

Hi~! ^-^ Well, I'm so happy right now because my day was great so... I'm going to update today and sunday too >_<

And I'm so happy that some of you subscribed, Thank you so much *bows* and thank you so much too to the ones that left a comment, I was and still I'm so happy because of that *u*

This is the first chapter, I hope you will find it interesting, enjoy it please n.n 


A/N: This story happens one century ago of this time, so the Girls will wear hanfu, the traditional clothes of China even though they're in Korea, also the Boys will use the male hanfu and sometimes the hanbok.

I do not know well the history of Asia or Korea, so they will be a lot of mistakes, but since it's a fantasy story, I hope you don't mind ^^ please?

Also, In the first chapter of the story Kyuhyun has 10 years, Eunhyuk 12 years, Heechul 16 years and Hangen 18 years old.

Later on I'm goin to tell you how many years have passed and how old they are.



"Mom!" the little boy exclaim, happily running through the grass towards his mother. His blond hair waving at the air, while the latter smile at her son with all his heart. In that moment; fast imagines past through her mind giving her a painful feeling at the scenes that she sees but can't prevent.

"Be careful" said the woman with dearness, trying to not cry in that moment for what is going to happen in a soon future. She stands from the rock near the lake and goes to her son, her white hanfu falling graceful from her petite figure.

The child shows a big smile.

"It's ok mom, I can heal fast" he said, but her mother frown a little.

"Never said that again" She said stern, but recovering her smile and now a sad eyes.

"It will hurt your mother see that you were injure for being careless, please, I beg you. Take care of yourself and never think again about the fact that you can heal fast. Actually..." The woman reach his child forehead and whispered something while a glowing light involves the two of them, "you're going to forget that you can heal"  and the lights goes.

The little one stop in his place with confused eyes.

"Mom? Why you seem sad?" The woman leans towards her son and gives him an embrace with all his might.

"I love you son, so please... no matter what happens, be happy. I know you’re going to make the right choice" and kissed his forehead.

"It's late, we better go home before your father goes crazy because he does not found us there" she giggled knowing how caring his husband was. Yet again those sad eyes were showing, passing missed by her son.


Everything was crimson, that perfect and horrified scarlet color that engulfs the screams of children’s, the sobs of the mothers that lost their sons before the blade of that evil creature called human. Why was happening that to them? They only know how to help others, how to protect others and still the ones that they're always protected, now turn against them with their blades to kill them.

"Please, no..." sobs were heard, but the human with a crown in his hair ignores it and kill the one in front of him with his sword.

A child cries, and the human pierce his gaze towards the sound. A beautiful woman stands in front of the human, falls in his knees and begs; "Please, spare our lives. We only want to help; we come here to help, to improve the vintage, to let rain, to bring the sun at the right time. Please, let us go".

The man grins ersely.

"No" dryly and cold was the answer while the man put his sword through the belly of the woman. "You're a goddess, and that's why I must kill you, to surpass a god and I'm just going to let one of your kind survive, and then it is going to be my slave forever" the cracked laugh was mean and awful. The man no doubted twice before put out the blade of the goddess with no mercy, just watching how the blood starts to cover every inch of his face and the land.

In the mean time a beautiful woman arrives with his child and watched the scene with horror, she whispers “this is too soon…” her son starts to sob, but her cover his mouth with his hands. She sees him and said to him “don’t make a sound, please hid in the bush” the little one nods and goes to the indicated place.

The boy watches everything since a long distance, his sobs are soundlessly and his eyes are full of anguish and sorrow, he can’t understand why there’s so much blood, why there are people with swords, and why everything is quiet and it stinks like metal and rotten.

He can see his mother walks towards one man with a crown, while one person with something that looks like an uniform and a sword shouts "His majesty, everyone has died, just like you commanded". The tall man with that thing in his head stops at that moment raising an eyebrow.

"Everyone?" He asked slowly, the soldier just move his head a little in confirmation. At the distance its heard a cry of a baby, the child that is under the bush, goes out to search for the baby, he knows that he must not do disobey his mother, but it’s in his kind being to help others and more if they are of his same dynasty. So he slowly starts to reach the place that is covered in death.

The face of the king shows a sinister smile, but that disappears at the sight of a beautiful woman that watched a man with eyes full of tears.

“Why” she asked even though she knows the answer.

“Hm! You asked why?” He shouts and shows a grin. “I want power, I want to control everything and put under my command other kingdoms, I want to be called a god, and I want to posses the most mystical being; a god itself” he laughs crazily.

“We come to help your kingdom and your well being, you did not have to do this to us since we are not complete gods” she explains, and the other rolled his eyes.

“I know, I’m not stupid, but your kind are very worth and even when you’re not a full god, still are the descendants of the first gods of creation”. She looks at him with pity and sorrow, and then says.

“Take me with you, I’m the last one of them” and just when the king was going to accept, he heard again the cried of a baby, turns his head and see by the corner of his eye a little cute boy carrying a baby in his arms.

“You wanted to fooled me!!” shouts angry, the woman shake her head, but is too late, a blade goes through her heart, her last breath is used to said “Choice well…” if not, you will be cursed and then a tear escapes from her eyes at the last time that she can watch her son.

The child cry out loud the name of his mother, he watch how the blood tainted the once beautiful hanfu that her mother used to dress, everything goes blurry and he starts to cry more loud until it start to hurt. He hears the things like if there were so far away while in true are a few steps from him.

All he can sense is pain; pain in his heart, pain in his head, in his throat, in his soul…

Suddenly everything is quiet, he can’t hear anything for a moment, just feels how something is putting a part of his arms but can’t remember what, later the realization hits him, but its late, when he tries to grab the baby toward him, the only thing that can see is more blood and the only that can hear is a quick cry.

More tears going through his face, and then… he collapses.

"Good!!" The king claps happily turning towards his army "Now we have the total control of the weather, vintage, fertility and more!!!" Shout in bliss, while the army was raising their sword in joy, cheering for the king.

The man reached for the unconscious child and showed him to his men, then said.

"This is the last in his dynasty, the one that is going to bring welfare to our town and bliss to all of us" while in secret he thought and going’s to be my eternal slave.


When he awoke, the first thing that he expect to watch was the smiling face of his mother, the green grass, the beautiful flowers and encounters the nice smell of the trees and earth, but nothing of that was in front of him, he only found himself locked in a wet and dark room, the child started to sob trying in vain to wipe his tears away. He brought his knees towards his chest and curled himself.

All that he knew was gone, nothing was left for him but his life, and in this moment he doesn’t wanted it, he just wanted to be with his parents and his friends, nothing else.

The sobs started to turn into loud cries and again he lost conscious.


“Dad!” a boy runs towards his father with a little smile, the other ruffles his hair in a caring way.

“Hey, little boy! What brings you here?” asked the tall person, the child beams.

“I want to watch my father depart towards the battle!” exclaims exited, the man watch his son with a little sorrow.

“Listen Kyu, first; this is not a battle, we just go there to convince that clan to help the village and ask for their help in the vintage of this year” the boy gives a confused look at his father “second; battles are wrong, peace is better and if I go is because I can say not to the king because I’m the leader warrior” the kid nods starting to understand what his father means “third; that clan is a peaceful one so it’s better to just talk and I hope the king does not do something stupid or bad at these beings” the boy nods again and is more confused at the “beings” word, so he wonders;

 “They’re not human?” His father smiles tenderly.

“No” it’s all he said with and serious expression, then kissed his son forehead and turn toward his horse to ride it.

“Please Kyu, remember that peace is better than war and that forgive is better than hate” he received a nod for answer and with a big weight in his heart he left his only child with no one to take care for him.

Days passed and then the army returns with a spoil of war, Kyuhyun search his father with his gaze but never find him, then his eyes were set in a beautiful being with gold hair and smooth features. He was mesmerized by that boy and his child’s heart start to beat strong.

Latter he hears that his father it’s dead and the cause was that child that by now at the eyes of him resembles death, vengeful, and ugliness. All the good feelings were shattered and turned into hatred. His smile turned into a poker face and his feelings were closed. Until one day, the king himself stood in front of his door and then purpose something that he never expected.

“I want you to be my next warrior leader of my army, so I’m going to take you like my own son”. The kid did not say anything, just nodded, pack his belongings and follow the man that now is going to be his family but never his father, that man it’s as guilty as that not human child for choose his father into that battle against that beings, not even humans, that’s disgusted entities.

And his heart starts to beat quickly, not because excitement not because a new family but because a chance to obtain revenge, then smirks.


He feels lonely, his heart aches every time that someone just send him glares as if his nothing but a half being, an hybrid. He just wants to disappear but knows that he can’t because his precious just for one reason, the same motive for his father to take a mere human to conceive him. Because he can be a vessel for his father in a soon future, nothing more.

Tears start to form on his eyes but he doesn’t cry, he is not a crybaby like Eunhyuk; the jewel of the clan. No, he is strong even against his fragile appearance. Oh! How much he hates the jewel kid, because he just lives in a beautiful world and does not know anything about the cruel world, but what hates the most it’s his kind smile that always sends to him, the tender gaze that is only for him, the way he calls him “hyung!” and clingy to him even when the other said to him that he mustn’t and how he just worries about other most than himself.

Ha! The kid even gave to him his meals because none other of the clan gives a dam about him, except for being a vessel but not Eunhyuk, and what hates the most is that he can’t hate him truthfully because he loves him like a brother, what he truly hates is the fact that he must not love anyone because he is going to died being nothing but a container and then the tears started to form again but quickly fade away when the person that he loves like a lover smiles to him.

“Hi, sweetie!” and a smile formed in his lips and reach for the hand that the other is offering to him.

“What took you long?” asked the other in a try to forget that he must not love and in a try to forget his destiny.

“Sorry, the village is preparing for a battle although I don’t know against who or why, so it took me some effort to pass the guards and come here” explained while hugs his lover.

“War...” And then the man knows that his beloved one is in anguish because surely he remembers that his father abused his mother in the middle of a war.

“That has nothing to do with us, so don’t think about that” Tries to comfort and it seems that it works because know his loved one is kissing him.

“I know, now we’re just the two of us” and smiles.

“Heechul, my offer is still” he said with hope but the other just keeps silent. “Come with me, we can leave the village, this land and start a new life, please” the latter shake his head.

“I can’t, if I do that, my father is going to track us and kill us and…” he doubt but continue “Eunhyuk is going to be alone in that world of appearances and then is going to end like the one receiving the curse of the clan” The other embraces his lover and whispered sweet nothings at his ear.

“I understand, even if it’s painful, I’m going to be with you forever” The black haired smiles.

“Hangen…” then at a long distance could be heard screams of pain, the forest is in fire and the sunset just make it notices more, the two lovers stands in a hurry and run towards the noises.

When they arrived, Heechul covers his mouth and start to search for the one that took like his own brother. No, he thought, he can’t be here, he can’t be dead, he is the only one that loves me like real family does. No!

He was so deep in thoughts that could not notice the shadow running towards him and how his lover intercept it with his own being, he only catch a groan of pain, turns towards his back and watch the most hideous scene.

Hangen is falling in slow motion in front of his eyes while other unknown man is dead a few centimeters from him. He reached for his boyfriend and it’s too late because he can do nothing to protect the ones he loves again. Not his mother, not his like-brother, not his lover, not even himself and finally left the tears flow.

Hangen put his hand on the humid cheek of his beloved. Heechul watched him with love and can read the unspoken words that Hangen eyes are telling.

Don’t cry…

Be strong…

I love you…

And then the hand loosens his strength and falls on the blood grass.

“I love you too... Hannie” and the sobs are irrepressible.

He stood with his broken heart, now he is free of any duty but he does not want that freedom because he lost everything important to him.

His face is empty like now his heart, the traces of blood in his face just make him seems like a beautiful fallen being with grace and at the same time he seems so dark and scary for this earth.

He gave a last glance to the corpse of his beloved and with dark eyes start to walk away, disappearing into the darkness.


So... I did not write anyone pov's and because of that I hope that the chapter wasn't a confuse one.

Thank you for reading it ^-^ And I'm so sorry for killing since the first chapter, specially Hangen, I'm sorry T-T

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Akuropanda #1
Chapter 15:'re story is really good..i had fun reading it..
michikokasiumi #2
Chapter 15: Waaaaaa... Ginaaa,, u really become greater and greater,,, i love this fic too :,)
but im happy of how it ended,,, not forced,,, n it write smoothly n perfectly n it has sequeeeeeeel :D
gonn wait for the sequel Gina :D
Chapter 15: Wow... I'm really speechless.. I mean... the ending... undescribable... really.. I'm speechless.. in a good way of course.. oh.. and how I was waiting for sequel now~
Chapter 15: sobs sobs...such a heartbreaking story ~~~ why why why....well it is a good choice for everyone write the sequel soon..thank kyu for writing this...
Chapter 11: Fainly i found this fic i was locking for it ^^
I miss alot of thing's >.<
But soooo great^_^ thanx really^^
But there is no heehyuk moment as brother's?!?
Thanx really^^
And waiting for the next^...^
Chapter 14: i'm a bit confused here..
is it gonna have sad ending????
Chapter 14: I know that Sungmin has a feeling to Eunhyuk.. or else he wont always being at his side..

"Demons and gods have two different worlds connected but asides too and if a demon want to visit holy place…the demon needs to kill an innocent being"

this seem like Sungmin sacrifice himself so that they can enter the place.
michikokasiumi #8
Chapter 14: hwoooo... sooo complicated... HWAITING KYUU .. HYUKKIE.. >0<
from the story line i think its realy goin to end soon TvT
but its okay.. there will b another story ne!! ne!! ne!! kkkkkk :p