
We're just meant to be

As they slowly broke away from their kiss, though their lips were apart, it felt as though their hearts were still one.

'What am I supposed to do now? What is going to happen to me and Taeyang's relationship? Did we really just kissed just now, or was it just my imagination? But oh, his kisses were so soft and tender, I couldn't have possibly made it up,' IU thought dreamily as she gazed at Taeyang, trying her hardest to comprehend her feelings.

Taeyang was also gazing at IU lovingly, pleasantly surprised that he had the courage to make the first move and kiss her. 'She probably doesn't even know how she makes me feel. And that kiss... Was it really her first kiss? How did she managed to kiss so well? Even though I have kissed many girls before, it felt like my first kiss. The feeling was just so... right,' Taeyang thought as a smile chanced upon his face.

'Aren't I lucky to be the one to get your first kiss?' Taeyang said gently and placed his hand over IU's. 'I'm sorry I had kissed many other girls before, and did not save my first kiss for you. But if I knew you were going to appear in my life, then I would definitely have saved my lips for you.'

IU couldn't help but be touched by Taeyang's simple, honeyed words. He may have said the same words to a dozen other girls before but she felt like she couldn't care less anymore. She had already fallen hard for him, and she totally believed in everything he said. It was also the first time IU allowed herself to truly accept her feelings for Taeyang. She previously thought that she was silly to develop feelings for someone who she would never have a chance with, but that kiss just blurred everything, and she no longer knew what was the right thing to do.


'You guys are holding hands?' GD blurted out in shock when he spotted IU and Taeyang returning back to the classroom, their fingers interlocking one another's.

'Are you going to congratulate me? Or are you going to just stand there with your mouth wide agape?' Taeyang asked playfully, seeing GD's expression.

'It's not that I am shocked, but I'm quite surprised that things are moving so fast between you and IU! After all, you guys have only known each other for four days!' GD answered cockily, 'But I'm still happy for both of you! Congrats!'

IU and Taeyang smiled innocently at GD, realising that indeed they only knew each other for four days, but they felt that they have known each other since forever. Maybe because they were really meant for each other.

Just then, they spotted Hara at one corner of the classroom, motionless and speechless. She stared long and hard at Taeyang and IU, not believing what she was seeing. IU noticed the icy glares Hara was shooting her, and tried to pull her hand away from Taeyang's hold. She knew about Hara's medical condition, and did not want to aggravate Hara, knowing that seeing her and Taeyang together would pierce Hara's heart.

However, Taeyang held IU's hand more tightly in his. He didn't want Hara to interfere in his relationship with IU, and he wanted to show her that he was really serious about IU, that she had absolutely no chance to break him and IU up.

Seeing the two of them together made Hara's blood boil. She clenched her fists to control herself but she could not do anything to control the wild thoughts that were running through her mind. She did not have feelings for Taeyang anymore but it still hurt to see him with someone else. Even though she had given up the thought that Taeyang would come back to her one day, the thought of him with another girl never crossed her mind. She thought that he would at least sympathise with her because of her mental condition, and not date any other girls, knowing that it would worsen her condition. And now he is holding another girl's hand in front of her?

And why out of so many girls, IU had to be the one Taeyang fancied? She was full of envy that IU was the one Taeyang took up an interest on. It felt that she could not even compare to a plain, ordinary girl, and that it was unfair that IU by just being herself would attract Taeyang, while Hara had to groom herself into someone she thought Taeyang would fancy, just for him to look at her.

Hara snapped out of her trance, and immediately thought of her plan. She didn't want to use it earlier, thinking that it was unfair to hurt an innocent girl like IU. However, she did warn her many times, about how dangerous Taeyang was, and how many hearts were broken by him, but she didn't seem to heed her advice because there she was, holding hands with Taeyang.

Now, it was the time to take revenge. If Taeyang really liked IU, then by hurting IU, she would also be hurting him. The thought made her smile sinisterly. She was going to make Taeyang regret abandoning her, choosing her over someone else, and living his life like she never once existed.

'If I don't get to be happy, neither will you,' Hara thought as she shot one more fierce glare towards Taeyang's direction, 'Just you wait, I'm going to make you pay.'





Author's note:

H E L L O  R E A D E R S ! ^^ Thank you for the views, comments and subscriptions! ^^ Hmmm, so how do you all find this chapter? Sorry that it is a bit short. >< I'll update another chapter tomorrow if I have the time. So anyone can guess what is going to happen next? :b Hehehe, I do hope that I'm keeping you guys in suspense!! Bye!! x

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Ugh, don't know how to insert images into my story. Can someone help me? ^^


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Chapter 19: Thank you for making this story about IU & Taeyang. I am a recent fan and I was so happy to find one about them.
Esmeralda1526 #2
Chapter 19: Cute love story
Chapter 19: Omg. This fanfic is really adorable~
Yongshincouple #4
Such a beautiful story! I love Taeyang IU fanfics, and yours is probably one of my favorites! :)
Hey lovelies!! ^^ I wrote a oneshot, which is kind of a sequel to this fanfic!! :) You guys can read it here : I hope ya'll would like it! :*
jlwildchild #7
Chapter 19: Romantic drama right in front of your eyes.
kiwiyeopta28 #8
Chapter 19: *taeyang and IU r a minor couple i meant sorry lol