"I figured out that no matter how much we get, we never stop wanting more."



They’re tears streaming down Sehun’s face. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier, Luhan? I could have prepared myself. But you didn’t and now I can’t take this anymore.”
“I’m sorry, Sehun-ah. It’s for your own good.”
“Quit saying you’re sorry, Luhan when you’re not.” Sehun’s voice cracked.
“I am sorry. I promised not to leave your side when someday I will. Your happiness is mine too. Every time you’re happy, I’m happy too. You are my happiness. Your name will forever stays in my heart, Sehun-ah. I’ll never forget you. Not even a single moment. I won’t. Remember when I asked you what’s the highest tower in this world? It’s my love for you, Sehun-ah. That’ll never change at all.”
“There’s no use now. You’ll be gone. Will I be able to forget you?”
“If you can’t forget about me at least move on. Please. I want you to live your life like always after I’m gone.”
“Can’t you just stay here forever? Ask them for that. Go ask them.”
 “You know what, Sehun-ah? I figured out that no matter how much we get, we never stop wanting more. This time, it’s over. I had my last chance. I can’t beg for more.”
Sehun sobbed. “Then I’ll be nothing without you.”
“Don’t say you’re nothing because you’re definitely something for me. Remember, Sehun-ah. I am your guardian. I’ll protect you till the end no matter what it takes.”
Sehun’s eyes are red with tears right now.
“You still have that necklace and ring I gave to you right? The one with HunHan on it.” Luhan asked.
Sehun nodded.
“Keep them with you at all time, Sehun-ah. That’s the only thing that can remind you of me.”
Luhan knew his time is going to end in just a few minutes more. He can feel it. He quietly sang a song
“To me you’re more illuminating than an angel. If anyone wills any ill towards you, I won’t let it happen. Nervous as if I’m stepping into Eden for the first time. I want to look at you every day, think of you every day. Guarding you forever, I’m eternally in love. Blocking the gusts for you. I am your guardian. You’ll always have me even if the whole world turns cold. Anytime you are hurt or sad, I will wipe away those tears As long as you’re with me, heaven can be anytime, anywhere.”
Luhan stopped singing. Sehun held his hands tight around his, not wanting to let Luhan go.
“Don’t leave me, Luhan. Don’t leave me alone. You can’t leave me alone.” Sehun is crying.
“I have to Sehun-ah. You have to live your life happily now. I’m sure you’ll find someone. Someone that can replace me in your life.”
“But I don’t want anyone else. I want you.”
“We’ll meet again, Sehun-ah. I’ll wait for you in the afterlife. I’ll wait for you in heaven. If we’re lucky enough, we can be together in the next life too. I love you, I truly do. Don’t ever forget me, Sehun-ah. Just look at the most shining stars in the sky, that’s me. Protecting you from every single thing that might harm you. Farewell, for now. Until we meet again, I love you.”
Luhan vanished.
Sehun is holding nothing except for the air. Tears ran down his cheeks.
“We’ll meet again, Luhan. I promise I’ll live my life without you, I promise. I’ll always love you, Luhan. My fallen angel.”
“Life is given only once, and you have no time to waste it”
A/N : Umm hi, this is my first HunHan fic. Don’t know whether its okay or not >.< And the main image is not mine, thanks for the person who did it. It's amazing! :) Sorry for all the sadness in the end. I actually love sad stories, (does this make me as a sadist person?) but I do inserted some sweet moments of HunHan which I created it by myself. Hehe (even tho deep in my heart I wished all those things I created will happen). I’ll be making HunHan fics more since I can’t help myself from loving them and I’m pretty sure MOST of the endings will be sad too because ….. idk. I just love sadness. LOL. (I’m a weirdo, sorry.) Thank you for reading, I appreciated it. PEACE <3
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its not rated M, everyone. aff is crapping around. I NEVER EVEN DID TICKED THE RATED M BOX. aff is on crack =_=


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Chapter 11: *cries* oh my god i cant oh god *sniffs*
Chapter 11: I held back my tears but only when ny sister was in the room. It was such a lovely story though I thought that you should have shown the part where the get back together
Chapter 11: Sad!! I was bawling! But that's a really good fix you have there!
Chapter 4: @ybaozi OH, okay thanks, will try to work hard on my other fics after this :)
Chapter 4: It's a nice story and it has a great plot, but when i try to read it everything is all over the place. My suggestion is to follow a "cleaner" writing structure so its easier to read. Great job! =)
Hey, just a heads up, I'm unsubscribing to story's that are completed, and it's nothing personal, I'm just cleaning out my subscriptions. Ohkay~? :3