, not by fun but by a bitter feeling, because he knew very well, who was the one mean for Kyuhyun, and it wasn’t Eunhyuk, at least not in his half-god state but Eunhyuk on his human form, sadly was that Eunhyuk wasn’t meant to be a human on this age.

“And? May I know why you just keep watching him if you are so worried for your life?”

Kyuhyun smirked went wide and replied soft but cheesy.

“Because the day of the accident, I knew that he; Eunhyuk is my life”

Sungmin then laughed bittersweet, human were sometimes trash, sometimes beautiful, sometimes wonderful and sometimes; amazing for being unknowingly against fate and gods.

“He will be not the one meant for you since this Soo Young girls wants you so bad”

Mocked Sungmin but Kyuhyun just shrugged his shoulders while locking his eyes on the god.

“Even if you pray for me to fall for her or for my heart to change, love is something that will never leave my heart since the one I really love is he, so listen well, here or wherever will be; my heart will find him and fall for him, over and over again”

Kyuhyun stare was dead serious as his statement, Sungmin knew Kyuhyun meant every single word but he laughed loud while wiping away the tears of the hard laugh, even so, Kyuhyun didn’t flinch or felt uncomfortable since he really was in love and he knew this was like a test to him, since this god was way more overprotective to Eunhyuk than Ryeowook, and well, he was following the advice Ryeowook told him hours ago.

Eunhyuk loves you, even more than himself, that’s why he is willing to pray for you to be with that girl, but there is a way for Sungmin, the god of love to surrender to your wish for him and not him for you to be with her.

Let Sungmin know, how much you love Eunhyuk.

When the god noticed the human didn’t change his reaction or statement, he calmed himself and stopped his laugh.

“I can’t believe you said such embarrassing things with that cold-serious-face”

Kyuhyun lifted and eyebrow but smirked and replied.

“Because being in love is being serious about the smaller silly things, but for me, he is not any silly or embarrassing, he is my world”

Sungmin nodded and replied.

“It’s a shame though, I already pray for you and Soo Young to be one”

Kyuhyun nodded and grabbed his clothes at the height of his heart.

“Yeah, is shame, because even when you’re a whole pure god, my heart just yearn for Eunhyuk even now”

Sungmin wanted to laugh this time too but frowned, it was true he pray for her and Kyuhyun to be in love but it was then when Kyuhyun confess his love for the blonde, breaking any spell to the heart and Sungmin smiled arising his hands.

“I lose, just this time, go with him and have my blessing”

Kyuhyun run away in a childish way with his heart in joy, but then Sungmin shouted.

“Just a warn!!”

Kyuhyun turned a bit to see him disappearing in the thin air.

“Enjoy the time you have with him and even when he pulls you away, stay…”

Kyuhyun nodded at the nothingness in the temple with a smile on his face, he wanted to say I will but the tender expression on his face told more than any word as he walked away of the temple with his heart on his hand, ready for show his love to the wealth god, to his own sacred lovely god.


When Eunhyuk walked out of the temple, Ryeowook pulled off of the wall and ran to him with a smile on his face that turned into a confused look because there was just Eunhyuk and not Kyuhyun with him, so he shook his head thinking that maybe the human didn’t deserve his friend and secret crush.

Ryeowook frowned when he saw Eunhyuk crying and he just hugged him, the blond one sobbing on his clothes, suddenly Kyuhyun stopped and saw his beloved one being hugged by another, so he just pulled away Eunhyuk and embrace him while Ryeowook showed a hurt expression but feeling relieved the one Eunhyuk loves is there as the same time Eunhyuk widened his eyes and struggle on Kyuhyun’s arms but the other just hugged him tightly as Ryeowook walk away.

“Let me go!” Eunhyuk shouted but Kyuhyun just hugged him more and smiled, minutes of the same sentence and the same action from Kyuhyun until de half-god stood quiet and Kyuhyun kissed the other’s forehead.

“I love you” whispered Kyuhyun when he pulled off and Eunhyuk watery doe brown eyes were wide while the silent tears fell slowly, so Kyuhyun repeated smiling soft “I love you”

Eunhyuk wanted to ask ‘why? I thought you hate me, why? why?’ but his heart clouded his mind in a blissful melody as his legs became week and more than anything, the eyes of Kyuhyun, those that were cold not so long ago now were gentle and Eunhyuk closed his eyes when Kyuhyun’s thumb caressed away his tears.

“I don’t know why I feel for you” started Eunhyuk after seconds that seemed like centuries and Kyuhyun heart sank but the blond god added “but I know I’m feeling blessed to know your feelings even when is wrong”

Kyuhyun smiled because nothing was wrong, not right now when he has Eunhyuk on his arms and is feeling his warm and inhaling his aroma.

“I will show you that you love me”

Before Eunhyuk could ask how, he felt Kyuhyun’s lisp on his ones and then a million of emotions traveled through the small body as he tremble at the sensation. When they pulled away, the two seeing the other tenderly, both smiled and Eunhyuk murmured with pink shades on his cheeks.

“I guess I love you too”

The two smiled without sensing the eyes set on them as the soldier ran away to inform his Pyeha that was with his son; JiYong.


In the realm of gods.

The dragon god of the south went to the singing god of love that was smiling sad while watching the earth from above, so the dragon smirked floating on the air above the garden of flowers.

“I told you that destroying them was the best option, after all wealth gods are half gods cursed that absorbs our energy and they give it to humans and their lands”

Sungmin turned to the dragon and watched him with pity.

“I know you hate them as you hate humans; and that’s why you made a trade with that human Pyeha, still…” Sungmin turned to watch the earth again, seeing Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun holding hands, walking to the cave once they shared while being kids.

“Still, I will pray for humans or half gods, even if is just two Heechul and Eunhyuk”

The dragon god shook violent his tail and transformed into a human aspect, smirking.

“Well… let’s see how much those two live”

Sungmin widened his eyes and stood but the good of love were hit and closed his eyes, tears falling from his eyes at the blurry face that was fading away slowly…



Kyuhyun was laying on the leafs with Eunhyuk at his side, the two hiding of the world inside the cave and just enjoying the other’s company; cuddling to each other.

Kyuhyun caressed the cheek of the sleeping one with a big smile on his face before frowning and cursing himself, because this was wrongs, he was the cause of his father death and yet… this is so right, because he knows he loves him and can’t live without him.

Suddenly the words of forgive were on Kyuhyun’s head and even when Kyuhyun knew he must forgive, he just simply couldn’t but then he watched Eunhyuk and smiled sadly.

“I can’t forgive you but I will do it since I love, and then I will take any blame and just can’t forgive myself for falling for you”

Eunhyuk just cuddled nearer to Kyuhyun and the taller smiled, this was heaven.

Suddenly Ryeowook appeared of nowhere with cold sweat, Kyuhyun stood straight and Eunhyuk rubbed his eyes trying to awake.


“His Pyeha knows, he knows and demands the take of the curse and give the blessing to the land right now”

Exclaimed Ryeowook, Eunhyuk widened his eyes and turned to face a confused Kyuhyun.


Eunhyuk murmured and the other turned to face him.

“I love you”

Kyuhyun smiled, feeling complete, but the sad eyes of Eunhyuk were worrying him.

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Akuropanda #1
Chapter 15:'re story is really good..i had fun reading it..
michikokasiumi #2
Chapter 15: Waaaaaa... Ginaaa,, u really become greater and greater,,, i love this fic too :,)
but im happy of how it ended,,, not forced,,, n it write smoothly n perfectly n it has sequeeeeeeel :D
gonn wait for the sequel Gina :D
Chapter 15: Wow... I'm really speechless.. I mean... the ending... undescribable... really.. I'm speechless.. in a good way of course.. oh.. and how I was waiting for sequel now~
Chapter 15: sobs sobs...such a heartbreaking story ~~~ why why why....well it is a good choice for everyone write the sequel soon..thank kyu for writing this...
Chapter 11: Fainly i found this fic i was locking for it ^^
I miss alot of thing's >.<
But soooo great^_^ thanx really^^
But there is no heehyuk moment as brother's?!?
Thanx really^^
And waiting for the next^...^
Chapter 14: i'm a bit confused here..
is it gonna have sad ending????
Chapter 14: I know that Sungmin has a feeling to Eunhyuk.. or else he wont always being at his side..

"Demons and gods have two different worlds connected but asides too and if a demon want to visit holy place…the demon needs to kill an innocent being"

this seem like Sungmin sacrifice himself so that they can enter the place.
michikokasiumi #8
Chapter 14: hwoooo... sooo complicated... HWAITING KYUU .. HYUKKIE.. >0<
from the story line i think its realy goin to end soon TvT
but its okay.. there will b another story ne!! ne!! ne!! kkkkkk :p