


Day 8 :

“Your time to go is nearing.”

“I know, don’t remind me about it.”

“You have to prepare yourself to say goodbye to that boy.”

“I prepared long enough.”

“Just remember, this time, it’s your final last goodbye.”


Luhan woke up. He knew tomorrow will be the last day he’s with Sehun. There’s nothing he can do to extend the time. To make him stay with Sehun a little bit longer. A promise is still a promise. He can’t break it. Luhan rolled to his right to find Sehun is still sleeping. Luhan traced every single feature on Sehun’s face and smiled to himself. He wondered how he can continue living without Sehun. Sehun’s eyelids slowly opened. “You’re awake.” He whispered. “Of course I am, Sehun-ah.” Luhan smiled. “Tomorrow is your birthday.” Sehun said slowly. “Yeah, I know.” Sehun smiled and said, “I’m going to make tomorrow the day you cannot forget in your whole life.”

“Can you accompany me to the hospital?” Luhan asked. Sehun looked at him quizzically. “Why? Are you not feeling well?” Sehun asked. “No, I’m fine. I just wanted to do some medical check-up.” “Are you sure I have to go in first?” Sehun asked Luhan when they two are at the hospital. “Yeah, go in. I’ll go to the other doctor. We’ll meet up here after we’re done.” Luhan said. Sehun nodded and walked in. Luhan sighed. He lied to Sehun. He didn’t go to any doctor at all. How can you examine an angel? Luhan asked himself. He just wants to make sure Sehun is very healthy before leaving him forever. Forever. Luhan repeated that word in his mind. Forever seems to be the most sensitive word to him nowadays. “Luhan, I’m done.” Sehun tapped his shoulder. Luhan snapped off from his thoughts. “Ah, you’re done? What did the doctor said?” Luhan turned his attention to Sehun. “You tell me what did the doctor said to you first.” Sehun insisted. “He said I’m fine. There’s nothing wrong with me.” Luhan tried to smile. “Ah that’s great! My doctor said I’m totally fine too! He said I can live until one hundred years! Imagine you and me living together that long. We’ll be together forever.” Sehun said happily. Luhan made a bitter smile. “Yeah Sehun-ah. We can be together forever.” Luhan said. Forever


Day 8 ended.

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its not rated M, everyone. aff is crapping around. I NEVER EVEN DID TICKED THE RATED M BOX. aff is on crack =_=


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Chapter 11: *cries* oh my god i cant oh god *sniffs*
Chapter 11: I held back my tears but only when ny sister was in the room. It was such a lovely story though I thought that you should have shown the part where the get back together
Chapter 11: Sad!! I was bawling! But that's a really good fix you have there!
Chapter 4: @ybaozi OH, okay thanks, will try to work hard on my other fics after this :)
Chapter 4: It's a nice story and it has a great plot, but when i try to read it everything is all over the place. My suggestion is to follow a "cleaner" writing structure so its easier to read. Great job! =)
Hey, just a heads up, I'm unsubscribing to story's that are completed, and it's nothing personal, I'm just cleaning out my subscriptions. Ohkay~? :3