Trouble Rises

We're just meant to be

'IU ah! I've been looking for you everywhere!' Hara exclaimed as she pulled on IU's hand, interrupting the lunch she was having with Taeyang and GD, 'Oh, hi Taeyang!' She smiled shyly when she saw Taeyang and nodded politely to GD. 'Didn't you agree to have lunch with me today? You told me to regard you as my new best friend!' Hara continued, 'I even bought you a can of coke to give you a treat!'

IU was puzzled, she didn't make a lunch date with Hara that day, and she knew she never would. So why was Hara acting so close to her all of a sudden?

'Hey IU, it's okay, you go ahead with Hara for the remaining lunch period, me and Young Bae would go back to class first, no worries,' GD said, trying to make the atmosphere less tense. Taeyang and GD stood up automatically and left the table quietly, leaving Hara and IU alone at the table.

As soon as Taeyang and GD left, Hara grabbed IU's hand violently and hissed, 'I can't talk here, let's go somewhere else. You better know how to keep quiet,' And with that Hara dragged IU by the arm and led her out of the canteen.

She pushed IU into the girls' toilet and opened the can of coke that she was holding previously, 'Remember that I said I was going to treat you to a can of coke?' Hara said with a smirk, 'Well, there you go,' She laughed as she poured the can of soft drink onto IU, leaving her drenched.

'In case you forgot, I just wanted to remind you that I am the one who has the upper hand,' Hara smiled wickedly, and pushed IU in front of the mirror, 'Just look at yourself, you are just one pathetic mess. Taeyang and GD are hanging out with you because they feel sorry for you.'

IU lifted her head, with coke dripping from her hair and the stains on her blouse and skirt, she was indeed in a mess. She held back her tears as she braced for more of Hara's nasty words.

'I warned you before, how you were not supposed to be anywhere close to Taeyang,' Hara said haughtily, 'Come on, do you really think he'll fancy a girl like you?' Hara sighed, 'I feel so sorry for you, it must be tough for you to come to this school not knowing anyone and having no friends. Then you fell for the first guy who treated you politely like a fellow classmate, but you knew you would not have any chance with him because of your status. Oh, what a tragic love story.' Hara finished, putting her hand to her heart and making a pained expression. 'So treat it like I am doing you a favour by giving you this wake up call,' Hara laughed as she sauntered out of the toilet.

As Hara swept her hands, feeling satisfied at her revenge plan against IU, someone abruptly pulled her shoulder.

'Hara! Where's IU?' Taeyang asked her with a concerned look. He felt something was amiss, and had came to check on IU.

'IU? She left a minute ago and headed back to class. Why are you looking for her so urgently? Is something wrong?' Hara replied with a sweet voice.

'Oh alright, I'll go look for her in the classroom later. It's nothing, I just felt that something was not right,' Taeyang mumbled and looked at Hara intently. He was sure that Hara was hiding something from him.

Just as Taeyang was about to head back to the classroom, he heard soft cries coming out from the girls' toilet.

Hara instantly panicked and excused herself to head back to class to avoid the situation.

Taeyang was oblivious about Hara's sudden disappearance and instead peeked into the girls' toilet, 'Is there someone inside?' Taeyang asked.

IU rubbed away her tears quickly as soon as she heard Taeyang's voice. 'What is he doing here? Is he outside the girls' toilet? Does he know I am inside?' A thousand questions rushed into IU's mind as she quickly dried her hair with tissue and used her hands to iron out her clothes frantically.

Taeyang was sure someone was inside the toilet, and he was concerned about whether the person was hurt or in pain to be crying, 'Is anyone in there? Are you okay?' He called out again.

IU cursed herself under her breath for crying, and put on a bright smile before the mirror, 'It's okay, Taeyang won't notice that I've been crying, I just have to pretend that I am fine.' She rehearsed in her mind as she stepped out of the toilet.

'IU! It's you! Were you the one who was crying in the toilet just now?' Taeyang bombed IU with questions as soon as he saw her.

'Crying? I wasn't crying. It's just that I have a very bad flu today, everything's fine,' IU smiled cheerily at Taeyang and tried to avoid further questions by making her way back to the classroom.

Taeyang grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing her to look in his eyes. 'You're lying. Tell me what happened.' Taeyang said in a stern but concerned voice. He noticed IU's sore and red eyes and her stained clothes, which confirmed his suspicions that something had went wrong.

IU stammered and her tears started flowing, 'Why are you acting so concerned? I already told you that I am fine, so why won't you just leave me alone?' IU spoke her thoughts before she could stop herself.

Taeyang was dumbfounded, worried thoughts went passed Taeyang's cluttered mind. He felt tears b in his eyes and his heart was aching to see IU cry in so much pain.

'You fool, I'm not acting, I'm really concerned about you. If you don't want to tell me what happened, it's okay. But at least tell me what I should do to make you feel better,' Taeyang asked sincerely, 'I can't just leave you alone like that.'

As IU briefly stopped crying and lifted her head, Taeyang simply knew the answer.

He wiped away IU's tears with his finger and pulled her into a hug.

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Ugh, don't know how to insert images into my story. Can someone help me? ^^


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Chapter 19: Thank you for making this story about IU & Taeyang. I am a recent fan and I was so happy to find one about them.
Esmeralda1526 #2
Chapter 19: Cute love story
Chapter 19: Omg. This fanfic is really adorable~
Yongshincouple #4
Such a beautiful story! I love Taeyang IU fanfics, and yours is probably one of my favorites! :)
Hey lovelies!! ^^ I wrote a oneshot, which is kind of a sequel to this fanfic!! :) You guys can read it here : I hope ya'll would like it! :*
jlwildchild #7
Chapter 19: Romantic drama right in front of your eyes.
kiwiyeopta28 #8
Chapter 19: *taeyang and IU r a minor couple i meant sorry lol