Chapter 12


So... I'm sorry for still being a not so good author and thank you very much for your comments!!!! *sparkles* 

I confused you and I'm really sorry; Siwon isn't really a new character, he is Cheongnyong (the Dragon God) that mades a bit appearance at chapter 3, but Siwon is his human form and he is the one who help his pyeha to destroy and find the wealth gods.





Jiyong had wide eyes watching his father dragging Heechul forcefully when Top wasn’t there, and Heechul was hissing and cursing but his father was smirking and throwing the fragile man to the ground before the eyes of another man with black hair.

“So, this is the dirty one” muttered his Pyeha and Heechul had his eyes full of hatred and was puzzled at the same time while scanning the place, it was desert, just few trees far away and the dry land infertile, so he chuckled, this people has what they deserved; despair.

The man walked to Heechul and lifted his face by the chin.

“You’re a pretty one, and to think you could me my vessel, it’s a shame your brother isn’t capable to be a vessel but a sacrifice”

Heechul widened his eyes at the words and gulped hard, what? then this person was a god and most of all, that god? Heechul averted his eyes and just watched the dry land, tears already forming on his eyes.

I’m sorry Hyuk, I’m sorry…

“What are you doing? Father!!” yelled Jiyong stunned trying to help Heechul but then he was hit and threw next to Heechul while wincing in pain.

A soldier was there when his Pyeha smirked at his son.

“You betrayed me. Me!!! I’m your father Jiyong and I wanted for you to be the ruler of all this” his Pyeha showed the whole infertile land and Jiyong was for shouted that this is wrong when his Pyeha commanded to the soldier to injure him. In seconds Jiyong was on the ground and he was bleeding, he was so shocked that the only thing he did was to grab the side near to his kidney to stop the blood but it was futile.

Heechul widened his eyes and stood running to the young man that was observing his father not with hate but with sorrow as he chuckled.

“So… this is all I ever mean-ed to you…” and slowly his eyes were closed between Heechul arms and his breath was lessening, the last thought on his mind was a smiling blond kid of years ago and his lips formed a thin fainted smile before his last breath.


Eunhyuk was running clumsy and Ryeowook watched him then he watched at Kyuhyun and sighed stopping.

“We will not reach the place if we keep like this”

Eunhyuk bit his lower lip, guilty and wanting to apologize, Kyuhyun was for carry him when Ryeowook spoke to Kyuhyun.

“We need Taeyang”

Kyuhyun saw him puzzled and Ryewook rolled his eyes but said;

“You know him by General Yongbae”

Kyuhyun was surprised it and his face told that to Ryeowook, Eunhyuk giggled a bit and talked at the question look on Kyuhyun’s face.

“Sorry, but is the first time I see that side of you and I want to remember it”

Ryeowook lowered his face but Kyuhyun just smiled.

“You will see me in the future so no need”

And Eunhyuk nodded averting his gaze, then Kyuhyun kissed Eunhyuk cheek and ran to the palace where Younbae was.

When Ryeowook lost sight of him, he turned to Eunhyuk and transformed himself into a white fox, talking with his eyes, telling Eunhyuk to hopped in and at the same time telling him how much he means to him, sadly Eunhyuk never saw the human eyes of Ryeowook in that fox-form.


“Are you crazy!!” yelled Heechul with the non-breathing corpse on his arms “he is your son!!!” Heechul was shaking the body, he really didn’t knew Jiyong much but Heechul knew that boy was important to Eunhyuk and how this boy did many things for his brother, so he left some tears to fall.

“It was my son” corrected his Pyeha, gaining a glare from the tainted god but smirked while saying “and Siwon told me that your brother can resurrect dead people in exchange of something”

Heechul eyes widened shaking his head.

Siwon, the Dragon God in human form smirked.

“I have wait so much time, indeed I thought you will be mine” explained Siwon to Heechul “but in the end it was the purest and youngest of the clan and not a half-god like you”

Ryeowook and Eunhyuk arrived at that time and before Heechuk could say something as his eyes was reflecting horror, Eunhyuk hopped off the white fox and ran towards Jiyong, already with his hands over the wound and one of his souls exciting his body in order to save his friend.

“It’s dead!! You can do nothing!” Heechul cried out but Eunhyuk ignored him while whispering spells and chanting prays.

“Stop!!!” Heechul shouted this time and Ryeowook transformed into human again at the amused face of his Pyeha and the not so surprised Siwon.

Ryeowook ran to Eunhyuk when the latter just whispered the last words.

“…and I swear my will to you”

Because that was the only way to save a dead person and not an injured one without Eunhyuk faints away. Ryeowook stopped and Heechul widened his eyes while his Pyeha and the Dragon God smirked.

“Now, you’re mine”

Eunhyuk lifted his face to see the one who talk and his eyes were wide open, it was…

“The great god of wealth gods; Cheongnyong”

The named smirked and caressed Eunhyuk’s cheek.

“Now that you made your vows, you are a full god with no choice; or you are mine or you die becoming one with me”

Heechul murmured a fainted ‘no’. Because now Eunhyuk only was left with that, and it was his fault because the curse of the clan it was supposed to be on him, he was supposed to be the vessel for the Dragon God and die giving his heart to the Dragon God, not Eunhyuk, not him, no his brother.

And when Heechul grabbed the God by the legs, begging to take him, the god smirked and threw away Heechul, taking Eunhyuk by the wrist with force.

Suddenly Jiyong started to opening his eyes slowly, and he blinked because all pain was gone and he was feeling something warm inside his chest, so he widened his eyes when he saw Eunhyuk and shook his head.

“No…, please tell me you didn’t–”

But Eunhyuk nodded and Jiyong lowered his face, then now… Eunhyuk had vowed himself to him, not like a man but like the wealth god and taking the high priest status, so that means…

“I now will take the curse off in this land and also take the curse my clan carries since they were created”

Jiyong wanted to cry but just saw his friend with regret;

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry”

Jiyong repeated, because he thought his life wasn’t worth of his friend’s sacrifice as tears started to fall from his eyes.

“No need, it was my choice” I just feel sorry because I can no longer be with Kyuhyun…

And Eunhyuk stood, next to Siwon, watching the dark eyes of the god that now was transforming into a Dragon again, and Eunhyuk smiled sadly.

“I will give my life to you like every vessel or sacrifice has do since long time ago, but…” The Dragon wait for the blond to talk “You need first to heal this land”

It wasn’t even a minute and all the earth was becoming green, the trees were showing his leafs full of life, the flowers appeared from the once dried ground until they were full blossom and the animals started to show as the birds started to sang and the river started to flow as a soft rain appeared and disappeared until the wells were filled and the people watched all the changes, cheering for his Priest once before forgetting him and started to hugged others in joy.


Kyuhyun finally could find his master and the person he respects the most, when he heard.

“Yeah, I know his Pyeha was the who killed Kyuhyun’s father that time because he didn’t want to kill Eunhyuk’s mother”

And Kyuhyun stopped, listening the conversation.

“I know, I see everything from the place where my soul was sealed since there was a magic lake and… I told Heechul about it, that’s how I got his body that time” Top smiled at the memory, so many things and now he knows he is feeling something more for Heechul, now he is in love with Heechul.

“Oh man, you have this silly face now” exclaimed Youngbae and Top snorted but then Kyuhyun stepped inside the room, his eyes lost and his face shocked.

“You mean…” Kyuhyun trailed off, surprising the other two “that you knew Eunhyuk was innocent and his Pyeha was…”

Youngbae muttered “damn” and Top shrugged since he wasn’t really into Kyuhyun’s matters.


When Youngbae reached Kyuhyun, the latter struggled, not because he was mad but feeling at guilt for the bad things he said to Eunhyuk, and all this time, it was his Pyeha, he wanted to shout to Yongbae why didn’t he tell him when Top appeared from behind them and the land started to change from a dry one to a green joyful one and rain started to fall, not hard but slowly…

“This is bad…” muttered Top running without waiting Yongbae, the general watched his student.

“I’m sorry and I will tell you later but Eunhyuk is in danger now, he isn’t human anymore”

Kyuhyun widened his eyes, wanting to ask what nonsense was that, he knows Eunhyuk isn’t human but a god and still part of him is human, but what is his master talking about?

The rain was still falling, Youngbae dropped his warrior clothes and just was left with his hanfu as he started to transform and tattoos were now on his body with the same appearance, the same was for Top, and Kyuhyun was really surprised about this but his worry for Eunhyuk was more than his curiosity as he pushed his legs to run faster and when he reached Youngbae, he asked him.

“Remember I told you just can fight a low demon class?”

Kyuhyun nodded still running.

“Then just stay away no matter what”

And Kyuhyun frowned but Top for first time talk to him with his low voice.

“Obey kid, or else Eunhyuk can die”

Kyuhyun then didn’t say anything even when his mind was full of questions.

At the distance, he saw Eunhyuk next to one large and impressing blue dragon that was encircling the blond wealth god and Top cursed and ran faster, Youngbae tailing the first as the two were now far from Kyuhyun and were for attack the dragon, but when Kyuhyun was nearer, the rain stopped and Eunhyuk smiled softly to Kyuhyun, the doe brown eyes full of sorrow and regret as he slowly approach the body of the serpent dragon and touched him, mouthing to Kyuhyun I love you.

And they disappeared into the nothingness.

Heechul cried out and fell on his knees, Top just ran to hug him and Youngbae was shocked but no more than Ryeowook. Jiyong was cursing himself because now the High Priest had become a god beyond their reach and was… gone.

His Pyeha smirked, feelling a bit sorry for not being able to ever touch the beauty blond boy but satisfied with the fact that now the land was fertile and he was in the more wealth kingdom and now thank’s to the Dragon God, he was also the ruler of the fourth countries; North, West, Est. and South.

Kyuhyun lips were dry, his heart was clenching and his eyes were burning as he fell to the ground almost lifeless, just a moment they wre fine, they were together and now… they were… nothing. 




I usually don't do this, but it was the song I was playing while writing this and well, just listen if you want, if not, is ok, I know this is random.

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Akuropanda #1
Chapter 15:'re story is really good..i had fun reading it..
michikokasiumi #2
Chapter 15: Waaaaaa... Ginaaa,, u really become greater and greater,,, i love this fic too :,)
but im happy of how it ended,,, not forced,,, n it write smoothly n perfectly n it has sequeeeeeeel :D
gonn wait for the sequel Gina :D
Chapter 15: Wow... I'm really speechless.. I mean... the ending... undescribable... really.. I'm speechless.. in a good way of course.. oh.. and how I was waiting for sequel now~
Chapter 15: sobs sobs...such a heartbreaking story ~~~ why why why....well it is a good choice for everyone write the sequel soon..thank kyu for writing this...
Chapter 11: Fainly i found this fic i was locking for it ^^
I miss alot of thing's >.<
But soooo great^_^ thanx really^^
But there is no heehyuk moment as brother's?!?
Thanx really^^
And waiting for the next^...^
Chapter 14: i'm a bit confused here..
is it gonna have sad ending????
Chapter 14: I know that Sungmin has a feeling to Eunhyuk.. or else he wont always being at his side..

"Demons and gods have two different worlds connected but asides too and if a demon want to visit holy place…the demon needs to kill an innocent being"

this seem like Sungmin sacrifice himself so that they can enter the place.
michikokasiumi #8
Chapter 14: hwoooo... sooo complicated... HWAITING KYUU .. HYUKKIE.. >0<
from the story line i think its realy goin to end soon TvT
but its okay.. there will b another story ne!! ne!! ne!! kkkkkk :p